Urban Supreme System

Chapter 512 Wanjia Fist

Since what Su Zhe wants is not an ordinary martial arts gym, but a martial arts gym that can become his powerful assistant. (first release)

Naturally, Su Zhe would not miss a martial arts master like Shao Zhan.

But if a martial arts hall like this wants to retain martial arts masters like Shao Zhan, it must provide something that is enough to make them excited, and it must make them willing and unwilling to leave.

One of them is martial arts mental skills, which are not difficult for Su Zhe to obtain.

For example, if Su Zhe needs the Xingyi Quan technique that Shao Zhan needs, he now has enough points to redeem it in the martial arts exchange mall.

The redemption condition for Xingyiquan's mental skills is 100,000 points, and now Su Zhe has just over 100,000 points, which has met the redemption conditions.

Su Zhe has been getting around 10,000 points every day these days, so he has accumulated so many points in just a few days.

The daily sales volume of Thawing Spirit is currently around 200,000 pills, but it is not how many Thawing Spirits are sold that will be taken. Most people buy a lot of Thawing Spirit at one time and accumulate them at home first. Then give it to the patient slowly.

Because they were worried that Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory would raise the retail price of Thaws Ling, they bought enough Thaws Ling first to nip the problem in the bud, so that they would not suffer any loss whether the price of Thaws Ling increased in the future.

Su Zhe can understand the psychology of these people. This is human nature. If it were him, maybe he would choose to do this.

Because once the retail price of Thawling is really raised to a high price as the media or experts say, many people will not be able to afford it, and these people will naturally want to take advantage of the current low price to buy enough. Thawing spirit.

However, with the various restrictions and guarantees made by Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory and Liu's Pharmacy, the situation has begun to slowly improve. People have begun to believe that Changhua Pharmaceutical Factory is determined not to increase the retail price of Thalysin.

If the Thawing Spirit is sold, people will take it. Su Zhe earned more than 10,000 points in one day.

Because one pill of Thawing Spirit can earn Su Zhe 0.3 points, and the sales volume of Thawing Spirit is 200,000 pills a day. That was 60,000 points, not 10,000 points now.

Although Su Zhe now has enough points, Su Zhe still has no intention of redeeming Xingyi Quan's mental skills.

Because simply exchanging a copy of Xingyiquan's mental skills has little effect, at best it can only leave Shao Zhan as a master of Xingyiquan.

But Su Zhe's goal is to make the martial arts school the best in the world, a force that no one dares to provoke. It is far from enough for Shao Zhan, a master of Xingyiquan.

So Su Zhe still needs to recruit other martial arts masters, but there are so many martial arts in the world. But not all martial arts masters practice Xingyiquan like Shao Zhan.

If Su Zhe needs to redeem a book of martial arts skills every time he lets a martial arts master join the martial arts gym, it would be a waste of points. This is obviously not worthwhile. This is why Su Zhe does not intend to redeem Xingyi Quan. legal reasons.

If there is no other solution, even if it is a waste of points, Su Zhe will exchange his mind.

After all, Su Zhe is very determined to establish a force of his own, and Su Zhe will not be vague about the price he should pay.

But now Su Zhe has found a solution. The martial arts skills can no longer be exchanged one by one.

Because there is a mental method of Wanjia Quan in the martial arts exchange mall. Wanjia Quan is a collection of boxing techniques from all over the world. It is a book of Xuanjia mental method. Anyone who practices Huangjie Boxing can use Wanjia Boxing as the mental method of practice.

Even martial arts that originally had no mental skills, such as Jeet Kune Do, can be practiced in Wanjia Quan.

Jeet Kune Do was created after the vitality of heaven and earth disappeared, so when it was first created, Jeet Kune Do did not have the same mental skills as Xingyiquan.

Now, the world has changed, the vitality of heaven and earth has returned to the earth, and the mind method has begun to resume its function. The martial arts such as Jeet Kune Do without the mind method. It starts to show disadvantages.

But Wanjia Quan is different. Wanjia Quan only has mental skills. There are no martial arts moves that are suitable for all Huangjie boxing practices. Naturally, martial arts masters who practice Jeet Kune Do can also practice the mental techniques of Wanjia Quan.

And because Wanjia Quan is a Xuan-level mind method, the power of Wanjia Quan mind method is much stronger than some Huang-level mind methods.

If Shao Zhan practiced the mental method of Wanjia Quan, the effect would be much better than practicing the mental method of Xingyi Quan.

And Su Zhe has the Wanjia Fist Heart Technique, so he doesn't need to exchange for other boxing techniques in the future, because any boxing technique can be used to practice Wanjia Fist, and exchanging Wanjia Fist is a once and for all thing.

However, the Wanjia Quan Heart Technique is a Xuanjie Mental Technique, and the redemption conditions are naturally much higher than those of the Xingyi Quan Heart Technique.

Xingyi Quan Xinfa is a Huang-level boxing method, and the redemption condition is 100,000 points, which is already ridiculously high, but it is nothing compared to the redemption condition of Wanjia Quan.

Because redeeming the Wanjia Fist Technique requires Su Zhe's 380,000 points, which can be said to be an astronomical number, Su Zhe's points are far from enough now.

With 380,000 points, Su Zhe started to hesitate. He didn't know whether he should redeem the Wanjia Fist Technique. If he did, he didn't know if it would be worth it.

After thinking about it for a long time, Su Zhe decided to redeem Wanjia Quan once he had enough points.

Because Su Zhe's goal is to make the martial arts school the best in the world, so that other forces will be wary of him and dare not provoke him and the martial arts gym.

Naturally, there is not only one martial arts master named Shao Zhan in such a martial arts gym. As long as four martial arts masters who practice different boxing techniques join Su Zhe's martial arts gym in the future, it will be much more cost-effective for Su Zhe to exchange for Wanjia Quan.

Therefore, after Su Zhe carefully considered it, it was more appropriate to exchange for Wanjia Quan. Moreover, Wanjia Quan is much more powerful than Xingyi Quan and other Huangjie boxing techniques. In this way, Shao Zhan's practice of Wanjia Quan will also be of great benefit to the martial arts gym. .

Although Su Zhe has decided to exchange for Wanjia Quan, 380,000 points are not something he can get now.

Fortunately, the Thawing Spirit can now provide Su Zhe with about 10,000 points every day. Those 380,000 points are not that difficult for Su Zhe to complete.

Moreover, Su Zhe is not in a hurry to redeem Wanjia Quan. The Song Family Gym has not yet been transformed into a martial arts gym, and Shao Zhan has not yet considered whether to join Su Zhe's martial arts gym.

Therefore, Wanjia Quanxin Technique can be redeemed after a period of time. By then, I believe Su Zhe will have 380,000 points, which is enough to redeem Wanjia Quanxin Technique. (To be continued)

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