Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 787: Mage Tower

A series of major events have occurred in the Duchy of Mark recently.

First, Duke Marcus was critically ill, and several sons fought for the position of heir.

Immediately, the Duke's illness miraculously improved, and he exiled several grown-up sons, regaining power.

In the end, he generously rewarded the healers who treated him, granted Ilia the title of three knights, and bestowed a land of tens of thousands of hectares as a fiefdom.

jack collar.

This is the new name given to this joint fiefdom by the three of Ilia.

Of course, the name is not important, what is important is that this place will become the mage tower, and even the location where the first mage academy on the mainland will be established.

Three horses are galloping in the wilderness, and a mage wearing a robe rides on them.

"I've already seen..."

Taklaw first said: "The cultivated land in this territory has about 10,000 imperial acres, there is also a forest, and a village... There are hundreds of households in the village, all of whom are our leaders. In a market, you can go to exchange for some daily necessities..."

"If we rely on them, I don't know when the Mage Tower will be completed. Fortunately, the Duke sent a construction team..." A trace of disdain flashed in Phil's eyes.

"Well, the construction site is here."

Ilya came to a construction site where hundreds of slaves were working in full swing.

The construction of a mage tower is more troublesome and expensive than building a castle.

They first opened a mountain nearby, established a stone quarry, and transported polished stones here.

Then, you need to measure the land and build the foundation.

"The Mage Tower has a total of seven floors, library, storage room, laboratory, botanical garden, rest room, energy pool, basement... I have made plans..."

Ilya asked Patra, the leader, to come over and ordered the slaves to retreat first: "Of course...the most important thing is to make the foundation first, let's do it!"

She raised her staff, and a ray of light emerged.

Where the khaki light passes,

In the huge hole that was dug out, the soil quickly condensed and turned into a grayish white stone.

—Turn mud into stone!

Phil and Taklaw nodded and did the same.

Although they have chosen their own paths, it is not impossible for them to learn the 'spell templates' of other factions.

For example, Ilya is also talented in the "Illusion Department" created by Taklaw, but she can't touch the edge of prophecy spells, and in order to protect herself, she learned several powerful "Evocation Department" spells from Phil.

In exchange, her healing spells are also learned by two companions.

Although the effect is not as good as that of Elijah, it can still be used.

—Turn mud into stone!

—Turn mud into stone!

With the help of magic, a stone foundation suddenly emerged, which stunned the slaves and overseers.

"This... what kind of power is this!"

Patra murmured in a low voice: "Evil? Or good? In short...too mysterious...too amazing..."

For mortals without extraordinary strength, the Super String Warrior is already unimaginably powerful.

And the power of magic is even more wonderful.

But thinking of the Duke's order, Patra suppressed all her thoughts.


At this time, he heard the voice of the mysterious woman, and hurried forward, bowing even lower: "My lord, what are your orders?"

"The next two days rest, let the slaves go down to rest, and serve them broth!"

Elijah ordered.

Next, the three magicians were required to draw magical runes on the foundation, which was not something ordinary slaves could do.

"Yes! How merciful you are!"

Patra said in admiration.

After leaving, he immediately rode on a steed, galloped for a long time, and arrived at Grayfish Castle where the Duke was at midnight.

Because of the order, even in the middle of the night, he was received by Duke Marcus.

In the study.

The dim candle flickered on and off.

Marcus held a quill and listened quietly to Patra's narration.

"You mean...they have the magical power to turn soil into stone?"

"It's not just that, Your Excellency the Duke!"

Sweat continued to appear on Patra's forehead: "They can also summon flames and blast away huge mountain peaks... the quarry in the mountain has solved many difficulties in a row because of the help of Lord Phil. The mining volume is several times that of other quarries..."


Marcus murmured, feeling that the world might change again.

He thought for a long time, finally made up his mind, wrote a letter and sealed it with sealing paint: "Take this letter to Magician Ilia. Several of my friends are also suffering from diseases. Medical skills, I hope to let her go and have a look at it... At the same time, you can find out if she has any ideas about accepting apprentices."

As a ruler, with uncontrollable power under his command, the first reaction is naturally to eliminate.

But if it can't be eliminated, and there are benefits, I naturally want to share it.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Duke!"

Patra bowed and walked out.


"Has it finally appeared?"

At the same time, in a military camp.

A piece of information was sent to Barker.

"The mysterious person who snatched the obelisk back then has finally come out!"

He looked at the information in his hand and was very excited.

The empire is very determined in this matter. If he hadn't been a 'hero' for his failure last time, he might have been thrown directly into prison.

In the past few years, he has been with that royal hero, not allowed to return to the imperial capital, and has been looking for traces of the other party.

If Yi Liya and the others have been living in seclusion, then there is nothing they can do.

But now that it is open to activities, it is difficult to escape the supervision of the empire.

He opened the letter paper and frowned again: "I actually got the protection of Duke Marcus..."

"My lord, let's directly order the Duke with the empire, let him cooperate..."

Next to him, a confidant rolled his eyes and suggested.

"No, the Duke has a lot of power, and he has the right to pardon... Also, the matter of the ruins is confidential and cannot be made public!"

Buckle frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he suddenly made a decision: "Order, two thousand people gather! We will directly raid Jack's collar, arrest the wanted criminals, and find the obelisk... As for the next thing, it's just the empire. It's just a matter of wrangling with the Duke..."

He was born as a general, and he did things vigorously and resolutely.

Move slowly, what if the other party gets the news and runs away?

Therefore, as long as the obelisk is found, the empire will not care too much about the rest.

And he is also very clear about the strength of those mysterious people.

Although the means are weird, but a head-on confrontation is definitely not a hero's opponent!

Coupled with the encirclement of the army, this time, the opponent will not be allowed to escape again! !

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