Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 153 Purchase

at night.

The hotel where Sulu stayed.

"Angus King... Angus King..."

The vague call, like a murmur or a babble, lingered in Sulu's ears.

"It's a curse!"

Sulu jumped up from the bed with a vigilant look.

Suddenly, a figure was seen.

It was a pale, sculpture-like human silhouette, covered with ravines that seemed to be left after being burned by flames, and the limbs and body produced an extremely incongruous look.

"Is this... a portrait of a demon?"

Sulu immediately thought of the Devil's Gallery incident in Nia City.

At this moment, the surrounding walls turned into curtains, and a large number of arms and palm prints protruded from it, firmly grasping him.

The demon portrait leaned closer, almost touching his face.

The severely burned face suddenly gave birth to brand new flesh and blood, constructing a face full of Roman style.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, handsome appearance, with a hint of evil charm.

"Is this... the portrait in the old house... Dale Anguskin? Am I cursed by it?"

"No... where exactly is this?"

Sulu's thoughts turned sharply, and suddenly, he seemed to understand something: "This is... my dream!"

After waking up, everything around was quickly dissipating. The many arms just now, and even the portrait of the devil, were all hallucinations.

real world.

Sulu woke up and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "I'm having a nightmare again... No, this is a reminder of my inspiration. It represents this devil's old house, and there is a connection between the two portraits in the devil's gallery?"

Although it seems absurd, but after careful consideration, it feels normal.

The demon family that can give birth to the spirit of the curse, even in the dark world, is definitely the top group, and there are not many in the world.

In the White Eagle Federation, there may be only one.

"Anguskin... the demon family... could it be the high level of the Ancient Snake Society? And this is their old abandoned house?"

Sulu couldn't help but have some guesses.

At this time, he already regarded the devil and the ancient snake as a two-in-one existence.

The so-called ancient snakes looked like nothing more than demonic vests.

"Of course, it's also possible to go the other way... The ancient snake is wearing a demon's vest, anyway, it's the top evil god, an existence that can kill people just by looking at it..."

Sulu opened the curtains, and the night outside was very quiet and beautiful.

He took a deep breath, put on his cloak and hood, turned out of the hotel through the window, and entered the black market from a hidden bar in the suburbs.

Although it is late at night, the business here is just the opposite, very prosperous.

Sulu came to the restaurant in the center, ordered honey steak and wine, and wanted to see what news there was.

However, something was beyond his expectation. Today's group of drinkers spoke very strictly and did not reveal any valuable information.


Sulu stared at the parrot in front of him: "Is there any place here that sells information?"

"A silver eagle!"

The parrot yelled happily. I don't know who I learned from that profiteer's tone.

"No problem!" Sulu threw a silver coin over.

"Go straight and turn right, the third stone house!"

The parrot grabbed the silver eagle with its claws: "Don't say I introduced it."

"Could it be that these two families have enmity?"

Sulu got up suspiciously, walked straight to the end, and after turning right, he saw a row of shops.

"Fire and hammer! This is obviously for forging and making magical items..."

"Extraordinary employment guidance? Are you sure you are not here to cheat money?"

"Witch Doma's bookstore? Is it here?"

Sulu counted to the third and walked in.

In the witch's bookstore, many fluorescent crystal balls acted as light sources, causing various colors to dance around in the small space, making people dazzled.

Sulu almost thought he had come to a disco in another world, so he couldn't help squinting his eyes, looking at the crystal balls on display: "Where are people?"

"Hee hee... It's rare to have a guest!"

From behind the counter, a witch came out slowly,

Hunchbacked, hunchbacked, barely reaching Sulu's waistline.

She raised her head and looked at Sulu with cloudy eyes: "You are not a wizard! Do you want to buy books about witches?"

"Books? Where are they?"

Sulu asked curiously, and suddenly looked at a large number of crystal balls.

"That's right... we witches will use unique means to seal information in various crystal balls, which are the source of our magic power! But... people who are not witches can't see it at all."

The old witch said slowly.

"I'm not here to buy books, but...I heard that you still buy and sell intelligence here?"

Sulu pondered for a moment, and said his purpose.

"Who told you that?"

The old witch's eyes widened: "I must be the dead bird, right? I day, I will pluck all its feathers!"

"This...witch!" Sulu felt something was wrong: "The other party is kindly introducing you to business..."

"It's just to make amends... You know, it's in my breakfast, plus... plus..."

The old witch was extremely angry, but fortunately she glanced at Sulu, and managed to hold back.

‘Could it be... bird droppings? '

The corner of Sulu's mouth twitched, and he suddenly felt nauseous. He had doubts about the hygienic standards of the catering industry in the extraordinary world.

"I don't care about your grievances with it, even if it is roasted, I don't care about my business...I want information!"

He snorted coldly, letting out a trace of spiritual pressure.


The old witch was shocked, and took a deep look at Sulu: "Come with me!"

Behind the counter, there is a small door, which seems to lead out of the stone house, connected to a black tent.

The old witch went straight to the master's seat and sat cross-legged, holding the crystal ball on the velvet cushion with both hands: "Tell me what you need, guest! I will give you the information you want, and you cannot refuse my offer!"

"It's impossible, do you want me to roast the bird in the restaurant and I have to agree?" Sulu frowned.

"Of course I won't let you do this, but if you do, I will be very happy, and I can give you 20% off information in the future!"

The old witch smiled like a night owl: "Equivalent exchange, this is the principle of our spellcasters! The value of information is equivalent to its own value..."

"If that's the case, then it's fine."

Su Lu said: "What I want is relatively broad, such as... the extraordinary forces of the entire Charles City, general intelligence, several restricted areas, etc..."

"Roughly speaking, five golden dragons! If you want to describe them one by one in detail, there are a total of fifty-five golden dragons, plus five silver eagles and twenty-seven coppers!"

As soon as the crystal ball in the old witch's hand lit up, she immediately answered in a hollow voice.

"Let's take a brief look first..."

Sulu took out five golden dragons, and at the same time was curious about how the other party's intelligence price was obtained, maybe it was just nonsense?

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