USSR 1941

Chapter 381 Preparation

Mehlis and Shulka are almost two-dimensional beings, thinking completely differently.

Mehlis doesn't care about the battlefield at all, he only cares about his own power, prestige and so on.

But Shulka only has war in his eyes, trying to survive in this cruel war with a very low survival rate.

Of course, if possible, he also hopes that his comrades can do the same.

However, these two people from different worlds and different fields got together by chance and became partners.

Or it can be said to use each other.

In the end, Shulka was still worried about letting Mechelis convey information to Kyiv, or that the information of the representatives of the Supreme Command in this regard was likely not to be taken seriously... The reason is simply that Mechelis has a bad reputation, which in the USSR Everyone in the army knows that when Admiral Kirponos received the warning telegram from Mehlis, he would probably just sneer and ignore it, but if it was a message from Shulka, how much it would be taken seriously Definitely different.

As Shulka thought, Kirponos tossed the telegram aside as soon as he saw it was from Mehlis.

"Comrade General!" Shulka said to General Kirponos in a telegram: "The situation of the war has changed, and the Germans are likely to change the direction of their main attack. It is recommended to focus their troops on Odessa!"

Admiral Kirponos couldn't help being surprised when he received the telegram, and then he saw the problem.

He hastily replied to Shulka with two words: "Received".

Then immediately ordered the staff: "Get ready for battle and transfer the armored troops to Odessa!"

It is a wise choice to mobilize the armored units first, because tanks, armored vehicles, etc. all need fuel, and without fuel, they are no different from scrap iron.

Once the supply line between Odessa and Kyiv is cut off, it would be a waste for the armored troops to stay in Kyiv, and not only that, it would also increase the supply burden in series.

This problem is obviously much better if the armored forces are deployed in Odessa.

More importantly, the railway from Kyiv to Odessa was still open at this time, and it was relatively easy to transport tanks. Once the German army launched bombing, it would be difficult to transport them.

Then, Admiral Kirponos made several preparations:

The first is to store supplies in Kyiv... In fact, Kyiv has been storing supplies for several months, in addition to military supplies, there are also civilian supplies.

The second is to migrate a large number of people.

Needless to say why the people need to be relocated, if Kyiv is surrounded, the people will not only be unable to help Kiev when the transportation line is cut off, but will also become a big consumer of supplies... unless Kirponos can look at these The people starved to death.

Of course, Kirponos would not say it was because Kyiv might be surrounded. What he told the people was that "Although the Moscow battle was won, it was destroyed by the Germans, so a lot of labor was needed to rebuild!"

Again, Kirponos seized the time to use Kyiv's buildings to construct fortifications.

He even sent Shulka a telegram: "Can you ship us a batch of bazookas? We need it!"

Shulka was relieved when he saw this telegram.

Kirponos knew how to defend Kyiv.

Any solid line of defense is useless to the Germans, because the Germans have air superiority, and also have assault guns... as long as there are enough shells and bombs, they can knock out the Soviet fortifications bit by bit.

Therefore, the only way to deal with them is street fighting, and the bazooka in street fighting is an artifact to resist armored forces.

It wasn't a big deal, Shulka just had to convince Mehlis, and there was nothing he couldn't do.

Mechelis readily agreed to Shulka's suggestion.

The reason is very simple... The bazooka is not his own anyway, it doesn't matter who he uses it for.

But if Mechlis, as a representative of the Supreme Command, urgently transferred them to Kyiv, and they will play a huge role in the future battlefield, then he, the representative of the Supreme Command, can be said to be "extremely farsighted" And "sightedness".

As a result, the first batch of 500 bazookas and rockets were urgently airlifted to Kyiv, followed by another 2,000 by rail and sea...but this was too slow, they had just arrived in the Caucasus and had not had time to be shipped to the German defense line against Kyiv The attack started.

It was the third day of Shulka's warning.

Shulka is discussing armor tactics with Stephen...Since the last incident, Stephen has completely changed his attitude towards Shulka. After all, the facts are in front of him, and Stephen can't accept it.

"We can also do the same as you!" Stephen said: "It is to add additional armor to the 'Matilda' and 'Valentine' tanks so that they have better protection!"

"It's useless, Colonel!" Shulka said. "I think what you need to do is to speed up the tanks instead of strengthening the defense!"

What Stephen didn't know was that the German "Tiger" and "Panther" would be on the battlefield soon, and there was almost no difference between adding additional armor to them or not.

"But we have many of these tanks, Captain!" Stephen said. "Speeding them up won't happen overnight!"

"Then you should be like us!" Shulka said. "Try to use it for street fighting with the Germans or attacking fixed military targets, because it doesn't require much maneuvering!"

For other things, Shulka really can't help it...he is not a god, and he cannot bring this kind of "infantry tank" that is about to be eliminated from the dead back to life.

At this moment, a jeep stopped in front of Shulka's headquarters, and Mechlis jumped out of the car, and before he ran into the headquarters, he shouted: "War, Shulka, what we predicted War, it really is coming!"

Here Mehlist uses "we" deliberately, which sounds like the result of a discussion Shulka had with him.

But of course, Shulka didn't expose Mehlis... Just kidding, Shulka doesn't want to live anymore, it's not just a matter of not being able to use each other, Shulka has every reason to believe that if Shulka exposes Mehli Well, Mehlis would not hesitate to find an excuse to kill someone for such a trivial matter.

It wasn't a problem for Mehlis, he did it all the time.

So Shulka even complimented Mehlis.

"Oh, is that so?" Shulka pretended to be surprised and looked at Mechlis: "You mean Kyiv? My God, I really made you guess right!"

Mechlis was stunned for a moment, and then laughed "haha": "Yes, Comrade Shulka! You are right, it is Kyiv. An hour ago, the Germans launched a full-scale attack on the Kyiv defense line!"

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