Unparalleled True Technology

Chapter 278 Hyperspectral Imaging Goggles

The name of the umbrella is naturally a big scam in the eyes of many people, but in fact, it is not deceiving at all.

What is an umbrella?

Sheds the wind and rain, but can an umbrella shield everyone from the wind and rain?

Of course not.

The principle that Umbrella has always followed is to protect a small group of people. As for the safety of the world, what does it have to do with that small group of people?

On a rainy day, the person holding an umbrella can't protect himself, so how can he have the mood to take care of others?

That's why Wen Ming named his arms company the umbrella, because his umbrella was only to protect a small group of people, or in other words, to protect him alone.

This is not selfishness, this is people who do not kill themselves.

After Donalds joined Wen Ming's private laboratory, he shared a lot of work progress for Wen Ming, not only manufacturing the 'Guardian' processor chip and the programs in it. Even when Wen Ming manufactures weapons and equipment that exist to restrain the Nether, it can also provide great help.

Compared to Wen Ming, Downers is a real computer professional. With his own efforts, he can become the highest level of technical personnel in Microsoft, and even break through the level of technical personnel and reach the level of management.

It can only be said that Downers is also a genius. Of course, compared to Wen Ming, a talented genius, Downers can only be regarded as a normal genius.

As long as it is a software problem, Downers can solve it very well, even if some technologies are too advanced, so Downers is a little unclear about how to do it. However, Wen Ming is still there.

Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. Some people say that to make friends, you should make friends with people who are stronger than yourself. In this way, you will become stronger and stronger. And if you make friends with people who are worse than yourself, then you have no way to improve.

This principle is actually problematic, because true friends lie in the heart, not in the strength or weakness between the two parties. No matter how bad a friend is, when you are in trouble, he can go bankrupt for you. No matter how good a friend is, when you are in trouble, he may not get anything out.

And science and technology are not about making friends, and pure technology has nothing to do with the heart, so this principle can be applied.

Wen Ming's genius lies in his forward-looking vision, as well as black technological knowledge from "daydreams". When these black technological knowledge can be realized and used in reality, it is real technological knowledge.

Under Wen Ming's guidance, Downers' understanding of many technologies has also improved by leaps and bounds. If you regard the two as swordsmen, Downas is a powerful swordsman, while Wen Ming is unparalleled in the world.

The two of them sparred every day, and Wen Ming was not stingy with his guidance. How could it be possible that Donnas' progress would not be fast?

Therefore, the current Downers has even participated in the manufacture of the 'combat goggles'.

"Boss, let me do this."

After running out to deal with some problems of Apple's technology research and development department, Downers couldn't wait to return to Wen Ming's private laboratory, and then got busy.

Wen Ming was also happy to be free, he knew too many things, among other things, he was able to create a very powerful arms company just with the knowledge he got from the daydream of You Ming.

You know, even Wen Ming would find the weapon made by the protagonist at the beginning of the movie terrifying. In addition to that weapon, the nano-material-grade protective clothing that is small enough to protect the body, the armored vehicle that the Delta Special Forces praises in the middle, and the "self-propelled" robot that is big enough to be called a robot dog are multifunctional robots.

The munitions company that the protagonist Nether works for can already be regarded as one of the most powerful munitions companies in the world. And the technological level of that world is ahead of Wen Ming's real world.

It is absolutely impossible for Wen Ming to copy those products alone. He only has two hands and one head, so Wen Ming also needs to start cultivating his own technical team.

Not counting Cui Chuanming and Benjamin's resurrected dinosaur project,

Downers is the first one, and will become the core of Wen Ming's future technical team.

"Boss, why do we have to add hyperspectral imaging technology?"

The key parts of the 'Guardian' have actually been manufactured, so Downers began to wholeheartedly follow Wen Ming to manufacture the 'Battle Goggles'.

This product is almost finished, and the rest is some software technical processing. When dealing with these software technologies, Downers finally asked his doubts.

"I think this kind of electronic goggles capable of imaging, night vision, anti-flash, and anti-smog is good enough. Adding hyperspectral imaging technology, it seems useless."

Wen Ming certainly knows that normal goggles do not require hyperspectral imaging technology, because soldiers are not scientists. But the goggles in Nether have this function, it can be said that it is forcibly combining the plot.

"It's actually useful."

Wen Ming can't say that there will be monsters like Nether in this world, otherwise, he can directly call this kind of goggles hyperspectral imaging goggles, and he can only explain it forcefully.

"After adding this function, it can even capture some signal interference sources. In modern warfare, electronic warfare is the most important part of determining the outcome, and those small signal interference sources with strong concealment can not only interfere with communication , and can even affect strategic guidance.”

"And if soldiers can capture the source of interference and achieve the tactical purpose of eliminating interference on the ground, it is absolutely powerful and harmless."

Downers' skill level has improved, but his eyesight is still a bit poor. He has never experienced a real war.

With the blessing of 'Daydream', Wen Ming has experienced a real war from the perspective of the protagonist Nether.

"No wonder you are the boss and I am an employee."

After Donalds sighed, he continued to program, and Wen Ming also joined in. His speed was faster than Downers because he knew all the complete codes.

But typing out line by line is always very troublesome. With the help of Downers, he only needs to tell Downers the function he wants to achieve, and he can get a complete and usable code. Some places will be more cumbersome, but it doesn't matter, because he still needs to do final optimization.

And Wen Ming's optimization of Downers' programming code can allow Downers to learn new knowledge and improve his own development level.

A week later, the first batch of 'combat goggles' prototypes were finally successfully produced.

The reason why a batch is made is because this kind of combat goggles also has a function, which is short-distance communication between each other. Stable, low possibility of interference, not easy to be eavesdropped.

"Boss, who do we ask to experiment with this kind of combat goggles?"

Downers was a little excited. This was the first military product he had actually participated in the R\u0026D and manufacturing. 'Guardian' was purely a worker, and R\u0026D was none of his business.

Wen Ming smiled and said: "You forgot, there are many security guards in our research institute. Moreover, almost all of my security team are retired from several special forces in the United States. I want to know this Whether such combat goggles are useful, they are definitely the most suitable candidates."

Called Aaron Martin, who was also a little excited, and after handing over 12 combat goggles to him, Wen Ming no longer cared about this matter. It can be purchased and used by the American Delta Force in another world, and the performance of this product is no need to worry about it.

What's more, Wen Ming has also optimized it to a certain extent. What he has mastered is not only the black technology in the nether world, but also the darker black technology of Osborne Enterprise.

Aaron Martin was excited to test the tactical goggles with the security team. The reason for his excitement was naturally that Wen Ming had told him that the tactical goggles would be integrated into the helmet of the 'Mingguang' armor.

Aaron Martin felt very uncomfortable when he thought of the advanced and sci-fi "Mingguang" armored helmet, which used the display screen of the iPhone as the imaging module. And this kind of tactical goggles is very tall, combined with the 'Mingguang' armor, it can definitely enhance the 'Mingguang' armor's force.

During the test, Aaron Martin felt the benefits of this tactical goggle. He can only say that it is good, but not powerful, because it cannot attack anywhere.

"It's a pity, no matter how good-looking and powerful my 'Mingguang' armor is, no one else will be able to see it."

Aaron Martin sighed helplessly: "Because the boss said that anyone who sees it will die. Why does this sentence sound like what the villain said?"

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