Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 501 The Temptation of Dollars

Facts speak louder than words!

When these FBI agents turned their heads and looked back, they immediately saw the scene they least wanted to see!

That bastard Steven was standing on the steps behind the UPS truck, clutching the railing with his right hand, waving his left hand high and waving in this direction, with the brightest smile on his face! Also with endless ridicule!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the monitoring team and the FBI agents who were in charge of tracking Ye Tian were instantly driven mad.

At this moment, they really wanted to pull out their pistols and kill Ye Tian directly. Let out a bad breath!

But everyone understands that it is impossible, so they can only continue to follow!

Besides, the UPS van was already 60 meters away and getting farther and farther away!

Even if he wanted to draw his gun and kill that nasty bastard, it was already beyond the range of the pistol, and it was beyond reach!

"Fack! I hate this bastard! It's extremely cunning! Chase! No matter what, we must catch up with this bastard, and we must never let him get rid of his stalking again!"

"Everyone stop the car quickly and catch up immediately. We must catch up with that truck and keep an eye on that bastard Steven!"

While cursing angrily, several FBI agents immediately rushed to the vehicles on the street.

They are going to intercept and requisition a car, and quickly follow up. It is no longer realistic to rely on their own eleventh road, so they can only use vehicles to follow it!

In addition to preparing to requisition a car temporarily, the tracking command vehicle also rushed over from the direction of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, and will soon arrive at Newbury Street, joining the ranks of tracking Ye Tian!

The guys in the monitoring team were staring at the computer screen, searching for the whereabouts of the UPS truck and Ye Tian through the cameras installed by the municipal department on the nearby roads.

The monitoring screen on the computer screen of the monitoring team covered almost all nearby intersections, and every street was like a net, very tight!

Although this monitoring network seems to be watertight! But no one in the monitoring team or the tracking team had full confidence in finding Ye Tian.

Everything that happened yesterday is still vivid in my mind, that is a lesson from the past!

Who can guarantee that the same situation will not happen today? That bastard Steven disappeared under everyone's noses! There is a good chance this kind of thing will happen again!


The UPS van was going almost 25 miles an hour,

Quickly left the previous crossroads behind, and also left those FBI agents farther and farther!

After waving goodbye to a few tails, Ye Tian immediately focused on the buildings on both sides of the street, looking for suitable targets, and then using this to escape!

It is definitely unrealistic to continue taking the UPS truck to escape. There are surveillance cameras at almost every intersection. This car must have nowhere to hide and will be found soon!

Also, FBI vehicles should soon follow.

You must leave this UPS truck as soon as possible, find a hidden place to complete the disguise, and then leave this street, otherwise you will be discovered and bitten by the FBI soon!

Soon, Ye Tian determined his target.

This is a row of closely connected apartment buildings, a characteristic building on Newbury Street, built in the 19th century in English stone buildings, one next to the other, the height is basically three floors, elegant and unique, with a sense of British style. Fan!

Like most buildings on Newbury Street, most of these apartment buildings have been transformed into shops facing the street, with cafes, bars, clothing stores and more!

There are also a few apartment buildings that maintain their original functions and are treated as ordinary residences. These apartment buildings are Ye Tian's goals.

In addition, at the west end of this row of apartment buildings is a very famous church in Boston.

Old South Church!

This church is not only the most famous wedding venue in Boston, but also a famous tourist attraction and a National Historic Landmark of the United States!

For Ye Tian, ​​the current Old South Church is an ideal place to escape!

After determining the target, Ye Tian immediately prepared to leave the UPS van and quickly enter the apartment building on the side of the road.

The way out of the van is very easy, dollar lure!

He reached out and quickly pulled out five Franklins from his pocket, then stretched them out to the side, and began to shake up and down within the range of the rearview mirror of the truck!

As long as the truck driver sees these dollars, he will definitely stop immediately, hoping to reap this windfall!

Faced with this kind of windfall, few people are indifferent, presumably this truck driver is no exception!

as expected!

Ye Tian only waved it twice, and the effect of the dollar's temptation appeared.


Screeching brakes sounded.

The UPS van quickly pulled over to the side of the road and stopped quickly.

After the car stopped, Ye Tian immediately jumped off the steps at the rear of the car and walked quickly to the front of the car.

At the same time, the truck driver also opened the door and got out of the car, walking towards the rear of the car with an excited expression on his face and anticipation in his eyes!

Who the hell is waving dollars behind the car? Is it for me? If yes, great!

Although the situation was weird, there was no fear or worry on the truck driver's face.

He is just a very ordinary truck driver. He is poor, and the goods he usually carries are also very ordinary, and the truck is still empty. What is there to be afraid of?

What if someone tried to rob this van, or rob himself? That must be blind, or not yet awake!

Ye Tian turned out from the back of the car and immediately saw the truck driver who jumped out of the car. He immediately put on a smile and said to this guy:

"Dude, sorry, I was followed by someone just now, so I borrowed the back of this van and got rid of the guys. Here's $500, as a thank you, take it!"

With that said, Ye Tian handed over the dollar in his hand!

The moment he saw Ye Tian, ​​the truck driver was dumbfounded!

Isn't this guy the same Asian boy who was standing on the crosswalk at the intersection just now! How did he get on the back of the truck?

I accelerated as soon as the green light came on just now, and the speed of the car was not low. Under such circumstances, I was able to get on the rear of the car without anyone noticing it. It's really awesome! Master!

Also, this Asian kid looks a little familiar, as if he has seen it somewhere!

While secretly feeling emotional, the truck driver was also observing Ye Tian carefully.

But before he came to a conclusion, five green Franklin cards were handed to his eyes, instantly driving away all other thoughts in his mind, making him a little dizzy with happiness!

Pie in the sky! Of course you have to accept it, only a fool would refuse such a good thing!

The truck driver took the dollars, counted them quickly, and immediately put them in his pocket, lest Ye Tian would regret it!

After collecting the unexpected money, he said excitedly:

"Man, thank you so much! This is really a fortune from heaven. To be honest, I don't even know when you got on the back of the car. It's awesome! Is this the legendary Chinese Kung Fu?"

"Hahaha, buddy, this has nothing to do with Chinese kung fu, as long as the reaction is quick enough, the judgment is accurate, and you are bold and careful, and dare to give it a go, it shouldn't be difficult to do.

Let's stop here, those guys who are following me will definitely not let it go, they will probably catch up soon, I have to go, you should leave here as soon as possible, so as not to get into trouble! "

Ye Tian quickly explained a few words and was about to leave.

"Okay then, don't waste your time, see you later, man, you are a generous fellow, thanks again!"

"You're welcome, see you later, buddy!"

After speaking, Ye Tian immediately walked to a cafe not far from the front right!

The truck driver quickly returned to the truck, started the engine and drove out.

It wasn't until he drove more than 20 meters that he suddenly realized and exclaimed:

"It's Steven. No wonder he looks familiar. It's not surprising that it's this guy! This guy's strength is indeed extremely powerful, even exaggerated than the rumors. Open your eyes!"

After exclaiming in surprise, the kid immediately slammed the gas pedal and drove the truck out without stopping for a second!

God knows who those guys are following Steven! It's either gangsters or the police, there is absolutely no one who is good! It's better to get out of here quickly, it's too dangerous here!

In a few steps, Ye Tian walked into the coffee shop.

At the same time, at the intersection 200 meters away, two cars rushed over from east to west, aggressively!

One is the command vehicle of the FBI tracking team, and the other is a temporary requisitioned vehicle.

Sitting in the two cars are those guys from the FBI tracking team, each of them has red eyes, and anger is gushing out of each pair of eyes!

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