Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 694 An Eye for an Eye

On the fishing boat a few hundred meters away, the screams continued, and there was chaos.

The pirate with the RPG rocket launcher quickly climbed around the deck. After weighing and comparing, he finally determined a shooting location that he thought was relatively safe.

The location has not changed, it is still where he hid just now, the area behind the cockpit!

"Believe in yourself, I can do it! I can definitely kill that damn yacht!"

The pirate kept comforting himself, and forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart, waiting for the most suitable time to fire!

During the waiting process, the pirate was not idle. He quickly adjusted the corresponding horizontal line of the optical sight to a range of 400 meters, which is the maximum value on the sight!

Next, it depends on whether God opens his eyes and bless him to kill the luxury yacht in the distance.

After adjusting the scope, the pirate immediately began to pray in a low voice, very devout! Perhaps he had never been so devout!


The sound of Barrett's sniper rifle came again, still making people feel frightened and desperate!

Another brother hiding behind the side of the ship and shooting with an AK47 was mercilessly killed. His body was almost torn apart by the 12.7mm long-range sniper bullet.

But this pirate with an RPG rocket launcher has no time to take care of his dead brother, and he doesn't even have time to turn his head to look at him!

Because this is likely to be his only chance to make a move, and it is also likely to be the only chance to escape, and it is bought with the lives of the brothers on board, so it must not be missed!

It's now! Make it or break it! Fight!

"Go to hell! You bloody devils!"

The pirate holding the RPG cursed hoarsely, mustered up the courage to raise his upper body, and quickly half-kneeled on the deck.

While he was in the shooting position, the RPG rocket in his hand was carried on his right shoulder like lightning.

Immediately afterwards, this guy began to lock the luxury yacht in the distance through the optical sight, ready to shoot and take revenge!

He was about to fire and shoot, but he also exposed himself, unobstructed! Long-range sniper bullets may pounce at any time and send him directly to hell!

In an instant, this guy locked the luxury yacht in the distance in the scope! And quickly pulled the trigger, without the slightest hesitation!

Ye Tian could clearly see these emergencies on the fishing boat through the high-powered scope.

When he saw the RPG rocket launcher that appeared suddenly and launched an attack immediately, his face became very serious instantly, and he couldn't help cursing!

"Fack! These bastards actually have RPG rocket launchers, the firepower is so powerful!"

While cursing, Ye Tian quickly moved the muzzle of his gun and locked the target's chest through the high-powered scope. It was the pirate carrying the RPG rocket launcher!

No time! Timing is everything!

The moment he locked on to the target, he immediately pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle.


The Barrett anti-materiel sniper rifle roared again, creating a wave of air on the flybridge deck.

Another 12.7mm long-range sniper bullet spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, hitting the fishing boat 400 to 500 meters away like lightning, and hitting the pirate carrying the RPG rocket launcher! Bringing a message of death!

Without the slightest pause! Ye Tian used his right shoulder to forcibly resist the powerful recoil of the Barrett anti-material sniper rifle, pulled the trigger again, and continued to unleash murderous intent.


Deafening gunshots sounded one after another, resounding through the entire sea area!

Huge long-range sniper bullets sprayed out from the muzzle again, heading straight for the fishing boat in the distance, and the target was still the pirate carrying the RPG rocket launcher.

At the same time, Peter on the flybridge deck and Peake in the cockpit shouted loudly.

"Attention, RPG!"

heard the shout,

The faces of everyone on the yacht changed drastically!

Matisse and the others quickly made preparations. When necessary, they would not hesitate to abandon this luxury yacht and jump into the sea!

The two Hollywood stars also reacted. They rushed directly to the floor next to the sofa, trying to use the sofa to resist the RPG rocket attack that might fly into the yacht!

At this time, their faces were pale, and their eyes were full of fear!

They regretted it for the first time, why are their curiosity so heavy? To actually take the initiative to ask to go to sea with Steven and his gang of extremely dangerous guys is really asking for trouble!

curiosity kills the cat! This sentence is really true!

The first long-range sniper bomb flew to the fishing boat at high speed, and hit the pirate with an RPG rocket launcher on his shoulder with great accuracy, hitting the chest impartially!

Almost at the same time, the pirate also pulled the trigger of the RPG rocket launcher hard.

The tail of the RPG rocket launcher burst into flames, and the rocket in front flew out with a whoosh!

After the rocket left the launch tube, the rotor quickly opened, spinning at high speed and rushing towards the luxury yacht hundreds of meters away! With fire, with hope of vengeance!

And the pirate who fired the RPG rocket, sprayed blood and flew backward the moment the rocket flew out.

The powerful 12.7mm long-range sniper bullet not only drilled a big hole in his chest, but also sent him flying, hitting the ship's side behind.

But the attack didn't end, the second long-range sniper bullet came one after another, still extremely accurate, and another big hole was pulled out in his abdomen, which was also transparent from front to back.

As soon as his body flew up into the air, the pirate's eyes had completely lost their luster, and his soul flew away, and he was too dead to die again!

The RPG rocket launcher that was carried on his shoulder before was thrown back directly, flew out of the ship's side, and fell into the blue water outside the ship.

As for the RPG rocket flying towards the luxury yacht at high speed, whether it can hit the target, whether it can avenge himself and his dead brother, he has no way of knowing!

Maybe in hell, the brothers who came after him would tell him the result!

After killing the pirate carrying the RPG rocket launcher with two consecutive shots, Ye Tian's attention immediately shifted to the rockets flying at high speed!

The few remaining pirates are nothing to fear. The biggest threat now is the RPG rockets flying in the air.

If this thing hits the yacht, it will be in big trouble!

You know, there are a lot of oxygen cylinders in this yacht, as well as a lot of weapons and ammunition, as well as thousands of liters of fuel!

If the rocket hits the crew compartment full of weapons and ammunition, the fuel compartment, or the compartment containing oxygen cylinders and oxygen generating equipment, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous! Don't even think about it!

Once those things are detonated, this luxury yacht will definitely be blown to pieces, not even a hair left!

As for myself and other people on the yacht, there is absolutely no possibility of being spared.

Even if they jumped into the sea, everyone couldn't get out of the explosion range quickly.

Under the strong shock wave generated by the explosion, everyone will be affected, be directly knocked unconscious in the sea, and then drown! Everyone's internal organs will even be shattered by the shock wave!

The large amount of metal fragments and stray bullets produced by the violent explosion of this luxury yacht will tear everyone's body into pieces and turn them into fish delicacies!

Matisse and the others stared at the rocket flying at high speed, everyone's heart was suspended, and there was somewhat fear in their eyes!

The M4A1 automatic rifles in their hands were pointed at the air, ready to fire at any time to intercept the incoming rockets. Although the probability of interception was extremely low, they had to try!

Johnny and Orlando were still sprawled on the living room floor, resigned to their fate!

On the fishing boat, the remaining pirates were also staring at the rocket that was heading straight for the yacht in the distance! Everyone's eyes are full of anticipation, this is their last hope! The last straw!

At this moment, each of them was praying non-stop, hoping that the rocket would detonate the luxury yacht in the distance and kill those ruthless devils on board!

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment! God is not on their side!

When launching this rocket, the pirate's aiming time was too hasty, and his level is also quite limited. He has never shot such a long distance before, and the shooting accuracy can be imagined!

Moreover, this is an RPG rocket in the hands of pirates. God knows when it was produced, and the storage conditions are quite bad. It is already very good to be able to launch it and pose a threat.

When the rocket flew more than 300 meters in the air at high speed, Matisse and the others, who were former special warfare elites, had already seen that the rocket missed the target and would never be able to attack the yacht. The threat was lifted!

as expected!

In the blink of an eye, the rocket with a speed of 294 m/s flew over 50 meters away from the right side of the yacht, and flew towards the sea behind the side of the yacht.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but let out a long breath, relaxed, and the heart hanging in the throat was put back into the stomach again!

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise several hundred meters behind the yacht,


The rocket that missed the target activated its self-destruct function and detonated in the air!

At the same time as the explosion sounded, Ye Tian gritted his teeth and said:

"It's not rude to come and go! Peter, use the bazooka to greet those **** guys, and let them taste the taste of rockets, and see who can hit it right!"

"Okay, Steven, watch me blow that wrecked fishing boat to pieces!"

Peter responded loudly, his words were full of murderous intent, and his eyes were blazing with anger.

Afterwards, he immediately picked up the bazooka placed on the flybridge deck, began to load and prepare to shoot, and completely destroyed the dilapidated fishing boat in the distance!

Ye Tian was not idle either. He quickly unloaded the M1022 long-range sniper magazine and replaced it with the M8APIT armor-piercing incendiary tracer magazine. This is the best ammunition to deal with fishing boats!


With a crisp sound, the bullet was loaded.


The sound of Barrett's anti-materiel sniper rifle rang out again.

But this time, what sprayed out from the muzzle of the gun was no longer an ordinary long-range sniper bullet, but a sharper armor-piercing incendiary tracer bullet!

This special bullet with a red tip pulled out a dazzling light in the air, and rushed towards the dilapidated fishing boat hundreds of meters away at high speed! Take the steel-wood structure of the hull straight!

Although it was daytime and the speed of the bullet was extremely fast, the people on the yacht and fishing boat could clearly see the trajectory of this special bullet!

Seeing the dazzling light like lightning, every pirate on the fishing boat fell into the abyss of despair, his eyes were full of hatred, and also full of nostalgia for life!

They know that they have no way to escape, they will die here today, in this vast ocean, no one knows, no one cares, it is worthless!


There was a loud bang.

The right side of the hull was hit by the flashing sniper bomb, and a big hole was blasted out! The bullet's power remained undiminished, piercing through the hull like a bamboo, and penetrated into the depths of the cabin!

Immediately afterwards, all the places that the bullet passed through burned, and burned very quickly. This is the horror of the zirconium-containing incendiary!

Before these pirates could react and rushed to fight the fire, more terrifying blows followed, dragging all of them into hell!

"Bazooka! Those bloody bastards have a bazooka! We're screwed!"

A terrified voice sounded from the fishing boat, from Barnes.

This guy threw away the binoculars he just picked up, and quickly rushed to the cockpit floor, his eyes were full of despair, but also filled with unforgettable hatred!


A violent explosion sounded, shaking the entire sea area.

The right side of the fishing boat was hit head-on by a bazooka rocket, and it exploded, sending shrapnel and sawdust flying all over the sky! Make every corner of the fishing boat full of murderous intentions!


The screams rang out crazily, extremely shrill!

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