USSR 1941

Chapter 484: Hesitation

Under the counterattack of the Soviet army, the control of the building was quickly returned to the Soviet army.

It should be said that such a counterattack was invincible. The Soviet soldiers occupying the upper floors had an absolute geographical advantage. Even if they did not counterattack the lower floors, they only used explosive packs and grenades to lead them down one by one, and the Germans could not bear it.

Some of these fighters even made some improvements to this tactic.

In fact, it's not an improvement, it's just a little more difficult in the movement: they hold one end of the rope and throw the grenade or explosive package at the other end far away.

The result of this is that the grenade and the explosive package move in a circle under the double action of gravity and the rope traction... At the moment when the grenade and the explosive package move towards the lower space at high speed, as the rope is loosened, they will be thrown by inertia To the side of the Germans and even thrown through the windows into the rooms on the lower floor.

The power of explosives to explode in a confined space is extraordinary. Even if the German soldiers in it were not directly injured by the explosion, they would be shocked or temporarily deaf.

To put it simply, the German army at the lower level cannot avoid it, only to be bombed.

The disadvantage of this tactic is that it is relatively difficult to resupply on the upper floors of the building. After all, ammunition and explosives are not inexhaustible.

However, this shortcoming has long been made up for by Shulka through other methods.

The first is to concentrate as much ammunition as possible in safe locations on high floors.

Of course, it cannot be placed on the top floor, otherwise it will be easily blown up.

Secondly, ammunition can be transported between floors through steel cables... There are steel cables that have been pulled in advance. In case the steel cables are interrupted, the Soviet army also prepares military powerful crossbows. The hooked crossbow arrows are easily hooked when fired to nearby floors or windows. With the cooperation of the opposite side, boxes of ammunition can be slid over.

However, this group of German troops did not come in a hurry to let the Soviet army fight until it was time to transport ammunition, but within 20 minutes the German army left a pile of corpses and wounded and evacuated from the building.

Under normal circumstances, the retreat of the German army will bring corpses or wounded, especially the wounded.

But the current situation does not allow them to do so, because they are very aware of the situation they are in... They have already entered the building complex, and they themselves are not the most dangerous inside the building, because at least there are still some things to cover them.

Once they exited the building and the Soviets took control of the surrounding buildings, it was condescending fire on them from several directions.

In this situation, it is difficult to escape even with good hands and feet, and running with the wounded is almost like courting death.

Perhaps thinking about how to attack these buildings, the German army has been silent for a while since then.

On the other hand, they sent transport planes to airdrop supplies for the troops attacking Mamayev Gang... Having air superiority has such advantages, they seem to never be surrounded by the enemy, or the Soviet army will have a lot of trouble if they want to surround and annihilate them. Great difficulty.

Taking advantage of this time, Shulka and Mikhailvich returned to the "Red October" metallurgical plant along the sewer to meet with Golikov once.

"Comrade Shulka!" As soon as he saw Shulka, Golikov greeted him warmly and shook hands with him.

"I finally saw you!" Golikov said, "Thank you for everything, otherwise the Mamayev Gang would have fallen into the enemy's hands, and the situation in Stalingrad would have been very serious by then!"

Shulka saluted Golikov and replied: "That's what I should do, Comrade Golikov!"

"This is Comrade Krylov!" Golikov introduced to Shulka: "Chief of Staff of the Army Group!"

Hearing this, Shulka's eyes lit up.

Although Krylov is only the chief of staff of the group army at this time, he will become a marshal after the war, and he will also serve as the most important arm of the Soviet Union...the commander-in-chief of the Strategic Rocket Army.

It can be said that he was a man of the hour after the war.

"Comrade Shulka, we have actually fought together several times!" Krylov said with a smile.

"Really?" Shulka couldn't help being puzzled when he heard the words: "Sorry, Comrade Krylov, I don't remember meeting you before!"

"No, no, we have never met!" Krylov replied: "I used to be the chief of the combat department in Odessa and the chief of staff in Sevastopol!"

Hearing this, Shulka understood.

"I've fought in both places!" Shulka said.

"Yes!" Krylov nodded: "At that time I belonged to the Primorsky Army, and you belonged to the infantry, so even though we fought in the same place, we never met each other. Speaking of which, you should have saved them twice. my life!"

Speaking of Krylov and Golikov, they looked at each other and smiled.

Krylov was not joking when he said this, because it was Shulka who broke the siege of Odessa, and then Shulka... It should be said that it was Mekhlis who landed in the Crimea and defeated Mansch Stein, while Manstein was besieging Krylov's Sevastopol fortress.

Compared to their enthusiasm for Shulka, Golikov and Krylov only greeted Mikhailvich politely.

But Mikhailvich did not mind this.

One day, when Shulka asked about this "overwhelming" situation, Mikhailvich replied with a smile: "Don't worry about it, Shulka, because I know I can't compare with you. On the other hand , My biggest wish is to lead my troops well and let them become a normal, honorable army that can stand tall in front of their relatives and the motherland, and don't care about everything else!"

Shulka understood what Mikhailvich meant. He and his troops had gone too far in "washing out the shame" and there was no hope in sight. Now being treated fairly and justly, what more could he ask for?

But in fact, Shulka has always known that the 82nd Infantry Regiment does not need to wash away any shame, because they have never had shame, and of course they don't need to wash away.

"Comrade Shulka!" Golikov invited Shulka and Mikhailvich to the map, and said: "I want to talk about your views on Stalingrad, how should we fight this battle!"

"First of all, I think we should clarify our goals, Comrade General!" Shulka said to Golikov: "We should hold Stalingrad instead of retreating! And if we want to hold Stalingrad, we cannot have A little thought of retreating, even a little bit!"

Golikov and Krylov looked at each other.

Prior to this, they actually did not believe that the Soviet army could hold Stalingrad, even after the Shulka raid was successful.

Therefore, they are still hesitating at this time.

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