Tower Defense Strategy

Chapter 313: Cruel "hope"

As early as a few days after the appearance of the third-level monster, there was a call for "knowledge" in the game.

From an extremely rational point of view, mankind has done a good job, at least before the complete destruction of industry, sending mankind’s hopes to space, even if there are some early ill-considerations, it can be done in the last time. Complete.

Mankind will not perish.

As early as a few months ago, it has been announced that human beings have overcome the planetary catastrophe on their own.

But from a human point of view, the human beings who are still in the earth globe are all in a state of waiting to die.

Are you willing to face your own tragic fate?

There should be a very long see-saw stage before the monster breaks down the industrial chain and humans are not extinct.

Said it is a see-saw, in fact, it will be more like an animal territorial battle. Humans compete for living space with monsters in units of immovable cities. If they lose, they will all be wiped out. As time goes by, they will eventually become underground bases.

In this unpredictable future, in order to prevent the evil of human nature from being infinitely magnified, people still need a little hope, so a call for help for knowledge occurred.

After listening to the liaison officer's description and judgment of the situation and the demands of the Tuqiu people, Octopus gave rare advice.

"Seeking a solution that transcends the times under the doomsday will inevitably open the taboo box. Come here today. If you really want the answer, come to me in two weeks."

Nothing has changed for two weeks, but the future has become clearer.

The contact person applied for the meeting again and made the same request again.

Octopus stopped advising this time, and briefly introduced some of the so-called "hopes" that the human branch facing the end had chosen.

It was a big shock at first.

Human being AI!

Just listen to the name and you can understand that it is a kind of circuit similar to the eternal life of data.

From the octopus point of view, the difference is that data immortality is the digitization of the entire human information, not only contains the effective and ineffective information in the brain, but also includes the somatosensory information brought by the individual's body.

And human AI is to directly use people to train AI when the technological strength is not up to the standard. The goal is to make the AI ​​appear like a trainer.

After becoming AI, there is a "creature" in the virtual world that does not need to be operated and whose behavior logic is exactly the same as that of the trainer. Later, you can upload or copy AI to the robot to obtain an object.

The common point of AI and data immortality is that both can exist at the same time as the original life. Even if a person is still alive, there is already a replica in the data world.

After all, those things are no longer humans, they can only be called embers.

Even using these embers to try to train a new human baby in turn has nothing to do with the "self".

"I can feel and can only feel ‘I’, my consciousness has never perceived ‘it’".

This is obviously not the continuation of life, but in the apocalyptic environment, especially with the technical strength of Tuqiu, the future will barely be able to build small-scale permanent settlements in the future. Human AI is already the technical difficulty, the lowest demand for materials and tools." hope".

Of course, in the specific operation, we must not explicitly say "human AIization", we need to make a package for it, such as what "data ark plan", "conscious storage", "data immortality" and so on.

To put it bluntly, it is the same as Hu's "hope" for crowd management in the post-disaster era.

It's just that human AI can really be made, and the data will always be preserved, and it will be really useful for archaeology, research, and virtual world simulation in the future.

The second taboo answer, the brain in the tank, the machine soars.

From Tuqiu’s two years of research on monster corpses and debris fragments, it can be seen that using a mechanical skull with a special shielding layer can effectively protect the brain and avoid life replacement, genetic mutation, and genetic mutation due to spores, special radiation, etc. The change in chemicals triggers the phenomenon of monsters.

When the brain-in-the-tank route first started, the ethical impact on the human world would be very large. In a healthy crowd environment, it is almost certain to be accused of crimes against humanity, and progress can only be possible in the apocalyptic environment.

The advantages of this model are many.

First of all, in response to the situation of the earth ball, it can prevent human exposure from eating, drinking, excreting and other behaviors. As long as the nutrient solution is not contaminated by foreign spores, the brain will be in a state of almost absolute safety.

Secondly, the brain is a collection of neurons, excluding the body factor, it can train new nerve cells to dock with more complex mechanical bodies.

Finally, the training and reconstruction mechanism of neurons makes the life of the brain much longer than that of the body. With a proper nutrient solution circulation and transportation mechanism, the life span can generally reach 150 years (calculated based on the birth year of the human body).

Disadvantages...especially easy to go crazy.

The human brain is not AI after all. It will be affected by the chemicals secreted by the brain. The nutrient solution can be added with chemicals during transportation, but it cannot wash away the existing ones.

The combination of the brain in the tank and the mechanical soaring will increase the risk of depression and madness in the human brain. It is not bad to be depressed to the point of extubation. If you go mad and kill people, depending on the equipment, the harm may be countless times greater than that of ordinary humans, even May trigger an omnic crisis.

In addition, the brain’s nerve cells can’t be used to make test-tube fetuses with the soil ball technology...Speaking of the soil ball test-tube fetus, it still needs a living mother to dock the embryo to provide nutrition. Have to wait for the astronauts to come to rescue.

After introducing the basic information, the following is the technical difficulty.

The technical difficulty of the brain in the tank is actually very low. It doesn't even need professional nutrient solution and circulation mode. It can live for a while by adding a fish tank with a constant temperature saline basin.

But if you want to make your brain practical, the technical difficulty will increase exponentially along with functional requirements.

If you want to live longer than half an hour, you must have professional high-dissolved oxygen liquid or oxygen-carrying particles that simulate red blood cells. Salt water is far from enough. To live for a few months, it must have functions such as nutrient input and waste discharge.

The best way to drive a humanoid robot is to preserve the spinal cord. Regardless of the difficulty of the operation and the survival rate of the operation, the neurological information transmission and electrical signal interpretation after installation is a very complicated system.

If the waste treatment of extracorporeal nutrient solution, liquid oxygen and carbon dioxide discharge are included, the nutrient solution circulation system that is lightweight enough to be added to humanoid equipment is enough to realize the advancement of earth ball medical technology for 20 years, including the machine body. The integration of all systems into one is a super project no less than promoting the development of aerospace technology.

At this point, the so-called immersive virtual cabin and neural link driving mode become possible. It is not the kind of fantasy in ancient games and literary works. There is no foundation for anything. Players will directly pop out when they ask for it.

With Tuqiu's existing technical strength, in an environment without the threat of monsters, 30 years of development aside from ethics are far from enough.

Having said that, the human body has evolved over hundreds of millions of years of life. It is one of the structures with high natural competitiveness. It works perfectly with the brain and is placed in the robot technology route. It is also a type with high technical difficulty.

Second, if you don't drive the appearance of the human form, will it be much easier?

For example, with a crawler-type chassis and a robotic arm, the number of signals that need to be recognized, processed, and output will be reduced. The bare brain is easier to operate, and more energy is devoted to vision, hearing, and even the sixth and seventh senses. Development.

The brain is a very plastic organ.

For biology, the brain is a strategic device. The bigger the better, the bigger the brain will only cause dystocia. It is necessary to advance the mother’s birth time. For the industrial age, premature birth is not a particularly heavy burden, and if we go back to the farming age due to wars and other reasons, the difficulty of nurturing caused by excessive premature birth will further increase, which may lead to human extinction.

However, if the body is discarded, the plasticity of the brain will become a very powerful life advantage, which can be used for the cultivation of docking neurons for various devices.

Even the super-brain race in "The Evolution of the Universe" can actually be regarded as a super-evolved version of the brain in the tank. The entire life body is designed to allow the brain to grow to a suitable maturity for transplantation.

After listening to the introduction of the octopus, the expressionless liaison in the game submitted the video and transcripts up in the real world with an uncomfortable face.

At the end of April, the liaison officer once again applied to meet with Octopus and asked for technical assistance.


This time, the octopus did not respond to requests. It is good to say that humans are AI-enabled. There are a lot of non-open technologies on the side of the brain in the tank.

Finally, he provided three documents and one convention to the liaison officer.

The documents are "Personalized AI Training and Biological Logic", "Exploration of Anthropomorphic Database Model of AI Thinking Mode", and "Development Ideas for Brain Cell Nutrient Solution".

The name of the convention is very long, "Regarding the prevention and handling of omnic crises, superstar management AI logic coding and learning library scanning and sorting specifications, the 1744 supervisors meeting resolution of the University of Galaxy Advanced Smart Life Consortium".

Tuqiu has been researching the AI ​​module in the game for a long time, and has developed a series of Homo sapiens robots that are serving in space.

However, the AI ​​used by the NPC in the game is a weak AI in the octopus, and does not have the authority to operate the actual equipment, even if it is completely dissected, it is useless.

Anthropomorphic AI is the biggest culprit in the omnic crisis. Ancient players belong to this category. Although their research results are inseparable from the platform framework, it is beneficial to take a look at the convention.

The first two documents in the literature basically frame the technological route of human AI.

Among the training models, Tuqiu has enough technology to directly use. It belongs to acousto-optic technology and requires the support of gaze tracking technology. It gives people questions through a series of pictures, videos and dark environments, and logically feeds them back to AI training.

The nutrient solution literature only concerns brain cells.

The nutrient solution for brain cells is developed from the needs of craniotomy, specifically for the need for direct contact with brain cells. After the operation, it enters the blood like tissue fluid and is then discharged from the circulatory system. It is completely different from the immersive nutrient solution that supports the body's deep sleep.

The octopus has not been guided by neural links and has not experienced enough death. A civilization will never understand its meaning.

The technology of Tuqiu has been able to use brainwaves to type on equipment, but this is only one-way interaction, and the type of information is not greater than the number of keyboard keys. Neural link is not a technology that can be successfully implemented by humane research. If it is too easy to obtain , More likely to be abused as a drug-related technology.

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