Trainer: I Build My Home on the Back of Xuanwu

Trainer: I build a home on the back of Xuanwu Chapter 1080

Invisible waves spread out from under his feet, and the ground began to vibrate.

Near the earth and stone pillars, the ground cracked, and the earth and stones gathered together to form a half-meter-high wall, enclosing all the land belonging to Xuanwu City.

The garrisoned city defense army stepped up to the half-meter-high wall, and then stopped moving.

"Apart from the city defense army, everyone else is far away from the wall." Mu Liang's calm voice spread throughout most of the city of Salun.

"What is this for?" Some city residents were still outside the state, staring at the half-meter fence that suddenly appeared.

"I understand, this low wall is the area under the jurisdiction of Xuanwu City." Someone guessed.

"It should be, but the wall is so short, it's useless."

The townspeople were talking, and some brave people came to the low wall, and the Xuecheng Defense Forces stood up.

Mu Liang's voice sounded again: "Again, except for the city defense army, everyone should stay away from the wall, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk."

"If you don't leave, what will be the consequences?" The daring person sneered.


The next moment, the ground shook violently.

The originally half-meter-high low wall was raised at an astonishing speed, and its thickness was also increasing.

The shaking lasted for five minutes, and the half-meter-high low wall was raised to ten meters and five meters thick.

"This... what's going on here?"

"Put me down, mother, father, I was wrong..."

Those who hadn't had time to leave began to cry and cry, and they were already scared out of their minds.

It was originally a low wall, but now it is a city wall, and it is completely a city within a city.

On the city wall, the townspeople who didn't have time to go down squatted tremblingly, their faces white and scary.

The city defense army looked at them coldly, and the military crossbow in their hands had already aimed at them.

"Raise your hand." The city defense army said coldly.

The townspeople on the city wall almost cried and squatted on the ground with their hands up.

Mu Liang came to the city wall, used his abilities again, punched a doorway five meters high and four meters wide, and then used colored glass to make the city gate. He was very skilled at this.

Using the same method, he dug five more gate holes in other parts of the city wall, making the number of city gates six.

"The name, just use the number, door number one."

Mu Liang raised his hand and waved, and there was a plaque made of colored glass on the city gate, with the three characters 'No. 1 Gate' engraved on it.

In the same way, he put up plaques at gates two to six.

"With the city wall, the next step is the residential area." Mu Liang turned around and looked at the circled area

His eyes lit up, the roar sounded again, and the ground shook violently.

The next moment, familiar earth and stone pillars appeared on the ground, dividing the circular land into seven parts.

The circular area in the middle is the commercial area, and the six fan-shaped areas around it are residential areas, just like the model made by Mu Liang.

"People in this area must move out of their houses before twelve o'clock in the afternoon. I will renovate this area in the afternoon." Mu Liang floated in the air, and his voice spread throughout the fan-shaped area in the circle of stone pillars under his feet.

"Where are we moving?" someone shouted.

Mu Liang thought about it and used his abilities to build many three-story houses in another area as temporary residences for the people.

He said calmly:

"Stay here for the time being, and when the renovation is completed, there will be new houses for you to live in.

The people looked at the rows of neat and tidy three-story buildings, and most of the reluctance in their hearts immediately dissipated.

When the population was registered yesterday, the people already knew from the city defense army that the place where they lived would be renovated, so most people were willing to cooperate.

In addition, a small number of people who resisted, after seeing Mu Liang's ability to build the city wall, were already scared, and 'willingly' agreed to cooperate with the reconstruction work.


ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

1318: A novel experience. (3 more)

Inside the city of Salun, outside the boundaries of the city under the jurisdiction of Xuanwu City.

Deacon Red raised his eyes and stared at the ten-meter-high city wall, frowning, what is Xuanwu City doing?

There were two men in black robes standing behind her, but their hands were chained and held by the red deacon.

Under the black robe, were Diane and Doloro who had hunted down Xue Ji, and they were also the ones who poisoned Yu Feier.

Doloro begged for mercy: "Master Red Deacon, can you let us go?"

Diane remained silent, but his face was equally ugly.

"I can't decide your life or death now." Red Deacon said indifferently.

She wanted to take the two to see Mu Liang and exchange Deacon Green.

Di An asked in a cold voice: "Master Red Deacon, we have always been loyal to the Dark Phoenix, why are we doing this to us?"

"Deacon Red was silent, pulling the iron chain in his hand and walking towards the port.

Because the value of the two is too low, if they can exchange for the green deacon, they will earn it.

Doloro shouted loudly: "Lord Red Deacon!!"

"Shut up." Deacon Red's eyes flashed coldly, and killing intent enveloped the two of them.

"..." Dolero and Diane's faces turned even paler, for fear of being killed on the spot, they reluctantly followed Red Deacon out. Red Deacon ignored the astonished gazes of the pedestrians around him, and brought Dolero and Diane to the port.

Along the way, no one stopped them.

The three stepped on Microsoft's cloud bridge and walked towards the rock turtle at the end.

The seemingly short cloud bridge, the three of them walked for half an hour and finally reached the hanging pavilion at the end.

Di An raised his head, his white lips under the hood were slightly parted, attracted by the lively Hanging Pavilion.

With a cold face, the red deacon walked forward with the chain, defiantly walking towards the passage with the least number of people.

Zan Yan raised his hand to stop Deacon Red, and said with a serious face: "Stop, this is the fast lane, please go to other teams to line up when you enter the city."

"I'm looking for your city lord." Deacon Red stopped and explained his purpose with a cold face.

"Looking for Lord City Lord... Who are you?" Zan Yan asked in a deep voice.

"Red Deacon 々V." Red Deacon said coldly.

Zanyan's pupils contracted, and he said in shock:

"'Dark Phoenix'

The Red Deacon! ! "

□ H

"It seems that your city lord has already said hello." Deacon Red pouted.

Zan Yan's expression became more serious, and he gestured, "Come with me, Your Excellency."

"Let's lead the way." Deacon Red nodded.

Doloro and Diane looked at each other, heartbroken.

The three followed Zan Yan through the Hanging Pavilion, and then walked through the long stairs to the front of Shanhaiguan.

Zanyan found Diane and explained the purpose of Red Deacon and others.

Diane glanced at Deacon Red and the others, then turned around and waved her hand: "I see, go back to work."

"Yes." Zan Yan nodded respectfully, turned back to the Hanging Pavilion, and continued to maintain the order of entering the city.

Diane held her arms in front of her, her eyes calm and said, "I thought you wouldn't come."

"Humph!" Deacon Red snorted coldly and said nothing.

"Come with me." Diane pouted, turned and walked towards Shanhaiguan.

"Let's go." Deacon Red pulled on the chain and continued to walk forward with Doloro and Diane.

Dolero and Diane's attention was a little distracted, and they were shocked by the grandeur of Shanhaiguan.

step on???

The four of them passed through Shanhaiguan, and there was a loud noise, and the commercial area was still overcrowded.

"I don't know when the new business district will be built." Diane muttered softly and continued to walk forward.

"A lot of people." Doloro looked around blankly, and soon his attention was drawn to the towering colored glass building in front of him.

The dragon hovered over the building, with clouds and mists lingering around it, and green plants embellished it, it looked very extraordinary.

"It's even taller than the Xuanwu Restaurant!!" Deacon Red whispered in surprise.

"Follow me." Diane reminded.

The three red deacon recovered and quickly accelerated their pace.

The four continued to walk forward, and soon came to the junction of the new business district and the old business district.

The old business district and the new business district were separated by a five-meter-high wall, with only a three-meter-high and wide door, guarded by four city defense soldiers armed with military crossbows.

Diane didn't look sideways, and walked in with the three of Red Deacon.

The city defense army didn't stop him, but just glanced at the three red deacon.

Behind the high wall, there are workers from the decoration workshop, who are renovating the newly built shop.

Now the decoration workshop has expanded several times, the number of decoration workers has reached nearly 1,000, and 60% of the workers are here at this time.

dong dong z^z

Kacha Kacha???

The sound of sawing wood and hammering heavy objects can be heard.

Deacon Red glanced at it, surprised inwardly.

Diane urged again: "Hurry up, maybe you can get on the train."

"Train?" The three of them had question marks all over their heads.

Five minutes later, several people left Wengcheng and stood in front of the train station.

"The railway station?" Deacon Red looked at the words above.

"Fortunately, I can catch up." Diane's beautiful eyes lit up.

She quickened her pace, walked into the train station with the three of them, and bought four train tickets easily with the privilege.

As the chief of the three gates, Diane is also on official business. As long as she is registered, she can use the privilege to buy train tickets.

In the waiting room, she held her arms in front of her, guarding the three red deacons who were in a daze.

They were still confused and didn't know what to do.

At this time, a ticket-checking reminder sounded in the waiting hall: ""~ Passengers, please note that the ticket check for No. 01 train has already begun.

"Come on, come with me." Diane raised the four train tickets in her hand and walked towards the ticket gate.

Deacon Red followed silently and stood in the wicket line.

When it was their turn to check tickets, Diane identified herself.

"These three people are the Lord of the City to see. This is my identity token and ID card. Now I have to take the train to the inner city." Diane took out the relevant documents and handed them to the ticket inspector. The ticket inspector took the certificate and the train ticket, carefully checked it, and chose to issue it.

"Master Diane, you can go in." The staff respectfully said.

"Thank you." Diane put away the ID card and the token representing her identity.

She turned her head and said, "Let's go."

Red Deacon kept pace, and he was very curious about what he was going to do and why (Wang Dehao) had always been mysterious.

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