Urban Madness

Drunk and hazy

"You agreed?" Qi Xiaoke was very excited.

"If I don't agree, people will definitely call me a fool if I say it out loud. In order not to be scolded, I have to agree!"

Qi Xiaoke was very grateful, and hurriedly picked up the phone, entered her own number, and then asked nervously, "Then want me to accompany ... to accompany you tonight?"

Qin Shu lowered his head slightly, glanced at her, and sighed softly. He really didn't want to take advantage of someone's danger, especially for such a poor girl. Otherwise, he would despise himself. But he didn't like being forced, and he didn't want to get in trouble, so he smiled: "I have to go back and settle the family, so you can go back too!"

Qi Xiaoke was overjoyed and hesitated: "But that money..."

"When do you pay tuition?"

"And... there are ten days left!"

"Okay, I'll give it to you then!" Qin Shu said helplessly, if he didn't want to take advantage of Qi Xiaoke, he could only lose more than 10,000 yuan, but luckily it wasn't too much.

Qi Xiaoke was overjoyed and pursed her lips: "Then I... I can go now?"

"Let's go!" Qin Shu smiled, "However, since I have raised him, I won't be allowed to come back to this kind of place in the future, otherwise..."

"I'm definitely not coming, I'll only have you as a man in the future..." She wanted to talk about a man, but she always felt that she couldn't say it, so she quickly put on the suspender again, opened the door, and hurried out.

Just went out and came back.

Qin Shu was surprised when she saw that she bowed to him and said "thank you" in a panic before running away again.

Being raised by Bao, he even said thank you. Qin Shu really didn't know what Qi Xiaoke was thinking. It was too polite. Of course, Qin Shu didn't really want to raise Qi Xiaoke, he didn't want to care, but he felt that she was really pitiful, so he moved with pity.

Thirteen thousand yuan may be nothing to him, but it is of unparalleled value to Qi Xiaoke now. Maybe that's why she said thank you to herself. She has to rely on this money to maintain her and her brother's studies, and then change her destiny by studying and getting a diploma.

Qin Shu went to open the window and let the cool wind blow on him, sobered up a little, and planned to go back and throw some stocks to raise 20,000 yuan for Qi Xiaoke. As for letting her serve him, it was just a joke, even if he was drunk, he No such vile idea either.

After some wind blowing, his head was still a little dizzy, Qin Shu didn't go back to say hello to Yan Xiaowu and Yunnan Cheng, and went straight away. I drank a bit too much tonight, and my walking was unsteady. I didn't dare to go back right away. I was afraid that Qin Qianxue would get angry, so I walked outside and sobered up.

Walking and walking, lost your way without knowing it, and don't know where you have gone?

Looking up, I saw a deep alley in front of me. The alley was a little narrow, but the neighborhoods nearby were very upscale. He didn't know that this was a famous gathering place for second-naughters in Yunhai City, so the community was hidden and the road was very narrow.

He staggered into the alley, and after walking a hundred or ten steps, he suddenly saw two figures not far ahead, a man and a woman, pulling and pulling under the dim light.

"Hey, would you like to be a little virtuous?" Qin Shu roared, "Aren't you going to go to a hotel to open a room? You are still standing in the middle of the road, you really have enough ideas!"

When the two heard the voice, their postures changed suddenly. The man locked the woman's neck suddenly, and at the same time took out a dazzling dagger from his waist and put it on the woman's slender and fair neck.

Seeing the cold light reflected from the dagger, Qin Shu was startled and became much more awake. It seemed that he had misunderstood that the two were not lovers.

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