Unparalleled True Technology

Chapter 620 Wen Ming, You Let Me Down

Qatar is in chaos because of multiple terrorist attacks, because the royals are being terrorized, because their dignitaries are being terrorized.

The American media was in chaos. Numerous media reporters and directors started working overtime at 1:00 am, trying to start reporting first-hand on the time of Wen Ming's terrorist attack in the shortest possible time.

The media around the world was in chaos. When the American media had already started reporting and the ABC TV station was broadcasting live, they had just received the news, and they had just begun to prepare the manuscript and introduce the incident.

However, no matter how chaotic the outside world is, both parties involved in this incident are not chaotic.

Jin Ge already believed that he was sure of winning. The success of the ambush allowed him to avoid fighting with the strengthened security personnel. So far, Wen Ming only has three cars running, and after leaving the highway, even Tes The speed of pulling the off-road vehicle is also not as good as that of Jin Ge who was prepared in advance.

His men had completed the siege, and his Stinger missiles had locked onto two of the vehicles.

Wen Ming was not in a mess, he was even watching the ABC TV report in the car, and he was even in the mood to chat with Aaron Martin.

"I originally thought that at that time, you still need to use your perspective to let the world witness the appearance of a superhero. Unexpectedly, the live broadcast team of ABC TV is so courageous and professional."

After both Wen Ming and Gal Gadot finished wearing the 'Mingguang' armor, Aaron Martin was not nervous at all.

Even if the opponent has Stinger missiles.

"Boss, the other party has already locked our other two cars."

Aaron Martin looked at the alarm prompt on the large central control screen in the car, and said, "They didn't lock our car, but we have confirmed that there are people ambushing in our driving direction."

The conversation between the two people was heard by Gal Gadot, and the three people are now on the same communication channel.

Gal Gadot wasn't afraid either, because Wen Ming was by her side, but she still said nervously, "Should we change direction?"

Aaron Martin replied: "It doesn't make sense, there is an ambush from the other party in the direction of driving."

Wen Ming also saw the prompt on the large screen of the vehicle's central control, as well as the real-time information sent by Folan.

"The royal family of Qatar has fled,

Their people can no longer be counted on, and it seems that we can't escape. "

He said that there was no way to escape, but Wen Ming's tone was not the slightest bit nervous. He was very disappointed with Qatar's performance.

The relationship between Qatar and other countries in the Middle East is not good now. In another world, in 2016, seven countries in the Middle East broke off diplomatic relations with Qatar at the same time, which shows that Qatar, the country with the world's largest per capita GDP What is the country like.

Aaron Martin's tone suddenly became excited, and he said, "Boss, shall I come first?"

Aaron Martin has only tried this brand new set of 'Mingguang' armor twice in the experimental field, familiarizing himself with the operation method after the replacement and related performance data.

He didn't really use this brand new set of 'Mingguang' armor.

Wen Ming said: "Don't worry, wait until the reporters from ABC TV station catch up, and wait until Jin Ge's men surround them. Naturally, when everyone thinks that we are finished, it will be easier for people to fight back. remember."

While speaking, Jin Ge's men fired two more Stinger missiles, the Stinger missiles were equipped with the target locking function, and directly blasted the other two vehicles under Wen Ming's men into wreckage.

From the perspective of the Land Rover that has been following behind Wen Ming's convoy due to fire suppression, in the desert outside the expressway, only Wen Ming's car is speeding helplessly and aimlessly.

At this time, 8 modified off-road vehicles rushed out from nowhere, and their target was the car that encircled Wen Ming.

Eight off-road vehicles rushed from multiple directions, accompanied by the terrorists leaning out of the window and shooting guns, successfully surrounded Wen Ming's car in the overwhelming advantage.

The driver of the Land Rover wanted to run in another direction, but he didn't know where the bullet came from, but it easily blew up the tires of the Land Rover.

After emergency braking, the Land Rover stopped.

The ABC TV reporter rushed out of the car, raised his hands and shouted: "I'm a reporter, I'm a reporter..."

Free switching between multiple languages ​​prevented the reporter from encountering any attacks.

The cameraman, who was already terrified, but firmly rushed down with the camera on his shoulders, did not encounter any attacks.

Several terrorists rushed to them, pointed their guns at them, and signaled them to move forward with their cameras on their shoulders.

And in front of him was the car that Wen Ming was riding in.

The reporter has already understood that the terrorists will not kill them for the time being, and the terrorists need them to carry out this report.

So, the reporter, the cameraman, and the staff carrying the live broadcast satellite equipment walked to the side of the eight off-road vehicles under the threat of the terrorists.

"Aim your cameras at the car in the middle."

Jin Ge's confidant appeared next to the reporter wearing a face scarf and gave orders in English.

The cameramen obeyed their orders, not to mention that they were being pointed at by guns. If they resisted, they might be killed on the spot. Even if the terrorists did not order them, they would still aim at the car where Wen Ming was.

They followed and reported the whole process and knew very well that Wen Ming was in that car.

It was at this time that a roar came from the distant sky, and the reporter looked up and saw an armed helicopter.

He was immediately pleasantly surprised. He thought it was the support of the Qatari military. Before he could figure out why there was only one armed helicopter for support, he discovered that the terrorists had not launched any attacks on that armed helicopter.

Instead, the armed helicopter was allowed to land beside it.

In the wind and sand, the cameraman was 'coerced' and pointed the camera lens at the armed helicopter and at the man also wearing a face scarf who stepped down from the armed helicopter.

The armed helicopter turned off directly, because Jin Ge believed that after he used the Stinger missile, the Qatari military would never dare to send the armed helicopter to support it. After all, the real purpose of the Stinger missile is air defense.

Moreover, he also has related arrangements.

The noise of propeller rotation ceased, and Jin Ge appeared in front of the camera lens. After a few minutes, he would appear in front of tens of millions of viewers around the world. After a day, he would be known to more than 2 billion people around the world.

Thinking of this, Jin Ge felt that he had already surpassed Osama bin Laden and became the most famous terrorist in the world.

"Friends from the press, please don't worry, we will not hurt you."

Jin Ge's English is pure and pure, and it doesn't sound like someone from the Middle East.

"We need you to help us and tell the world what we've done."

After saying hello, Jin Ge walked towards Wen Ming's off-road vehicle, and after he stood still at a distance of 10 meters, he said loudly: "I thought you, a 'savior', would have great courage, but, You didn’t even dare to hit my car just now.”

"I was also worried that if you hit my car, would I send you a Stinger missile, so I was really disappointed."

"Now, I'll give you a chance to get out of the car and surrender."

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