USSR 1941

Chapter 518 Airflow

In fact, more telephone lines are not being cut, but being torn.

The telephone line can be connected. In order to prevent the telephone line from being reused by the German army, the Soviet soldiers usually pull the end of the telephone line hard... The German communication soldiers are naturally unwilling to let the telephone line be dragged away by the enemy like this , the two sides competed with each other, and soon they were disconnected with a "beep".

Sometimes the battlefield is so magical, the enemy and the enemy are so close and invisible to each other, but they are engaged in a tug of war over the phone line.

However, the German army did not let it go. After a short rest, they quickly launched a new round of offensive.

Blood, death, corpses... The cruelty of war filled every corner of Mamayev Gang.

The Germans used smoke bombs extensively in the ensuing charge.

This is the right choice. In this special battle, that is, in the battle where the German army occupies the front slope and the Soviet army occupies the reverse slope, for the German army, it is a situation where the enemy is in the dark. Expose yourself to the enemy's sight and gunpoint, and then you will be shot down one by one like a target.

In contrast to the Soviet army, they hid in bunkers, behind rocks, or even in bunkers.

Although smoke bombs will make you unable to see clearly, at least you can change this disadvantage as much as possible, making it difficult for both the enemy and us to find the target.

The result was close hand-to-hand combat time and time again.

The entire battlefield was covered in whiteness, like a thick fog, and even though it was daytime, nothing could be seen.

All that can be detected are the faint sound of footsteps in the "dense fog" and the noise of German equipment colliding with each other.

"Free fire!" Shulka ordered.

At this time, any order is inaccurate, because the position of the enemy cannot be judged.

However, Shulka raised his gun and fired into the smoke, and soon there was a scream.

This scene surprised Vasily who was lurking nearby.

Since the Germans used smoke bombs, the sniper company had to move from a distance to the reverse slope position... Snipers don't have sharp eyes, and in this case they can only shorten the distance if they want to be effective.

To Vasily's surprise,

When Shulka fired, he didn't see the target in the smoke at all, it was still white and nothing.

Is it a coincidence?

Shulka shot a random shot and just hit it?

But soon Vasily discovered that this was not the case.

As Shulka pulled the trigger again, another muffled snort came from the thick smoke.

This made Vasily feel relieved. He was always very confident in his sniper skills, but at this moment he found that he couldn't grasp the clue at all.

If it was an accident or the conditions were unfair to meet the "breakout hero" on the battlefield before, then Vasily has truly lost now.

It is not difficult to imagine that if Vasily and Shulka are in a hostile position, and Shulka finds him but Vasily sees nothing, then the dead person is of course Vasily.

After observing for a while, Vasily realized when Shulka fired the third shot... Due to the strong wind on the top of the mountain and the presence of people, there will be some slight changes in the smoke.

For example, if the smoke flows abnormally in a certain position, it is because someone blocks the wind or runs and leaps in it.

Thinking of this, Vasily also raised his gun and aimed at the position where the smoke changed.

After hesitating for a while, Vasily moved the front sight a little earlier.

Because he realized one thing: the change of the smoke is lagging behind, and it is produced after the person leaps forward, that is, the target has already run past the position when he sees it.

Then he pulled the trigger, and there was a "bang", and there was a scream in the smoke.

"Hit!" Vasily cheered in his heart.

Then Vasily cast admiring glances in Shulka's direction.

Vasily knew that this was not just a competition. This at least showed that the observation and analysis skills of the "breakout hero" were better than his own, and this was the decisive factor in the confrontation between masters.

Of course Shulka didn't know this, and he didn't have time to pay attention to it.

Because at this time the German army had rushed up with a shout, under the cover of several mortar shells.

The reason for "several rounds" is that the German army did not dare to fire too many mortars under such circumstances.

On the reverse slope side, the German army occupied the high ground and the Soviet army occupied the low ground.

However, after the mortar shells exploded, the shrapnel flew upwards in a radial pattern, that is to say... If the German army used mortars to cover a large area when they charged down, then these shells would often cause greater casualties to the German army. .

But the Germans still used "a few rounds".

These "several shots" are actually the psychological tactics of the German army before the charge... A few shells rang behind the Soviet army. On the one hand, it diverted the attention of the Soviet army, and on the other hand, it made the Soviet army think that this might be a test firing , thinking that there would be a large-scale bombing next, so he habitually hid in the trenches.

Taking advantage of this time, the German infantry charged.

Shulka knew this trick played by the Germans, so after the sound of the guns, he shouted: "Comrades, kill them, go!"

At this time, some Soviet soldiers had already been fooled, thinking that the German army would not charge for the time being.

So Shulka's order came in a timely manner. They have developed a habit of obeying the orders of their superiors during training, especially Shulka's order.

Shulka's reputation as a "breakout hero" is one of the reasons, and on the other hand, it depends on the trust of Major Mikhailevich.

Major Mikhailvich once said to his subordinates during training: "I admire those who dare to disobey the orders of the deputy commander most, because even I have to obey his orders!"

Therefore, the moment Shulka shouted, the Soviet soldiers jumped out of the trench almost reflexively and rushed into the smoke.

In just a few seconds, both the enemy and us were strangled together.

Butts, stones, fists, and even teeth have all become deadly weapons, and a cruel and primitive hand-to-hand combat unfolded in the smoke.

Although Bavelkov, who was observing from the rear, couldn't see anything, because the position was full of smoke, the white smoke of the smoke bombs and the black smoke of burning waste tires, plus the shells and dust, all mixed together to make it impossible. As if covered with a layer of tulle.

But Bavelkov could still feel the brutality of the battle from the faint shouts and screams coming from it.

After a long silence, Pavelkov put down his binoculars and asked Lermontov beside him, "Are you sure they are the 82nd Infantry Regiment? That security force?"

Lieutenant Lermontov was speechless, for he, too, had doubts about it.

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