USSR 1941

Chapter 548

To Shulka's surprise, the "famous name" of the Fifth Infantry Company quickly spread throughout the army.

This is first of all because of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The captain of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been following the deserters handed over to the 82nd Infantry Regiment, the 5th Infantry Company.

This captain is called Isaev.

Because he had a little unpleasantness with the 82nd Infantry Regiment before, he was particularly concerned about the "Punishment Battalion" incorporated into the 82nd Infantry Regiment. He hoped that if something happened to this "Punishment Battalion", he could come to ask the teacher for his crimes.

What he didn't expect was that something happened, but it was a good thing... After those deserters were incorporated into the 82nd Infantry Regiment, they made repeated military exploits.

Isaev didn't believe that there was such a thing, so he went to the new village of "Red October". Anyway, the new village of "Red October" is only seven or eight kilometers away from the port, and it takes about half an hour to get there by car.

The people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have higher authority, so Isaev and the guards can have no obstacles and do not need to be notified. He hopes to use this method to conduct a "surprise inspection" on the Fifth Infantry Company.

"They must have done something!" Isayev said to the guards: "It must be so, I know this trick... They want to make me look ugly, and they want to get impressive military exploits, so they use other Troops fighting in place of the 'Punishment Battalion'!"

But as he asked along the traffic trench, Isaev became even more frightened.

Because they are getting closer and closer to the front line.

In other words, no matter what, the 82nd Infantry Regiment did not put the "punishment battalion" on the second line to build fortifications, but at the forefront.

After advancing for a while, Isaev couldn't help but grabbed a soldier and asked, "Tell me, where are those soldiers?"

"Who are you talking about, Comrade Captain?"

"Sokolov, your fifth infantry company!"

"They are on the front line, Comrade Captain!" The soldier replied: "If you want to find them, I'm afraid it will be difficult now!"

"Why?" asked Isaev.

"Because they are fighting the Germans!" The soldier explained: "At the forefront, it is very dangerous!"

Captain Isaev was speechless.

After a pause, the soldier went on to say, "But maybe you can find them later!"

The soldier looked up into the sky and said, "The Germans are going to bomb the buildings all over the place, and they should be back then!"

Isayev pushed the soldiers away unwillingly, and then fell down in the trench.

He wanted to step forward to have a look, but the rows of shells that exploded in front of him and the German fighter planes that continued to dive and bomb crazily prevented him from this idea.

In the end, Captain Isaev waited in the trench for more than half an hour before he saw groups of soldiers in ragged clothes and dark faces retreating along the traffic trench under artillery fire.

Captain Isaev didn't recognize them at first, until a few soldiers stared at him blankly, with fierce eyes, and the rifles in their hands seemed to be pointing in the direction of Captain Isaev unconsciously, but Finally held back.

Then, Captain Isaev understood something.

"Look at them!" Isayev said to the guards, "They are the deserters!"

The guards became nervous immediately, because they knew that almost every one of those deserters almost died at the hands of Isayev. No one knows what will happen on this battlefield, and they still have a chance to push it to the Germans.

So the guard stood in front of Isayev with a gun in his hand.

Then Sokolov came up. He was taken aback when he saw Isaev, and immediately understood Isaev's intentions for coming here.

"Comrade Captain!" Sokolov said with a smile, "Are you going to shoot us?"

Speaking of Sokolov pretending to be generous, he spread his hands: "We are always ready!"

Isayev snorted and replied: "Good job, Sokolov! Let me see you running away as soon as I come up..."

"Escape?" Sokolov interrupted Isaev: "Sorry, Comrade Captain, we were ordered to retreat! If you are interested, I would like to invite you to participate in our battle against the enemy!"

Speaking of Sokolov, he ignored Isayev, waved to his subordinates, and started to fight among the buildings and ruins.

The soldiers of the 5th Infantry Company were agile and wounded to some extent. They looked like wind and wind, so that Isaev had to believe that these deserters had indeed become a fighting force.

This made Isayev a little unbelievable.

Because there was no supervisory team, and no other officers were placed in the Fifth Infantry Company, all of them were deserters with criminal records.

Isaev didn't understand why there was such a drastic change. He could hardly believe that the people before him were the same people he himself had arrested and sent to the 82nd Infantry Regiment a few days earlier.

"Comrade Captain!" The guard reminded: "I think we should leave here..."

Isayev understood what the guard meant.

You must know that there are all his enemies in this area. When the Germans fight in front of us and the enemy and us are in a ball, maybe someone will shoot black guns in the back... At that time, Isayev will make an inexplicable "glorious sacrifice" up.

So Isaev nodded, glanced around, and then turned back to the traffic trench.

Unexpectedly, his move was discovered by Sokolov.

Sokolov shouted from behind: "Don't be a deserter, Comrade Captain... If you are a deserter, who will shoot you?"

There was laughter from the soldiers behind him.

Isayev blushed and hesitated.

Isayev wants to stay and prove that he is not a coward, but he knows that this may be just what Sokolov wants... They are worried that they will have no chance to get rid of Isayev.

Isayev wanted to go back and find these ignorant people to settle accounts with, but he knew that these people who fought on the battlefield were not easy to mess with, especially since it was a battlefield, and it was hard to say what happened. Even if he was killed, it might be regarded as accidental injury .

After thinking about it, Isaev finally decided that he shouldn't have to deal with his own life, so he could only leave despondently amidst the contemptuous eyes and ridicules from the Fifth Infantry Company.

The incident quickly spread throughout the army.

A large part of the reason why it spread so quickly is that everyone hates the Ministry of Internal Affairs' deception and deception.

Especially those officers who shot people in the name of cowards all the time became cowards.

So the soldiers were very willing to use it as a kind of talk between battles, and they kept adding fuel and vinegar when it spread, such as Isayev was almost captured by the Germans and so on.

As the saying goes, "people's words can be feared".

This directly led to Isaev's dismissal shortly after, and the 5th Infantry Company is well known.

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