Top Horror Novelist

Chapter 135: (1)

I hate this world.

Have you ever doubted the reality of this world?

I have.

Twenty years ago, when my peers threw stones at me and called them monsters, and twelve years ago, when Chi Yan faced the sunset without looking back, the cries of children pierced the darkness in the church orphanage...

I couldn't understand why people in the world are always attacking each other, blind to what they have lost, but so crazy about what they can't have.

They seem so ignorant, short-sighted, and annoying.

So, I started twelve years of human observation, trying to find out the answer I wanted.

And starting with the fire that burned down the church, I sensed the existence of the world, exchanged my determination for power beyond ordinary people, and made all the non-human things that can be successfully written into my pen become my power .

In a way, I have achieved worldly success.

But it doesn't make sense to me, it's not what I want, it's just superficial added value.

All I want... is the truth of the world.

"I hate this world, it's stupid, loud, and boring."

Chi Yiyin's blue eyes were fixed on Li Sijun, which made him look so sincere.

Such profound disgust.

Li Sijun was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized that what Chi Yiyin wanted to talk about was not disgust, but an exploration that started with disgust.

His eyes softened, and when he looked at Chi Yiyin, it was like the tolerance of the universe, encompassing the ancient galaxy, the explosion and rebirth of the silent transcription.

All the time and space and the galaxy seemed to be spinning in his eyes, countless light spots rose, and his smile penetrated into the soul bit by bit.

What Chi Yiyin wanted to do...he had already guessed it.

It is about truth and courage, which is courage enough to change all the sad status quo, enough to be the light in the darkness, and to illuminate the way forward for the latecomers.

This is, his believer... his, Yinyin.

"You hate this world, but you don't want to ignore it. The rules you don't like need to be changed, and the insensitivity and ignorance you hate are not the reasons for you to hate this world. Rather."

Li Sijun lowered his eyes slightly, with a smile in his eyes: "It has become the source of motivation for you to change the world."

Chi Yiyin raised her eyebrows slightly, and then laughed.

"That's right."

He nodded slightly, agreeing with Li Sijun's statement.

"I hate this world, but it's also because of it. Because of Chi Wanwan's death, I realized that what I need is not only the ability to observe and analyze, but more importantly, change."

Chi Yiyin raised her head, and when she looked at Li Sijun, she was illuminated by the bright sunlight behind him, as if she had coated Chi Yiyin with a layer of gold.

He stood on the roof overlooking the entire Tangjia City.

One end of the river is lively and prosperous, while the other is desolate and dilapidated.

Light and darkness, evil and good...all blend in the river, as the boundary and intersection.

As for Chi Yiyin, he stood at the top of everything, like an unattainable god.

Yet so close to life.

"I am not the only one who records the world, and I am not the only one who hates the world. However, if there is only one slogan that hates the world left without changing it..."

Chi Yiyin's voice was firm: "A goal without action cannot be called an ideal. It's just empty talk. But I want more than that."

People always have something to dislike and anger about.

As for Chi Yiyin, who needs to constantly ponder non-human things and see human nature clearly to write, his profession and power require him to be more sensitive to human emotions than anyone else, and at the same time have sufficient sobriety. rational neutrality.

He wants to empathize with the anger and despair, so as to penetrate into the soul of inhuman things, and write the past of ghosts and monsters to the depth and incisiveness.

He must always be soberly aware that he is just a bystander, and he does not have any ability to change what has happened. Only by watching coldly, withdrawing from strong and profound emotions, and not being affected by any soul, can he be a bystander get the most accurate conclusions.

This is a contradictory proposition, just like binary requires both 1 and 0 at the same time

Anyone with a slightly unsteady mind will be lost because of this, falling into the swamp of pain, struggling but unable to break free.

And if Chi Yiyin's power was handed over to anyone other than him, this powerful power that showed terrifying power in his hands would be nothing but tasteless tasteless ribs.

How many people are there who can accurately observe and analyze others and trace back to the depths of their souls?

And how many people are able to maintain a clear understanding at all times, without being shaken by strong emotions, but at the same time have a good understanding of human and non-human emotions?

Chi Yiyin has done something that no one has ever done before.

Even if he didn't know it himself, and didn't care about it, he was the only one who had awakened to his powers before the life-and-death revelation of the playground.

But now, he is far from satisfied with this.

"My power allows me to do more. I am not saving those who are guilty, but for those interesting souls that have not been seen by me, and a new and clean world..."

Chi Yiyin's words were resounding, as deep and clear as a bell: "I want to write rules that belong only to me, so that the world can leave the quagmire of the past."

"I'm not going to protect the world—no one can protect others forever, so that all life in the world is taken care of like a baby."

Chi Yiyin chuckled: "The care I received when I was young is not like this. I only know one way to protect fragile lives, and that is—"

"I will write, I will change, and I will establish the existence of the world."

"And life."

Chi Yiyin raised her eyes and looked at Li Sijun with a smile—and the millions of viewers behind the camera.

"Life needs to save itself. No one can be your **** except yourself."

Li Sijun stared at Chi Yiyin for a long time, but couldn't catch his breath.

His, this is his, Yinyin... It turns out that his little believer has been trying to become an equal existence with him, so has he never revealed his true thoughts about him?

Li Sijun subconsciously took a step forward, his lips moved, trying to say something.

But Chi Yiyin spoke before him and reached out to him.

"Li Sijun, I have self-knowledge. Even if I want to change the world, I am very clear that my understanding of the core truth of the game field is far from enough. I have the determination to change, but that does not mean that I am a A madman who ignores difficulties."

"So, I need the help of other people to help me fight for my goals."

Chi Yiyin's slender and beautiful palm stayed in the air.

This cleanliness gentleman in a suit who has always refused to touch other people offered his hand for the first time.

—to what he considered a dangerous enemy.

"Li Sijun, are you willing to help me? Before my goal is achieved, become my companion, the power I use, and, my most important investment."

Li Sijun slowly opened his eyes wide, never expecting that Chi Yiyin would say such a bold confession of love.

His little disciples are looking to him for love and eternity... How bold, yet irresistible.

Li Sijun's golden-brown eyes were like magma flowing hotly, covering the sky and the earth, engulfing the sun in it, and the rippling golden light shone with a divinity that cannot be seen directly.

Along with the entire copy is trembling.

"If that's what you're looking forward to... Yinyin."

Li Sijun slowly raised his hand, as if he was holding up a clear spring that would easily break, he carefully and gently wrapped Chi Yiyin's palm into his own.

"Use me to achieve your goals."

Li Sijun pursed his lips, the emotion from his soul was strong and sincere.

"And when your goal is achieved, I will come to ask for my reward, in return for my value. And before that, Yinyin."

He took a step forward, holding Chi Yiyin's palm with one hand, while wrapping his other around his shoulders, he pulled him into his arms.

He lowered his head and whispered into Chi Yiyin's ear: "Until you repay all the value, I am yours. Use me to your heart's content, Yinyin, and let me be your most important."

"Your strength, your allies and companions, you can trust me at any time, and I will not have any possibility of betraying you."

Li Sijun's breath fell on Chi Yiyin's ears, and the vibration of the laughter in the magnetic voice ray infected Chi Yiyin all the way, as if overlapping with the sound of his heart beating.



The smile on Chi Yiyin's lips faded a little, he wanted to pull back, but was blocked by Li Sijun's prepared arm.

And when Li Sijun lowered his head and was talking to Chi Yiyin, his lips brushed against his earlobe inadvertently, causing a tingling itch.

"I promise you so."

"You have all my loyalty and trust, dominate my power, pray to me, I will give you authority, and the end of the earth will be your kingdom. All the roads you walk will be yours Belonging, the wine of the vineyard will become the blood of your people, give your people anointing, and make them new strength and faith."

"Your words are a new covenant, and your works are new gates. And in the name of God, your kingdom shall be established."

"...Sound sound."

That call was full of too many strong and complicated emotions, so that Chi Yiyin, who was on Li Sijun's arm and wanted to push his hand away, couldn't help but stop.

Chi Yiyin raised her eyelashes, looked up at Li Sijun, and for the first time stared at this dangerous and mysterious man so seriously and deeply.

He is neither a player nor an NPC, but has such a close relationship with the system but far exceeds the authority of the system. Li Sijun's authority can even threaten the safety of the entire game field, making the system have to regard Li Sijun as insurmountable several times. Influencing factors, even bear the burden of humiliation, had to accept the threat.

Li Sijun...

who are you?

The awakener, the founder or insider behind the game field, the initiator of this carnival game, or... God?

Chi Yiyin frowned and looked at Li Sijun, without the slightest joy of being trusted by Li Sijun or gaining power, only sober and rational analysis and observation.

He looked at Li Sijun intently, not letting go of the slightest change in his expression. But not because of being focused on him or being attracted, but because of the danger of being assessed.

But when Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun clasped their hands and exchanged their vows in a low voice, the audience outside the live broadcast were enduring the most difficult and long time.

Even a second seems like a century.

After everyone understood the importance of this dungeon to the survival of the game field from Chi Yiyin's announcement and the analysis of high-level players, they began to pay close attention to every process of this dungeon.

In just a few minutes, the number of millions of viewers soared to tens of millions. All the players who got the news or had their acquaintances randomly caught into the dungeon rushed here non-stop.

They didn't dare to show their anger, and nervously watched the direction of the dungeon, fearing that if they missed a second, the game field would be destroyed.

But what all viewers didn't expect was that at the most critical moment, the live broadcast... was cut off.

There was an uproar and exclamation in the live broadcast room, impatiently wanting to request the system to restore the screen.

But more high-level players know that this is the arrival of "Silence".

The news about the core truth in the deepest part of the game field appeared at that moment, which triggered the "silence", leaving only sizzling snowflakes on the live broadcast screen, and everyone's face was reflected in the silence of the screen.

Like a silent refusal.

In the fast-moving barrage, only the collapse and panic under anxiety remained. The audience who could not see the direction and ending of the dungeon with their own eyes were at a loss, apprehensive and fearful of their own fate.

The high-level players sat in front of the screen in a daze.

Some people closed their eyes tightly, and painfully asked themselves why they didn't find out earlier.

"The name of the dungeon is the biggest hint to the dungeon. The system has already explained this matter. It is us, our self-righteousness and indifference that made us make the wrong choice."

Someone broke down and shouted: "[City of Death Knell], the death knell, the death knell is not ringing for the NPCs in the dungeon!"

"Death knell tolls for madness!"

"That is the bell of our death, the sound of the collapse and destruction of the human world!"

Someone woke up, but it seemed too late.

With less than 28 hours left, can a miracle be created?

"Chi Yiyin..."

The high-level players had mixed feelings, but had to take a big gamble: "Can we believe that he can turn the decadent situation around and stop the bell before it rings?"

Others sighed: "Whether we believe it or not makes no difference."

He pointed to the newly discovered awakened "Reaper" and said: "The death knell has already sounded, and the Reaper raised his banner and rode his horse, trampling on the king's crown and the life of the child, and the mother's crying could not stop the horseshoe The force of the fall..."

"The world will be destroyed."

"In our death knell, and under the banner of death."

But outside the live broadcast, there was another person who held a completely different attitude from everyone else.

"Silence" fell, and no one could see the specific images on the screen clearly, leaving only a mottled snowflake, covering all possible truths.

But in Chi Yan's eyes, not a single snowflake dared to fly into her field of vision, and the live situation in the copy was clearly shown on the screen.

Including the whispering between Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun.

Chi Yan half covered his lips with his slender and beautiful palms, his eyes darkened.


Others bowed respectfully: "I'm ready."

She got up from the high-back chair, and took one last deep look at Li Sijun on the screen. The cold eyes were firm and sharp, and the heavy oppression seemed to have substance.

"Let's go."

Chi Yan slowly looked away, and straightened the coat on his shoulders.

"It's time to see my little monster, too."

"After a long absence, mother and son meet again."

Chi Yan laughed lowly: "I don't know if he will be so happy that he wants to kill me."

Chu Yueli didn't like the way those people looked at him.

Everyone's eyes would involuntarily slide down and fall on his inconvenient legs and feet, their eyes ranged from surprise to pity, and even contemptuous sarcasm and arrogance.

Self-righteous "kindness", or contempt for presumptuous speculation.

They have a unified name called boring.

Whether it was the dignitaries who came to chat because of the presence of the city lord's daughter, or the melodious sound of musical instruments from the orchestra not far away, Chu Yueli only felt annoyed by the noise.

"Why don't you like parties?"

Isalia noticed that Chu Yueli was in a bad mood - he didn't even bother to manage his expression, letting the gloomy emotions appear on that handsome face.

"Why do you like such highly concentrated stupidity?"

Chu Yueli had no expression on his face: "With all due respect, instead of listening to them making noise all afternoon, it is better to listen to a few words from Mr. Chi."

"It is dangerous to be near the foolish, they will pollute your soul, tug at your mind, make you forget your purpose, and be blinded by false pleasures."

"So your question—yes, I don't like parties."

Chu Yueli pursed his lips.

After the sale when Chi Yiyin was not around, he had the courage to speak out his true thoughts so calmly: "I like sir."

Isalia blinked her watery and beautiful eyes, looking a little confused.

"How can anyone not like parties?"

She murmured: "There are beautiful dresses, rare and rare jewelry here, the food and music are just right, and everyone is so friendly, they can exchange the most interesting things in the world, and share secrets and interesting stories between each other."

"Chu Yueli, why don't you like parties? Is it because you don't have a beautiful skirt? Ah! Then I thought of it."

Isalia tilted her head, her expression was sincere and joyful, and she genuinely smiled because she found a way to make Chu Yue leave her heart.

She clapped her hands and said cheerfully: "Then I will lend you my skirt. Don't be sad anymore, okay?"

"As for your husband..."

Isalia frowned in thought, then smiled and said, "If this makes you happy, we can invite your husband to join us in the assembly. How about it? You can also show me how your **** can do miracles , as Moses divided the sea."

Chu Yueli was not moved by this proposal, and still had a cold expression of lack of interest.

Not having Chi Yiyin by his side also made him lose his ideal and vitality in pursuing the gods.

In Chu Yueli's live broadcast room, the audience did not thank Isalia for her proposal.

— Even if she really wanted to get Chu Yue off her mind, she thought she had provided the best solution in her mind.

[Hey, this NPC is the richest I've ever seen, right? Look at the diamond on her neck, tsk tsk tsk, if it is sold on the black market, how many points will it cost? ]

[The anchor can't do it, if I was in the dungeon, I would definitely **** all the jewelry from this stupid NPC on the spot, it's a fool not to earn money. ]

[Laughing to death, still happy or not. So what to do, you are so rich, I hate people who are richer than me the most, all the high-level ones should die, die, die! Would you like to make me happy too? Like let me kill you? ]

[No, this anchor is also inferior, compared to the progress of Chi Yiyin next door, I don't know how far behind. ]

[I didn't expect the anchor to do anything else, anyway, I just came to see the gatherings of these nobles and find some material for dreaming. ]

[Yes, if the game field is really going to be destroyed, then I hope to die in my dream. ]

Isalia is still trying to find a way to make Chu Yue leave her heart. Her kindness does not seem to be fake, she is innocent and cute, and she is pure.

All the dignitaries who saw her couldn't help lowering their voices, for fear of disturbing the angel.

"Behold, there is my daughter, my pride and my angel."

The city lord raised his glass in the distance, and sighed with a smile: "For her, I am willing to do everything. She deserves the best of everything. I wish Isalia the most beautiful Tangjia City."

The surrounding dignitaries echoed and raised their glasses to drink together.

There was so much fun at the party, and the sun was shining brightly, as if there was no haze in the world.

— At least for these powerful people, it is like this.

Although Chu Yueli hated such occasions, he still did not forget his duty. He still scanned the audience, took a panoramic view of the words and deeds of those guests, and quickly established a network of relationships in his heart, connecting everyone. The grievances and hatred between the earl and duke.

In Tangjia City, if there is anyone who can gather all the nobles, it must be the city lord.

This is a wonderful opportunity to recognize all that is precious.

Although Chu Yueli is not interested in making friends with powerful people, he knows that perhaps the information he has collected will be useful to Chi Yiyin.

Although Chu Yueli admired Chi Yiyin, he saw it more thoroughly than anyone else.

He is very clear that there is no emotional factor in Chi Yiyin's reason, and Chi Yiyin will not let someone stay by his side just because he pities or sympathizes with someone.

Chi Yiyin will only trust people who are useful to him, and be kind to those who will generate value.

As for those who cannot help Chi Yiyin, although he does not have any negative emotions, he will not bring him with him and give the other party a chance to get close to him.

That's not what Chu Yueli wanted - staying in a corner, waiting for Chi Yiyin to come to visit when he cared, and getting a few minutes to meet each other is a dispensable existence.

Chu Yueli wanted to get close to Chi Yiyin, wanted to be an irreplaceable important existence beside him, and wanted Chi Yiyin to trust him—trust him most.

To be the power of the glory of the believer.

Therefore, as long as Chu Yueli thought it might be useful to Chi Yiyin, he would record it quietly.

Isalia still whispered beside Chu Yueli, asking curiously and naively, and occasionally getting answers from Chu Yueli, but most of them were just helpless.

without him.

Because the real world that Chu Yueli has experienced is too different from the world that Isalia knows.

"Where are your parents?"

"I didn't have a father in my life, and my mother worked hard to kill me before I was born, until she died in an accident."

"how is this possible!"

Isalia covered her lips and exclaimed with surprise in her eyes: "Gods above, may my father bless you. You can't lie. How can there be parents who don't love their children in the world? I don't believe it."

Chu Yueli shook his head helplessly, but he was not prepared to explain too much.

The pain and suffering he has personally experienced, and the hope brought about by being rescued by Chi Yiyin in the end...Isalia couldn't understand his past, but because of this, she denied his entire existence.

But his Mr. Chi would tell him with a smile, don't dislike the pain, but walk through the pain, let the pain achieve the tempering of the soul.

His husband understands him.

"Miss Isalia."

Chu Yueli turned around to look at the innocent and beautiful girl, and said helplessly: "Maybe your life is full of love and beautiful things, but for me, the most precious thing is understanding. What you can't understand, my god... you got me."

Isalia tilted her head, and the diamonds and pearls in her hair swayed.

She is a flower that has never seen wind and rain, only knows all the beautiful things in the world, but has never seen darkness come, so she denies the existence of darkness.

"How is that possible, dear bard."

She said seriously: "What you said is terrible, how can people not understand each other? You are so terrible, how can you tell lies that are bewitched and polluted by demons."

As she spoke, Isalia grabbed a passing nobleman and asked, "Do you understand me?"

The little nobleman smiled all over his face, nodded and bowed his head: "Of course, noble lady, I can understand everything about you, even if you say that the sun is a pancake, I think you are correct and smart."

Satisfied, Isalia turned around and happily signaled to Chu Yueli: "Look, it's not easy."

Chu Yueli sighed helplessly, but just shook his head, and under Isalia's questioning, he talked about his "wandering" experience.

Although the bard was in the game field, the name he praised and spread was the **** named Chi Yiyin.

"My God, why are girls forced to marry? My dad would never force me to do things I don't like, like cherries in cakes, sugar in black tea. You're lying, bard. I I don't believe this is going to happen."

"Murder? Oh no, it's too scary. It should be a story that only exists in the sacred scriptures, but it's just a prophecy made by God to warn us, so that we won't make mistakes. As for the snow mountain murder you said ...Impossible, how can there be sparkling and cool 'snow' in the world? I have never seen it, you are lying."

"How can there be such an evil coffee shop that turns people into dolls. God! I'm about to cry, and I'm going to ask my father to destroy all the dolls in Tonga City, so you will know how ridiculous your lies are." .”

"Wei, conceived before marriage? Got hurt when it rains? College, are you talking about church schools? What you said is wrong, church schools are full of devout believers, they will never lie, let alone be like you Hurt others with lies like you said!"

Isalia clenched her fists angrily, she looked at Chu Yueli as if she was about to cry, her voice was choked with sobs.

"Why do you insist on saying things that don't exist? How is it possible that people don't have nice dresses and jewellery? Steaks and soft bread are everywhere, why are you sowing disquiet and making me believe that there are people who have nothing to eat, or even bad food of... black bread.”

Angrily, she pulled Chu Yueli up, raised her skirt and walked towards the city lord.

"Let's ask my dad, he is the most knowledgeable and kind-hearted person I have ever met! He can definitely answer your questions and influence you so that you will not be so depraved and tell such terrible lies."

The city lord, who was chatting and laughing with the dignitaries, turned around, opened his arms lovingly, and caught his daughter who rushed over.

"My little Isa, why are you crying?"

The city lord was surprised, and raised his head to look around with questioning eyes.

From an angle that Isalia couldn't see, his eyes were so gloomy, majestic and terrifying.

Everyone who was swept by him lowered his head in fear, not daring to offend the absolute authority of the city lord.

Isalia cried in the arms of the city lord: "Oh my god, are there still people in the world who are hungry? Then why don't they refuse to eat steak? Obviously the chef at home can make steak delicious, right? ? If the chef’s cooking is not delicious, then cut off his head and use it as flower fertilizer, and we can enjoy afternoon tea in the rose garden.”

"Why do some people not go to school? If you don't like the tutor, you can change it. The sound of the piano is so beautiful, why would some people not go to school? They can invite the chief of Tangjia City, right?"

"I don't believe that someone would hurt others for a piece of bread. Such friendly people live in the Kingdom of God under the guidance of God. God and Dad have given everyone abundant food. How could they kill someone for a piece of bread? This word is too Scary, like when my puppy left me."

"Father should be the child who loves me like you love me, and mother should be like mother, who will gently read to me, comb my hair, and take me to make beautiful dresses and jewelry. How wonderful is this world? God, how can there be parents who want to hurt their children? Impossible, right?"

"It's such a simple thing, isn't it? Why does the bard speak of the world so horribly?"

The city lord raised his head instantly, his eyes locked on Chu Yueli like an eagle.

"travelling poet?"

He gently patted his daughter's shoulder, but his gaze towards Chu Yueli was so cold and dangerous.

"How is it possible, my little Isa, he tells terrible stories. He is a poor poet who has been possessed by demons and needs our help."

As soon as the city lord's voice fell, guards stepped forward and rushed towards Chu Yueli fiercely.

Chu Yueli was thrown to the ground, the guards' ruthless violence made him frown in pain, but he didn't say a word, just raised his eyes, and looked at the appearance of those guards with cold and calm eyes inside.

It seems to be planning a terrifying revenge from the dark.

Even the guards who were NPCs hesitated and slowly stopped, and softened their movements as if they were afraid.

The city lord was still gently comforting his frightened and crying daughter, and the dignitaries around him also echoed their testimony, confirming the beautiful world that the city lord said.

But when they turned to look at Chu Yueli, there was only cold and disdainful contempt left.

"Throw it into the Tower Prison."

They said: "He frightened the noble lady, and of course he has to pay for it. Let the High Tower Prison tell him the price of destroying the good world."

But among the nobles, there was one person who stepped forward with a smile and raised his glass calmly.

"Dear gentlemen and ladies."

The man raised his glass with a smile and said, "Haven't you heard that the High Tower Prison has collapsed and all the prisoners you held there have escaped?"

The dignitaries exclaimed: "How is it possible!"

But the man blinked innocently, spread his hands and said helplessly: "Then it seems that your information is not accurate, so slow, I will start to doubt your control over Tangjia City."

No one likes to be questioned and underestimated. The dignitaries were immediately enraged and confirmed the news with their subordinates one after another.

The city lord also frowned, and temporarily handed the crying Isalia to the maid, and turned to confirm with the Chief of the Public Security Department.

The public security department faltered, sweating profusely.

The city lord suddenly understood and was furious: "Trash!"

The dignitaries couldn't help but panic: "Oh my God, how could those people escape, they are all terrible barbarians, and they will definitely come to trouble us unreasonably."

"City Master, please think of a way!"

"How could it be? Aren't those things guarding the Tower Prison? Impossible!"

But no matter how much they questioned, the dignitaries still panicked. Some people began to leave with excuses, some hurriedly called the guards from home, and some hurriedly led their families to the carriage.

The happy gathering just now has turned into a frantic escape.

It seems that every powerful person knows what happens when the Tower prison collapses, and they know what the prisoners will do.

—Because although they didn't say anything, they knew very well in their hearts what they had done to those people and what kind of hatred they would incur.

Only Isalia.

She was crying, but suddenly she was startled by the wrong notes played on the piano, and hurriedly looked up, only to find that the atmosphere around her had changed drastically.

She stood there in a daze, with tears still on her face, looking around in a daze, not knowing what happened.

The nobleman who first announced the collapse of the tower prison laughed, bowed elegantly to Isalia, and said, "Lovely lady, you should find a place to hide. Believe me, if angry people find your Diamonds were bought with the lives of their blood, knowing that your pretty dresses were woven with the deaths of factory girls—”

"And those female workers are all about your age. You enjoy music and jewelry, but they are buried in flames, turned into coke, and stigmatized as demons."

The man straightened up with a smile, the smile on his handsome face disappeared little by little, and finally turned cold.

"Trust me, honorable Miss Santo."

He said softly: "The angry people will tear you, and all the dignitaries, into pieces."

Isalia was shocked: "How is it possible! My father would not do that kind of thing, he is the most pious and kind person I have ever seen!"

But when the voice of the "noble" fell, the wine glass slipped from his hand and fell to the ground, and the splashed red wine and crystal fragments were like the blood splashed by the corpse of a war horse stepping through a pool of blood.

Immediately, there was a chorus of angry shouts from the river bank not far away.

People in rags rushed out from all directions, and their anger poured into the powerful.

Flowers were trampled, gems were scattered all over the ground, and nobles ran for their lives in panic.

And the sound of surprise came from not far away.


Hearing the sound, the "nobleman" turned around slowly and saw Chu Yueli, who was suppressed by the guards on the ground, was looking up at him, his eyes sparkling with joy.

"Noble" laughed.

Immediately, a giant skeleton rabbit rushed over, knocked the guards away, carefully picked up Chu Yueli's collar with its thick and sharp claws, and carefully placed him on the ground, as if treating a cute and cute rabbit. A small doll, lest I hurt him too much.

"Get away."

The nobleman raised his hand, and the slender palm brushed against his face, and then his face changed like water waves.

The effect of the props exchanged in the mall ended, and his original face was revealed.

When he looked up, there was a smile in those blue eyes.

Chi Yiyin asked with a gentle smile: "Long time no see, Yueli, are you still having fun in the dungeon?"

Chu Yueli also laughed, and could no longer see any danger of silence before.

"It is my happiest thing to be able to reunite with my husband."

He pursed his lips, and smiled again: "It would be even better if I could be the first to see Mr.

However, after Chu Yueli's voice fell, another slender and tall figure walked not far behind Chi Yiyin.

The man stood beside Chi Yiyin, his golden-brown eyes stared directly at Chu Yueli coldly, but his arms rested on Chi Yiyin's shoulders in a natural way.


The man shouted affectionately, his voice was soft and sweet like black tea with honey, mellow and soft.

The moment he looked down at Chi Yiyin, his original mask disappeared, revealing his true appearance.

Li Sijun.

However, Chi Yiyin did not refuse Li Sijun's approach, and even turned his head to talk to him seriously, confessing a little

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