Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 183 Public Enemy of the City

Have a safe night.

In the morning, the crisis began to come.

"Steven, you're a bastard! Robber!"

"Go back to New York, robber!"

"Steven, you are a shameless thief! No one can take away the treasures of Dawson City!"

"Executioner! Murderer! Cold-blooded pervert! Get the hell out of Dawson!"

At six o'clock, hundreds of people of all ages had gathered in front of the hotel in the downtown area. Everyone was shouting and cursing angrily, and many people held up slogans and waved them non-stop, very imposing.

This scene attracted the attention of many people inside and outside the hotel, and everyone watched the excitement with great interest.

Of course, some people took the trouble and cursed endlessly.

Ye Tian, ​​who was sleeping soundly, was woken up by the scolding coming from outside the window.

After opening his eyes helplessly, he immediately pointed out the window, and asked Matisse sitting in the corner with a face full of surprise:

"What's going on outside? Do I have so many enemies in Dawson? It seems that hundreds of people are scolding me!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Matisse's mouth, he nodded firmly and said:

"Steven, you do have so many enemies in Dawson. Except for Mark and Hayward, you are probably the public enemy of Dawson. No one likes you.

These guys out there are here to protest you taking this priceless dog head gold, and animal rights people protesting you killed that grizzly bear"

After listening to the explanation, Ye Tian immediately laughed and cursed angrily.

"It's not difficult to understand that a bunch of stuffed guys protested against me taking away the dog's head gold, but animal protectionists complained for grizzly bears, this is a joke!

How many gold mining guys around Dawson haven't killed grizzly bears and gray wolves? Why don't you go to them to protest, just find me, sick! "

"Hahaha, of course it's because of the dog's head gold, envy and hate! And you have a high degree of attention, this is a good opportunity to attract attention, and some people will not miss it"

"A bunch of bastards! Let them go, don't bother to talk to me, can you bite me?"

Ye Tian cursed angrily,

Then I got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Time passed slowly, more and more people gathered in front of the hotel, and the voice of protest became louder.

Fortunately, these people are still reasonable, and they didn't rush into the hotel to grab Ye Tian's dog head gold.

These people all know of Mattis's existence. This is a private armed security guard. If they are attacked, they will definitely shoot. No one wants to take this risk.

Ye Tian in the hotel quickly got used to these ear-splitting curses, and what he was doing was not affected at all.

Around seven o'clock, David and the others came to Ye Tian's guest room and began to discuss today's itinerary.

David also has to go to Dawson City Hall to go through the formalities of changing the ownership of the gold mine, complete the transaction thoroughly, and then everyone can leave with ease.

The matter is very simple, and the talk is over quickly.

Then, everyone chatted and laughed while having breakfast, and everyone was very excited.

At seven fifty, Ye Tian's cell phone rang.

He took out his phone and looked at it, it was Sotheby's Jones calling, and it was also the call Ye Tian had been waiting for today.

After sliding open the screen lock, Jones' familiar voice came out immediately.

"Good morning, Steven"

"Good morning! Jones, are the people from your auction house here?"

"Here we are, in the hotel lobby, go up immediately, not only the jewelry director and appraiser, but also the armed security guards from the auction house, tell the guys around you, don't start a conflict!"

"Got it, it's just in time, I need them to cooperate to put on a good show"

After chatting for a few more words, the two ended the call.

Then, Ye Tian turned to Mathis and said:

"People from Sotheby's will come up immediately. They are armed with security guards. You must be vigilant, but don't start a conflict, and carefully check the identity of the other party. Don't let people fish in troubled waters!"

"Okay! I'll make arrangements!"

Mattis nodded and walked out of the room quickly.

"Steven, what good show do you want to play?"

David asked in surprise, and so did the rest, everyone was curious.

"Mingxiu plank road to secretly save Chencang!" Ye Tian replied.

"What's the meaning?"

Everyone was at a loss and didn't know why.

"You'll understand later, it's a very interesting play"

Ye Tian said with a smile, eyes full of excitement.

Fifteen minutes later, Mattis walked into the room again, followed by three middle-aged white men, two men and one woman.

"Steven, these three are Sotheby's employees, and their identities are correct"

After introducing the identities of the three, Matisse immediately left the room and guarded the door.

In the room, Ye Tian greeted the three jewelry experts with a smile.

"Good morning! I'm Steven, thank you so much for making this trip"

"Good morning! Steven, I'm Larry, Head of Jewelery Category at Sotheby's New York, and this is Spencer, Sotheby's Senior Jeweler, and this is Jessica, also Senior Jeweler"

During the handshake, Larry introduced himself and his colleagues.

Ye Tian stepped forward to shake hands with the other two, and then he introduced David and the others.

After a few polite greetings, everyone immediately got into the topic.

"Steven, let's start the appraisal. We really want to see this super dog's head gold, and we are looking forward to it!"

Larry said excitedly, and the other two appraisal experts couldn't wait, their excited eyes lit up!

"Okay, let's start the appraisal! Gentlemen, the brightest pearl in the North American gold industry is about to appear in front of you, please keep your eyes open!"

With that said, Ye Tian carried the backpack containing the dog's head gold to the table, and began to show off the crazy treasure.

In the next second, a golden light began to shine in the room.

"My God! It's incredible!"

"Wow! So charming!"

Amid the exclamation, the three jewelry appraisal experts immediately rushed over, completely forgetting about gentlemanly demeanor, ladylike demeanor, etc. Everyone's eyes were full of obsession and madness.

The rest of the people laughed, it was the same when they saw this piece of dog head gold for the first time.

Two or three minutes later, the three experts came to their senses and started the identification and testing.

This is a piece of natural gold, and the identification process is simple and quick, and the three of them quickly gave an authoritative identification opinion.

"After identification, this is a high-purity natural gold nugget without any trace of artificial fraud. It weighs 2,076 ounces and has a purity of about 95%. It is very rare, of high value, and of great significance!"

Then it was time for the lawyer to step in, and David began reviewing the auction contract.

Larry introduced Sotheby's auction arrangement and the relevant publicity strategies for this dog's head gold.

Just as Ye Tian imagined, Sotheby's is going to push this dog's head gold to the most important autumn auction, make key recommendations, and strive to bid for the highest price, shocking the entire North American gold mining industry.

Ye Tian was very satisfied with Sotheby's arrangement, which cleared the last obstacle.

After David finished reviewing the contract and confirmed that there was no problem, Ye Tian immediately signed the auction contract and entrusted the auction right of this dog's head gold to Sotheby's.

After finishing this, he said to the excited Larry:

"Larry, you must have seen the protesting crowd at the door. Many people in Dawson are staring at this piece of gold, staring at us. The situation is a bit serious!

In order to avoid accidents, you immediately left Dawson with Goutoujin and flew directly to New York. You should try to keep a low profile when you leave, and it is best to make a gesture of disappointment.

We continue to stay here and attract the attention of these bastards outside, which will undoubtedly be much safer, and we can smoothly transport this dog head gold away"

The people at Sotheby's were of course very happy with this proposal.

They can't wait to return to New York immediately and lock this treasure into Su Fubao's vault, that is the safest place!

"Okay! This method is great. Not only can the dog's head gold be transported away smoothly, but when you leave, you can announce loudly that the dog's head gold is no longer here. I believe the expressions of Canadians will be very exciting!"

Larry nodded in agreement and grinned badly.

“Hahaha, who cares what Canadians think? Let them be”

Ye Tian laughed and said, and the rest of the people laughed too.

At this time, David and the others already understood that the good show Ye Tian was talking about must be this, this kid is going to play everyone in Dawson again! so bad! It's too bad!

After the laughter, everyone started to act immediately.

Ten minutes later, the Sotheby's team left the hotel with regret on their faces, and drove straight to Dawson Airport, preparing to leave this ghostly place.

There were also people who asked curiously or worriedly at the entrance of the hotel, but the answers they got were shaking their heads in negative, or cursing in low voices from everyone at Sotheby's.

As a result, these protesters all believed that the dog head gold must still be in the hotel, in the hands of that Chinese bastard, so the voices of people's protests became louder and more turbulent!

But at this moment, in Ye Tian's room, everyone was laughing heartily, and in the car of Sotheby's group speeding towards the airport, there was also laughter.

The protests continued and the number of people grew.

It seems Dawson's idlers are protesting, trying to keep the coveted treasure.

At nine o'clock, David left the hotel with two assistants and two armed security guards to go through the formalities of changing the mining rights.

At 9:30, Ye Tian received a call from the account manager of the Bank of America in New York, who told him that the payment for the mining rights of the Barrick Gold Company and the Morgan Mining investment team had arrived.

At this moment, Ye Tiancai truly became a veritable billionaire! 8)

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