USSR 1941

Chapter 275 Fighting openly and secretly

"My idea is just the opposite!" Shulka calmed down at this moment, and after thinking for a while, he said to Zakhakovic: "Comrade Major, I think they have been fooled!"

"Tricked? No, Comrade Shulka!" Major Zakhakovich said. "I don't think so. If they are fooled, they should attack Moscow from Tula instead of Volokolamsk!"

"I think they still want to attack Moscow from Tula, Major!" Shulka replied: "The purpose of their attack on Volokolamsk is to lead us there!"

When Shulka said this, the officers suddenly felt that the situation seemed to be clear. "_新_思_路_中_文_网 www.sLZWw. cOm hand-made dedication"

"Perhaps you are right!" said Major Gavrilov. "Then what shall we do now? Shall we wait?"

"We don't have time to wait, it's the fifth day now!" Major Zakhakovich said: "What's more, if they break through Volokolamsk, there will be two directions that pose a threat to Moscow at the same time. Then we are in a dilemma!"

"Since they want us to reinforce Volokolamsk, let's reinforce Volokolamsk!" Shulka said.

"You mean..." said Major Gavrilov, "with fake tanks like the 16th Army attacked Tver?"

"No, Comrade Gavrilov!" Shulka replied: "We have already used this method before, and it will not fool the enemy!"

"That's... a real tank?!"


After dark, Guderian in the headquarters received another call from von Bock.

"General!" Von Bock said, "As you wish, the Russians have transferred the 'T34 tank brigade to Volokolamsk!"

"Of course, I'm sure!" Von Bock asked back, "What are you worried about?"

"I don't know, Your Excellency the Marshal!" Guderian replied: "But I don't think this matter will be so simple!"

"Even if it's not that simple, you can handle it, aren't you?" Von Bock said, "The Fourth Tank Brigade is already in Volokolamsk, and they can't stop our attacks from two directions at the same time!"

Guderian hesitated for a moment, and said, "I don't think that's the real Fourth Tank Brigade!"

"Do you suspect that the information is untrue?"


I think that's a message the enemy gave me on purpose! Guderian replied: "I don't know why, I think the enemy wants the 3rd Armored Division to attack Moscow!" "

"I think you are worrying too much, General!" Von Bock replied: "The multiple intelligence personnel we have deployed in Moscow have provided consistent intelligence. The Fourth Tank Brigade has boarded the train and is heading for Volokolamsk. They even saw the 'breakout hero'!"

"'Breaking through the British Difficulty'?"

"Yes!" Von Bock said: "It is said that the victories in these few battles came from his ideas, and the Russians are hyping him... I think this is a scam laid by the Russians to boost morale , put all the credit on one person, and then set up a hero as an example for others to learn from..."

"Do you think so?" Guderian asked back.

"Of course!" Von Bock asked back: "Do you think he did it all by himself? It's impossible. He escaped from the Brest Fortress, fought a good battle in Kyiv, and then transferred to Moscow State University." Show your might, it's impossible, General!"

"So, I wonder who told you this?"

Von Bock was speechless for a moment.

This information was told by intelligence personnel to von Bock. If von Bock didn't believe it, then Guderian certainly had reasons not to believe that the Fourth Tank Brigade was in Volokolamsk.

"I think we can make a decision later!" Guderian said. trip!"

Von Bock frowned. He was a little tired of Guderian's caution. Von Bock thought that this kind of caution was too much, and could even be regarded as a kind of "timidity"... This general must have been killed by the tank fourth. Brigade was terrified.

However, because of Guderian's reputation, von Bock didn't say anything, and after hanging up the phone, he asked the Sixth Armored Division to launch an attack.

"Now?" Major General Lucas, the commander of the Sixth Armored Division, asked suspiciously: "But it's night, and our planes can't provide us with cover!"

"Yes, it is now!" Von Bock said, "What you have to do is not to break through the enemy's defenses, but to find out whether the enemy has a T34 tank, or know which unit number it is, understand?"

"Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal!"

One can imagine what the result was. Von Bock immediately sent the results of the reconnaissance attack to Guderian, and added a sentence: "For this result, we lost three hundred soldiers and five tanks." , these five tanks we are very sure were destroyed by T34, and we also captured two prisoners, they confirmed the information we got is correct... The 4th tank brigade is in Volokolamsk! This one It's absolutely true!"

Guderian, who was holding the telegram, couldn't help frowning.

He knew what von Bock meant by adding these words later. Von Bock wanted to send his troops to Moscow.

To a certain extent, von Bock's order was correct, because it was supposed to be an attack from two directions at the same time, making it difficult for the enemy to balance left and right.

But for some reason, Guderian always felt that there were many crises ahead.

Why is this?

Is it really because of fear of the 4th Tank Brigade?

Guderian didn't know the answer, he only knew that he had to attack now.

After thinking about it, he called the commander of the 3rd Armored Division and said, "Get ready to attack Moscow at dawn tomorrow!"

The Soviet army invested in the direction of Volokolamsk were indeed real tanks, and they were indeed the 4th Tank Brigade and the 333rd Infantry Regiment.

If you don't do this, it will be difficult for the Soviet army to deceive the German army.

Shulka knows who his opponent is... Guderian, Guderian, known as the father of armor, is not so easy to deceive. This can be seen from the fact that the 3rd Armored Division has been standing still in Tula come out.

"If real tanks are used to reinforce Volokolamsk!" Major Zakhakovich asked, "then what are we going to use to stop the 3rd Armored Division?"

"They don't know that there are 14 T34s in the underground warehouse!" Shulka said: "Before the war, we can urgently transfer back the 17 T34s in the direction of Volokolamsk! If only 17 T34s and the 333rd step As far as the Corps is concerned... I think there is enough time to mobilize! The premise is that we ensure that the railway is smooth and ready in Volokolamsk!"

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