Versatile: Alternate World

534 Cleaning Dungeons (V)

I won't be talking about what happened for the rest of the dungeon run. After all, everything is just the same as before. I ended up using the [Corpse Bomb] as a way to get rid of all the zombies I have and to also get rid of the final boss too. I managed to replenish my zombies after the first boss was killed and repeated the process until I go all out on the final boss which allowed me to clear the dungeon using the Necromancer class.

When I got out of the dungeon, everyone was stunned to see me out of the dungeon. I have seen some of them who are still there even after I got out of the dungeon so they know that I entered the dungeon in Abyss Difficulty which is why they are stunned to see me go out without a scathe. The others who didn't know about my entry are shocked as I went out from the dungeon's entrance the color that indicates the difficulty of the dungeon is red which signifies the Abyss Mode.

There is no point for me to make another multiple clears on the dungeon so after I cleared the dungeon, I left. I didn't bother to listen to the guys who are talking behind my back. It's already evident that I don't care about rumors at all.

I left the dungeon's vicinity, went to an area devoid of players, and tear a teleport scroll, returning to my mansion. Right now, everyone might be done with their first run. Maybe even Mother is already there and waiting for anyone to appear, who knows?



When Bladeheart left after clearing the Bandit's Lair's Abyss Difficulty dungeon in one run, the community is now in a buzz once again as they found the second player who cleared an Abyss Dungeon in solo.  Currently, the players only knew the player Bladeheart successfully clearing a dungeon in solo and in Abyss Difficulty which is considered the most difficult difficulty on dungeons. And now, the players are now abuzz with a new player that shares a similar trait to Bladeheart. Mask, hidden name, and a bit of a snobbish guy who even ignores others. They even said that he was very similar to Bladeheart but the difference is that this guy is a necromancer instead of a Versatile class.

As much as the player base tries to connect the two, they can only see the second guy as the copycat of the original. But they still appreciated that someone else other than Bladeheart is able to fulfill the close to impossible task and that sparked another flame to some players who will later try to challenge the Abyss Difficulty dungeon, solo. But that is a story that will not be told and will never be.



A week has passed by after the beginning of the first dungeon break event and the current situation is not looking good. Just like in the past timeline, the situation is not great as the guilds have been holding the players trying to clear them. In fact, there are only a few dungeons with a friendly guild that occupies them which made all players capable of playing freely but that is only a handful of them and you can't rely on them to prevent the incoming doom.

The dungeons that will be fulfilled in their clears will not be performing a dungeon break as that is the main rule. Of course, if the hidden conditions were also fulfilled, the break will not occur in all dungeons. But since it had already been a week and the dungeon clear quota has yet to fill in, the situation only got really bad. It is now 100% that the dungeon break will soon begin currently at night and the rampage will wreck every unprotected city on Resurgia Continent. The Sandurk continent will not be suffering much as Queen Tanya herself will stop the horde attacks alongside all the soldiers, keeping the damage to minimal levels. However, it's a different story if the city is protected by players alone.

Currently, the time for the dungeon break will occur a few hours later on. No one has yet to know this so it's kind of sad what the city's fate will be due to the negligence of players. Right now, I am currently working on the Amalgamation process I promised Sigma that I will be doing and I also received requests from the others too who also wanted me to perform an Amalgamation of their weapons too.

My summons is out in the mansion as everyone who I always team up with is currently not playing as it was already nighttime in the real world. Since the situation is going to be bleak and some NPCs will be having trouble in the future, I asked Lina to go back to her mother and fetch her to come, while closing her store at the moment. That way, Lina's mother will not be involved in the later dungeon break, and for she to carry the important items she can carry along with her.

I also asked her to fetch Almira from her smithy though I instructed Lina to not force her to come if she refuses to go. Now that I know who Almira is, I doubt she will be fazed by the dungeon break.

I continue to hammer down the weapons that are currently being used for amalgamation. As I finished the first weapon to be done for the amalgamation, my blacksmith level has gone up to one level.

[Blacksmithing EX Job's level has risen from level 59 to 60]

I smiled after achieving level 60 in Blacksmithing. It took hundreds of smithing and doing multiple things related to blacksmithing and finally, I hit level 60. Of course, I still have a way longer track to reach the max level of my Blacksmithing ex job which is level 100. Thankfully, compared to the player level cap that increases, ex-job level caps don't and it is also not affected by the Versatile penalty. It is still pretty slow but that is also true for all so depending on your efforts, it would either go fast or slow depending on your actions so if it remained low level, then it's only yourself to be blamed for it.

Raising the sword of Sigma in the air, I can say that I am satisfied with my work. While admiring the weapon, the doors opened, and Lina entered the mansion with Lily and to my surprise, Almira too, tagging along behind her. Although I am inside the smithy in my mansion, I can see who will enter as part of the options on the game's system to see who can enter your mansion or forbidden. That way, it will alert any players for unauthorized entry and can immediately ban their entry if they managed to enter.

Since they are here, I stopped my work and wiped my hands to remove the ashes and dust particles in my hands. Even if it was a game, it still follows the same principle in the real world. After that, I exited the smithy and welcomed the two.

"Lily-san, Master, welcome to my humble home," I greeted the two.

"Yeah, yeah. I will catch some Zs here on your sofa, my disciple. I am too exhausted," then Almira plop down to the sofa before sleeping deeply.

"Bladeheart, it's been a while since we last saw each other. You haven't visited my shop ever since you escorted me with my daughter to the Capital. How are you?"

"I am fine, thanks. How is the business coming along?"

"The business is booming as expected in the Capital and money is flowing. Anyways, may I ask you why I am fetched by my daughter from the store? I don't have any idea why I was being fetched by her right now. I even closed my store for the time being but my daughter did not explain and said that you are the one I should ask."

"Yep. She said it right, you are going to ask me as I am holding the answer. The answer is gonna happen in around 3, 2, 1..."

As soon as I finished counting down from 3, the surroundings rumbled and things seems to be causing a lot of ruckuses that even my mansion which is far from the dungeon break is currently experiencing a bit of an experience if anyone is seeing it for the first time.

"What? What the heck is happening?"

"Did you remember the announcement last week that a Dungeon break is happening? That is what is currently happening right now. All of the dungeons that have yet to be cleared by players enough times are now currently under the Dungeon break and as we speak, monsters are now ravaging the capital, and buildings and other houses in the capital are going to be wrecked once the monster parade happened."

Lily was taken aback when she realized what is happening and once she learned the truth, she was so speechless while the situation is ravaging the whole city. Almira continued to sleep despite the chaos happening outside. However, one thing is clear, the situation is now bleak for the cities of Resurgia as the Dungeon Break has finally taken a toll on the players who would rather go to war against others than share the progress of the battle to prevent the dungeon break from happening.

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