Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 4122: stride

Wang Changsheng noticed that there were more than a dozen chaotic beasts that looked like porcupines, all of them were in the golden immortal stage, and the highest was only five colors.

The last time he was a guest in Xuanmu City, Chaos Beasts attacked the city, and there were also this kind of Chaos Beasts, they could shoot out sharp thorns to injure the enemy, and the power of the sharp thorns was not inferior to that of a middle-grade fairy weapon.

More than a dozen five-color chaotic beasts rushed towards Yang Chunqiu, and a white light circle swept out from Qinglian City, passing over their bodies. Their bodies quickly froze, but soon, a dazzling five-colored chaotic beast appeared on the surface of the five-color chaotic beasts. Emmanuel, the ice melted.

More than a dozen thick beams of light flew over and hit the bodies of more than a dozen five-color Chaos Beasts. There was a terrifying blood hole on their bodies, and the blood flowed continuously.

Wang Qiuting held a flashing golden array in her hand, entered a series of formulas, and manipulated the Immortal Extinguishing Cannon to deal with the Chaos Beast.

Wang Ruyan played on the city wall, and Yang Chunqiu used the law of poison to kill the chaotic beasts. He drank six-color fairy wine and cultivated into a true spirit.

Wang Ruyan asked other clansmen to support the other three mysterious cities. She defended Qinglian City herself. With the top-grade fairy artifact Qingyue Qin and Taoist Requiem, she was confident in defending Qinglian City.

Now she just plays ordinary tunes and attacks Chaos Beast.

The seven-color Chaos Beast seemed to be afraid of Qinglian City's defense, so it hadn't made a move yet.

"Master Taihao, you finally appeared, I thought you would run away!"

The seven-color Chaos Beast spoke with a cold tone.

"Only you? Do I need to run?"

Wang Changsheng sneered.

"Shoot all of them, take down Qinglian City, and capture Qinglian fairy couple alive."

The seven-color Chaos Beast ordered.

"Yes, Priest Yue."

Some Chaos Beasts answered and rushed towards Qinglian City.


Wang Changsheng frowned. It seemed that this mutated chaotic beast was the leader of a tribe.

Tens of thousands of Chaos Beasts lined up and rushed towards Qinglian City, and two five-color Chaos Beasts of the Golden Immortal Stage rushed towards Yang Chunqiu. Wang Changsheng's right index finger tapped lightly into the void, and a blue rainbow flew out, hitting the head of a five-color chaotic beast accurately.

There was a **** hole in the head of the five-color Chaos Beast, and it fell down without breath.

Qiankun three fingers!

Wang Changsheng has passed this secret technique to Wang Qingshan and others. The stronger the physical body, the deeper the immortal power, and the stronger the power of the Qiankun Three Fingers.

The Three Fingers of Qiankun is another powerful secret technique of the Wang family after the "Xuanying Enlightenment Dafa". It is only passed on to the members of the Wang family. treatment.

Another five-color chaotic beast pounced on Yang Chunqiu. Yang Chunqiu's right hand burst into purple light, and a large amount of pungent purple poisonous mist gushed out. His right fist blasted out, and a huge purple poisonous python flew out to meet it. go up.

The purple poisonous python collided with the five-color chaotic beast, its body exploded, a purple poisonous mist covered the five-color chaotic beast's body, its huge body flew out of the purple poisonous mist, and rushed towards Yang Chunqiu.

Yang Chunqiu moved his fists and went up to meet him.

With two sounds of "bang bang", Yang Chunqiu flew upside down and hit the city wall, there was no serious injury.

The five-color Chaos Beast was fine, but a stream of blood came out of its eyes.

The physical body of the Chaos Beast is strong, but the eyes are a major weakness, and this is also where the immortals focus on taking care of them.

This five-color chaotic beast is not dead yet, it is blind, it is not easy to deal with Yang Chunqiu.

A six-color chaotic beast resembling a falcon bird descended from the sky, and a pair of sharp claws went straight to grab Yang Chunqiu's head. A ball of blue light lit up, and Wang Changsheng's figure appeared. His right fist hit the six-color Chaos Beast's head with a big blue light.

With a muffled sound, the six-color Chaos Beast flew upside down, its head shattered, bleeding profusely, and died.

Wang Changsheng has cultivated into a peak true spirit, and his physical body is much stronger. Now he can kill six-color chaos beasts with one punch. More than a dozen Chaos Beasts resembling porcupines let out a deep roar, and the sharp thorns on their bodies flew out, and they went straight to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng wanted to avoid it, but a

The six-color Chaos Beast, which looks like a rhinoceros, stomped **** the ground. The ground shook slightly, and a strong force of gravity emerged out of thin air, sucking him to the ground.

A gust of white cold air gushed out of Wang Changsheng's body surface, and a white ice armor emerged out of thin air to protect his whole body, the law of ice.

The sharp thorns hit the white ice armor one after another, and the white ice armor was torn apart. The sharp thorns hit Wang Changsheng's body, leaving only shallow bloodstains, that's all.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chunqiu was dumbfounded and admired Wang Changsheng even more.

"Yang Daoyou, you and Qiu Ting go to support other mysterious cities! Just leave this place to us."

Wang Changsheng enjoined.

They are confident in blocking the Chaos Beast's attack. It's hard to say about the other three mysterious cities. Wang Tuntian and others have already entered the Golden Immortal Stage and can help.

Yang Chunqiu responded, flew back to Qinglian City, and went with others to support the other three mysterious cities.

Wang Ruyan's ten fingers brushed over the strings, and blue sound waves swept out, heading straight for the Chaos Beast.

"I didn't expect you to become a peak true spirit. I underestimated you. We will deal with him if you attack the city with seven colors or less."

Yue opened his mouth and ordered.

It led six chaotic beasts of seven colors to rush at Wang Changsheng very fast.

Wang Changsheng stepped on the void with his right foot, the void twisted and deformed, his figure flickered, and he appeared in front of a seven-color chaotic beast.

Wang Changsheng's right index finger lit up a golden light, and struck the seven-color Chaos Beast's head.

With a muffled sound, his right index finger easily pierced through the head of the seven-color Chaos Beast, and the Seven-color Chaos Beast flew out backwards, with a **** hole in its head and lost its breath.

Two chaotic beasts of seven colors rushed forward, Wang Changsheng stepped on the void with his right foot, the void distorted and deformed, and he disappeared as an afterimage.

The next moment, Wang Changsheng appeared in front of a seven-color chaotic beast that looked like a fierce tiger, and his right index finger shone goldenly, heading straight for the seven-color chaotic beast's head.

A shrill roar sounded, and the seven-color Chaos Beast fell down, with a **** hole in its head.

His figure flickered again, and he appeared in front of a seven-color chaotic beast that looked like a fox, and he struck again with his finger.

out. The body of the seven-color Chaos Beast trembled and fell down, with a finger-thick blood hole on its head.

Wang Changsheng killed three seven-color Chaos Beasts at an extremely fast Yue was taken aback.

"Is this Dacheng's law of speed?"

Yue wondered.

It doesn't know at all that this is a stepping foot in Taoism.

Not to mention them, even the Golden Immortal cultivator who has mastered the law can hardly catch up with Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng stepped on the void with his right foot, turned into an afterimage, and appeared in front of Yue in an instant.

Yue swung his mace and smashed it at Wang Changsheng's head.

Wang Changsheng's figure flickered, disappeared from the spot, and appeared in front of another seven-color chaotic beast, and his right index finger lightly tapped its head.

The body of the seven-color Chaos Beast trembled and fell down.

Wang Changsheng used the stepping step to walk among the seven seven-color chaotic beasts. Each of the seven-color chaotic beasts fell down, with a blood hole in their head. In less than a quarter of an hour, six seven-color chaotic beasts were killed.

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