Unparalleled True Technology

Chapter 669: Your Uncle's Transformers

The war between Mozambique and Zimbabwe did not attract the attention of the whole world. Two small countries where many people do not know where, even if one of them is wiped out, it has nothing to do with the vast majority of people in the world.

And because the "Jetley" air defense missile developed by Wen Ming is an unknown weapon in the intelligence systems of various countries, the military and intelligence systems of various countries have begun to devote a lot of energy to this war.

They want to know what is the weapon that can destroy MiG-21 fighter jets and Typhoon fighter jets, and the hit rate is still as high as 100% so far, and where Zimbabwe came from.

The United Kingdom and the United States have already set their sights on Wen Ming because they know the secret relationship between the 'company' behind Zimbabwe and the umbrella company. Find a breakthrough.

Therefore, when Raytheon's six steel overlords appeared in the city of Modang Tete, the military and intelligence systems of various countries knew about it at the first time. Let alone their shock, because soon, Wen Ming Wearing the world's unique 'Mingguang' armor appeared in Tete City.

The militaries of many countries are analyzing the combat effectiveness of the Iron Overlord. While the intelligence systems of many countries are still verifying the name and performance of Raytheon’s new product, six Iron Overlords were smashed into pieces by the "Mingguang" armor. 6 wreckages were found.

Is there any need for analysis?

Hammer, the boss of Raytheon, believes that this weapon is over, and his company will not develop this weapon anymore. Even if he wants to insist, those shareholders will not give him this opportunity.

Hanmer's only thought now is to recover the losses as much as possible, and pin the death certificate on Wen Ming's body for the massacre of civilians and Mozambican soldiers by 6 Iron Overlords, so that his end will not be too miserable.

Hammer believes that Iron Overlord has no research value, let alone continued development and mass production, and most other countries have the same idea as him.

Although the technology used by the Iron Overlord itself can also be used in other aspects, such as the energy engine technology in it, it can be used on fighter jets. But many countries also know that it took only 20 minutes to arrive at the battlefield, and the U.S. military, which has controlled the wreckage, is impossible for any country to get those wreckages and then use those wreckages to decipher the technology.

Instead of working so hard to get some crushed technology from the wreckage of the Iron Overlord, or from Raytheon, which has the same interests as the US government, it is better to find a way to cooperate with the umbrella company and get those higher-end products from Wen Ming. Technology.

This is the idea of ​​the top leaders of various countries, so they hope to maintain a very good relationship with Wen Ming.

So, without any concealment, through their own domestic media, they publicized the news that the American Raytheon company's "robot weapons went out of control and massacred civilians".

For a moment, the whole world was shocked.

Bond, the war correspondent of ABC TV in the United States, became the favorite of ABC TV, and the limelight was so high that the person in charge of ABC TV personally entertained him.

Speaking of which, Bond is a war correspondent for ABC TV, but for a person like him who trades his life for money, whoever pays the highest price will hand over the news he has?

Except for Raytheon, and the umbrella company that no one knows about the Tete City battlefield, no one has more video data than him, so he is regarded as a treasure by the TV media in the United States and even other countries. He offered an unbelievably high price to buy the video materials in his hands.

Bond is also considered smart. He thinks that the income from this time will allow him to retire. Therefore, he did not exclusively sell the information he possessed, but sold it to more than 30 genuine national mainstream media around the world at the same time.

Bond, who was worth more than tens of millions of dollars in an instant, retired like this, and found a place to enjoy the rest of his life. However, the video materials he sold were passed through the 30 national mainstream media distributed all over the world. Audiences all over the world were shocked one after another.

The appearance of the six Iron Overlords shocked audiences all over the world for the first time.

The strength of the Iron Overlord and his crushing fighting style against the Zimbabwean army shocked audiences all over the world for the second time.

The Iron Overlord lost control and began to attack all living people within their visual range indiscriminately, shocking audiences all over the world for the third time. The shock this time also included emotions such as indignation, hatred, nausea, and fear.

Even though the major TV stations have carried out various technical processing on the scenes of the Iron Overlord's massacre, just like Wen Ming's technical processing on the 'Ming Guang' armor killing before, some pictures are more frightening than the real ones.

The last shock of audiences all over the world contained good emotions such as hope, surprise, envy, etc., because that was the appearance of their savior Wen Ming, because their savior Wen Ming solved those out-of-control robots, because their super A hero, did what a superhero should do.

The whole world was in an uproar.

While wantonly insulting Raytheon, the US government, and the military, people in the United States and many countries have spontaneously carried out various demonstrations. There are also some countries, such as China and Russia, which have formally condemned the actions of the Iron Overlord, so they are not afraid of offending the United States.

Besides, in the game of great powers, you come and go, how can anyone who expresses his position become an enemy?

The other side is the flattery of Wen Ming. Not many people think there is any difference between the titles of savior and superhero. The title of superhero has been defined by many media recently: save the world, save the world .

This is almost in line with the definition of a savior.

Countless people who seemed to have nothing to do with the tragedy in Tete City expressed their sincere gratitude to Wen Ming. Those rescued members of the international rescue organization, as well as the organizations behind them and their related organizations, have become the most popular in the bragging army. key personnel.

Although they would not bow down on the spot like the people in Tete City, their thanks were sincere, because they might also die at that time.

Compared to Bond, the war correspondent of ABC TV station, who was in the limelight in the media circle for a while, Wen Ming's limelight this time can be said to be unparalleled in the world.

Of course, it's not all flattery and praise for Wen Ming.

Britain no longer paid much attention to the situation in Mozambique, even if it was the disaster they provoked. After the United States already had the Iron Overlord and Wen Ming had the 'Mingguang' armor, they felt that their military strength had fallen by more than one level.

This is unacceptable to the UK, or other countries.

In the United States, Hammer, the boss of Raytheon, put his hope on the reason for the loss of control of the Iron Overlord when he was questioned by shareholders and the forces behind him. The reason for his loss of control was related to Wen Ming.

After Vice President Byron panicked, he also thought of a solution to the problem, that is, Area 51, which provided the Iron Overlord technology.

After learning the truth about Area 51, Byron knew that there was another method in Area 51 that could instantly make the United States the most powerful military country in the world, but this method was the ultimate method, just like nuclear weapons.

Byron felt that it was time to use this method. As for the consequences?

Byron, who was already at the same level as Wen Ming, and would settle with Teresa Roy after he came to power, knew that he had no chance to back down.

But to Byron's disappointment, Area 51 did not agree with his order, so he began to argue with the person in charge of Area 51.

Huaxia, after the 'Mingguang' armor showed its strength for the third time, also began to contact Wen Ming through channels. They couldn't wait any longer, because the United States already had a steel overlord, even if it was 'flashy'.

The same is true for Russia. Military strength is the real reason why Russia can become one of the top powers with a GDP lower than that of South Korea. They find that their military strength is lagging behind. How can they sit still?

The emperor personally invited the 'superhero' Wen Ming to pay an official visit to Russia. This is an aboveboard conspiracy, and the United States can't stop it.

When the undercurrent and the bright current were surging, Wen Ming was sleeping, which was different from normal sleep, and different from the daydreaming sleep before, this time, he woke up with a start.

"Your uncle's Transformers."

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