Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 456 Speeding Northward

Thanksgiving is an ancient holiday created by Americans, and it is also a day for family reunion, which is basically equivalent to the Spring Festival of the Yankees.

Every year, the fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving. On this day, all walks of life in the United States will have a holiday. People put down their work and go home to reunite with their families.

The Thanksgiving holiday begins on Thursday and lasts until Sunday, making it the longest public holiday of the year for Americans.

This festival has a long history and can be traced back to the beginning of American history.

In 1620, the famous "MayFlower" number ship was fully loaded with 102 Puritans who endured the religious persecution in United Kingdom, crossed the ocean and arrived in America.

When they first arrived in America, they were poor and white, and their lives were extremely difficult, even survival was a problem.

It was the Native American Indians who extended a helping hand, not only sending them the necessities of life, but also sending people to teach them how to hunt, fish and grow corn, pumpkins and so on.

With the help of the Indians, these Puritans who first arrived in America survived the most difficult first winter and gained a firm foothold in America.

In the autumn of the second year, the new immigrants finally got a bumper harvest. On the day of celebrating the harvest, according to religious traditions, the immigrants set a day to thank God.

At the same time, they also decided that in order to thank the Indians for their sincere help, they planned to invite the Indians to celebrate the festival together.

The day of the holiday was Thursday in late November 1621. This was the first Thanksgiving in American history!

Since then, the festival has been followed down.

But the Indians who participated in the first Thanksgiving celebration may never have imagined that the beautiful friendship is so short-lived and just an illusion! What follows is the cruel reality!

It was these white people who sang, danced and cheered with themselves, as well as their descendants, but killed the Indians who enthusiastically helped them, leaving corpses and heads rolling, and almost exterminated them!

In modern times, there are not many Indians left in the United States, and they have all been driven into desolate reservations one after another, kept in captivity like livestock, and left to be abandoned by the times and fend for themselves!

But the descendants of those white people have become the masters of the New World grandly, and only use such a hypocritical Thanksgiving to commemorate the Indians! Very ironic!

If those Indians knew what happened later, would they still lend a helping hand? I'm afraid it's impossible!

It is more likely that they will kill all the 102 Puritans who just landed, so as to avoid the extremely tragic experience of their own race in the future!

Unfortunately, there is no if in history!

Indians paid the worst price for their kindness.

And the result of kindness will only be appreciated when Americans enjoy the turkey dinner!

All of this has nothing to do with Ye Tian. Although he sympathizes with the Indians, he doesn't have the slightest thought of avenging them.

Of course, he doesn't have that ability either!

Like every other company in the United States, when it comes to Thanksgiving, Intrepid Exploration Company is also closed, and everyone goes home to reunite with their families.

The company's renovation work has stopped, but it doesn't matter, the decoration has been basically completed, and the rest is the interior decoration, which can be done after the holiday, and it will be done soon, and it will not affect the opening of the company.

On Thanksgiving Day, early morning.

Ye Tian and Betty got up very early, and they had to go on their way today, so they had to get up early.

After washing up and having breakfast, the two pushed their packed suitcases and walked towards the door of the apartment together, preparing to leave New York for Boston.

There is not much luggage, just two boxes, the rest Ye Tian has already taken down in advance.

"Honey, what car are we driving today?"

When going out,

Betty asked excitedly, with a bright smile on her face.

She's been on a high since calling her parents to let her know, and it's been like this for a week now!

"Definitely not a sports car, the snow in Boston is bigger and colder than in New York, I don't want to drive a Ferrari and skate on the streets of Boston!

Let's drive the Paramount Predator SUV, which is more suitable for this kind of weather and safer. This time it's just the two of us on the road, so we have to be careful! "

Ye Tian explained with a smile, took Betty out of the apartment, and closed the door behind him.

At this moment, all the security systems were turned on immediately and entered the highest alert state.

From then on, no matter who broke into the apartment, Ye Tian would receive the system alarm at the first time and respond quickly, not letting a fly go!

Of course, there are no flies in New York winter.

“Is the Paramount Predator too high-profile? That behemoth is so noticeable wherever it goes, everyone knows you’re coming! How about an Escalade?”

Betty suggested that it seemed better to keep a low profile.

"Honey, it doesn't matter whether it is high-profile or not. Safety is the first issue. Let's take the predator. Besides, do you think the Escalade bulletproof SUV is low-key? People may think that the President of the United States is coming!"

Ye Tian joked, and walked towards the elevator with Betty.

Soon, the two went down to the garage.

A few minutes later, the huge Paramount Marauder roared out of the garage, onto 110th Street, turned onto Maximus Avenue, and headed north on a new journey.

At this time, in the predator's car, there were not only Ye Tian and Betty, their suitcases, but also a lot of guns and ammunition.

Under Ye Tian's coat, there are two M9s and several magazines hidden, so that he can deal with any emergencies at any time and ensure the safety of himself and Betty.

In a black handbag on the back seat of the car, there are two automatic rifles and a spare CZ83 pistol, two sabers, four Indian tomahawks, and a lot of ammunition, the firepower is powerful enough!

Another bag next to it contains two pieces of Kevlar body armor, one for men and one for men, which can also provide further security for the two.

This time, he was traveling alone with the beauty, no entourage, and no bodyguards for personal protection. Ye Tian had to seriously consider safety issues, so he drove the Marauder and carried a lot of weapons and ammunition.

As usual, seeing Ye Tian driving away from the apartment, a police car followed immediately.

But this time it was not the New York police, but agents from the New York branch of the FBI.

Ye Tian has been very quiet for a while, he didn't cause any trouble, he was just busy preparing for the establishment of the exploration company, and no enemy came to New York to seek revenge from him, everything was calm.

Seeing this situation, the New York Police Department also withdrew its surveillance personnel, and the attention paid to Ye Tian also dropped a lot.

However, the FBI New York branch did not evacuate, but increased monitoring efforts.

As the lawsuit for violating personal privacy came to an end, under the constant attacks of David and many media, the reputation of the FBI in New York became even more notorious!

The disgraced New York FBI has completely regarded the instigator Ye Tian as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh, wishing he could just throw him into prison and let him rot inside.

However, they stared at it for a long time, but they didn't catch any clues. They could only watch Ye Tian at ease every day, gnashing their teeth with hatred, but there was nothing they could do.

Even so, the FBI did not give up, and still clung to it persistently.

No, they are going to escort Ye Tian out of New York again!

It didn't take long for the Paramount Marauder to turn onto Highway 95 and start racing north along the Atlantic coastline, heading straight for Boston.

Seeing Ye Tian driving on the Coastal Highway, the FBI Taurus immediately stopped and watched the huge black vehicle drive further and further away.

When the predator merged into the rolling traffic and completely disappeared from the field of vision, there was a burst of excited discussion in the FBI police car, and it sounded a bit relieved!

"Is the bastard Steven going to leave New York? Connecticut is not far ahead, if that's the case, that's great, we can go home for Thanksgiving!"

"Nine times out of ten, Steven's bastard's girlfriend is from Boston. They're probably in Boston for Thanksgiving. Let the Boston folks have a headache! We're free at last!"

"That's right! You can finally enjoy a full Thanksgiving holiday, but the folks in Boston are miserable. This holiday must be extremely bad. The plague in New York is coming!"

Several FBI officers in the car were discussing excitedly while observing the situation on Highway 95.

It wasn't until twenty minutes later that they were completely sure that Ye Tian had left the New York State border, and they turned around and left, returning to Manhattan to report back.

Next, they will be able to enjoy a family reunion Thanksgiving.

At this time, Ye Tian was driving a Paramount Predator, listening to moving music, and continued to speed along the 95 highway.

Boston is getting closer!

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