Uplifting Journey

Chapter 100 About the authenticity of high-dimensional life

"On the basis of maintaining the normal operation of the soul, is it really a complicated iterative problem to transform the operating soul itself under the control of the soul?"

Cheng Bin, who had been contemplating for a while, nodded, and continued to ask the system: "I can now specify the outer domain for matching and traversal. Can I go back to the inner domain world I have been to before?"

Cheng Bin thought of the world of Inner Domain Six, the world where clones established a country with no morals and no limits.

To be honest, when it comes to the mental analysis of the individual "Cheng Bin", all the clones from the Ministry of Mind Control of the State of Ke are extremely masters.

At the beginning, World No. 6 of the Inner Domain focused on the study and research of electromagnetic warfare, and did not communicate with the researchers of the Mind Control Department. It was really a bit of a mistake.

"No, this system has already said it," the system immediately rejected Cheng Bin's plan, "The hosts had better not go to those inner domain worlds that the host has traveled through and have not merged or split into outer domains before the initial dimension upgrade. gone."

"It's better not to, that means it's possible in operation." After shrugging his shoulders, Cheng Bin casually asked without hope, "Why is that?"

Unexpectedly, the system did not continue to perfunctory this time with reasons such as prohibited items, the black cat's reflective vertical pupils stared at Cheng Bin and said seriously: "Does the host know why the system called you a 'pseudo-high-dimensional life' in the first place?" ? Do you know why this system recommends that you travel more often?"

Cheng Bin was startled for a moment, and then his spirits lifted. He felt that he was finally going to hear some important secrets from the system.

"The host should still remember how the inner domain, your high-dimensional information body, and mind energy came from?" The black cat manifested a picture in the air in front of Cheng Bin——

A white spot of light flew to Cheng Bin's left, and then stretched out a white line to the right. After the white line extended for a while, it split into more identical white lines.

The white lines are divided more and more, and the whole looks like a giant net being weaved, a tree placed horizontally, and a river flowing from left to right.

"If this infinitely branched tree is this infinitely split universe, then..." The black cat raised its paw to a point in the middle of the densely packed lines, and a large number of branched lines suddenly twisted, converged and intertwined, forming a thick line. A lot of short red ropes, "This thing twisted and aggregated by the external force from the terminal is the inner domain."

The thickness of the inner area is uneven, some places seem to be slender and fused together, and the most subtle places are condensed into a small dark red dot, while some places are thick and loose, with forked threads appearing.

"The red dot in front is the basis of the high-dimensional information body formed with you as the core," the black cat said, pointing to the former, and then pointed its paw at the latter, "and this is equivalent to splitting the information body toward the outer domain." A shifting inner world."

"Although the image description is a bit different from the real situation, you can roughly think, the host, that the red dot at the focal point of the red rope is the so-called 'pseudo-high-dimensional life', so what do you think, the host, will this kind of life be? What kind of form does it grow?"

The black cat glanced at Cheng Bin, who looked enlightened, and then waved his paw.

Cheng Bin saw other nearby white lines in the image parallel to the line where the red dot is located, pulled by the red line emerging from the red dot and entangled with the thick red rope. The thread was pulled and entangled with the red rope, making it thicker and longer.

"This is the path that 'pseudo-high-dimensional life' will naturally embark on - establishing its own uniqueness in the river of time and space, distorting the rest of the adjacent time and space, converging the world line, devouring all parallel individuals, and expanding the space it occupies Time and space tributaries."

"It seems very powerful," the black cat shook his head, "but the essence of its life is bound in the tributary of time and space anchored by itself, and it has not achieved a real leap in dimensionality. The stronger the strength, the greater the universe's infinite division and expansion, such growth is undoubtedly going against the sky, and it will never reach the end."

The thick red rope frantically tugs at the surrounding white threads, but each time the white thread is touched by the red thread, it splits into more white threads, and the red thread can only pull one of them, and the red rope struggles in the white network It looked extremely powerful, but it was like a butterfly caught in a spider's web.

Looking at this picture, Cheng Bin felt a little doubt in his heart, but before he could figure it out, the system waved its claws and reset the picture to a pure white network.

"So, what does a real high-dimensional life look like?" The black cat glanced at Cheng Bin, and then tapped the middle of the network with its paw.

A small red dot suddenly appeared in the infinitely split white line, and the white line where the red dot was located was gradually dyed red, and the other sub-lines that split to the right also became the same red.

From the initial red dot, a large fan-shaped area to the right turns completely red.

Then the red color began to spread to the left, and after touching the bifurcation point between the red line and its parent white line, it instantly infected all the brother white lines extending from the same bifurcation point to the right.

In this way, red dyeing the white line of the child branch, dyeing the white line of the parallel brother, dyeing the white line of the parent, the red of these three steps of continuous circulation finally spread to the leftmost, occupying the initial origin, starting from the origin, the whole continues to split and expand The network completely turns red.

"This is..." Thinking of the original purpose of the system, Cheng Bin couldn't help muttering, "...from the highest dimension of the universe, from the source to control all variables in the entire universe."

"That's right, only real, top-level high-dimensional beings have the ability to spread their existence into infinite time and space, and they can finally do this." Embodied, "Therefore, other inner worlds that have not merged or split into outer domains are very meaningful for being the host of pseudo-high-dimensional life."

In the picture before Cheng Bin's eyes, the twisted and entangled red rope slowly disintegrated with difficulty. When the nearby network cables returned to normal, they turned into a small number of slender red threads that did not touch each other. The tiny red threads spread to the left and right. The parent lines of s come together again.

"The existence of this kind of world will allow the host to come into contact with the brother time and space of the same origin in advance when it is really ascending, instead of only spreading to the downstream of the river of time and space, and being stuck at the most critical bifurcation point in the upstream .”

The materialized image completely disappeared, and the black cat squatting on the tea table stared at Cheng Bin and said slowly: "So, although this will reduce the overall stability of the inner domain and the power of mind energy, this change has no effect on the host now. Too much impact, in the long run it's best to keep the status quo."

After contemplating for a while, Cheng Bin asked the system: "Well, I probably understand, but does it have anything to do with not being able to re-enter?"

"." The black cat glared at Cheng Bin with an anthropomorphic egg-painful expression, "From the above conclusion host, you should be able to see that apart from the process of splitting and entering for the first time, re-entering other inner worlds, At worst, it will lead to changes such as merging or splitting into the outer domain, even if it is better, the original homologous bifurcation point will also produce unknown offsets, in short, there will be no good things.”

"OKOK, I'll just ask casually." Facing the system that rarely showed a constipated expression, Cheng Bin raised his hand in surrender and put down the topic.

Cheng Bin, who is very curious, is in a good mood after learning something that he has always been curious about.

So after straightening out the next plan, he happily went to be a human super 3D printer and rub octopus with his hands.

What does it feel like to walk for two hours under heavy snow at 5 o'clock in the morning?

The soles of my feet have been soaked for a long time, I hope I won't catch a cold.

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