"Misunderstanding!" Bai Mo couldn't help but feel a little helpless when he saw the scene where the sound-popping monster was holding back. Shanaido's special attack was lowered lower than he expected.

"It looks like I need to find a place to meditate, so I need to use teleportation first!"

When Bai Mo looked at the situation on the field and made a decision, Wan Mu seemed to have seen his thoughts and suddenly said, "Booming noise, provocative!"


Resisting the pressure brought by strong mental thoughts, the big eyes of the sound boomer were half-squinted at this time, and cast a disdainful look at Shanaido.

Noticing this look, for no reason, an unspeakable anger surged in Shanaido's heart!


Seeing this scene, Bai Mo's heart tightened. The effect of the provocation was to prevent the used elf from using special moves other than attacks for a short period of time.

Since provocation is an evil-type skill, the effect on Shanaido of the super energy system is more than double, this time is absolutely wrong.

That is to say, Shanaido can only head-to-head with the Sound Boom Monster, and all the skills to move, confuse, change state, and even increase physical strength can't be used!

"Next, you can play head-on with me!" Wanmu smiled proudly at Bai Mo, and then shouted at the sound-popping monster, "Shadow Ball!"

inside the field.

Hearing the order of Wanmu, the sound-exploding monster roared, and a strange light ball condensed in his hand and threw it in the direction of Shanaido.

Seeing this scene, Ye Mo squinted his eyes and didn't feel scared. Instead, there was a different arc at the corner of his mouth, and he said loudly:

"I originally planned to use it as a killer in the future depending on the situation, but if I can only hit hard now, I can't keep it!"

"Shanaido, respond to my heart!"

"Super power synchronization!"



Chapter 0059 Mega First Appearance


"What is Mega!?"

Hearing Bai Mo's inexplicable words, everyone's eyes, including the elf, focused on him and Shanaido.

Will Shanaido evolve? !

Unheard of!

Just when they were in shock, Bai Mo's dark eyes were filled with blue light, and there was also a dazzling blue light in Shanai Duo Ruby's eyes.

At this time, two blue rays of light actually established an inexplicable link in the void.

Then, a pinkish purple light shrouded Shanaido's body.

"Shanai... Duo!"

As Shanai Duo called out, in the light, Shanai Duo's shape changed, the arms began to become more slender, a pink heart grew out of his chest, and the skirt that came with him also grew bigger. The pretty face has become more refined.

When the light dissipated and Super Shanaido reappeared in the eyes of outsiders, it surprised everyone!

Shanaido's ability to super-evolve was achieved by Bai Mo through constant experiments a month ago.

Inspired by Ash and Koga Ninja just needing to be one with body and mind and Nazi can make Kathy temporarily become Yongjira by using her super power augmentation.

He has super powers himself, and after nearly a year of cultivating his relationship with Shanaido, Bai Mo doesn't think he will be worse than Nazi and Xiaozhi.

And it turns out that he was right.

As long as the body and mind can be united, and with the increase of his superpower, Shanaido can evolve Mega.

This is also one of Bai Mo's trump cards.

And, it is a hole card that can be exposed.

At present, the super evolution stone has not been discovered, and even if it is discovered, the super evolution is used in conjunction with the evolution key to achieve the effect, and such things will not be known in a short time.

Bai Mo now uses his own superpowers for Shaneduo's super-evolution. It doesn't matter even if people in the alliance want to investigate and know.

It is impossible for others to copy his success anyway.

When the time is right later, he will use the super-evolution of Shanaido as an opportunity to propose the theory of super-evolution.

As for what is the right time, naturally after he has collected enough Mega Evolution Stones, just like now, he already has a Hudi Mega Evolution Stone, and this is the beginning of everything!

"Shadow Ball!"

Bai Mo's calm voice sounded at this time, pulling back the thoughts of everyone who was stunned by the scene in front of them!

"Shanai, Duo!"

Shanaido put his hands on his chest, and a black-purple light ball quickly formed, and then it also flew out and collided with the shadow cast by the Sound Boom Monster in mid-air!


The two shadow balls collided and exploded in mid-air without a stalemate!

"What the hell happened!?!"

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