Treasure Hunt America

Chapter 622: low-level mistakes

There was a layer of light on the jade stool, and it looked white. Judging from Jin Muchen's experience, this must be the unique jewel of treasures. 【Full text read..】

But the pearly light that flashed on the jade stool was not like the real antiques he had seen before, with a heavy aura, instead it looked a little thirsty.

This makes Jin Muchen feel a little strange. If so, according to his judgment, this jade stool is also a treasure, but it is not a real antique.

At this time, I was looking at the carvings on the jade stool, and the knife skills were also very simple. The lines of the jade carving dragon carved on it are very simple and smooth. If you look closely, many lines are actually carved with one knife.

And when the entire dragon was carved, it took only eight knives to complete the engraving of the entire picture. Jin Muchen was surprised by such knife work.

You must know that in the history of China, it seems that only the Han Ba ​​Dao of the Han Dynasty can be so concise and clear when carving.

When it comes to the carving of the eight swords of the Han Dynasty, it was the top carving technique of that dynasty, and ordinary craftsmen could not make such carvings.

This is the realm of returning to basics and simplicity, which requires decades of experience accumulation.

In the dynasties after the Han Dynasty, although the people at that time still liked jade, but the people at that time were no longer so obsessed with the realm of the Dao to the simple like the people of the Han Dynasty.

When jade ware developed to the most mature Qing Dynasty, people at that time liked it more, the kind of jade ware with complicated carving and exquisite workmanship.

The criteria for evaluating jade in the Qing Dynasty was to see whether the carving was complex enough and the pattern design was fine enough. This was also the main reason why the jade carving masters in Suzhou were famous all over the world at that time, because at that time the Suzhou Zhuo was famous. Master Yu, you are indeed very skillful. The design is novel enough.

And the jade dragon carving work on this jade stool is extremely simple, but it is this simple carving work that reflects this jade stool. The wind from the road to simplicity.

If he just looked at the carving of the jade stool, Jin Muchen would assert that it is definitely a high-end handicraft with top-level workmanship. As for whether it is an antique, he can't make a conclusion.

And at this time Lao Luo, who had been standing beside him. He just looked at him with such a smile, and did not speak, interrupting his appreciation.

"Lao Luo, didn't you say before that there is a rule in your Pearl City, that is, good jade is not fake. I think the material of this jade, although it is not the white suet jade of Hetian, it can be regarded as a kind of jade. It's top-notch jade. And if it's a carver, it's definitely a top-level carver, but this jade stool doesn't look like an antique to me, which is strange..."

Hearing what Jin Muchen said, Lao Luo couldn't help but look up at him seriously for the first time, as if this was the first time he was a real person, and then asked Jin Muchen curiously. arrive.

"Boss, I have a question. Why do you decide that this jade stool is not an antique?"

Jin Muchen glanced at Lao Luo with a brick, and saw that the expression on his face at this time was very complicated. On the one hand, he took some exams, and on the other hand, he had a curious look. It seems that this guy really doesn't know.

"Hey, if you just look at the color and the carving, then you have absolutely no problem with this stool. This stool is dignified and elegant, with a lot of dragon patterns carved on it. The carvings of these dragon patterns are very simple and elegant. There is a sense of extreme simplicity from the avenue to simplicity. This kind of knife work. At a glance, people can think of the carving techniques of Han Ba ​​knife in the Han Dynasty. Moreover, the white and gray leather on the stool and the rust color are enough to show that this stool is a The treasures buried in the ground for thousands of years, just looking at these characteristics, I am afraid some people think that this is a jade stool just unearthed in the Han Dynasty. And looking at the dragon carving on the stool, there may be many people I would think that this stool should have been used by the imperial relatives of the Han Dynasty."

When Jin Muchen said this, Lao Luo nodded frequently, because when he made this stool, he considered these points.

You must know that in recent years, the jades of the Ming and Qing dynasties have already become rotten, and there are many fakes. In addition to the jades of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the price of small pieces is tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and the real good For things, such as those good jade articles that cost over one million yuan, no one would be willing to use suet white jade as a counterfeit, so he disdains to do those hundreds of thousands of dollars.

That's why he racked his brains and thought of making a fake ancient jade stool from the Han Dynasty. In his opinion, with his carving skills and fake craftsmanship, as long as this stool is made, it will be brought to the market in the future. That must be the kind of good thing that can fetch sky-high prices.

But who would have thought that the young man in front of him, who had never seen it before, could see at a glance that this stool was a fake, which made him very confused. Where did his flaws come from?

And Jin Muchen's next words answered his questions.

"Lao Luo is actually bad in the shape of this stool. Look at your stool, the height of the back can be one meter and the height of the legs is fifty centimeters. This kind of stool is completely from the ancient Chinese Hu stool. Standard. You must know that before the Tang Dynasty, such Hu stools had not been introduced into China. That is, in the Tang Dynasty, because the Tang Dynasty controlled the Western Regions, controlled the Silk Road, and strengthened the The connection with the Middle East food and Europe, so that the Western-style stool was passed through some merchants, spread to China, and became popular. So your stool is bad in this form."

After listening to Jin Muchen's explanation, Lao Luo suddenly realized that, as soon as he patted his head, it turned out that the problem was here?

When he was in Xiangjiang, he didn't go to a good school because of poor family conditions. Of course, he didn't study much in school, so after graduating at noon, he went to work as a clerk in an antique store.

Later, when he came to the mainland, although he learned a lot about antique counterfeiting, he really knew very little about the history of ancient China, which is why this Oolong was created.

In this way, if it is true as the young man said, in the Han Dynasty, there were no stools, then the hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in the early stage were not wasted. Thinking of this, Lao Luo did not come. Feeling distressed for a while, and then reluctantly asked Jin Muchen to arrive.

"Boss, did you really have no stools during the Han Dynasty?"

"Actually, it can't be said that there is no such thing. In fact, there are things like stools in our country. As early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, when the countries were still fighting with chariots, the stools were already used as chariots to fight on. The seats of the personnel appeared. This is reflected in the small bronze chariots and horses unearthed in those years. The museum in Chu Province now has small bronze chariots and horses from the Warring States Period on display. It is sitting on a chair. Later, there were horse stools, which were mainly power-assisted equipment when the cavalry mounted a horse. Usually, they could step on the horse when they were mounted, and they could sit on it to rest when they got off the horse. However, at that time, the stools mainly existed in In the folk, it was generally used by the common people when they were working or resting. At that time, the princes and nobles did not sit on stools. Most of them usually sat on the ground when they met. People with distinguished status would add a backrest behind them. Come is the embodiment of identity. This situation continued until the Tang Dynasty, until this kind of Hu stool with modern characteristics was introduced to China and became popular for a while, those princes and nobles began to look at the use of Hu stool. So you This stool is just wrong in form. If you made the legs of this stool a little shorter, it would be in line with the characteristics of those wet stools in the Han Dynasty, but the emperor of the Han Dynasty at that time could not I don’t have the habit of sitting on a stool, so if you take this stool out and fool those laymen, it’s fine, but if you really meet an expert, it will definitely only reveal its contents…”

Hearing what Jin Muchen said, this Lao Luo opened his eyes and learned more about the history of the Han Dynasty in China, but when he thought about it, he couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart.

Nima, this stool, I spent a lot of money to build, if it is just scrapped, then I will lose a lot.

Looking at his face, Jin Muchen knew what he was thinking about at this So when his heart moved, he asked him with a smile.

"What, Lao Luo, when you made this stool, how much did you spend in total?"

"Hey! Don't mention it, this stool is just material, that is, the high-quality jasper material I bought from Russia for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and then the format of this stool, I still go to a friend of mine's house, specially according to The format of a Ming Dynasty Taishi chair in his collection was carved using the technique of Han Ba ​​Knife, one knife at a time. It took me more than a year to make this stool at first, and then again It took a lot of time and materials to make this thing old... I originally thought that after it was made, this thing would be flawless, and it would definitely sell for a good price when I took it out. , you have already discovered this big leak? Now I may have to pay miserably..."

Old Robbie said with a wry smile, shaking his head again and again, obviously he did not expect such a low-level mistake in his well-designed 'the imperial jade stool of the emperor of the Han Dynasty'. . .

Thinking of this, Lao Luo will inevitably feel a sense of disappointment. After all, it is not just because of money. Although this stool is a fake, it is also a work that he has carefully created. (To be continued.)



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