Ushering In The Internet Era In The Magical World

Chapter 178 Daisova's Growth 【2 in 1】

More than a year after the war, the border town of Keweier - Tweet, no longer returned to the chaotic state of the adventurer's paradise town.

Under the guardianship of the thunder magister Stanford, after experiencing the influx of disaster victims and the siege of the underworld, the city of Tweet has now expanded a circle, and the population has exceeded 500,000!

It can be said: how difficult it is to make a country prosperous!

Adventurers from all over the empire gather here!

Even desperadoes from other countries.

——The primordial forest around Tweet, which is thousands of miles deep and where countless monsters are active, has formed a fatal attraction for adventurers.

Especially after the Internet spread in the empire, the increase of wild magicians led to a sharp increase in the market's demand for magic materials, which made Twitt more prosperous.

Daisuowa is one of these adventurers. (Chapter Six)

He lives at No. 11 Bone Avenue.

Here is New Street in Twit's latest expansion.

Back then, when the God of the Underworld besieged Twitt, the God of the Internet died and slaughtered the army of undead!

It also caused the place to be flooded with bone powder and become a white world. After half a year, there was the land of bones first, and then it was called the street of bones.


Dai Suova pushed open the door. In the warm and cold late spring, there was still a bit of chill. A gust of wind made him subconsciously tighten his collar, put his hands in his white pockets, and walked out. .

He has grown a beard and unshaven hair, making him look much older than he is.

This is what he did on purpose, the purpose is to make himself more vicissitudes, to gain the trust of the mercenaries more easily, and to deter some little thieves who look at their faces.

After voluntarily dropping out of Felix Academy of Magic, he wandered around many places, went through several twists and turns, and finally decided to stop in Tweet.

On the one hand, the magic raw materials here are much cheaper than other cities, which is conducive to his magic practice;

On the other hand, when he has no money, he can temporarily join some mercenary groups, go to the forest, hunt monsters, collect medicinal materials, and even magic plants to earn living expenses.

After leaving the house, Daisova habitually went to the Dongchengkou Morning Market to see if he could find any bugs.

Passing by the pancake stand, I bought a pancake and put it in my mouth.

The Dongchengkou Morning Market is as usual full of people coming and going.

Both sides of the road are crowded with stalls. The hawker stall owners either sit behind and close their eyes to meditate, or turn on the virtual screen to browse the forum.

Along the way, many low-quality mercenaries turned on external speakers and played vulgar music, shaking their heads and shaking their bodies.

If Daisuowa hadn't entered here before, he might have left with a frown.

But now he's used to it.

Walking around in a circle, I gained very little.

He wasn't discouraged either, he turned a corner and went to the mercenary's house, kept the magic props he made for consignment, and then returned home.

At nine o'clock in the morning, there was a knock on the door on time.

Barely his apprentice Ron came.

Ron is an orphan, and his village was slaughtered by the undead army a year ago when the gods invaded. He was the only one who staggered and ran to Tweet.

After the Battle of Tweet, the mithril ring he was carrying leaked money, and he was blackmailed by hooligans. Daisova just happened to see it and rescued him.

Ron had stuck with him ever since.

Of course, mainly to ask him to teach him magic.

Although the Internet is very popular in the empire now, and Ron also learned to read from Grandpa Mom in the village, magic can't be learned just by giving you a book.

From zero to one is often a test of a person's talent.

Someone can read a book at a glance;

Some people can have an epiphany after listening to online classes;

But no matter what someone says,

He will be at a loss.

Ron is the latter. He has a bit of talent in grudges, but he wants to learn magic. Dysova doesn't know why?

He guessed that maybe it was to avenge the village!

In short, Ron's tragic experience touched Desova, and in the end he decided to become Ron's magic mentor.

——Although he doesn't even have the qualifications of a magic apprentice.

"Mr. Daisuowa, have you seen it? The Internet has been updated. In the future, we can record images and upload them to the Internet without magic props! The Internet has also updated a large Internet e-commerce company, which also sells firearms! Unfortunately, their lowest The starting price is 10,000, otherwise I want to chip in and buy one for fun.”

As soon as the door opened, Ron chattered excitedly.

"Can the Burning Hand be placed six feet?" Daisova asked with a slight smile.

As soon as this remark came out, Ron's excited expression instantly collapsed.

"Mr. Daisuowa, I feel like you're lying to me! It's been said on the Internet that a magic apprentice is usually qualified if he can put it at three feet, but I can put it at five feet. Many people on the Internet don't believe it! Six feet is impossible. "

"Really?" Daisova said meaningfully.

"Okay, okay, I know you're a genius, but...but...yes, I can't make it if I practice hard!"

Ron had probably guessed what Desova would say next, and immediately conceded and walked into the room with his head drooping.

Daisova looked at Ron's helpless back, shook his head slightly, and a flash of memory flashed in his eyes.

To be honest, he chose to drop out of school because Felix concealed some advanced magic knowledge, but now he regrets it.

I really regret it.

Because of dropping out of school, not only the family was furious, but his father was furious, and even threatened to sever the relationship between father and son.

He even lost the opportunity to step into the power circle of the Kavier Empire.

He can no longer borrow family resources, and his pride does not allow him to borrow family resources, so he can only live in society.

He is very smart, and although he has never stepped into society before, he quickly adapted to society.

However, even so, he still misses Felix's school days from time to time.

At that time, the magic instructors were always friendly and willing to answer any questions they had.

There is always a group of friends around him who only follow his lead.

Thinking about it carefully, at that time, he was still too proud, and even regarded the magic teacher as a "humanoid magic book".

With this kind of thinking, when he started teaching Ron, he gradually understood the good intentions of the magic teacher to conceal some advanced magic knowledge.

Whenever he thinks about it, he always feels ashamed.

Because really not everyone is as smart as him, and he knows everything.

In his opinion, it is obvious that one plus one equals two, there is no need for a derivation process at all, and he doesn't even know how to deduce it. Ron just doesn't understand something that can tell the answer at a glance.

He was even forced to open up basic magic knowledge, and even wandered around magic forums to find teaching methods.

To be honest, this process was very painful for him at first, and it was all supported by the perseverance of not admitting defeat.

But gradually, he discovered that Ron was his magic mentor.

He is too smart, but he will ignore many basic things. The process of teaching Ron has become a process for him to complete himself.

He is now able to release level 4 magic, and is even trying to learn to analyze level 5 magic.

According to the level of the imperial magician, he is enough to be called a great magician.

When he was able to unleash level five magic, he would be able to become a powerful magister on a par with Tweet's mage Stanford.

All of this is related to his talent, Professor Ron, and the Internet.

The only thing Desova is glad about now is that the Internet has not lived up to his expectations.

He can have such magical attainments, must be attributed to the Internet.

Especially online courses and Q\u0026A communities have helped him a lot.

If it wasn't for the Internet, even if he was given magic books, he would have to delay this process for at least three to five years just by himself.

Even being stuck on a certain difficulty for a lifetime is not impossible.

It is the Internet class and the question-and-answer community that helped him, especially the online class teacher of "Young people don't know people's hatred".

It's a pity that he hasn't given an online class for a year. Many people say that he probably went to retreat to concentrate on breaking through the Dharma God.

If this is the case, I hope you break through the realm of the God of Law as soon as possible!

Daisova thought to himself.

"Mr. Daisova, shall we continue earth magic today?"

"Well, the old rules, listen to the online class first, and stop asking me if you don't understand."

Daisova sat on the chair with a big knife and a golden horse, and while talking, he turned on the Internet to see what was updated.

——He studied fifth-level magic all night last night, so he didn't notice the Internet update at all.


Ron nodded obediently, skillfully opened the Internet, clicked on the online class, found Felix's public class, and watched it.

It has to be admitted that the major magic academies of the Kavier Empire have profound backgrounds!

In the beginning, most of the online courses on the Internet were taught by messy wild magicians.

After the School of Magic launched open classes, especially after using magic props to upload videos, the market for audio-type online classes completely disappeared.

The current online class has become the main battlefield for the major magic schools to expand their influence.

Of course, there are also some unofficial magicians with outstanding personal abilities who teach on it.

Desova glanced at the virtual screen in front of Ron, looked at Brad, the familiar magic mentor in the open class, and thought, when I break through the realm of the magician, I will apologize!

While Ron was watching the online class, Daisova also turned on the Internet.

As one of the first users to come into contact with the Internet, he almost watched the Internet improve bit by bit.

It can be said that the Internet has been growing up with him!

The updated content of the Internet this time is indeed very explosive, and it is no wonder that Ron is so excited.

When I open the forum, I rarely see pictures in the posts, but now the number of pictures has surged.

Quite a few are casually photographed street scenes.

The local forum in Twit, which he frequented most, was even more enthusiastic.

In the past forums, only a few established merchants would use magic props to record some magic items, upload them in the forum, and sell them.

Fortunately, pictures taken by adventurers are everywhere.

Dazzling to see.

Come on, I'm afraid I won't even have to visit the morning market in the future.

Daisova thought to himself.

He was about to open the big Internet e-commerce again, "Ding ding..." A crisp voice ringtone rang next to his ears.

A small call pop-up window also popped up on the Internet screen.

Daisova looked at the "mother" label and was startled.

After thinking about it, he got up quickly, left the house, and connected the voice in the living room.

——The only connection he has with the family is his mother.

The moment the connection was made, Daisova's pupils suddenly dilated, and the image of a middle-aged woman jumped out on the huge virtual screen.

She is so familiar, yet a little strange.

"Desova! Daisova! It's really you..." His mother covered her mouth and exclaimed, tears streaming down her face in an instant.

Daisova was stunned.

He suddenly realized that his mother had seen him.

In fact, in the upper right corner of the mother's image, there is indeed a reduced picture-in-picture, which is exactly what he looks like at this time.

This is a video call just launched on the Internet. It has the same ringtone as a voice call, the only difference is that it will be reminded with a line of small words.

Under the inertia of behavior, Dai Suova obviously ignored this line of fine print.


Daisova quickly turned off the video call in embarrassment, his heart pounding.

The room fell silent.

He looked up at the sky subconsciously, his eye sockets were hot, and his nose was so sore that it seemed that liquid was flowing out.

Cursed in my heart: Damn God of the Internet, why did you update this function?

"Mr. are crying." Ron stood in front of the door and said in a daze.

"Shut up!" Daisova yelled back angrily, his eyes were red.

Ron shrank his head, and then said timidly after a while: "Is that your mother?"

"Will you become dumb if you don't speak?" Daisova's eyes were red.

Ron became more and more timid, but he hesitated for a while, and then said: "Teacher, I miss my mother."


Daisova suddenly appeared in front of Ron and grabbed Ron's collar.

He looked at Ron's big round eyes, his eyes flickering, and suddenly put him down again, and slammed the door away with a "bang".

On the street, Daisova was rampaging like an angry lion.

He desperately hoped that some blind mercenary would bump into him and vent his anger on him.

It's a pity that the adventurers who were usually so energetic that they even risked electric shocks to fight, seemed to be all dead today, and no one came out in a daze.

"Ding dong!"

A message came.

Daisova gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, and he turned on the Internet. It was a text sent by his mother.

"Thank you, the God of the Internet, for allowing me to see you with my own eyes! Do you know? Every time I talk to you, I always feel unreal. I was afraid that you would be killed. Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I am finally relieved. Although you have grown a beard and look very different, I'm sure it's you."

"Just now your father glanced at you and left with red eyes. In fact, your father has forgiven you a long time ago. Really, every time I talk to you, he will make excuses and listen for a long time. As long as you come back, He won't blame you, really."

"The family has been under a lot of pressure in the past two years. The empire has changed too much. Your father has worked hard to support the family. You are so smart. Come back and help him, Daisova!"

Accompanying this passage is a photo.

In the photo, a red-robed magician stood by the garden, looking up at the sky, his back was lonely.

Corresponding to the scarlet magic robe is the gray hair.

This photo completely broke Daisova's psychological defenses, and his anger disappeared in an instant.

Daisova stared blankly at the Internet. After a long time, his mental strength was a little divergent and he replied tremblingly: "Wait until I break through the realm of a magister."

After sending out these words, Daisova thought for a while and replied, "It's coming soon."

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