Versatile Mage

Chapter 1648: Silversmith - Basha

If you are experiencing Egypt, Mofan must have scorned Asharuya’s words.

Evil is evil, and people like this sin should be completely eradicated, and there is no need to stay in this world.

Can this be true?

Major General Gumma has captured many young girls and provided them to some warlords and officials. From a completely positive perspective, those warlords and officials are also guilty of sin, **** it!

But from another angle, some officials simply don’t know that the girls they sent were taken by Gumma with coercion. Some of them were purely satisfied with the desires, and even some officials would raise those girls. In the house, if Mo Fan really went to chase this list, what should the officials do, after the kill?

Therefore, Mo Fan did not catch up, Gumma has been killed by himself, and the head of the army, Ethan, was tortured by Medusa's curse day and night. Although true justice should not be stopped, Mofan can only do it. These ones.

In the same way, Asharuya said this guild guild.

He is indeed different from the Black Holy See. The Black Holy See is a race that destroys humanity. Their essence is no longer a human being. It is a group of evil people who regard victims as faith.

The people of the Lang Lang Association, they are for the benefit, for the sake of profit and no evil.

"Being able to make such cruel behavior in the city of Birds, they are no different from the Black Holy See." Muning Snow said coldly.

"Really, people who do this kind of thing are unforgivable. I know that you will definitely get to the bottom, but in order not to let you fall into this huge abyss, I think I must remind you that you have to touch It’s definitely much bigger than you think!” said Asharuya.

"You bluntly, Asharuya." Mofan looked serious.

It seems that this time it is a big event. It seems that as long as there is a heart that loves toss, there is no big trouble.

"You have to deal with the guild guild, they collect the heart of the young child is actually serving a person." Asha Ruiya said.

"Who?" Mofan asked.

"You don't have to hurry to know who he is. I will say one more thing, that is, you also happened to be hitting in Athens. The silver moon Titan giants attacked the city. Are you looking at the origins of the Titans in your childhood?" Asha Ruiya said.

"Yes." Mofan nodded.

"You won't find the result. The young Titan's heart that Luo Wei needs is actually an accident..." Asha Ruiya said with certainty.

"What do you mean?" Blanche said inexplicably.

"Luo Yu needs a young Titan heart. She knows that the Lubha family owns it. Because the heart of this Titan giant is just not in line with the need, it appeared at the auction and was bought by Luo Wei." Asha Rui Ya said.

When I said this, there was no snoring in the past, and Abas was slightly leaning against it. She whispered when everyone was thinking: "The number of young Titans killed was quite a lot, so the silver moon Titan collapsed completely. ”

"A lot of juvenile Titan giants died?" Mo Fan said differently.

"Ah? Isn't the silver moon Titan revenge for its descendants?" Zhao Man extended.

"Revenge is revenge, the collapse is a collapse, the Titan giant is a monarch, it knows that entering the city of Athens will die, but it is still rushing inside. This is the accumulation of in the bottom of the heart of the enemy finally turned into a rebellious ..." said Apas. .

Mo Fan recalled the silver moon Titan giant when he attacked the city. It was indeed crazy. It was not like a wise monarch. It was completely venting his anger to Athens!

"The heart of the young Titan, the heart of the young child..." Muning Snow suddenly read these two key words.

"Ah, yes, it’s all heart, is there any relationship between the two?" Zhao Manyan has some hindsight.

"The heart of the young boy you are looking for is actually a substitute for the heart of the young Titan." Asha Ruiya's voice was lower.

There was a couple of breaths in the room!

A substitute for the heart of the young Titan? ?

Those children who were inexplicably rid of the heart, those corpses were thrown into the sea and were taken by the sea monkey blame to worship the red demon...

"Titatan giants are born with great power. Even the young Titan giants are hundreds of times more powerful than ordinary human children. Therefore, the lack of a young Titan heart will require the hearts of hundreds of children. Said Asharuya.

"They... Why are they doing this??" Mofan felt shocked.

The heart of the young Titan giant is one thing, the heart of the young child is another matter, why are these two things going together? ?

"For a ritual. One of the key points of this ritual is the young Titan's heart, but in fact the Titan giants across Europe are rare, there is no way to get enough of the mind of the young Titans, so they are young children. Heart to use..." said Asharuya.

The news of the horror makes everyone feel a chilly body, and use it with the heart of a young child. Why can someone really do this kind of thing! !

"Who is that person!" Mofan’s voice has been a little cold.

"His situation is more complicated..." said Asharuya.

"You just tell me who he is!" Mo Fan said heavily.

"It’s the Luba family that collects the hearts of the young Titans. I think you should already know who the real dependencies behind the Luba family are,” said Asharuya.

"Zu's!" Mo Fan said.

"And the collector of the heart of the young child is a silver lord of the guild guild, named Basha. I haven't found his specific location yet, but I know who he will trade with, I I have already sent people to keep an eye on it. If you really want to kill him, I will inform you of the exact whereabouts of this person!" said Asharuya.

The information on the side of Asharuya is more accurate than that of Jiang Yan. Jiang Yan only found a member of the guild guild, but did not dig out the real ambassador, and Asha Ruiya pointed to the mastermind. Let them save a lot of effort at once!

Of course, they will definitely find someone who can trust them to verify, and they can't completely listen to Asaruya.


After Asharuya told her what she knew, she left the house without waiting for some other doubts to be solved.

"Now we have a clear goal, but there is still one thing I don't quite understand. Why should she help us? The secrets she knows are believed to be expensive," Jiang said.

The information of the hunting net is very expensive and expensive. Every one who mixes in this circle can never give valuable ideas to others for free. After all, intelligence is money for them!

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