Top Horror Novelist

Chapter 147: (1)

The road to the top of the clock tower is not easy.

Every step up is an additional layer of resistance. Even though it looks like a small step, it is so strenuous that it is difficult to lift the legs.

Not only is the physical resistance perceived, but also a brutal mental attack.

The scenes that flashed before Chi Yiyin's eyes were not from his own memory, but from every life in Tangjia City.

The young female worker who dragged her exhausted body back home from work, had to work for 20 hours to get a meager salary with nodding her head and smiling apologetically, and was contemptuously thrown by the factory manager to pick up the black bread stained with horse manure. , The heavy and tiring work, the sour eyes that can't be opened, and the gradually numb soul.

The life of a female worker who worked at the age of thirteen and died at the age of fourteen filled Chi Yiyin's mind.

There was even a moment when he felt in a trance that he was the female worker.

"Chi Yiyin" is just a fictitious and unrealistic dream. The tired and dark life of the female workers is his reality.

The dark and small home, the parents who work around the clock and still can't feed their children, the sister who is sick and coughing up blood in bed, the foul stench coming in from the river outside the window...

How excited should a young female worker be when she leaves home for the first day and joins her mother in the factory?

She felt that if she could support the family, she would definitely be able to earn money to buy medicine for her younger sister, and buy a new house that could see the sun, so that her tired and aging parents could breathe.

But such a naive dream has been wiped out in just a few months.

Endless work has crushed all enthusiasm, and the beautiful fantasies of the past have all been suppressed by the resonance of the machine, the insults of the supervisor, the meager salary that is often deducted, the hard bread that is not full and hard to swallow...all squeezed by such things crushed.

She used to dislike her mother's numbness, and felt that she would be able to accomplish a lot.

But a few months later, when she looked at her face reflected in the river, she suddenly realized that she had become the same as her mother.

Numbness, fatigue, dull eyes, powerlessness that cannot see the future.

To make matters worse, she began to cough up blood, and her young and beautiful face always twitched unconsciously.

The physical suffering prevented her from concentrating on her work, and she was cut open by the machine, but the supervisor was not worried about her injury, but scolded her for being cheap and worthless, and what to do if the machine was broken.

For this reason, the supervisor withheld all her salary, no matter how much she begged, he just kicked her away, and warned her that she would not be allowed to work in the factory if she continued to mess around.

She could only wipe away her tears and go home enduring the pain. After tucking in the quilt for her younger sister, she still couldn't help crying, complaining why she was not born in a rich family or the daughter of the city lord.

But after crying, she could only pray to God, hoping that she would not fall ill and that tomorrow would be safe.

But her illness was getting worse, her beautiful face began to distort, her eyes were protruding and her mouth was crooked, and she was hit by stones by screaming and terrified children on the street. People in the factory also talked about her body being possessed by demons and she was unwilling to approach her. she.

Fortunately, the master of the factory was kind and said that he would help her exorcise the demon.

When the female worker heard the news from the supervisor, she was very happy, and begged to bring her sister to exorcise the demon together, maybe her sister's illness would be cured.

But she didn't understand the director's eyes.

Pity, contempt, indifferent numbness.

She wasn't the first person in this factory to be possessed by a demon, and she wouldn't be the last.

It was not the first time the supervisor had done this kind of thing, and he knew very well that the fate of these people was just another scorched black corpse in the river.

Chi Yiyin wanted to persuade the female worker to take her sister and leave as soon as possible, away from the factory.

Those dignitaries refused to give the workers even an extra piece of black bread, so how could they pay the bill for the broken screw?

But Chi Yiyin was trapped in the identity of a female worker, and could only watch her happily looking forward to the exorcism.

The story of the past is being repeated without any changes.

Chi Yiyin looked at the family who were sharing the pitifully small amount of black bread in the small house. He wanted the female workers to leave the factory and take the family with them.

But at the same time, he also knew that this was impossible.

Working in the factory was already the best job the family could find.

Although the black bread is hard and dry, and the paste in the throat needs water to wash it down, and the mixed straw and gravel in it often scratches the throat and shatters the teeth, but after all, you can still eat half full, and you will not die of starvation.

Although the family life is difficult, it is much better to always have a roof to shelter from the rain than to sleep on the street and die in the garbage dump.

Life is hard, but you can barely survive.

They don't want to break the status quo, so even if it is black bread thrown at their feet like alms, they will pick it up cherished and thank them repeatedly.

The older parents were well aware of how naive their daughter was, and they knew that something was changing in the factory.

But they also won't give up their factory jobs.

The youngest daughter in the family still needs to buy medicine and see a doctor, and the life of the family must continue.

Fantasy may be beautiful, but reality does not allow them to be willful, even in the midst of abuse, they can only bend down.

Bend lower.

Let such a family leave... Even if they are told of all the foreseeable deaths, they still have a fluke mentality, thinking that the nobles will not be so bad, and continue to commute to and from the factory every day.

They work diligently, even if they work twenty hours a day, so that they don't even have time to sleep, it still makes them fantasize about the future.

Perhaps, there will be a beautiful house, delicious white bread, and sunshine from outside the house...

It's just that these were all buried in the sea of ​​fire.

As a female worker, Chi Yiyin knew for the first time what it was like to be burned alive.

The piercing pain reaches the soul, and I want to break free but can't escape.

Chi Yiyin could only grit her teeth and repeat her identity in her heart over and over again, so as not to let herself forget her real name and origin, so that she could distinguish reality from fantasy.

In this way, he sustained the illusion.

When he slowly recovered from the hallucination, his head was already drenched in sweat, and even the burning pain remained on his skin.

"Yinyin, are you okay?"

Li Sijun's palm stretched out from the side, holding his arm firmly, allowing him to lean on him for strength.

"I can carry you up."

Chi Yiyin took a few breaths, calmed down, and pushed Li Sijun's hand away firmly while trembling.

"No, I can continue."

He looked down, but only stepped on one step.

Such pain, in exchange for only a step up. And if you want to walk up to the bell tower, you still need to walk thousands of steps, floating in the air, reaching the endless sky.

From the establishment of Tangjia City to the present, all the dead people have turned into steps leading to destruction.

Every step is a person's soul after death, a lifetime of painful memories.

Not only Chi Yiyin, but Jingcha and others are also suffering.

Chi Yiyin even saw Jingcha's delicate facial features distorted in pain, and the rabbit kept dying at his feet, enduring mental damage and collapse on his behalf.

The wounds that have been healed and torn open again and again, converge into the blood dripping along the way that Beijing Tea has walked.

The "Pope", who has always spoken with his fists, was overwhelmed by other people's lives for the first time. The pain could not be changed, and he could only helplessly watch himself die miserably in the hallucination.

It's like a malicious joke played by the playground.

The Pope, who was supposed to guide everyone's spiritual direction and preserve the spiritual purity of believers, has to be guided, crushed, re-firmed, and crushed again and again...

A person who falls can stand up once, twice.

But if you stand up every time, you will fall down again without any suspense, just like Prometheus who was tortured, falling off the cliff again and again and climbing again, endlessly.

Will that person choose to stand up again?

Perhaps, is it happier to lie down?

Looking at the sweaty faces of Jingcha and Red Bird, Chi Yiyin knew that all of them were working hard towards the goal in their hearts, trying their best to realize their ideals.

This is the last section of the road to the clock tower, it seems so close, one step to the sky can achieve the final success. But it's so far away, so far away that you can't even touch it with your hand, and every step you take is as heavy as a thousand pounds.

But they never wanted to give up.

Chi Yiyin smiled slightly, turned his gaze back, and continued on his way.

Only Li Sijun, who had been stretching out his hand to protect Chi Yiyin, looked so relaxed, as if he had no burden at all.

Chi Yiyin was surprised: "Didn't you see anything?"

Li Sijun shook his head slowly: "Every step represents the same soul. What Yinyin sees is what I see. It's just..."

"I'm used to this weight."

Li Sijun said it lightly, without any surprise, but Chi Yiyin quickly realized something after being stunned.

What has long been used to is the weight of life. Li Sijun watched this kind of pain unfold all the time. He seemed to be walking with a weight on his shoulders. The unbearable weight for ordinary people was normal for him.

The pain of Chi Yiyin and the other two gritting their teeth to persevere and walk through is a common thing for Li Sijun day after day.

He pursed his lips, and the way he looked at Li Sijun changed slightly.

"You and the system are in the same camp. You didn't deny my previous guess, and now you're taking the initiative to pass the clues to me."

Chi Yiyin asked: "Don't worry, I will find out all the secrets behind you?"

Is anyone really willing to tell others all the truth about themselves?

That means that all the cards are turned up, and every painful and miserable moment in life will be revealed to others, and there will be no secrets at all.

Even people who have never experienced danger in reality, most of them would not be able to do this... Then Li Sijun, why?

However, Li Sijun just lowered his head slightly, watching his feet instead of Chi Yiyin, and his arms were vain to prevent him from stumbling.

"I have nothing I can't tell you, Yinyin."

He said calmly: "I once promised you that as long as you can find out the truth, I will tell you the truth. This promise is always valid, and I will not lie to you."

Chi Yiyin's footsteps paused slightly, and his eyes were complicated. When he looked at Li Sijun, he seemed to be thinking about something, but in the next second, he strode his long legs nonchalantly, as if nothing had happened.

The situation between the two was calm, and there was even a faint tendency to move closer to each other.

But the observer's system was trembling. What Li Sijun said made it blind, lest the other party directly tear up the agreement.

This never happened before, and there was no contingency plan.

But now...with the addition of the variable Chi Yiyin, the system becomes uncertain.

Seeing that Chi Yiyin didn't continue to question, the system almost wept with joy, kneeling down and calling daddy.

[Congratulations to the survivor Chi Yiyin, your mission "For Whom the Bell Tolls" is currently progressing at 99/100, please continue to work hard! 】

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, the system would have almost missed playing in person to cheer for Chi Yiyin.

The smile on Chi Yiyin's lips deepened: [Are you afraid that I will continue to ask? Are you afraid of what will happen, the destruction of the game field, or the... agreement that restricts the balance of two existences, two systems? 】

The system's happy laughter stopped abruptly.

…Grass! Forget that Chi Yiyin is still a monster at heart!

It started to play dead, not daring to say anything extra, so that Chi Yiyin could get information from it.

【Survivors please don't play tricks on the system, pay attention to your feet. 】

But for Chi Yiyin, the system's evasion is enough to explain the answer.


His eyes darkened, and he continued to climb up as if nothing had happened. It took a long time to take each step, and the mental pressure accumulated layer by layer, which was enough to collapse the mountain.

Unfamiliar faces flashed in front of Chi Yiyin's eyes.

Those were the memories of all the dead souls, and they all reappeared in Chi Yiyin's body one by one, bringing him into his own life and experiencing the city from his own perspective.

—Do you like the bustling and dazzling of this city?

This is Tangjia City, which has the most frequent trade and is famous far and wide. Beautiful flowers like Isalia can be raised here, and a miraculous Crystal Palace of all nations can also be built here.

However, have you ever seen how many people are starving and homeless in the alleys behind the sun?

Our corpses are piled up in the garbage cans, our carrion is floating in the river, and no one collects our bones.

‘In the beginning, those who died would only appear in the chatter in the streets and alleys, and occasionally they would be published in the cracks of the newspaper, and the number of deaths would be listed in one stroke. I thought that was too far away from me. '

The figure of the female worker slowly appeared in front of Chi Yiyin, her translucent body blocked his way, only one step away from the copper bell at the highest point of the clock tower.

She looked at Chi Yiyin calmly, tears streaming silently.

‘I thought death was so far away from me and my family that it was unrealistic that we would survive if everyone in the world died. I used to feel that we were special, not chosen by death. '

"But later, I learned that death is equal, and anyone has the possibility of being selected..."

Another figure slowly solidified beside the female worker, the same translucent body floating in the air: 'All of us will be abandoned like broken screws. '

Another voice echoed faintly: 'When we lose the ability to work, it is our time of death. '

'When we realize this, it is after death. It's already too late, nothing can be saved. '

‘We had the opportunity to save other people and save ourselves. However, we ourselves gave up. '

‘Regret, but no more chance. '

'We didn't care about other people's deaths, we felt that we were the most special. But because of our indifference, other people also ignore our death. Call for help, but get no help. '

'Despair, the last impression of life, is nothing but deep despair. '

'I gave up the chance to leave with the God of Death and stayed in Tangjia City. I just want to see with my own eyes that the future of this city—everyone can break free from the chains and gain the possibility of their own lives. '

One figure after another appeared in front of Chi Yiyin, blocking his way to the highest point of the bell tower.

Pairs of lifeless and empty eyes silently stared at Chi Yiyin, as if examining and begging.

‘But you’re still alive and you still have a chance to change things. '

‘When you go up that bell tower, you are standing on our mountain of bones. '

'Save us from making the same mistakes we did. '

'Don't let yourself regret it. '

Countless ghosts whispered, their voices echoed hollowly and intertwined, echoing in the crystal palace of Noda, like the cold wind of a cemetery passing through the forest, rustling the leaves.

Chi Yiyin walked tens of thousands of steps all the way, and witnessed the death of tens of thousands of lives and the pain of a lifetime. The physical and mental exhaustion made him exhausted, but he did not stop his footsteps.

Even though his muscles were already shaking, he still gritted his teeth and fixed his gaze on the ghost in front of him.

He recognized the appearance of these souls.

These people are the components of the steps of the bell tower, and each step is made of their bones, engraved with their pain and regret.

And at the last step...

Chi Yiyin slowly stepped forward with trembling long legs, and landed firmly and solemnly on the platform.

He stood up straight and looked at all the ghosts without fear.

"Your lives have built this city, making Tangjia City prosperous and prosperous. And your deaths have piled up into a bell tower, letting the bell of death ring to warn the strangers."

With solemn eyebrows and eyes, Chi Yiyin said softly: "Everything you are obsessed with and resentful about should come to an end."

"Now the lord of Tangjia City and the important dignitaries are dead, the power that has controlled the city for a long time has been wiped out, and the remaining space has given people enough room to play."

"Victor and those who have been released from the tower, and all the aspiring people in the taverns and streets who care about this city, please believe that they will make good use of this rare gap, for themselves, for All of you, earn your life and the life you deserve."

The long-standing cycle was cut off, the compressed time and space were destroyed, and Tangjia City was in a state of disunity, and there were no guards who could fight with determination.

Facing Victor, Uncle Hank and others, the guards and sheriffs would only retreat steadily and be defeated.

And by then, everything will be reshuffled.

The opportunity for change has arrived.

The rest will be handed over to time and the masters of life.

—Their own life and family members should naturally be defended by themselves.

Chi Yiyin smiled and said to the ghosts: "You can leave with peace of mind. The bell that has been warning the strangers has completed its mission. And you have also made up for the shortcomings of your life, and you can sleep peacefully. .”

"Don't worry, your children will do better than you and live the beautiful life you once dreamed of."

Following Chi Yiyin's words, the ghosts were gradually shaken.

Their translucent bodies slowly dissipated, and finally disappeared one by one, crying, laughing and crying, and gave Chi Yiyin the way to the top of the bell tower.

Chi Yiyin nodded one by one, nodding his thanks to the departing ghosts.

When he really walked towards the huge bronze bell, the tens of thousands of steps had exhausted his physical strength so much that he was seriously exhausted. He could only support Li Sijun's arm, gritted his teeth to support his trembling and exhausted body, and walked forward every time. Every step is torture.

But even so, he never asked Li Sijun for help.

Even the system looked at Chi Yiyin and murmured in his heart, feeling more and more that this person is so cruel to him and must not be provoked.

Mingming Chi Yiyin knew very well that as long as he spoke, Li Sijun could do it for him and destroy the bell tower. From the moment he walked up the bell tower to the present, Chi Yiyin had someone he could turn to for help, but he never did.

The back of the system was cold, and the eyes looking at Chi Yiyin became more and more horrified.

However, Li Sijun sighed in his heart, deeply feeling that what he had done for Chi Yiyin was not enough.

His little believer is not used to relying on him completely, and has never asked him for anything... But it is precisely because of this that he is even more unable to look away.

When Chi Yiyin walked towards the huge bronze clock, everyone unconsciously held their breath and watched Chi Yiyin quietly.

Li Sijun also stopped in Chi Yiyin's refusal, stopped outside the spire, and stood with Jingcha Red Bird, looking at his voice with a smile in his eyes, one step, one step, Go to the bronze bell.

The moment Chi Yiyin's palm was placed on the copper bell, he suddenly felt a cold palm on his own, and a force that did not belong to him appeared at the same time, merging with him , pushing to the bronze bell together.

When Chi Yiyin turned around in surprise, he saw the ghost that had just disappeared in front of him appearing beside him again.

One, two... all ghosts are coming.

They put their hands on Chi Yiyin's in silence, and the power of thousands of souls twisted into one, tens of thousands of people as one, pushing this heavy bronze bell together.

'We escaped, so we regretted it. So now, we have to do one last thing for the city we love so much, the streets and rivers we used to be familiar with. '

The voices of the ghosts echoed one after another, and the whispers echoed hollowly.

‘Let us help you together to destroy the sounding death knell. '

And tomorrow...

A new sun will rise tomorrow.

When the first ray of dawn emerges after dawn and shines on the earth, please let the city rejuvenate, the rivers clear again, the streets tidy again, full of sunshine and laughter everywhere.

In the world we have lost, please, live well.

Take our place and enjoy the wonderful future we never had.

Maybe one day in the future, we won't have to work day and night, and our work will earn us enough food to live on, so that we can spend time with our families, have our own beautiful sunny home, and don't have to suffer from hunger Hungry without having to kneel and humiliate to pick up black bread...

We look forward to that future.

Please, be sure to come.

—even on our bones.

All the forces are exerting force in the same direction, and thousands of ghosts roar together, their expectations fall on Chi Yiyin's shoulders and become a new force.

The heavy copper bell was pushed slowly, and then made an overwhelmed sound.

Click, click... The tortoise cracks spread rapidly on the copper bell, and soon spread all over the copper bell.

Then, under the concerted efforts of all the ghosts, the bronze bell, which was so solid and heavy that even pushing it was a delusion, turned into scattered debris and drifted away with the wind.

And the entire bell tower that rose from the ground and overlooked Tangjia City also made a loud bang and gradually collapsed amidst the trembling sound.

When Chi Yiyin raised his head again, there was no trace of the bronze bell in front of his eyes, only a piece of red paper floating down.

The gust of wind dazzled Chi Yiyin's eyes, he squinted his eyes, and stretched out his hand to take the red paper.

It was the red envelope that was supposed to be handed over to the player at the beginning of the copy but was missing.

It's late, but it always comes, doesn't it?

Chi Yiyin smiled slightly, and slowly opened the envelope.

On the red paper inside, the reminder belonging to this dungeon finally appeared before his eyes after everything was over.

[For whom does the bell toll? The bell tolls for me.

The death knell of the world has sounded, the process of destruction has officially started, and the true face of the game field has been gradually revealed with the efforts of all survivors.

Congratulations, survivor, your efforts have made the game field move forward again after twelve years. I sincerely hope that you can enjoy the next journey, destroying with the game field, or watching the destruction of the world together. 】

Lines of words appeared on the red envelope right in front of Chi Yiyin's eyes, and then disappeared, turning into empty red paper again.

Immediately, the bronzing pattern slowly appeared, the veins of the World Tree spread on the red paper, shimmering brightly, and the red paper was swallowed by gold.

Chi Yiyin only felt a burning sensation in his hand, and when the red paper reappeared, it had turned into an invitation letter with the title of Major Arcana.

On the screen, the tower is on fire, people are falling, and there are screams in panic. Looking at the screen, it seems that you can hear those people screaming and calling for help.

On the invitation letter, golden words slowly appeared.

[Dear Awakened Chi Yiyin, you have triggered a new first-level dungeon, congratulations, you have obtained a ticket to board the train, and you can take a box seat. As the trigger of the new level, you enjoy the highest privilege of the new level. 】

[But privileges always come with strength—when you get the help of a new level of copy, you will also get a higher death rate. 】

All the words hovered for a few seconds, and then they were erased like sand paintings.

And the golden card deformed again.

Chi Yiyin felt that his hand was empty, and saw something falling from mid-air.

Instinctively, he subconsciously reached out to take it, but saw that what he held in his hand was a bronzing dark green ticket.

Chi Yiyin's name and ID code are written on it, and the information provided is similar to the real ticket.

It's just that there are a few large characters printed on it.

Sea of ​​clouds train.

Origin: Doomsday—End: The Kingdom of Cloudtops

The moment this ticket appeared, a system prompt sounded in Chi Yiyin's mind.

[Congratulations to the survivor Chi Yiyin! You have successfully passed the A-level dungeon [City of Death Knell], because you have completed the mission "The Tower Falls", the mission "For Whom the Bell Tolls", and the mission "The Most Important Thing". Clear all the mainline missions and achieve new achievements—the S-level copy is now in the world! ! 】

[Since the game field first opened the dungeon twelve years ago, the S-level dungeon has been sealed at the highest point of the game field, and no survivor has ever been able to successfully trigger and enter. And your arrival has unsealed all the new level dungeons. 】

[From now on, the game field will send invitations to all A-level survivors—all A-level survivors who have successfully cleared nine or more A-level copies will be eligible to enter S-level copies. Of course, the S-level dungeon still needs to be found and triggered by the survivors themselves. 】

[But you, you don't need to. 】

The system secretly smiled flatteringly at Chi Yiyin.

If it had a tail, it must be turning into a propeller by now.

[Survivor Chi Yiyin, you have triggered the S-level dungeon [Cloud Sea Train], you can enter the dungeon first with a ticket, congratulations! 】

[Because the S-level dungeon has never appeared in the world, a special instruction is issued to Chi Yiyin, the trigger of the level. You can check it yourself later. The instructions include the basic rules of the S-level dungeon. 】

[And as the trigger, you have another privilege under the blessing of high death rate-you can decide your own team. Even survivors who have never owned a ticket can form a team with you through your invitation and enter the S-level dungeon [Cloud Sea Train]. A ticket can carry up to five relatives, please choose carefully. 】

Although the system was not surprised that Chi Yiyin would get into the S-level copy, it was because it had thought that Li Sijun would help Chi Yiyin complete all this.

After all, Li Sijun's repeated refusal gave Chi Yiyin a special qualification that no one else had, and Li Sijun's attention to him shocked the system.

Unexpectedly, although Chi Yiyin successfully cleared the A-level dungeon and triggered the S-level dungeon, it was not because of Li Sijun's help.

Instead, he led the team himself and did it all.

This made the system refresh its evaluation of Chi Yiyin, and at the same time, it dared not despise him even more, and was even sincerely happy for Li Sijun.

Although it is depressing for a **** to be confused by a mortal, but if the other party is the monster king Chi Yiyin... the system suddenly feels reasonable.

It even looked forward to it, and Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun would waste each other's time and energy in the future, so they wouldn't care about hurting it.

System: Happy, plan to pass √

This made him sincerely congratulate him, instead of responding to the instruction manual according to the standard and using a cold voice to remind him to pass the level, but with real feelings and a little emotion.

[Congratulations, Chi Yiyin. 】

【Looking forward to meeting you again in the future. 】

Maybe I won't be able to get rid of Chi Yiyin in the future. After all, the gods pay too much attention to Chi Yiyin, and may even work with Chi Yiyin for a long time in the future.

But at least, it can dream of its own freedom OwO~

Chi Yiyin looked down at the ticket in his hand, and after a long time, he smiled slightly.

"It seems that we are going to prepare for the next trip."

He looked sideways at Li Sijun, raised his eyebrows and asked, "I don't have the habit of resting in the temporary living area. Before going to the next dungeon, I plan to rest in this dungeon for a few days. Do you want to come with me?"

Li Sijun smiled and nodded: "You don't need to ask my opinion, you know my answer, Yinyin. Wherever you are, that's where I will appear."


He paused, swallowed the identity he was going to export, changed to another one, and said nonchalantly, "It's a companion, isn't it?"

Chi Yiyin smiled: "Yes."

"Although you told me your identity, let me see a part of your truth, and proved your promise to me with facts. But."

He said softly: "For me, your danger will not disappear."

"This should be my problem, not yours, Yinyin."

Li Sijun said: "I should worry about how to make you trust me, how to make you get used to relying on me... This is something I have to think about, you don't need to waste your mind on it."

He took a step forward, bent down and whispered to Chi Yiyin, "I'll walk to you for the rest of the way, Yinyin."

"All you have to do is don't back down, don't run away."

"You can examine me, measure me, and use me at will until you think that I am enough to be trusted by you and can be your reliance... that's enough."

Chi Yiyin opened her eyes slightly, she didn't expect Li Sijun to say such words.

Does such a dangerous and mysterious person actually have such a side?

Moreover, why did Li Sijun talk about the rest of the way?

Chi Yiyin was a little confused.

Why does it sound like he was walking towards Li Sijun before?

He couldn't figure it out for a while, and fell into thinking, so he didn't care about Li Sijun's hand gently wrapping his shoulder.

On top of the gradually collapsing bell tower, Li Sijun slowly hugged Chi Yiyin into his arms. His tall and strong figure was enough to embed Chi Yiyin between his arms and chest without leaving any gaps.

Li Sijun lowered his eyes slightly, a smile appeared on his lips, and his arms slowly, slowly closed.

Light as if hugging a feather, lest the movement be too big to disturb him.

Li Sijun provided a strong support for the exhausted Chi Yiyin, and also held him firmly in his arms, not letting the falling bricks hurt him at all.

"Where is Yinyin going to rest? The entire Tangjia City is collapsing, with flames and corpses everywhere, and this place will fall into chaotic reorganization for a long time in the future. People need to adapt to the new environment and formulate new rules—they have already A new era has entered."

"It's already planned, so I'll go outside the city. The snacks at the market taste pretty good, how about going to try again? The mountains and fields are beautiful now, and it's the most suitable place for vacation. I heard from people at the market , there is a large sea of ​​flowers in the farm outside the city."

"Okay, then go there. I will stay with Yinyin for as long as Yinyin wants to rest."

Li Sijun chuckled and murmured: "The world of two people, speaking of it, I still earned it."

Chi Yiyin raised his eyebrows, and looked up at Li Sijun through the fluttering hair: "It seems that I don't know you well enough to know that you can say such things."

"Then we'll have a long time to get to know each other well enough."

Li Sijun lowered his eyes to look at Chi Yiyin in his arms, his golden-brown eyes glowed brightly: "Get to know me more, Yinyin."

Chi Yiyin pursed her lips, but did not answer.

He noticed that the understanding that Li Sijun said was not the kind of understanding that is usually obtained by detecting information. but...

Respond further emotionally.

Chi Yiyin, who had never felt such a strong and sincere and firm emotion, was a little dazed for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

Rejecting or accepting doesn't seem right.

No matter how much he has seen other people's emotions, how much theory and logic he understands, when emotions appear in him, the authorities can't see the way clearly.

"I will try."

After a long time, Chi Yiyin finally gave his answer softly.

Li Sijun was not disappointed, but his smile grew stronger.

The most critical first step has already been taken.

his voice...

Getting used to having him around.

Under Li Sijun's wings, Chi Yiyin did not receive any more damage, and all the falling bricks and stones avoided.

But Red Bird Beijing Tea not far away does not have such good treatment.

The two of them didn't even have a breath, they just watched the bronze bell shattered and the bell body collapsed, and they quickly regained their strength and climbed down from the bell tower almost using both hands and feet.

Fortunately, now that she has left the Palace of Mirrors and returned to the ground, Jingcha's awakened power has also been restored.

He threw a black rabbit casually, and the small and petite rabbit suddenly stretched in mid-air, turning into a giant skeleton rabbit, and the two of them were humped on its back.

When it fell on the giant rabbit's hard back, the red bird felt that all its internal organs had shifted, but it was still relieved, and spread itself out tiredly.

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