Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 192 Buying off the Police

After returning from dinner, Ye Tian came to the upstairs apartment alone with his ipad.

The security here has been lifted, the blood sprayed in the room has been cleaned up by the housekeeping company, and the door has been replaced with a new one, which is stronger.

At first glance, it appears to be indistinguishable from the other apartments in the building.

But when he turned on the light, Ye Tian still saw the numerous bullet marks on the wall at the door of the bedroom. Everything that happened on that bloody night immediately began to reappear in his mind.

In an instant, he seemed to hear the gunshot again, and his emotions instantly became excited, his eyes sparkled.

It took a long time before he regained his composure and began to check the room.

After looking at the situation in the living room, he went into the bedroom and opened the gun cabinet.

It was empty, and his four pistols, ammunition, Kevlar body armor, German tactical knife and dogleg saber were all in the evidence room of the Brookley Police Department at this time.

On the night of the incident, all these treasures were taken away by the police and became evidence involved in the case.

Now that the case is over, it's time to get these treasures back and let them continue to function as they should.

Keep yourself and Betty safe, and protect your property from infringement.

However, for these four castrated military pistols, Ye Tian actually doesn't like them very much. These guns will be spare weapons in the future, and the chance of using them will be very small.

The real big killers are those weapons that will be shipped to and brought back from Alaska soon.

Those are real, undiscounted military weapons, with powerful firepower, and they are fun to play with!

After closing the gun safe, he opened the small safe and checked, but there was nothing there. The tens of thousands of dollars that had been placed in it had already been taken out the next day after the incident.

After roughly looking at the situation in the room, Ye Tian turned on the ipad in his hand and began to check the monitoring records during this period.

The four infrared cameras have not been removed and are still monitoring everything inside and outside the apartment.

He started watching it after the police rushed in on the night of the crime.

The content is very simple. From that night onwards, almost all the police came and went to this apartment, and they checked the place carefully.

including these cameras.

In addition to the police, the landlady, Susan, also came twice, but she only took a few glances in the corridor, and then left.

Judging from the high-definition pictures captured by the camera in the corridor, she was only a little scared, and did not show any anger or anxiety.

This is easy to understand, the insurance company will fully compensate for the loss of the apartment, and Ye Tian's rent is also a lot, so she doesn't have to worry at all.

She may even be very happy that she can finally redecorate, and the insurance company will pay for it. After the renovation is completed, she will have an excuse to increase the rent!

As for the fact that there was a gun battle here and people died, will it affect the rental market? Susan will not have such unnecessary worries.

Lao Mei doesn't believe in this at all, and doesn't have these taboos.

Besides, Brooklyn apartments don’t have to worry about running out of tenants at any time.

Every day, countless people from all over the United States, and even from all over the world, rush into this city with dreams to pursue their own dreams. There will always be new renters here!

It didn't take long for Ye Tian to fast-forward and finish watching the surveillance, but he didn't find anything to pay attention to.

Then he left here, returned to Betty's room downstairs, and went to enjoy the romance of the two world!

In a blink of an eye, it was ten o'clock at night.

Ye Tian and Betty hugged each other on the bedside, discussing the arrangements for the next period of time, the main topic was buying a house and moving.

"Honey, have you seen all those apartment floor plans? Have you taken a fancy to that apartment? When you rest this weekend, we'll go and buy it"

Ye Tian kissed the beauty in his arms, and asked softly.

"Each of those apartments is as beautiful and luxurious as a palace! It's like a residence in heaven! No matter which one I like very much, I can't choose at all. It's up to you to decide!"

Betty said softly, with a sweet and fascinated expression on her face.

"Okay! Then I decide to buy the biggest and best apartment! Our new home should be the most beautiful and luxurious palace in Manhattan"

Ye Tian said vigorously, full of confidence.

"Wow! That's a duplex apartment with two floors, more than 620 square meters! The two of us live here, isn't the area too big? And it's too expensive and too extravagant!

The price of the apartment is nearly 50 million U.S. dollars, including taxes and fees, which is almost 55 million U.S. dollars. The annual property tax and property fees are in the millions, which is not a small sum of money. Should we think about it again? "

Betty exclaimed and looked at her boyfriend in disbelief.

But the excited look in her eyes fully explained her truest thoughts, who wouldn't want to live in the most beautiful palace and enjoy the best life?

"This apartment is all we need. We don't need money. From now on, Central Park will be our private garden and the ideal place for our morning exercises."

Ye Tian smiled and waved his hand, finalizing this future residence.

In addition to really needing the best house, the reason why he made this decision is also a bit of rational tax avoidance.

There are already hundreds of millions of dollars in deposits in his bank account, and as the next few auctions are held one after another, those antique treasures will be auctioned at high prices one after another, and the bank deposits will definitely increase.

I believe that I have become the key focus of the tax department. If I don't try to invest the money, I will definitely be robbed by the tax department when the tax filing season comes!

Investing in real estate around Central Park is undoubtedly a very good choice for tax avoidance.

Moreover, the appreciation potential of real estate here is huge. How many rich people in the world break their heads to squeeze here every year, and there is no problem whether the real estate is rented or sold.

So Ye Tian was going to take the most expensive and largest apartment.

These are all thoughts in his mind, but Betty has considered so many things, she only knows that she will soon live in the most beautiful palace in New York!

As soon as Ye Tian finished speaking, Betty immediately jumped up and started cheering and celebrating.

“Great! Central Park will be ours!”

"Hahaha, that's right! We're about to have the world's largest urban garden"

Ye Tian laughed and said, reaching out to pull Betty into his arms.

Immediately afterwards, the two began to kiss passionately and fell on the bed!


Eleven o'clock the next morning.

Ye Tian, ​​Jason, David and his legal assistant walked out of the Brooklyn Police Station together.

"Phew! It's finally solved!"

Ye Tian let out a long breath, feeling a lot more relaxed.

The Brooklyn apartment case is closed!

At the same time as the case was closed, Ye Tian also got back his weapons and equipment, as well as the security deposit he had paid.

At this time, he was carrying a huge gun bag in his hand, which contained four pistols, body armor and so on.

Walking to the sapphire blue dining car, Ye Tian immediately locked the gun bag into the rear compartment, then approached David, and pulled him aside.

"David, do you have a channel? Help the Manhattan Police Department, put some pressure on them, and get my concealed gun license approved as soon as possible, and it's best to get my long gun license approved as well.

As you know about my situation, I have many enemies. After the dog's head gold is launched and auctioned, there must be more jealous people. I urgently need to improve my defense capabilities and attack those with ulterior motives.

It’s okay at home, but now I can only carry a dogleg saber when I go out. This is obviously not possible. I urgently need a concealed gun license. Help me find a way, even if it costs money, just speed! "

David fell into deep thought, and after a few seconds, he spoke:

"Steven, you really need to strengthen your force. In addition to your character, you have made a lot of money one after another. It is too easy to make people jealous! It is not surprising that someone wants to attack you.

I will urge the Manhattan Police Department, and I will also put pressure on my friends in the legal field to let them approve your concealed gun license and long gun license as soon as possible. You can also hire bodyguards! You are not short of money? "

"I still believe in my own strength more, and we treasure hunters have a lot of secrets, it is not wise to find two tails for ourselves!"

Ye Tian shook his head and rejected David's proposal.

He absolutely didn't want to be followed by bodyguards all day long. If that happened, the secret of his supernatural powers might be exposed or discovered, and it would be a big trouble!

"Since you refuse to follow the bodyguard, then use the dollar to clear the way"

David began to seek solutions from other angles.

"Great! I don't care about the money, as long as I can get a gun license!"

Ye Tian said excitedly, it seems that there is something going on!

"You can donate to the Manhattan Police Foundation or the Disabled Police Foundation, which is a charitable organization of the Manhattan Police Department and serves all the police in Manhattan. It has great energy!

As long as your money is in place, the gun license will be green all the way, and you can get it in a week or two, and it is also good to have a good relationship with them, which will help you in your work and life in Manhattan"

“Is a $200,000 donation enough? If not, I can add more!”

Ye Tian didn't bat an eyelid, and directly promised 200,000 dollars.

"That's enough! You just get a gun license. For those policemen, it's just a piece of cake. Too much is not good. It might arouse their greed!"

"That's good, David, please help me get in touch, find a suitable time to get this matter done, the sooner the better!"

"Okay, I'll contact you when I get back!"

David nodded and accepted the job.

"Also, don't forget to come to the Waldorf Astoria at 7:00 p.m. to attend the Alaska trip celebration banquet and receive bonuses!"

"Hahaha, being able to eat at the best restaurant in New York and receive a $50,000 bonus, no one will forget such a good thing! Do I need to inform Mattis?"

"No, I'll call them later, these guys must have been waiting a long time ago! You may scold me behind your back!"

"Hahaha, that's for sure. My three assistants have been scolding you behind your back for the past two days, thinking you've lost your promise and gained weight!"

"Hahaha, I guess that's it! These guys!"

The two chatted for a few more words, and then separated, going their separate ways.

David and his assistant drove back to Manhattan, while Ye Tian and Jason returned to their Brooklyn apartment with weapons and equipment.

Later, the airport security will also deliver the weapons from Alaska to the door.

The gun cabinet is going to be full. I don't know when the bastard who let these weapons show off will come again?

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