USSR 1941

Chapter 847 Purpose

Saraev finally understood the location of the Ministry of Internal Affairs troops.

So that night, Sarayev organized the troops to conduct profound criticism and self-criticism, and launched an action to learn from ordinary infantry.

It should be said that this aspect is the strength of the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, although they do not belong to the political commissar system.

But this is not Shulka's purpose.

As I said before, what Shulka and Beria care about is actually the superior mentality of the Ministry of Internal Affairs troops. As long as this mentality has such a mentality, the relationship between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and ordinary troops will not be good.

This is how Shulka solves the problem...

Let the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs clearly understand their position and humbly learn from ordinary troops. In the process of learning and communicating, they will naturally let go of their inner prejudices and enhance their feelings. They also learn some tactical knowledge to improve their combat effectiveness. It is one stroke.

In these aspects, Shulka let Saraev and Andrianka take responsibility. Anyway, "freezing three feet is not a day's cold." The problems between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and ordinary troops are impossible for one or two days. Or what method can be used to solve it immediately.

But Shulka believes that if Beria is smart enough, he will follow the example and implement the same training system for other Ministry of Internal Affairs troops...

For example, put on the military uniform of ordinary infantry units, such as having ordinary infantry units serve as instructors, or even implement the military regulations of ordinary infantry units, etc.

This training, which is called improving combat power, actually promotes the exchanges between the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the army without any trace.

In time, as the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dispatched in batches...At that time, ordinary troops were their teachers, so how dare they look down on ordinary infantry? The troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have also improved their combat effectiveness through formal and practical tactical training. They can fight and win battles on the future battlefield, and they are willing to cooperate with ordinary troops. Of course, they will be recognized and respected by ordinary troops.

So don't think about it, the relationship between the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and ordinary troops will embark on a path of healthy development.

For Shulka, who is a Chinese, this is just a trivial matter, but the nervous Soviets, especially the Soviets at this time, couldn't think of it.

Sure enough, Beria nodded in satisfaction after learning about Shulka's deployment from Akadyevich.

"He did a great job!" Beria said.

"Very good?" Akadyevich was a little puzzled: "But...Comrade Beria! Although I also agree with Comrade Shulka's approach, whether the combat effectiveness can be improved in the end, shouldn't wait for a while before drawing conclusions ?"

Bella smiled and didn't answer.

Only Shulka understood Beria's intentions and made the right choice.

"Send this training plan to other troops immediately!" Beria ordered: "The troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the border guards, all of them!"

Akadyevich was stunned for a moment, because in his opinion, it would not be too late to spread Shulka's training results after the initial results.

But Akadyevich answered "Yes" without asking any questions, and did so.

On the other side, Shulka finally had some leisure time, but it was not really leisure time, because being in the army was always inseparable from discussing the war, even though the 51st Army was resting on the second line at this time and did not participate in the war.

That day Trufanov called Shulka.

"Have you heard?" Trufanov's voice was slightly anxious: "The battle ahead has been defeated!"

"Oh, really?" Shulka feigned surprise.

In fact, Shulka knew this would happen a long time ago.

Because the Soviet army won the victory in the defense of Stalingrad, they took advantage of the victory and pursued it. Many commanders thought that they could win this battle and drive all the German troops out of the Soviet Union... This is an old problem of the Soviet army. When they lose a battle, they collapse and flee , It is necessary for the political commissar and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to stabilize the morale of the army by shooting them, and underestimate the enemy as soon as they win a battle, thinking that victory will belong to them from now on.

This time was no exception. The Soviet army followed the German attack all the way and successfully recovered Kharkov.

But I don’t need to say much about the result of underestimating the enemy. Manstein organized a counterattack and defeated the Soviet army... This is the Kharkov counterattack in history. The German army suffered 10,000 casualties. At the cost of left and right people, more than 100,000 Soviet troops were wiped out, so they once again gained a slight advantage.

"Yes!" said Trufanov. "The Germans have reoccupied Kharkov and Belgorod!"

"What a pity!" Shulka replied. "They won't be sending us there again!"

"No, I don't think so!" Trufanov replied: "Because winter is coming, I believe they will wait until next summer or autumn!"

Trufanov's judgment was correct.

Because after the Battle of Stalingrad, both the Soviet army and the German army were at the end of their strength, and neither could launch a large-scale offensive in winter.

To be precise, it's not that they can't launch a large-scale attack, but that they can't bear the price of failure if they attack rashly.

Because it is obvious that winter is beneficial to the defensive side... Winter in the Soviet Union is heavy snow that blocks roads, and the transportation of supplies will be seriously affected. Not to mention, the front-line attacking troops will also bear many unpredictable risks.

For example, frostbite, unable to eat, attack speed is too slow, mechanical troops cannot be used normally, tanks cannot cooperate with infantry in the snow, and so on.

On the contrary, the defensive troops can hide in relatively warm fortifications or buildings and wait for the enemy to come up and die.

Of course, the German army still lacks combat experience in winter, but after the lessons learned in Moscow in winter, it is now prepared.

If under such circumstances, the Soviet army launches an attack on the German army and fails, then what awaits the Soviet army is a more violent German counterattack in the summer of the coming year.


"It's a good thing, isn't it?" Shulka said.

"Yes, of course!" Trufanov replied.

This means that the 51st Army has a full winter break, and they should make full preparations for next year's war this winter.

"By the way, Shulka!" Trufanov said, "Someone wanted to see you just now. He has a letter of introduction from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so I told him your location!"

"Oh, who is it?" Shulka asked.

"He said his name was John!" Trufanov replied, "Do you know him?"

"Oh yes!"

Just as he was speaking, the door of the headquarters was pushed open.

John appeared at the door, excited when he saw Shulka.

"Finally found you, Comrade Shulka!" John hugged Shulka excitedly, then shook Shulka's hand and said: "I think you must know what happened, our mission failed! "

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