USSR 1941

Chapter 816 Target

"We have three goals!" Shulka pointed to the map and said, "Melloway City, No. 3 Highland, and Butur Village!"

Veniamenko stared at the map for a moment, then nodded in agreement: "You have chosen three good targets, Comrade Shulka!"

Before this, Veniamenco has been thinking about a question since he received the task, where should he attack?

This is difficult to decide, because the airborne brigade has only about 3,000 people, and it is still an airborne force with only light equipment.

More than 3,000 people are really not too many, which is probably the number of casualties in one day in the Battle of Stalingrad.

In other words, if the fight was fierce, it would be good if these 3,000 people parachuted to the rear of the German army to survive for a day.

As the saying goes, "good steel must be used wisely", Veniamenko is not sure how to use these 3,000 people to be called "used wisely", which is why he would rather leave the airborne troops and run to the first The main reason for the discussion between the 51st Army Command and Shulka... This is a matter of strategic direction, which cannot be sloppy at all, and a slight deviation is "a wrong step."

However, after Shulka gave these three goals, Veniamenko suddenly became cheerful, and at the same time gained a new understanding of the wisdom of the young man in front of him.

"The city of Miloway was chosen because it is easy to defend and difficult to attack!" Shulka said: "According to intelligence, almost all of the German troops were devoted to attacking Karachi and the defense lines on the south and north wings. A special operation team of public security is responsible for security and searching for guerrillas, with a strength of about 1,000 people!"

"This is indeed a good target!" Zolotarev then agreed: "There are many people from our side in Milovy City, and there are also spontaneous organizations and guerrillas infiltrated by our army. We can get in touch with them. And get their help, which will reduce the pressure on our army to a considerable extent!"

Trufanov also agreed: "Our airborne troops were all withdrawn from Stalingrad. They have rich experience in street fighting. Airborne landing in the city of Milovy means street fighting with the enemy... The special characteristics of the Germans The action team has no combat experience, so it is conceivable that they will not take much advantage in the initial battle, and when the Germans respond and call in reinforcements, we have already occupied a favorable position and are ready to block each other!"

There was nothing wrong with these words, and Shulka thought so too.

But the more important thing is not these...

"Our main attack position is the train station, where there is probably a battalion of special operations teams stationed!" Shulka said.

"The train station?" Zolotarev was a little puzzled: "But there may also be regular enemy troops there. That's a tough nut to crack!"

The reason why I say "possible" is that the railway station is a sensitive place. Whether it is reinforcements from the rear or troops withdrawing from Karachi, it is "possible" to take the train to pass through the city of Miloway, so there may be regular troops at the railway station. .

According to common sense, if the airborne troops are divided into three targets, then each target will only have about a thousand people, so it is even more appropriate to avoid fighting with the regular army.

That's why Zolotarev has an opinion.

But Shulka had more than that in mind.

"As you said, Comrade Zolotarev!" Shulka said: "There are our people and partisans in Milovy!"

"But...even with their support and help, we can..."

"I'm not talking about enlisting them!" Shulka said. "I'm talking about mobilizing them against the Germans!"

"Mobilize them?" Zolotarev and others were stunned when they heard this.

"Yes, mobilize them!" Shulka said: "Use the power of the masses!"

Zolotarev remained silent, not because he didn't know how to do it, but because he really didn't have much confidence in "using the power of the masses" and "mobilizing the people to fight against the German army".

Needless to say, the reasons are: Stalingrad belongs to Russia, Kharkov belongs to Ukraine, and Milove is on the border between Russia and Ukraine. The people’s support for the Soviet regime is not high... Although Milove has Partisans favored the Soviet Union, but the Germans also wooed opposition forces and formed militias.

In other words, quite a few forces will be in a wait-and-see state.

Shulka explained: "The German 6th Army has surrendered. This news... Even if the people of Miloway are under the blockade of the Germans, I am afraid they will not leave!"

"Of course!" Zolotarev replied: "Our partisans have already let the news out!"

"So!" Shulka said, "what do you think the people of Milovey will think if we parachute another troop into Milovey and tell them the Germans will be kicked out by us soon?"

Zolotarev nodded when he heard the words: "That's right, Comrade Shulka! Those who are on the sidelines, they will soon fall to our side!"

"Yes!" Shulka said: "What we want is this effect. Mobilize the people and occupy the train station under the leadership of the airborne troops. The train station stores a large amount of military supplies, including rifles and ammunition. We can use These supplies arm the people. In other words, we may only need a thousand people to occupy and control the entire city!"

Everyone nodded their heads when they heard the words.

Even if this plan is unsuccessful, the loss is only a thousand airborne troops.

And if it succeeds, it will set up a solid stronghold among the enemies and completely cut off the railway transportation so that the German army cannot withdraw in large quantities through the railway, so the retreat speed of the German army will decrease exponentially.

"Highland No. 3 is used to control the road!" Shulka said: "That is a main road. Although we can't completely cut off this road, we can suppress it with firepower from the heights. The Germans want to escape from this road. You must pay a heavy price!"

"What about Butur Village?" Trufanov asked, "I know the enemy's train guns are there, but it doesn't seem to make much sense to attack the enemy's train guns in this situation!"

It does seem meaningless, because the train gun will definitely not be able to be transported away in a short time, so the Germans will blow it up without the Soviet army.

"The key point is the technical engineers of that brigade!" Shulka said: "Elimination of them will cause the Germans to lose a group of technical personnel. In addition, occupying the village of Butur can not only pinch the enemy's defense line with our army, but also open a gap for the 51st Army. , and form a triangle with No. 3 Heights and Milloway, they can support each other!"

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