Versatile Mage

Chapter 3060: group photo

At the end of the room, the lights went out. For a time, this long residence hall was fully integrated into the night, and the lightness of the shallow crescent moon could only shine the dark outlines of some double guards. I can't see what happened inside.

In the small forest outside the promenade, a slender figure stood there, his clean short hair, a pair of dark brown eyes still bright and bright in the dark.

At the moment, his gaze was still watching the room with the light on, and after he was completely dark, he still didn't mean to leave.

His body is covered with a dark red evil, and the beads hanging around his waist are also emitting a special luster, like the night pearl.

"Who is the man in the woods?" A night patrolman walked to the edge of the forest and asked.

Mo Fan came out and watched the night patrolman: "If you are full, walk in the woods, don't be so nervous."

"It is midnight now."

"I eat supper, can't I?" Mofan replied.

The night watchman lit up the flashlight and passed Mofan's face, as if he suddenly remembered something: "You are the one who defeated Shao Hegu's teacher Mofan!"

"Where is it, Shao Hegu is not willing to fight with me and intends to give in." Mo Fan replied with a smile.

"Strong is strong, not so humble, although you are from China, but we have always respected the strong, there is no national border, can I take a photo with you?" The night watcher asked.

Mo Fan thought for a moment and nodded.

The night watchman happily took out the mobile phone, and took a photo with Mo Fan. The flash light crossed, Mo Fan had some discomfort, but still didn't close his eyes, and the photos looked very natural.

"Thank you, thank you, I really didn't think I could have a photo with someone like you!" The night watcher left with satisfaction.


The patrolman left, and Mofan waited alone for a while in the woods until he had not waited, and he chose to leave.

It was not long before Mo Fan left, but there was some movement in the Lingling house.

Lingling took the laptop to the bed and then used the quilt to hold the light from the laptop.

Hiding in the bed, Ling Ling opened the previous suspicion column, and filled in the blank third skeptic with two words - Mo Fan.


It was dawn, and Lingling revealed a small head from the bed.

She took a photo...

I didn't close my eyes overnight, and the dark circles came out immediately. I didn't care much about the previous spirits. She often did not sleep for several days in order to find an information abnormality.

It’s different now, it’s beautiful every day.

Covering it with eye cream, it’s much worse today than it was a few days ago, but it’s generally no problem.

Put on a simple sportswear, Lingling began the morning run, after taking the body to take a bath, after showering and then draw a complete makeup, go to the restaurant for breakfast.

It has been more than a year to maintain such a healthy and healthy life. After bidding farewell to the bad habits of night owls, milk tea control, and not eating, Lingling is finally like a 17-year-old girl who is full of youthful vitality. The charm that is unique to this age is also like a Guerlain that is gradually blooming...

After the breakfast, Lingling returned to the house to start the hunter's work today. Just entering the door, he found a photo on the door.

This photo should have just been printed and there is some ink on it.

It was a group photo, a man dressed as a night watchman, smiling, and posing with Mo Fan in the woods, Mo Fan’s expression was still natural, and the dark brown eyes were a bit strange because of the flash, but in general there was no problem. .

Lingling looked at this photo, and gradually smiled on his cheek.

"It’s been all night long." Ling Ling whispered.

You must know that Mo Fan is around, and the spirits can sleep peacefully all night.


No moonlight night, is coming quietly,

Xishouge is constantly experiencing bizarre deaths. However, these deaths have pure "motivation". They can be explained by reasonable reasons. Without any accidents, most of these strange deaths are obtained from the mountain. Interview staff.

The cult is in the mountain, which can be determined 100%. The people who have been there have been seriously affected by the magnetic field of the Red Devils, and their emotions have been enlarged to end themselves with death.

Spirit can't stop them, even if they know that they have a list that will gradually die, she can't limit a group of people who want to die.

The position of the fel is known, but who is the Red Devil in the autumn, it is not completely certain.

Now the spirit can be sure that the Red Devil has a avatar, and his avatar is also playing someone. The Red Devils still have no flaws in their autumn.

The Red Devils are waiting quietly for the moonless night. His avatars are in the West Shouge. He plays the role of the people. The spirits are in the heart, but they can’t easily start with them, so that they will only let the Red Devils Go deeper.

"Dong Shouge, as long as you can go to Dongshouge, you can basically determine which are friendly and which are enemies." Lingling holds a small notepad in one hand and a pencil in one hand.

The entire double squad gives a strange atmosphere, and it is an ordinary hunter. It is easy to fall into these bizarre events.

But the spirit is different. What she is best at is to connect things that seem insignificant, and to eliminate things that are really irrelevant.

"Master Lingling, now Xishouge is caught in a panic. If you know something, it is best to tell us that the trainees are unwilling to train, the soldiers are difficult to get along with each other, even the top leaders are beginning to suspicion each other. Everyone says that evil. The gang has revived, and this gang is swallowing up everyone here. People who are getting along with each other may become one of them, and will take away your most precious things at any time." Ozawa said seriously.

Not long ago, the owner of the house escaped the Dongshou Pavilion because of Kurokawa, and completely sealed the double-shouge. No visitors were allowed to visit, and no one was allowed to leave, because the murderous devil’s head was hidden in Shuangshouge somewhere.

Originally, the officer of Ozawa wanted to hire other hunters, even to report to senior officials of Osaka Castle. However, after the order was issued by the owner, the double squad became a completely banned place. Before the black river scene was found, there was no People can leave.

Lingling became the only hunter in the Shuangshou Pavilion. It was also the case that Xiao Ze’s officers had asked for Ling Ling to deal with some minor incidents. However, Xiao Ze’s officers did not think that the situation would be serious to this extent.

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