True Daughter, She is the Almighty Boss

Chapter 180 See the interview scene at Norton University [1 more]


All sound disappeared in an instant.

It looks no different from ordinary greeting cards, and it can even be called rough.

But the pattern outlined by the bronzing edge shows the extraordinaryness of this black cardboard.

Ying Zijin's eyes were sure.

She recognized the pattern.

On the second card of the Tarot Major Arcana, the magician with the serial number "1" has it on the card.

At the same time, it is indeed the kind of pattern commonly used by Norton University.

Moreover, such ugly words can indeed only be written by a certain alchemy lunatic.

After Fu Yunshen put this card on the table, not to mention Wen Tinglan, the other students in the elite class of senior three were also a little stunned.

Invitation letter from Norton University?

Or from an SS-level academy?

Although they knew nothing about the internal situation of Norton University, they also knew the two letters SS, which represented the highest level.

"And the invitation letter from the SS-level academy?" The boy was stunned for a moment, and almost laughed, "Does Norton University have an SS-level academy? Don't come here without opening your mouth."

He Xun pursed his lips and didn't speak, his expression was a little dazed.

He hadn't received an invitation letter. After all, he went to a D-class academy, which could only be regarded as the tail of a crane.

But he has seen the invitation letter from the A-level academy.

It's not so simple, and it's not just simple two-line words, but the paper used seems to be one kind.

He had only seen this kind of paper in his mentor's office.

It is said to be so precious that it cannot be burned by fire or soaked by water.

He also heard from his mentor that every invitation letter issued by Norton University also comes with a miniature positioning system to prevent loss.

He Xun's gaze moved down and landed in the middle of the black bronzing card. Sure enough, he saw a small protruding particle there.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and the muscles on his face trembled slightly, a little unbelievable.

When the boys and the two students in the international class saw his expression, they couldn't help being a little shocked.

Could it be that this is really an invitation letter from Norton University's SS-level college?

I can't.

Who got the invitation letter from Norton University, didn't they all go by themselves, and can they give it away?

Moreover, who doesn't know that Norton University may not even look down on the top student in the college entrance examination, how could it be possible to send an invitation letter to a dude in Shanghai?

The boy opened his mouth: "Mr. He, then..."

"Time's up." He Xun's lips tightened, suppressing the doubts in his heart, "Let's go."

Most likely it is imitation.

He had been at Norton University for four years, and he had never heard of an invitation letter from an SS-class academy.

Seeing He Xun, he didn't give an answer. Instead, the boy heaved a sigh of relief and said sarcastically, "If this is really an invitation letter from Norton University's SS-level college, we'll meet at Norton University when we have the ability."

Hearing this sentence, Ying Zijin raised his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

He Xun's pupils shrank again.

Lip reading was a required course at Norton University, and he understood what the girl said.

——Then see you at the Norton University interview.

He Xun immediately looked away and stopped looking.

After the exclusive shuttle car came, four people went up.

There was still silence on the barbecue table and no one spoke.

The monitor swallowed his saliva subconsciously, and carefully touched the black card: "Seven, Seven Young Masters, is this really an invitation letter from Norton University?"

The handwriting is too sloppy.

Fu Yun raised his eyelashes and said lazily, "What do you think?"

"I think it's true." The squad leader made a final decision and vowed, "I'm blind, and it's also true."

The study committee shook his head, lowered his voice and said to the sports committee, "He's drinking too much again."

"That's right!" The squad leader patted Wen Tinglan's shoulder vigorously and burped, "Where does Tinglan in our class need any interview qualifications, the invitation letter will come directly, and they will be sour."

"At that time, they will get out of the way after the interview, and they can only watch us Tinglan study at Norton University."


The sports committee sighed: "I really drink too much."

Wen Tinglan was silent.

He didn't care whether the invitation was genuine or not.

While he was interested in Norton, it wasn't his only option.

In recent years, the ranking of Imperial College in the QS World University Rankings has also been rising again, and it has entered the top ten.

Norton University was still far away in Continent O. When he went, no one would take care of Wen Fengmian.

"Thank you." Wen Tinglan pushed the invitation back, "I can't have it."

"Huh?" Fu Yunshen didn't answer, raised his eyebrows, "It's for you, why can't you ask for it?"

"It's too precious." Wen Tinglan held her bowl, "Dad and sister both said that I can't take valuable things from others."

"It's nothing valuable." Fu Yun smiled deeply, "It's just a piece of paper."

He was lazy and seemed to be pity: "For you, I turned down a big business."

The divination of the diviners is very important, but they are always inferior to those around them.

Hearing this sentence, Ying Zijin's expression also froze, and his pupils moved slightly.

The post she posted a few days ago can be said to be seen by nine out of ten users in the NOK forum.

When she first heard the name NOK Forum, it was from Fu Yunshen.

He has an account, which is normal.

Because of the ice jadeite last time, he also knew that the number of cola milk tea fries belonged to her.

But this number, she has no need to hide it.

Ying Zijin's eyelashes drooped slightly.

But she didn't expect that Fu Yunshen had an invitation letter from an SS-level academy.

However, in addition to getting the invitation letter, she did go to Norton University.

Not even a white post.

Wen Tinglan still held his bowl and didn't speak.

"That's it." Fu Yunshen raised his hand and knocked on the table, curling his lips, "I'll keep it for you first, and when you become the top student in the college entrance examination, you can take the invitation letter away."

Hearing this, Wen Tinglan looked at the man for a while.

He hesitated for a moment, and said in a small voice, "Do you have any intentions for my sister?"

Fu Yunshen: "?"

The teenager was expressionless: "Don't think about it, this is impossible, I will stop you."

Fu Yunshen: "..."

He really didn't have any intentions.

The only attempt may be to think that the child's hair is very smooth and his face is very pinchable.

Sometimes like a kitten.

Fu Yun raised his eyebrows deeply: "Well, if you think so, you can."

Wen Tinglan frowned slightly, raised his hand and tugged at him: "Keep your voice down, what if my sister hears her and she's shy?"

"It's very small, but—" Fu Yunshen was very interested, "What do you mean by being shy, listen?"

Ying Zijin picked up a bunch of grilled ribs, and his tone was very light and unhurried: "No need to be small, I can hear you, make it louder."



O continent, emerald green.

The heart of Laurent Castle.

In this luxurious room, even the floor is made of gold.

The only color difference is the velvet bed.

There was a young man leaning on the bed, with a handsome face and deep facial features, like an ancient Roman sculpture.

His hair is also as brilliant as gold, his eyes are dark blue, and the ocean is as far and wide as the stars.

The young man's fingers swiped at random on the tablet, the more he looked, the worse his expression became.

This is Caesar Laurent.

In the centuries-old history of the Laurent family, it was the most outstanding and most honorable controller.

So much so that he was assassinated and died at the time, and the entire Laurent family withdrew from Fei Leng Cui along with him to show their oath to follow.

Only a few old people knew that he would wake up later.

But their lifespan is only the length of a normal person, so this secret is passed down from generation to generation.

It has been passed on to the present.

Job Laurent is one of the servants serving Caesar today.

It was also him who sent the ice jadeite to the Zhong family last time.

As for the rest of the Laurent family, they didn't know that the person in power was centuries ago, much less that the person in power was actually older than the oldest person in the family.

After alchemical transformation of the body, the appearance is also permanent.

This is the power of alchemy.

Therefore, the alchemy world is stronger than the ancient medical world in some respects.

It is precisely because of Caesar Laurent's special status that other family members are not allowed to step in the core area of ​​the castle where he lives.

Job knocked on the door, and after getting permission, walked in.

He saluted respectfully, an ancient etiquette in the Middle Ages.

"Master, it's time for you to enter the hibernation period."

Caesar put down the tablet, looked at his pale skin, and clicked his tongue: "What a waste."

Thanks to his boss, he woke up again, but every month, he had to sleep for fifteen days.

Otherwise his heart would burst and he would die again.

Since his boss appeared on the evening of May 31, he has sent her many private messages, but they have all gone to nothing and have not received any reply.

Caesar knew that if the divine calculator wanted to hide, even if she stood in front of you, you would not be able to find her.

Even if he knew that she should be in China, if he went to find her, she could disappear again.

So he can only wait for her to come.

I can only cheap Norton's dog thing, and I can see the boss one step ahead of him.


After the college entrance examination, Ying Zijin booked herself a plane ticket on the 9th.

Although Wen Fengmian asked her to find someone to follow him, she found it troublesome.

By the way, go to O Continent and bring back the stove she used to refine medicine.

The remodeled electric pressure cooker is still too troublesome.

The medicinal power will also be lost, and it cannot withstand the highly poisonous medicinal materials.

Ying Zijin picked up the bag, but didn't take anything, and was about to go out.

A message popped up on the phone at this moment.

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