Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 696 An Unexpected Surprise

Time passed quickly, and it was already six o'clock in the afternoon.

The sea area where the exchange of fire took place before has basically been explored, and there is no surprising discovery. Faraday 960 has left there and arrived at a new sea area.

Compared with before, the sea here is much shallower, but it is also more than 300 meters deep. It is still impossible to dive deep, and can only rely on relevant equipment for exploration.

At this time, the yellow underwater robot was still exploring the depths of the seabed, dragged by the slowly advancing yacht on the sea surface, carefully searching the sea area, and gradually approaching the wreck of the Malaga Princess.

The scenery on the bottom of the deep sea was lackluster. After the initial novelty passed, everyone gradually lost interest and left Kenny's workbench to do other things.

There are many entertainment items at sea. You can set up a fishing rod for sea fishing, dive into the water to enjoy the beautiful ocean world, or use a tender boat to water ski on the sea surface to experience the feeling of unfettered and high-speed speeding.

It is also a very good choice to lie on a deck chair on the bow or flybridge deck, listen to moving music, and let the warm winter sunshine of the Caribbean shine on the skin.

This is the real yacht life, hearty and enjoyable!

Of course, there are still some small shortcomings, that is, there are no beautiful bikini beauties here.

After stepping on the wakeboard and racing on the sea for a while, Ye Tian returned to the yacht, and several people who were diving in the sea also came back one after another, and everyone had their fun!

Matisse and Miller, who stayed on board, had already set up a barbecue grill on the bow of the yacht, lit a charcoal fire, and were preparing for a barbecue at sea.

The barbecue ingredients are mainly your previous sea fishing harvests, including lobster, bluefin tuna, and other seafood, with a variety of categories.

In addition, there are lamb chops, steaks, chicken wings, vegetables, and Laomei's favorite hot dogs and hamburgers brought from the shore. The ingredients are very rich.

After taking a shower in their respective bedrooms, everyone gathered at the bow to prepare for the feast at sea.

Elegant and moving music lingered in everyone's ears, oak barrels filled with cold beer had been moved to the bow, and in the gentle sea breeze of the Caribbean Sea, a sea barbecue feast kicked off.

"Gentlemen, raise the beer in your hands, and cheers! To this beautiful day, to the great wealth that is waiting to be discovered by us in the depths of the sea!"

Ye Tian raised his wine glass and said loudly, under the sunlight, the crystal clear wine glass and the amber beer complement each other, looking extremely beautiful.


The two Hollywood stars and Matisse raised their glasses and said in unison, everyone was very excited.

The next moment, everyone brought the wine glasses to their mouths and began to drink freely.

And on the barbecue grill next to it, all kinds of ingredients are sizzling under the charcoal fire, exuding a tempting fragrance, which will greatly increase the appetite and make you want to taste it!

The chef of today's barbecue dinner is Matisse. He is already married and has two children. He often holds family barbecue banquets. He has rich experience in this field and is a good hand.

The aroma from the grill is apt proof of this.

After drinking, everyone gathered around the grill, picked up the grilled and favorite food, and began to taste the delicious food.

When everyone put these delicacies into their mouths, the sound of admiration immediately followed.

"Wow! The taste is awesome! Matisse, I didn't expect your grilling skills to be so good. The lamb chops are charred on the outside and tender on the inside. The meat is delicious, slightly spicy and delicious. It's really a rare delicacy!"

Ye Tian chewed the fresh and tender lamb chops, praised vaguely, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

“The grilled lobster is also very good, this is my favorite! You must eat a big piece today!”

As Orlando busily peels shrimp, he praises Matisse's grilling skills.


If you didn't want to do your current job that day, you can open a restaurant, and I think the business will be great."

Johnny praised every word, and he was also struggling with the delicious food in his hands.

"That's right, Mattis, if you really want to open a restaurant, it'd better be near the Rockefeller Building, so we can come back often.

In the future, our company's dinner party can also be set in your restaurant, so that the fat and water will not flow into the fields of outsiders! I'm sure the rest of the company will love these delicacies too! "

Ye Tian agreed with Johnny Depp's words.

Hearing this, Matisse couldn't help flashing a look of emotion in his eyes.

But then he shook his head, smiled and said:

"This barbecue skill was taught to me by my mother. After leaving the army, I also had the idea of ​​opening a restaurant to make a living, but I quickly dismissed it.

I love to bake food for family and friends, and I love it! But I'm afraid I can't bake food for strangers, and put up with their nitpicking and censure! "

"You're right, it's difficult for everyone to agree! No matter how delicious the food you bake, you can't satisfy everyone, and opening a restaurant is hard work. It looks easy, but it may not be easy to do it"

"That's why I gave up on opening a restaurant and joined Raytheon Security, then Daredevil, and I love what I'm doing now"

Mattis explained with a smile, no disappointment in his eyes.

After chatting a few words, everyone's attention shifted to the food again, laughing and chatting to enjoy the sea barbecue feast.

The sound of music, laughter, the dancing red flames in the barbecue grill, and the tempting aroma of food spread to all directions with the sea breeze, making the Caribbean Sea in the sunset even more charming!

More than an hour has passed between the toasts.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, the barbecue feast just ended, and everyone had a great time.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and everything was quiet, only this luxury yacht parked in the middle of the sea was still brightly lit, and there were constant sounds, like an isolated island in the vast ocean!

And the Caribbean Sea in the night also showed people a different look.

The sky above the sea is transparent and far away, the crescent moon is like a hook, and the stars are densely covered!

The cold moonlight and countless stars pour down from the sky and sprinkle evenly on the water surface, making this clear sea water shimmering and beautiful!

After clearing away the barbecue tableware, Ye Tian and the others sat down in the leisure area at the bow, chatting and admiring the beautiful night view of the sea.

Kenny and Peake returned to the cabin, each of them had work to do.

One continued to stare at the computer screen, manipulating the underwater robot to explore the world at a depth of 300 meters in this sea area; the other drove the luxury yacht, slowly starting the engine and driving forward.

Not long after, Kenny's excited shout suddenly came from the intercom:

"Steven, the underwater robot found a sunken ship on the bottom of the sea. From the appearance analysis, it is an ocean-going sailing ship hundreds of years ago, and it is a typical Spanish four-masted galleon!

This is definitely a huge ship, about 48 meters in length, and the displacement should be more than 500 tons. It is not clear how many layers of the stern deck there are, but from the height analysis, at least three layers or more! "

Hearing his words, Ye Tian immediately stood up from his seat, picked up the walkie-talkie and said excitedly:

"What? A four-masted Galen ship with a displacement of more than 500 tons? Great! It seems that outside of the wreck of the Malaga Princess, maybe we can find unexpected surprises, maybe this is it!"

With that said, Ye Tian took a step and walked towards the cabin at a very fast speed.

Matisse and the others followed immediately, and everyone's eyes flashed with excitement!

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