Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 711 Return to Beijing (6)

Just because the empress was ill and Concubine Jin was in charge of the harem, the concubine said she wanted to save money and save money for the soldiers fighting on the front line, so she specially informed the emperor and released a group of idle maids in the palace.

As a result, most of the people who were released were the Queen's Empress, and even her old nanny who had been in the palace for more than thirty years was released!

Nanny Tong’s natal family had been deserted for a long time, and she had no place to go after she came out. Fortunately, Mr. Huo heard that she was leaving the palace and was the first to say hello to the embroidery bureau. As soon as she came out, he took her directly to the farmer's hair shop. Here, she was promised a high salary and asked to teach Caifei embroidery skills!

Aunt Tong came out of the palace, and her more than thirty years of palace life had long developed her meticulous character. When she heard that she was asked to teach a young lady embroidery, she was still worried about what she would teach her. She is the kind of delicate young lady who will cry when she suffers a little hardship. Therefore, when she sat in front of Cai Fei, her first words were: "If you want to learn a good skill in embroidery, girl, You must be prepared to endure hardships and stand hard work. Not only that, but you must also have enough patience and care. Embroidery is a delicate job. If a girl complains that her eyes and neck hurt after learning it for a few days, then she should not learn it from you. !"

Caifei stood up and said respectfully, "Thank you for your advice, mama. Don't worry, mama, Fei'er will definitely start and finish and will never give up halfway!"

Aunt Tong was very satisfied when she saw that she was courteous and sensible, as well as gentle and dignified, and said, "Okay, since the girl said this, I can rest assured to teach you!"

Grandma Xie took out a piece of pink silk thread from the sewing basket beside her, handed it to Caifei, and asked her to thread the needle. When she saw Caifei threading the thread neatly, she couldn't help but nod secretly, well, hands and feet Quick and without any sloppiness, a girl like this is worth cultivating!

After that, Aunt Tong began to tell Caifei about the stitching techniques of Shu embroidery.

The stitching techniques of Shu embroidery include twelve categories and hundreds of kinds, including halo stitch, spreading stitch, rolling stitch, etc. Each stitching method is delicate and stunning, and Grandma Tong’s double-sided Shu embroidery is even more beautiful. It's amazing that the veil she wears is double-sided embroidered, which is a work of art!

These days, Cai Lian is too busy with her family's business. There are more than a dozen restaurants ordering spiced peanuts, spiced melon seeds and other snacks from her family. Her parents are too busy, and they don't want to hire anyone for fear of their own craftsmanship in making spiced peanuts and spiced melon seeds. It was stolen, so I tried my best to make myself tired and refused to hire anyone.

Cai Lian felt sorry for her parents' hard work. She didn't come to learn embroidery with Cai Fei in the past few days, but stayed at home to help her parents work!

Cai Fei knew that Cai Lian did not come to Buzhuang, and although she felt a little regretful, everyone had their own ambitions, and she could not impose her wishes on others. Therefore, she could only express regret for Cai Lian's failure to learn Shu embroidery techniques. I can feel sorry!

Until the cloth shop closed in the evening, Caifei hardly did any stitches. She only embroidered a corner of the fabric and continued to learn various stitches according to Aunt Tong's words. Before leaving, Aunt Tong said that she was just learning acupuncture. , it was almost a year of study, Caifei didn’t say anything, let alone impatient, nodded and left with a smile.

After getting on the carriage, Caifei had not yet gotten over the excitement of becoming a disciple of Aunt Yu Xiu. When she saw her father who came to pick her up, she beamed with joy and said, "Dad, that Aunt Yu is really amazing. You don't know." Ah, the veil she used is actually double-sided embroidered, so beautiful!"

Mu Zhongqing smiled and looked at her daughter lovingly: "As long as you are happy, it will be fine. When your sister comes back, she will be very happy to see you learn to embroider on both sides!"

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