Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 689: Fate

In a dark alley.

The vulture rushed to the end of the street and found a dead end.

At the same time, a ferocious wind rushed from behind his head.

'He didn't leave? Is it a trap? '

The vulture squatted down suddenly, dodging a blow, with a ferocious smile on his face: "You don't know... who have you met!"

While grinning grimly, a sarcoid on his back bulged, directly tore through his clothes, and turned into a big black hand that could only cover his body, blocking the enemy's next attack.

"Huh? Biotechnology? Human transformation?"

Sulu looked at the 'vulture' in front of him, and saw that the big hand protruding from his back was full of a bio-mechanical style, and he knew that it must have undergone a terrible transformation: "Implanting machinery in flesh and blood can be regarded as prosthetics. Evolved... People are not humans, ghosts are not ghosts, the transformation process is painful, right?"

"I got you!"

The vulture raised his head, his eyes were scarlet, and huge fleshy arms spread out from his back, as if his body was a bottomless pit.

The hideous flesh and blood arms are mixed with machinery and circuits, like giant pythons, forming tornadoes and vortexes, tearing apart the surrounding buildings.

"This trick..."

Sulu's pupils shrank, and he raised his hand to count the shots. A few big holes were opened in the biomechanical arm, but it was healing quickly.

This kind of self-healing ability and strange power is already at an absolute 'inhuman' level.

In the end, the huge bio-mechanical arm completely wrapped the black figure in the colony suit, turning it into a huge mass of flesh.

"Jie Jie... go to hell."

The vulture has already fallen into a semi-crazy state, completely forgetting his purpose, holding his hands empty, and exerting force suddenly.


The mechanical meat mass collapsed inward.


At this moment, a huge beam of energy light emerged, blasting a big hole in the meatball.

From the mist that was emitting white steam, one can vaguely see that the right hand of the human figure in the colony has turned into a gun barrel covered with magic lines!

——Magic Cannon!


The moment Vulture was astonished, the black cloak rushed in front of him with the speed of the wind, grabbed his neck, and threw him hard against the wall.


The vulture seemed to be hit head-on by the locomotive, smashed through several walls, and fell into the ruins.

"The biomechanical arm scared me to death. You thought you had a number of 9s behind the K..."

Sulu complained, but did not continue to do anything.

"This is a provocation of fate... even if you find me, you can't do anything to me."

"Sad? Painful? Desperate? Since you are looking for the truth, I will give you the truth!"

When he came in front of the vulture, a spiritual force had penetrated into the vulture's mind.

This is not the essence of a god, he had washed off all his marks long before reincarnation, but the spiritual impact of the starry sky family.

Even so, the terrifying mental shock made the vulture scream.

"As an investigator, it is your destiny to come into contact with indescribable terror...haha..."

Sulu laughed and left.

And the vulture's face, which was already bleeding profusely, was completely distorted, and bright red thin lines flowed from the seven orifices.


He held his head and screamed hysterically.

He saw a lot of unknown horrors, but he couldn't describe them. This feeling almost drove him crazy, and he could only lie on the ground like a dog, panting heavily: "I...will not let you go of."

This feeling made him clear that his opponent was not a human being, but some unknown... monster!

But even so, its human identity, the vulture has already had guesses.

'Magic Cannon... Liquid Metal...'

'This back view... gives me the feeling! '

' must be you! '

He roared frantically in his heart, and when he saw his colleagues who came to support him, he finally relaxed and passed out.


the next day.

Investigator secret hospital.

The vulture was wearing a special psychiatric suit, with two sleeves wrapped around his body in knots, his hair disheveled and screaming in the safe room without any dangerous items: "I'm not crazy... Humans are not the masters of this world... The starry sky is... "

"That Murphy...he's a monster...arrest him immediately!"

"No... that's not Murphy... that's..."

"Hee hee... Mom... I want candy..."


Outside the window, an investigator looked at this scene with pity: "What's going on?"

"Preliminary judgment, I have come into contact with some kind of weirdness and horror in the imaginary number space, I am crazy..."

A doctor in a white coat replied: "It's unfortunate. I don't know when he will recover. I can only give him sedative treatment...but for the investigators, it is a blessing to be alive, isn't it?"

The young investigator clenched his fists, left here, and got into a carriage.

"Lock... have you seen a vulture?"

In the carriage, there was also an elderly gentleman with white hair and a cane.

"He is my senior. I will definitely find out the truth of everything. I have read all the files and notes left by Senior Vulture... That Murphy is very suspicious. I suggest that he be arrested and interrogated immediately!"

Locke gritted his teeth.

"Are you going to arrest a promising college student of Wangjia Machinery without evidence?"

The old man laughed dumbly: "Not to mention James' influence, even Selina is also a very protective woman. Of course... if there is evidence, we are not afraid, but the vulture is already crazy, you are going to let a lunatic go What did the court testify against?"

"We are investigators, not judges, and we don't need to talk about evidence... Let alone what happened yesterday, judging from all the signs, in the case of Claude's murder in Baixi District, Murphy is even more suspicious... ..."

Locke clenched his fists.

"A mere smuggler, James can completely suppress it..." The old man shook his head, and handed over a document: " have a look at this."

Locke took the document, glanced at it, and frowned: "The place where the explosion happened yesterday is confirmed to be a secret stronghold of the Natural Society? ... And, it happened in three places in succession, and in the last place, the person in charge was also found Dokasha, and one of the Seven Generals, Emmeline's corpse?"

"In the last stronghold, the Natural Society obviously set up a trap, but it still failed. The murderer is very powerful...and he doesn't seem to be hostile to us."

The old man said slowly.

"The vulture is in the hospital, so it's not hostile?" Locke felt very funny.

"Currently... the pressure from the beast horde is overwhelming. The battles between the various kingdoms and forces must be kept to a certain limit. This is a tacit agreement."

The old man shook his head: "However... I authorize you to monitor and observe the target... Attention, no one is allowed to do anything without my order!"

"Did you say that earlier?"

Locke took a cigarette, got out of the carriage, and took a deep breath: "Senior... I will definitely avenge you!"

:. :

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