Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 692 Long-range Sniper

The fishing boat continued to move forward, shortening the distance from the luxury yacht little by little.

Barnes looked at the semaphore displayed on the luxury yacht ahead, and immediately reminded:

"Boss, we have already entered the waters within 500 meters of the yacht. The other party has signaled and asked to stop the boat and not come any closer! Should we stop? Watch out for those guys to fire!"

"It's not time to stop the boat yet! Drive a little further and try to get as close as possible to that yacht. We will stop the boat when they signal again to warn you! I believe they won't open fire immediately!"

The pirate boss gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, obviously taking chances.

But unfortunately, his calculation was wrong!

"A bunch of idiots who don't know how to live or die!"

Ye Tian cursed with a sneer, and pulled the trigger mercilessly with his finger, without hesitation!


Gunshots rang out from the yacht's flybridge deck.

The sound of the Barrett anti-materiel sniper rifle is very loud and deafening! It completely shattered the peace of this sea area! It also frightened the fish swimming nearby!

The sea breeze, which was originally moist and fresh with a slight fishy smell, suddenly smelled of gunpowder smoke, and the atmosphere on the sea suddenly became tense!

The flames were shining on the muzzle of the Barrett anti-materiel sniper rifle, extremely dazzling!

The scorching hot 12.7mm long-range sniper bullets sprayed out from the muzzle of the gun, carrying the breath of anger and death, and rushed straight to the dilapidated fishing boat four to five hundred meters away like lightning!

At the same time as the bullets sprayed out, the thick buttstock of the Barrett sniper rifle slammed back, quite powerfully!

And the gunpowder gas ejected from the muffler created a wave of air on the flybridge deck!

Ye Tian, ​​who leaned over to shoot, followed the impact of the butt of the gun and took a small half step back, easily removing Barrett's powerful recoil!

During this process, his gaze was always locked on the fishing boat in the distance through the high-power scope.

The first shot was just a warning. The target of the attack was not the pirates, but the left side of the fishing boat.

The real blow comes after the warning!

If that fishing boat didn't know where it was, and obediently retreated 500 meters away, the next bullet would immediately fall on the heads of those Caribbean pirates, sending them directly to hell!

Gunshots came from overhead, and there was a burst of exclamation in the cabin on the main deck of the yacht.

"My God! What's that sound? Why does it sound like an anti-materiel sniper rifle firing?"

"Barrett anti-materiel sniper rifle! I have played this kind of sniper before, and I am familiar with its gunshot! Mattis, how do you have such a heavy weapon? It is too exaggerated!"

The exclamation came from two Hollywood stars, who were stunned by the gunshots from the flybridge deck, and they both had stunned expressions!

"Orlando, your judgment is correct! It is indeed a Barrett anti-materiel sniper rifle, the weapon we received from our collaborators on the high seas northwest of Puerto Rico!"

Mattis explained with a smile and gave a clear answer.

"Didn't that guy Steven say that there are only underwater pistols and other weapons? I actually believed it. Who would have thought that there are two Barrett anti-material sniper rifles!"

"Playing Barrett's sniper on the high seas is so cool! I have to try it!"

After the shock, both Johnny and Orlando got even more excited!

At the same time, there was a little more fear in their eyes!

Steven and his gang are really daring and ruthless! There were actually two Barrett anti-equipment weapons on board the yacht. God knows what heavy weapons were not brought out!

The moment Ye Tian opened fire, there was a terrified shout from the fishing boat heading this way in the distance.

"Boss, the opponent is firing! It's the sniper rifle on the bridge deck!"

The shout came from Barnes looking through the binoculars,

The voice was full of fear.

As soon as his voice came out, the fatal blow came mercilessly.


There was a loud bang.

This is not the sound of gunfire, but the sound of sniper rifle bullets ravaging the hull.

Under the powerful attack of 12.7mm long-range sniper bullets, the left side of the mixed steel and wood fishing boat was like a rag, and was torn apart in an instant, leaving a huge hole!

When the sawdust and other debris from the left side of the ship flew into the air, Barrett's deafening gunshots also came along with the wind, reaching the ears of every Caribbean pirate.

There was chaos on the fishing boat.

The pirate boss let go of the rudder he was holding, and rushed directly to the cockpit deck with lightning speed.

The other four pirates standing behind him, as well as a few guys outside the cockpit, reacted very quickly and jumped down too.

"Bang bang bang"

The sound of the human body hitting the deck was so loud that it hurt to hear it!

In a blink of an eye, all the pirates on the fishing boat lay down, their limbs clinging to the deck, and they didn't even dare to look up! Dodging the relentless blow from the yacht ahead, everyone's eyes were full of fear.

"Fack! These are a bunch of lunatics, I'm going to kill these damned guys!"

The pirate boss was lying on the deck and cursing angrily, looking crazy!

The rest of the people were also yelling and cursing crazily. It seemed that only in this way could they relieve their inner tension and fear.

The gunshots from Barrett's sniper rifle did not ring out again, and the sea surface returned to calm. The fishing boat's engine was still running, and it was still driving on the sea surface!

But the direction of the fishing boat changed, it no longer went straight to the white luxury yacht parked in the distance, but drove towards the diagonal!

When the pirate boss rushed to the deck, he hastily turned the rudder belt and deviated from the direction of the fishing boat.

Although the sea had returned to calm, those guys on the fishing boat were still lying on the deck, not daring to get up at all, let alone looking in the direction of the luxurious yacht.

The guy on the flybridge deck of the yacht was holding a large-caliber anti-material sniper rifle. If he was shot, his own life would be reimbursed. Of course he didn't dare to look up!

"Boss, let's turn the bow and leave, these bastards are too ruthless! We don't hesitate to take action, they are definitely a bunch of ruthless guys, we have no chance!"

Barnes suggested to the pirate boss, his face was very ugly, eyes full of fear and despair!

Although he was terrified, he was still clear-headed and understood everyone's precarious situation.

With people like myself alone, there is nothing they can do with that luxury yacht in the distance, let alone rush to the yacht to kidnap those guys and make a fortune, that is purely a dream!

Even if everyone was lucky enough to rush to the vicinity of the yacht, they would just go up to deliver food and seek their own death!

"Damn it! How is this a bunch of fat sheep? It's just a bunch of robbers and lunatics! They are more ruthless than us, and they shoot indiscriminately. Is there any law?"

The pirate boss cursed angrily, so angry that he couldn't choose what to say!

While cursing angrily, he has clearly realized how naive and unrealistic his previous ideas and strategies were!

If you meet ordinary people, those methods may work, and you may succeed today and make a fortune!

But are the guys on the yacht in front of you ordinary people? The devil is almost there!

Want to ransack or kidnap the gang? There is no possibility at all, and there is no chance for everyone to even get close to that luxury yacht!

The current situation has been completely reversed, and people like myself have become lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Whether they can get out of here alive is not a question! It all depends on the other party!

After pondering for a while, the pirate boss made a decision.

Give up this opportunity to rob, stay away from that damn luxury yacht, stay away from this sea area, it's too dangerous here!

This is not an opportunity to make a fortune at all, but a shortcut to hell!

Compared with the elusive wealth, life is more important, no one wants to die!

Just when the pirate boss was about to speak out his decision and lead his men to evacuate from this mortal place, the situation changed suddenly.

Not many can keep their heads under the weight of mortal fear!

A pirate hiding outside the cockpit suddenly put the muzzle of his AK47 out of the ship's side, and began to shoot blindly and violently in the direction of the yacht.

While shooting, the pirate was still shouting at the top of his lungs to vent his great pressure and fear!

"Bang bang bang..."

The unique gunshots of the AK47 automatic rifle sounded crazily and very violently.

At this time, the fishing boat was about four to five hundred meters away from the luxury yacht in the distance, far beyond the effective range of the AK47.

In addition, the rifling of this old gun has almost been completely smoothed, and the bullets fired are not accurate at all! After flying 50 meters, I don't know where it floated.

Therefore, this frantic strafing did not cause any damage to the yacht, not even a single bullet flew near the yacht, and all fell into the sea.

But for Ye Tian and the others, seeing each other fire is enough! Now that these guys are pirates, which fisherman goes fishing with an AK47?

Next, everyone can open fire freely, kill all these damned pirates of the Caribbean, and send them into the sea to feed the fish!


The Barrett anti-materiel sniper rifle fired again, the sound still deafening.

Another hot 12.7mm long-range sniper bullet sprayed out from the muzzle of the gun, and with the breath of death, it rushed towards the fishing boat hundreds of meters away at high speed.

This time it was the cockpit where the pirate leader was under attack.


The wooden door on the right side of the cockpit was hit by a sniper rifle bullet and immediately exploded, leaving a big hole.

The attack power of the 12.7mm long-range sniper bullet is very powerful. After penetrating through the wooden door, its momentum has not diminished at all. It penetrated into the bridge next to the door like a bamboo, destroying everything in its path!

In an instant, the bridge of the fishing boat was completely scrapped, and black smoke rose!

This slightly dilapidated pirate fishing boat lost power and stopped slowly! There is no way to escape, become a floating target!

Those wood chips flying out of the wooden door shot at every corner of the cockpit at high speed like sharp arrows, including the few pirates lying on the deck!


The screams suddenly sounded in the cockpit of the fishing boat. It was extremely shrill and painful!

Accompanied by the shrill screams and the gunshots that just came here, it was deafening! From the Barrett Anti-Material Sniper Rifle!

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