Gu Chu: "This one, the suspect."

In the video, Gu Chu deliberately zoomed in on a slender figure wearing a mask and a hat in the corner. It seemed that she was a very thin woman, wearing company cleaning clothes. When the camera light fell, other staff members were either surprised or rushed to rescue.

There was only this woman who could not see clearly, standing at the entrance of the studio with a broom, motionless, probably watching a play.

NYPD looked at Gu Chu with a little surprise, this beautiful Oriental girl actually locked the suspect in a short period of time.

"This, we will investigate." NYPD said, "This woman is indeed very suspicious."

The director of the photography company came over, looked at the cleaning on the monitor, and shook his head quickly: "This shouldn't be our company's cleaning! The company has regulations that all cleaning staff must wear shoe covers and badges, and the people in the video dress up. If it is not standardized, it cannot be an employee of our company.”

NYPD said: "Give us a list of all the company's staff, and we will investigate in detail."

The police have taken over Gu Manxi's case.

Gu Chu felt that this was not necessarily the work of the people in the photography company.

Targeting Gu Manxi in this way is almost with a vicious determination to kill Gu Manxi. Nine times out of ten it's the enemy, or some extreme fan.

But no matter who it was, Gu Chu knew that that person was dead.

Gu Chu left the building and quickly rushed to the New York Hospital.

Gu Manxi's ankle was seriously injured, the ankle bone was smashed, and the hamstring was cut. If it is not cured, it is likely to leave a lifetime of disease. Even if it can be cured, without three months of self-cultivation, it is impossible to move around normally.

Gu Chu was waiting outside the operating room, only to feel that things were not going well recently.

People close to him were hospitalized and injured every three to five days.

Before, Ye Sichen was injured by the gangster, then Cheng Qi was stabbed in the heart, and now Gu Manxi's ankle was smashed - Gu Chu couldn't help but think, is this a coincidence? Why does she always feel that there is a pair of invisible big hands, trying to disturb her peaceful life.

She wanted peaceful days, but those hands would never calm her down.

Gu Chu frowned deeply, thoughtfully.


The phone in his pocket rang, and it was Song Chen's call. Song Chen had already heard the news of Gu Manxi's injury from his agent, and was very anxious.

Gu Chu briefly explained the situation to Song Chen.

Song Chen was silent for a moment, and said that he would come to the United States by plane immediately.

Gu Chu waited for half an hour outside the operating room, and then received a call from Lu Shanhe. Lu Shanhe recently went to Canada to find inspiration. When he learned that Gu Manxi was injured accidentally, Lu Shanhe was so anxious that he would come to New York to visit Gu Manxi immediately.

Gu Chu chatted with Lu Shanhe and hung up the phone.

The frown deepened.

After thinking about it, Gu Chu sent a text message to his uncle. Surprisingly, I learned that my uncle and Lin Xiaozhou are also in the southern United States! Lin Xiaozhou's father had a serious illness recently. He couldn't worry about his father, so he took Zhao Yan back to the United States to visit his parents.

Gu Chu clenched her phone tightly, and she heard her uneasy heartbeat: "Strange."

Just wondering, little aunt Zhao Manshi also sent a message that she and Fang were on vacation in Hawaii recently and asked about Gu Manxi's situation.

Gu Chu wondered:

Why is everyone coming to America?

Gu Manxi, Song Chen, Lu Shanhe, Zhao Yan, Lin Xiaozhou, and her Gu Chu, the main characters in the original abuse books, all came to the United States due to various reasons.

Is it a coincidence?

Foreshadowing Foreshadowing Foreshadowing! ! !

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