USSR 1941

Chapter 500 Retreat

The Germans launched their attack at two o'clock in the morning the next day.

Prior to this, the German army had been implementing fatigue tactics.

The so-called "fatigue tactic" is to prevent the opponent from getting a rest... This is not something that can be achieved simply by bombardment, especially when the Soviet army is still hiding in the basement. thunder.

The tired tactic of the Germans was the feint.

Since it was getting dark, they have launched feint attacks on the hospital again and again.

For such a feint, Shulka did not dare to relax, even though he knew the true intentions of the German army.

The reason is that this kind of feint attack can turn into a real attack at any time due to the state and negative reaction of the Soviet army.

The German army could afford such a battle, because the Soviet army had less than a thousand soldiers in hospitals and schools, while the German army had more than 10,000 soldiers in the 29th Motorized Rifle Division.

The huge superiority of troops allowed the German army to divide its troops into several groups and take turns to attack hospitals and schools.

Everyone could not sleep, including Shulka in the headquarters, because he had to lead the battle with Mikhailevich... Andrianka was transferred to the school to lead the school battle.

Although a regiment is a small regiment, many problems will arise when the battle starts.

For example, which direction has a gap, which location lost contact because the telephone line was blown up, which place needs reinforcements, etc., all need unified command, otherwise there will be problems and the enemy will take advantage of it.

Everyone knows what it means if the enemy enters the defense line at night. At that time, the Soviet army will be in chaos regardless of the enemy and ourselves, and of course they will not be able to resist the enemy's attack.

"Should we implement the plan now?" Akimovich, who assisted in the command, asked: "I'm worried that they can't hold on anymore, especially the attack from the west. The enemy's artillery fire is very fierce. They broke through several times. Our line of defense!"

"No, Major!" Shulka replied: "Not yet!"

"Yes!" Major Mikhailvich put down the phone and followed Shulka's words, saying: "The enemy has not yet launched a general offensive, which means that the enemy on Mamayev Post is not ready yet, and they may not even be ready." Rush to the hospital... At this time, the implementation of the cemetery plan will not be able to achieve the goal of separating its main force from Mamayev Kurgan!"

Akimovich nodded helplessly in agreement.

In fact, it's not that Akimovich doesn't know this, but this battle is a kind of torture for people. The continuous battle without closing eyes for two days and three nights makes people's body fall into a state of extreme fatigue.

No matter what you do in this state, and no matter what is waiting for you in the future, people will have a mentality of eagerly hoping that it will come and end soon.

The same is true for Shulka, sometimes he just lays down and sleeps on the spot without thinking about everything, or simply rushes out to fight the Germans to the death.

But reason is reminding again and again, and it can even be said to force myself: I can't do this!

Therefore, sometimes you have to respect your instincts on the battlefield, and sometimes you have to defy your own instincts... because the body will constantly send out an obviously wrong signal when it is extremely tired.

Until two o'clock in the morning, when Valery's report came over the phone: "A large number of enemies have been found in the east, with dozens of tanks..."

The sound of the report was interrupted by the sound of gunfire, and then the sound became intermittent and indistinct.

"They're coming!" said Mikhailitch.

Instead, several people in the headquarters breathed a sigh of relief, because it meant that they could implement the next step.

The German army carried out artillery preparations for ten minutes... This was more for the purpose of building momentum. The German army also knew that most of the enemies were hiding in the basement, and the artillery preparations were useless. The position has been blown into a pile of ruins and there are no people there.

Then, the Germans launched a full-scale offensive.

Dozens of tanks, to be precise, assault guns attacked from the east under the cover of soldiers, and a dozen tanks from the west pushed forward with a large number of infantry.

Tanks were essential to the German offensive.

This is not only because the German army is used to attacking under the cover of tanks... This is the fault of the "Blitzkrieg". The German army, regardless of armored forces, infantry or motorized infantry divisions, has experienced infantry training. Without tanks, they are almost I don't know how to fight anymore.

On the other hand, the German army lacked direct-firing artillery.

As I said before, the German Iron Fist is not equipped at this time, so bombing with tank guns is the best choice to deal with enemy snipers hidden in buildings.

Therefore, although the tanks were difficult to maneuver in the ruins, the Germans took them.

This is exactly what Shulka hoped, because it also meant that the main force of the German army on Mamayev Gang was transferred to the hospital to fight.

After waiting for a few more minutes, Shulka nodded to Mikhailvich after the German army had engaged the Soviet army.

Mikhailvich immediately picked up the phone and ordered: "All of them, withdraw to the sewer! Repeat, withdraw to the sewer!"

At the same time, more than a dozen correspondents who had been prepared for a long time also ran from the headquarters to all directions under the order of Akimovich.

The lack of communication equipment is a bad point. Since the telephone line is easily blown up, it is difficult to convey orders in a timely, comprehensive and accurate manner, especially at night... You can use signal flags during the day, but you can only rely on correspondents at night up.

There is also a problem of communication delay.

For example, the troops with intact telephone lines entered the retreat procedure immediately after receiving the order, while the troops whose telephone lines were blown up did not receive the order until the communicators arrived, but by this time it may have been too late to fall into the enemy's siege.

Of course, the Soviet army has a way to deal with this situation, and that is to delay all the troops for ten minutes and enter the retreat procedure at the same time.

The plan went well, and soldiers of the 82nd Infantry retreated to the sewers from all directions through three entrances.

Then Mikhailvich asked the army headquarters for artillery cover.

"The coordinates of the hospital and the school!" Mikhailvich said on the phone: "Ten minutes of artillery cover!"

"Hospitals and schools?" Golikov was a little puzzled: "That's where you are!"

"Yes, General!" Mikhailvich replied: "The enemy is attacking fiercely. We have already hid in the basement and asked for artillery cover!"

Upon hearing this, Golikov couldn't help but suddenly realized, and immediately commanded the artillery to cover the hospital and school with artillery fire.

But of course, the facts are not what Mikhailvich said... This cover of artillery fire is to hope that the German army will find out the truth that the hospitals and schools are empty later.

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