Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 4133: Assault on the Hulan Mountains

Yang Junyou's three Taiyi Golden Immortals were all killed by the seven-color chaotic beast, and Fairy Liuyun wounded the seven-color chaotic beast by herself? The strength is too strong!

"I remember that Fairy Ye has entered the Taiyi Golden Immortal stage less than a million years ago! The law has been cultivated to perfection?" Lin Tianba asked curiously.

"If it weren't for the great success of the law, how could I injure the mutated seven-color chaotic beast?" Fairy Liuyun's tone was flat, as if she was talking about a trivial matter.

This rhetoric is not convincing, even if the law is perfect, it is not easy to injure the mutant Chaos Beast of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Stage, unless it is the supreme law.

"Fairy Ye, do you have mastered a supreme law?" Lei Tianyao asked doubtfully.

"If I master the Supreme Law, let it go away?"

Fairy Liuyun smiled contemptuously, confident in her own strength.

Wang Changsheng didn't think it was strange. Fairy Liuyun was a legend in the lower realms, but she hadn't been promoted to the Taiyi Golden Immortal Stage for a long time, so she had achieved great success in the law so quickly, so there should be something to help her comprehend the law.

As for how she injures the mutated Chaos Beast of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Stage, that's not clear, there are quite a few things that can injure the mutated Chaos Beast. "As long as Fairy Ye is fine, cousin Yueshuo is coming soon, let's clean up the Xianjia army first! We have to deal with the Hulan tribe!"

Nangong Yueshan said.

The entire army of the Yang family was wiped out. The Cao family, the Ye family, and the Wuxianmen's Xianjia army combined totaled more than 3,000, and all three families dispatched more than 3,000 Xianjia troops. In order to intercept the Chaos Beast Tribe, the Xianjia army has lost more than half , kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

The Xianjia army of the Cao family and the Ye family had relatively few losses, and the Xianjia army of the Wuxianmen only had more than 700 people. With a pinch of Cao Mingjing's technique, the golden flying boat landed slowly, and they got off one after another.

The nine ice lions landed on the ground, and Fairy Liuyun and others jumped off one after another.

The five Taiyi Golden Immortals gathered for a meeting. After some exchanges, they discovered that five Golden Immortal monks had cultivated into peak true spirits, namely Murong Yilong, Qin Zhaoming, Wang Changsheng, Ye Xuanji and Ning Ting.

Ning Ting is Lin Tianba's eldest disciple, and he has the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal Dzogchen.

Among the five peak true spirits, Wang Changsheng and Ye Xuanji's cultivation bases were the lowest, and they were both middle-stage Golden Immortals. They dispatched fifty true spirits each, and currently there are still sixty-five people, most of whom have fallen.

"Why are you the only ones here, what about the others!" A loud male voice came from the sky.

As soon as the words fell, a red light appeared in the distant sky, and a flash appeared above the plain, and a huge red ball appeared. The upper body of the red ball lit up with a dazzling red light, and it turned into a semicircle. You can see a red attic with carved railings and jade, on which nearly ten thousand monks including Nangong Yueshuo stand.

"Fellow Daoist Nangong, this is the fairy ship!"

Fairy Liuyun asked, her gaze fell on the red ball. There are many shapes of fairy ships, depending on the refiner.

"It's just a yellow-class fairy ship, nothing more."

Nangong Yueshuo said, pinching the formula, the red ball fell to the ground, he walked down, and the others followed suit.

"Fellow Daoist Nangong, Fellow Daoist Yang and the others were wiped out on the way to intercept the Chaos Beast. Are we a little weaker if we want to attack the Hulan Mountains?"

Cao Mingjing asked.

"I also took this into consideration. I contacted Fellow Daoist Shangguan and Fellow Daoist Fu of the Huoyue Clan. They dispatched 3,000 Immortal Armor troops and 50 True Spirits each. They are already on their way and will arrive soon."

Nangong Yueshuo said.

After hearing this, the five of Cao Mingjing felt a little relieved.

"According to the information we have, there are at least three Chaos Beasts of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Stage in the Hulan Mountains. We have to deal with the Hulan tribe, and other tribes may reinforce them. Therefore, we must make a quick decision and kill as many Chaos Beasts as possible. , and retreat after looting a batch of cultivation resources.”

Nangong Yueshuo said.

The Nangong Xianzu didn't want to expand the war. With the current strength of the Nangong Xianzu, it would be impossible to get a big deal from a full-scale war with the Chahar tribe. This time they dispatched the True Spirit Legion and sent Nangong Yueshuo to take action. Ministry a lesson.


Ming Spiegel nodded, and the six discussed the battle. Three days later, the Shangguan family and the Huoyue clan arrived.

The leader of the Shangguan family is Shangguan Yunchun, who has a mid-stage Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation, and the leader of the Huoyue clan is Fu Yan, who is a mid-stage Taiyi Golden Immortal. Wang Mengbin and Wang Hui met monks from the Shangguan family on the road, and when they learned that they were going to the front line, the Shangguan family took Wang Mengbin and Wang Hui with them. As a result, more than 20,000 immortal armor troops have gathered, most of them are true immortals, and there are less than fifty golden immortal monks.

There are more than 300 true spirits, most of them are ordinary true spirits, and there are six peak true spirits. Eight Taiyi Golden Immortals lead the team, with an army of 20,000 Immortal Armor.

Nangong Yueshuo didn't plan to divide his troops at all, but gathered them in one place to fight towards the Hulan Mountains.

As soon as they entered the Hulan Mountains, tens of thousands of colorless chaotic beasts rushed over, in various forms. "Sweep them down, don't use the Immortal Arrow."

Nangong Yueshuo ordered.

20,000 Immortal Armored Army went up to meet them. They were wearing Chaos Armor and holding all kinds of Immortal Artifacts, attacking Chaos Beast. The colorless chaotic beasts were not their opponents at all, but the victory was due to the large enough number, which delayed for a while. Nangong Yueshuo was not in a hurry to advance, their key goal was to eliminate the vitality of the Chaos Beast.

After the colorless chaotic beasts were killed, they continued to move forward.

They had just advanced a million miles, when there was a loud roar of beasts, a large number of chaotic beasts of one color rushed out, covering the mountains and plains, and rushed towards the Immortal Armor Army.

Tens of thousands of Immortal Armor troops dispersed and divided into multiple teams to attack the colored chaotic beasts.

Wang Yunlong held a white ice spear and stabbed a chaotic beast of one color, piercing through its body with ease, leaving a **** hole.

The Wang Family's Immortal Armor Army was divided into five teams, with more than ten people in each team. They joined forces to attack the Chaos Beasts, and the Chaos Beasts of one color could not be stopped at all. Effect.

Even the chaotic beasts of one color couldn't stop them, but they greatly consumed the immortal energy and physical strength of the immortal armor army. Fortunately, they could take the elixir and wine to restore their immortal energy and physical strength.

After killing all the Chaos Beasts, they continued to move forward and came to the middle of the Hulan Mountains. They saw a large number of Chaos Beasts, hundreds of thousands of them, most of them were from the True Immortal Stage, and there were six Chaos Beasts from the Taiyi Golden Immortal Stage. There are as many as two eight-color Chaos Beasts.

"How dare you go to the Hulan Mountains? Do you really think that 20,000 Immortal Armored Army and hundreds of True Spirits can sweep the Hulan Mountains?" said an eight-color Chaos Beast that resembled a falcon bird.

Falcon, the priest of the Hulan Tribe, was in the early stage of Taiyi Jinxian.

"Whether the Hulan Mountains can be leveled depends on us, not those juniors." Nangong Yueshuo's tone was flat, as if talking about a trivial matter.

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