Ushering In The Internet Era In The Magical World

Chapter 343 Some people are happy while others are worried

If you don't manage your house, you don't know the price of firewood, rice, oil, salt, and if you don't manage your house, you don't know how important housework is.

For the people at the bottom of the multiverse, the top priority for survival is to eat, drink, and scatter.

But the aristocratic lords never know that food is only one item, besides the expensive food, firewood is also a big problem.

Just like drinking hot water, the top BUFF of the Blue Star family, it is the most Versailles way to show off your wealth! ! !

There is a proverb among the people, firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea.

Chai Neng ranks first, and it definitely deserves its name.

Firewood is to people's livelihood, just like oil is to industry, magic power is to magic steam.

In order to meet the needs of cooked food, each family must set aside at least one hour a day to collect wood.

The closer the residential area is to the city, the harder it is to collect wood.

Living in the city, you even have to spend money to buy firewood.

The price of charcoal made from firewood is equal to or even higher than that of grain.

Therefore, given the wealth of Blue Star, drinking hot water has only become popular in the past twenty years.

Even so, some impoverished states still cannot afford hot water.

Unable to drink hot water means that the probability of infection with germs will increase by 100%, the mortality rate will soar, and the productivity will drop accordingly. This will form a vicious circle.

We can only rely on high fertility to fight against mortality.

All in all, drinking hot water represents more than just a living habit;

It also means that energy is abundant, financial resources are abundant, and people live in peace!

For the multiverse, survival is even more difficult.

Hot water is a luxury that only noble lords are entitled to enjoy.

Let alone drinking hot water, it is not easy for civilians to cook rice and save enough firewood for the winter.

Therefore, when the Internet home was launched, its sensation was beyond the surprise of Yu Sheng'an and even the gods, and it caused a huge response in the multiverse!

Become the most phenomenal functional section on the Internet, bar none!

Its importance even surpasses that of Magic Power Bank, Internet and social networking...etc.

Because it represents the basic survival needs.

The people of the entire multiverse, rejoice! Boiling over it!

"Everyone, this is a microwave oven! Put a bowl of water in it, click the button for boiling water, wait for two minutes, and you will get a cup of boiling water."

In an open space of an inconspicuous village, densely packed villagers.

Everyone stretched their heads, watching the village chief demonstrate how to use the home appliances in the connected home, and each of them looked like a pilgrimage.

As the village chief put in a bowl of cold water, he took out a bowl of hot water.

The villagers are boiling!

"It's steaming, alas, it's really hot water."

An old man looked amazing, his eyes were full of shock, obviously he couldn't understand the blink of an eye, why did the water get hot?

"I see, I see!"

A stubborn young man stretched his head to look curiously.

"Oh, it's so hot!"

"Hahaha...Looking at you like that, it's as if you've never seen hot water before!"

Someone rushed to see the hot water in a strange way, and was scalded directly, causing a lot of laughter.

"Village chief, what kind of stove is this, can it cook?"

"It must be able to cook rice, the water can be cooked, but the rice is still not cooked?"

A group of women gathered together and asked eagerly.

If this can cook, my god, I can't even imagine that day!

Thinking about the past, you have to get up before dawn, feed the livestock, fetch well water, collect firewood, boil water and cook. Families with a small population still have to carry a dustpan on their backs, picking up dog poop and retting manure all over the village, and they are very busy.

If the interconnected home can cook cooked rice by putting rice water in it, I can't imagine that day!

"Of course you can! Put the black valley in it, and it will be steamed." The village chief looked proud, as if the connected home was his home: "The connected home is more than a microwave oven.

There are also ovens and induction hobs... too many. "

With that said, the village head immediately demonstrated.

This demonstration made the atmosphere of the village more and more lively.

Especially when the villagers learned that activating a single appliance does not consume a lot of energy, everyone's enthusiasm became more and more fanatical.

"Not only cooking, the connected home can also automatically wash clothes!" The village chief, who had demonstrated the cooking function to the villagers, brought up the ultrasonic washing machine again.

"Can you still wash clothes?" The villagers were surprised again.

When it comes to laundry, I have to talk about the changes in clothing in the village in the past two years.

A few years ago, before the giant dragon factory appeared, laundry was actually a very unfamiliar housework for many villagers.

To put it bluntly, many villagers' clothes are heirlooms, so how can they dare to wash them easily?

What should I do if it is damaged?

Many families have many brothers, and they even have to take turns dressing and going out.

If you tell this to the noble master, I'm afraid you won't believe it at all.

However, since the emergence of Julong Factory, a large number of high-quality and cheap machine-spun fabrics have rushed into the market, making every family afraid to change new clothes every year, but the situation where several brothers take turns to wear the same clothes is gone forever. return.

The emergence of the Internet has disseminated information and increased employment rates.

Where there is work, a hello, a group of people rushed over.

Years ago, the great internet god launched an attack on the underworld by distributing wealth, but many villagers earned new clothes.

Therefore, the housework of laundry has naturally gradually entered thousands of households.

While the villagers marveled at the laundry function of connected homes and felt that the Internet has made life more and more convenient, a small group of people fell into the abyss.



"Songshu nunnery in Songshuao, under the pine nunnery sells firewood immortals; the firewood sellers plant pine trees, and often chop dead pine to sell wine money..."

The old firewood seller riding a tricycle into the city is in a good mood!

Because his batch of firewood was of good quality, he thought he could sell it for a good price.

I even thought about where to sell firewood.

Do not go to the factory area, where the factory supplies hot water, and the firewood consumption is less, so it cannot be sold;

There are many urchins in the old hanging building, and it is easy to be touched, so don't go there for now, wait until it is sold.

Well, let's go to the Reynolds field first!

Determined to pay attention, the old charcoal seller kicked up the tricycle with all his strength and slid out, feeling in his heart that the tricycle is really a good thing, if only he bought it sooner.

It's not like before, I can't walk two streets in half a day.

Thinking enthusiastically in my heart, the old charcoal seller has already driven into Reynolds.

"Selling firewood, selling firewood..."

The ups and downs of cries echoed in the bustling streets and spread to thousands of households.

The old charcoal seller was walking, feeling something was wrong.

The firewood, which was usually sold very well, suddenly couldn't be sold today for some reason?

Could it be that your colleagues have come here?

The charcoal seller's heart moved, he gritted his teeth, turned around and drove to the old Diaolou area where the buildings were crowded. In the past, he was always pestered by children who stole firewood, but now he didn't get pestered by any of them.

This made him feel like something was wrong.

Just as the stone in his heart sank, an old woman waved at him.

This made the old firewood seller happy, and with a third of his strength, he pedaled hard on the tricycle and galloped away.

"Do you want firewood? It's all good firewood. It's been in the sun for two days. The old elm wood is burning!" The firewood seller asked eagerly, and got off the car in a hurry, ready to show the old woman his firewood.

"I don't want firewood, so I'll just tell you, don't shout, I've seen you in the past three times. Now that there is an Internet home, everyone doesn't need to burn firewood." The old woman reminded kindly.

"What the hell? No, no more firewood?" The old firewood seller suddenly became confused.

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