Treasure Hunt America

Chapter 792: step on the plate

When you enter the main entrance, you will see the main hall facing the door. The main hall was opened in 1938 and is also the most important exhibition hall in the Tokyo National Museum.

There are a total of 20 showrooms, which display sculptures, dyeing and weaving, metalworking, weapons, swords, ceramics, calligraphy and painting, building components and other exhibits of various eras in Japan in order of time.

Here you can see the historical changes of Japan in various periods, if not because Japan once had such a disgraceful history of aggression against China.

Jin Muchen can also take a relaxed attitude and look at the products of these historical eras that are almost all influenced by Chinese civilization.

Although many of these things have unique Japanese characteristics, more are the characteristics of the above Chinese historical and cultural influence.

I don't know why, when Jin Muchen saw these things, he felt heartache. After all, Japan's students in China back then were the nation that brought the most harm to China. This nation alone It is unforgivable.

Belinda and Jesse looked at these Japanese-style cultural relics with relish, and occasionally exclaimed and commented, and then took group photos in front of each showcase.

But Jin Muchen was not as relaxed as the two of them at all, and at this time, he felt more mixed feelings that were indescribable.

At the same time, he also noticed several treasures in the pavilion, such as the statue of the top ten disciples, the Fujiwara Buddha figure, the painting of the Seshou splashing ink landscape, and the Kano Yongde pine and cypress screen. These are all It was selected by the Japanese themselves as a first-class national treasure in Japan.

When looking at so few Japanese national treasures, Jin Muchen looked at it with great care, and even put on a smirk that he didn't even notice himself.

Let you Japanese be happy for a few days, and after a few days, there will be time for you to cry.

Jin Muchen stared at these precious cultural relics very carefully, but when appreciating these treasures, his eyes were actually on. Not all of them focused on these treasures. He paid more attention to the monitoring equipment inside these exhibition rooms, as well as the display cabinets of these Chen Fang treasures.

It appears that there have been recent museum thefts in Boston, USA and London, UK. But it reminded the Japanese that the Japanese attach great importance to the safety of these pavilions.

Inside these exhibition halls, the monitoring can be said to be very strict, especially in the exhibition halls with national treasure-level exhibits, there are many cameras.

on the roof. In the corner of the wall, or even directly on the wall, it can be said that there are dense cameras everywhere, and even the most exaggerated in the exhibition hall with several famous paintings, Jin Muchen probably secretly counted it, this room alone is not enough. In the exhibition hall of about 50 square meters, there are no less than 20 cameras.

And those glass showcases are almost all connected to the alarm. As long as someone reaches out and touches the showcase, the sensor under the showcase will be immediately. Take it and it will sound like an alarm in the monitoring room.

The security guard in the monitoring room can quickly grasp the movement of the exhibition hall through the dense cameras, so as to judge whether it is a mistake by tourists or someone deliberately stealing cultural relics.

And even if you can open the open cabinet, those paintings are not easy to take away, because those paintings are also bound to the wall through titanium alloy wires, even if you can cut those wires, it will trigger the alarm.

Security guards at the museum will soon be pouring in from all directions. At that time, even if you have the ability to reach the sky, it will be difficult to escape from the siege.

It seems that it is really not easy to start here, Jin Muchen touched his chin.

Jesse and Belinda on the other side just finished reading, and then the three of them left the museum again. Go straight to the Horyu-ji Treasure Museum next to the main building.

The Horyu Temple Treasure Museum was only opened to the public in 1964. It is the smallest museum among the four halls, with only three exhibition halls in it.

The exhibits are all treasures presented by Horyu-ji Temple to the imperial court after the Meiji Restoration.

These babies are all extraordinary. And because it is related to the Heavenly Royal Family, even now, it is still the property of the Heavenly Royal Family, and it can be displayed because the Heavenly Royal Family imagines the British Windsor family to study. The image of the common joy of the people was brought out with reluctance to show it to the common people.

Therefore, the treasures in it can be said to be precious. It is for this reason that this museum is only open to the public every Thursday, and it is usually closed.

However, it was not a coincidence that Jin Muchen and the others came today. It just happened to be not Thursday, so the museum was not open to the public.

A few people can be said to have come to take advantage of the euphoria, but they have returned in disappointment.

Fortunately, there are two other museums to see, so the three of them went straight to the Biaoqing Museum on the right.

This building was built at the end of the Meiji era. It was built to commemorate the marriage of the Crown Prince. It has now been listed as an important "cultural and historical heritage" in Japan.

This museum was opened to the public in 1909. There are a total of nine showrooms in it. The exhibits are all historical relics excavated in Japan from the prehistoric era to the historical era.

They are all authentic historical relics such as stone tools, Jomon, Yayoi-style pottery, filling wheels, and Han-style mirrors.

These things, although the workmanship is not exquisite, are witnesses of Japanese history, and have a very important historical position for the Japanese archaeological community.

At least it is from the excavations of these things that they can prove when their ancestors began to appear and live on the Japanese archipelago.

The historical status of these things is the same as the oracle bone inscriptions discovered by the Chinese back then, and the skullcaps of the ape-man in Beijing. For archaeologists, they are almost sacred objects.

Because there are not too many exquisite handicrafts, Belinda and Jesse are not particularly interested in watching it, but they just take a look around.

And when Jin Muchen looked at these things, his eyes lit up. These are the good things left by the real ancestors of the Japanese.

Hey, how did you Japanese scourge our Chinese national treasure back then?

If you can't take it, you will destroy it, and you will not leave it for us Chinese. Hehe, just wait for me.

Think of the oracle bone inscriptions in those days. These are obviously the earliest records of Chinese characters left by the sages of the Shang Dynasty in China, but a lot of them have been snatched away by your gang of Japanese devils.

If it weren't for us in China, if there are still discoveries, we Chinese may not be able to define what year our ancestors invented our earliest writing.

And that can prove that the Zhoukou ape-man skull in the capital of the earliest history of our Chinese people, this thing is the pain in the hearts of Chinese archaeologists all the time.

In 1929, young Chinese archaeologists discovered precious cultural relics such as the fossilized skull of the ape-man in Beijing near Zhoukoudian in the capital, and then kept it in the safe of the dissection room on the b floor of the Xiehe Hospital in Beijing.

After all, China's national strength was too weak at that time. Those archaeologists had no choice but to put such treasures in hospitals controlled by Americans. Moreover, the image of the United States in the world at that time was relatively fair, not as domineering as it is now. , quite unreasonable.

On the eve of the Pearl Harbor incident in 1941, Americans already felt that the situation with the Japanese was very tense, so they dared not keep such important historical relics here, and planned to transport these things first. Back in the US for safekeeping.

In the early morning of December 5 of that year, the US Marine Corps escorted these fossil treasures on a special train bound for Qinhuangdao. The Americans originally planned to put these treasures on the 'President Harrison' cruise ship and head back to the United States. .

Unexpectedly, the Pearl Harbor incident broke out on December 7th. The special train of the U.S. Marine Corps was intercepted by the Japanese in Qinhuangdao. The entire carload of Americans became prisoners of the Japanese, and President Harrison The number also failed to arrive at Qinhuangdao as scheduled.

Since then, the precious fossils of the Beijing ape-man skull have never been reproduced. Some people say that these treasures were destroyed by the Americans before the Japanese succeeded. Others say that these things have actually been destroyed by the Japanese. The Japanese stole it, and since then it has been secretly treasured somewhere in Japan, and has never dared to take it out to the public.

But in any case, one thing is certain, that is, if the Japanese hadn't invaded China back then, these treasures would never have been lost, or their whereabouts would have been unknown as they are now.

So this account will be counted to the Japanese in the

And now Jin Muchen is standing in front of the historical relics left by their ancestors, which the Japanese are proud of, hey, little Japan, wait for me.

Because most of the things displayed in this pavilion are of very high archaeological value, but not very high in artistic value, the Japanese are not worried that someone will steal, so in this room, they There are not so many cameras, and the monitoring seems to be relatively lax.

This makes Jin Muchen very happy. The more relaxed the Japanese, the higher the chance of success. This is a good thing.

After watching the Biaoqing Pavilion, the three went straight to the East Asia Pavilion on the left, and this East Asia Pavilion was the key to Jin Muchen's trip, and it was also the pavilion he wanted to see the most.

Because this exhibition hall is the place where the most Chinese antiques and cultural relics are displayed, so before entering this exhibition hall, his heart has an inexplicable throbbing, not only the excitement of seeing the national treasure, but also the faint feeling unspeakable sadness.

After all, our baby ended up living overseas, which is not a good feeling. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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