[This year's rainy season is extremely long, and my mattress has mold spots.

So getting rid of the red moss in the quilt every morning has become a compulsory course for me. I always sweep those black particles into the bag in silence, and then say good morning to the smiling face in the mirror with a blank face, and get ready to go to class.

I don't have friends, but I'm not alone, because she is there.

When taking a shower, she would stick her head out of the box to chat with me. When studying, her charming laughter would also come out of the air conditioner. When I was walking alone, I would reach into the wall and pull my hand out of the sticky cement. Hold her hand. Whenever this happens, she is always very happy.

I am also very happy, because when people look at me with mocking surprise and pity, and ask me why I am so lonely, I can raise my hand and show them her.

Who said I have no friends? 】

[I don't know how you think about learning, but I don't have a good impression of college, a carnival of a group of famers, a farce of a group of people who think they have mastered the truth. Bumped past me like a clown all day, rude guy, can't you see me standing here?

I'm not prepared to get angry with them though.

They're so silly, have you ever seen a clown? She poked her head out from the shadow of the drawer, giggling, and crouching over my book, unable to stop.

The red pen comment was blurred by her tears from laughing, and the people in front turned to look at me. I frowned and wanted to scold him for being impolite, but he left in horror.

She was right, everyone on this campus was a carnival clown at a masquerade ball, wearing gorgeous masks of different shapes, thinking that she was also a member of the fox and rabbit vampires. As well as this moldy and damp campus, it bored me.

When will it end? I muttered to myself, but she didn't answer me.

She disappeared from me.

after a math class. 】

[Perhaps many people will like mathematics, but I still have to say that, compared to the **** mathematics professor, I prefer to nest with her in a corner of the library, counting the fading light and shadow under the westward sun, killing precious review time.

But she doesn't care, so neither do I.

She always laughed very loudly, and when someone passed by, she suddenly burst into an uncontrollable burst of terrifying laughter, pointing at that person and saying that she had seen her when it was raining.

I'm not afraid that the person will rush up angry, I will help her call back, but I am worried that her laughter will provoke the librarian.

Because if we were kicked out, I wouldn't be able to huddle with her in this little cubicle behind the lock and enjoy some rare peace.

Fortunately, the administrators didn't spot her once, which was a relief.

But now, she's gone.

I searched every toilet, every tank and locker, but she never showed up.

That evening, for the first time ever, I stood alone on the terrace in the sunset for a long time, wondering if I had said something wrong.

Until I heard her name being mentioned by the hip-hop people downstairs, I suddenly realized. Oh, it's not me who said the wrong thing, it's people who don't know her.

How long does it take a person to learn to shut up? The time before breakfast is enough. 】

[But that morning, she didn't show up either.

It's just that there are more mold spots on the mattress, and the dark brown spots are connected into pieces, which is very laborious to clean up. I accidentally made a noise, but luckily my roommates never talk, they look happy and don't care about it.

But as an apology, I helped them straighten their bodies. Well, it's actually because they're blocking my way to the bathroom. Somehow, the roommates fell off.

Someone may have been here.

My bear is also missing.

Worse than that, my face appeared in the mirror for the first time ever.

What about her? I am at a loss. 】

[I don't like sunlight, it always reminds me of bad experiences in math class, and the discussions heard on the balcony. When I see sunlight, I will be irresistibly triggered by the feelings and emotions at that time. When I open my eyes again, I will always see the mold spreading on the walls and the ground.

Really annoying. Especially the people who broke into my dorm noisily, they took my roommates away.

I can't stand having other people's voices ruin my life, especially if those voices are buzzing around my ears day and night. I know that I have to take action, such as avoiding the sun. 】

[One after another, the dormitory doors were knocked open, and neither the classroom nor the laboratory was spared. But no matter what I ask, they keep crying.

Are people always this fragile? Obviously they used to look so insurmountable and tall, like the walls of a prison, but now, they are crying so much that I can't recognize them.

I'm a little fidgety, and it's making me forget about the equivalents I'm supposed to have in the lab. I seem to have put too much white phosphorus, but that's what they did, right? 】

【I've never been happier than that day, all the buzzing is finally gone, and they don't cry anymore.

Although the mold is increasing and the trash can is too full to be cleaned, it doesn't matter.

Because she is back.

When I looked in the mirror, she smiled and held out her hand to me, and asked if I would like to walk with her, although the place we were going was not sunny, but I would have her.

certainly! I said, don't leave me alone. 】

[But when I opened my eyes from the mirror, I saw that I was burning, the whole forest was burning, and the sound of the flames covered everything, reminding me of her laughing in the library and those people fleeing in a panic.

They will no longer hide now, and everyone can finally take off their disguises in front of the mirror and show their truest sides. The masquerade is over, and it's time to take off the bunny masks, because they're full of mold.

Many people died. I saw a commotion outside the mirror, someone was talking like this.

And someone took my hand.

She smiled sweetly at me and returned my lost bear to me. 】

【Do not be afraid. she says.

I protect you, no matter what happens, all those who hurt you will pay the price, and our story will no longer be someone else's story.

The rain ends with us. 】

【She didn't break her promise, and I finally remembered everything after the rainy season ended.

For example, the familiar face in the black body bag, the maggots wriggling in the mattress, and the flies stuck at the tip of my nose that I couldn't get rid of.

It turned out that I was already dead! I suddenly realized that we were all dead!

But she saved me, like a god. 】

[We still sit on the floor of the library when the sun is shining, and I am drowsy in the sun, and she will suddenly point at someone and laugh, shake me up and share her little discovery with me, which is The secret between us alone always makes me very happy.

I can find her in any corner, and my outstretched hand will never fail.

In the mirror, in the sink, in the air conditioner, in the cracks in the wall... as long as I reach out, she will hold my hand and say good morning to me sweetly.

For us, every day is a new day. 】

[The only thing I don't understand is—

People could have become each other's gods, lighting up a sun for each other. And why must it become a hell, let everyone live in the eternal night that they once feared. 】

[But it’s okay, I have found my little bear, and we will be good friends for life.

This life and the next life, life and death. 】

The pen ran out of ink just as the last period was drawn, making the incomplete period look like a comma.

It seems that there are still many unfinished stories behind, waiting for another protagonist to tell.

Chi Yiyin stared at the comma for a few seconds, finally lowered his eyes slightly, put down the pen, and was about to put away the notebook.

He doesn't want any other follow-ups to the story, especially the other protagonists.

The howling in the rainy night can stay forever on the day when the fire burns everything, and will not continue to spread.

—Even though Chi Yiyin is very clear, this is just an illusory dream before waking up.

The notebook that hadn't had time to close was picked up by another person.

Chi Yiyin looked up and saw that Gu Xichao's wheelchair was parked beside her.

Without the colorful flower windows, sunlight can be projected in without restriction and fall on the shoulders of the two.

Chi Yiyin's silver-gray hair shone in the sun, as if coated with a layer of shimmer, and the dust floating in the sun and air seemed to be broken crystals.

When those blue eyes looked through the sunlight, they looked like a calm sea under a clear sky.

After the rain, the sky is sunny, and the mountains and forests are fresh.

"I thought you'd be more patient—the ink isn't dry, Xichao, don't smear my words."

Chi Yiyin shrugged and said, "I don't want to transcribe it again."

Gu Xichao was leaning on the wheelchair, his back straight and straight without bending. He looked at the manuscript he had just finished in his hand with a serious expression, and even took his breath lightly while reading.

There was the sound of birdsong outside the window.

Chi Yiyin stood up, stood behind the window with his hands in his pockets and looked out.

But outside the teaching building, there is no longer the vast and majestic scene of Luchuan University in the past. There are only a pile of burned ruins, and there are light smoke wafting out repeatedly, with the unique smell of burnt.

But Chi Yiyin knew very well that the fire had passed for a long time.

What appears before their eyes is nothing but a reality that is frozen in another person's time.

Xu Li.

Even though several days have passed, when Chi Yiyin recalled that early morning, he still felt that it was the longest day he had ever spent.

When Lin Yunyu and Chi Wanwan finally got rid of their obsessions, accepted Chi Yiyin's suggestion, and left the dungeon to go to another magical but lively bookland, the system informed Chi Yiyin and his team that they could pass the level smoothly.

But the dungeon didn't end, and the dungeon effect wouldn't stop either.

In other words, the injured Chu Yueli was still restrained by the rules in the hard mode.

He will be left in the copy.

The system hopes that Chi Yiyin will understand and thank him for his support.

But Chi Yiyin only responded with a sneer.

He didn't even protest or refute, he just turned around and walked into the heavy rain, his gloomy and dangerous expression made the system instinctively afraid.

The system notified Li Sijun, expecting Li Sijun to stop his "believers".

But obviously, although the system knows enough about ordinary people, it still needs to enrich the database for gods and monsters.

Li Sijun did go to Chi Yiyin, he held a black umbrella, stood on the only way Chi Yiyin had to pass, and smiled at the young man who was walking towards him.

Before Chi Yiyin could ask him if he wanted to stop her, Li Sijun threw the umbrella at him first.

"The copy effect has been removed for me. If you are worried that I will melt in the heavy rain, you don't have to."

Chi Yiyin watched Wang Ying's back closely, and wanted to follow her footsteps to see her destination, but Li Sijun grabbed her wrist.

He frowned and looked up, and what he saw was Li Sijun's approaching handsome face.

Even in the middle of the night when there is no sun, those golden-brown eyes still glow with brilliance, like a light that will never go out, guiding the direction of all walkers.

"It's not that I won't let you pass, it's just Yinyin."

Li Sijun glanced at Wang Ying's direction, and asked affectionately with a smile, "Have you ever liked someone?"

Chi Yiyin was expressionless: "There are people who want to kill, and there is a long list of names in the little book—by the way, you are ranked first in it. Are you happy?"

Li Sijun was not irritated at all, but nodded happily, looking satisfied.

Chi Yiyin: "?"

I'm afraid this guy sucked too much exhaust gas in the previous fire, and his brain is broken, right?

A system that knows the inside story: […]

This workplace environment is too harsh. Can the Electronics Union send me a lawyer? I want to change jobs—this kind of life is really not normal!

The system glanced at the direction Wang Ying was going subconsciously, and gasped. It looked at Li Sijun resentfully, and then hurriedly glanced at him again in the next second, wondering if he noticed him.

It said that this is the best chance to kill Chi Yiyin, once missed, there will be no more, and Li Sijun's existence will be seriously threatened.

This is not a deception of its exaggerated threat - otherwise it would not have worked hard to patch and fix bugs later.

The person Wang Ying walked towards was someone Chi Yiyin had dealt with before.

Her boyfriend before her death, Xu Li.

And the only one who got all the truth.

Xu Li survived the fire, but the self-torture day after day drove him crazy, causing him to die eight years after Luchuan University burned down.

Then, unexpectedly by the system, this player, who is closely connected with reality, not only survived the game field, but also entered the [Qingxi School Building] soon.

Like fate guided him, he entered Luchuan University by mistake, and realized the connection between the dungeon and reality.

But he didn't want to return to reality because of this, but after ecstasy, he quickly made his own decision-to find the whole truth about Luchuan University, return the missing justice to Wang Ying, and find her.

Even from a systematic point of view, all the efforts Xu Li made to find Wang Ying were crazy enough to make Tong speechless.

Xu Li collects the ID codes of all players, not only to sell their identities to make money, but also not just to have a handy tool.

His real purpose is to realize the assimilation of himself and the game field through the link between the identity code and the system time and time again.

It is equivalent to making a living person of flesh and blood and forcing it into the computer network.

Crazy, paranoid, and theoretically impossible.

But quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

In the past twelve years, even Xu Li himself couldn't tell why he had indirectly killed tens of thousands of players. Relying on those tens of thousands of ID codes, he gradually lost his "human" qualities, and instead became more and more like a string of cold players. code.

I am afraid that the only remaining warmth in his soul is Wang Ying.

And when Xu Li entered the [Qingxi Academy Building], the two identities of the player and the NPC collided, which should have been incompatible, and also made the reality and the game field have a port to connect, making the reality invade the game field...

The most terrible thing is that the qualified Chi Yiyin is here.

The system is very worried, whether it will get up early tomorrow morning, someone will tell it: Hey! "Rules" approached Chi Yiyin.

— that would definitely be an electronic nightmare!

And now...

The system looked at Li Sijun, let out a long sigh, and was dejected.

It seems that Li Sijun can't be expected to stop Chi Yiyin from witnessing this scene.

Its guess was right.

"If there is no one you like, has Yinyin tried the emotions of ordinary people?"

Li Sijun looked natural, and casually asked this question that was too unfamiliar to Chi Yiyin.

Chi Yiyin frowned, and finally turned her eyes from Wang Ying completely, and landed on Li Sijun's face.


He hesitated, as if he was about to blurt out something.

Li Sijun waited with bated breath, the big umbrella in his hand covered Chi Yiyin airtightly under the umbrella, not a single drop of the avoided rain fell on them.

But Chi Yiyin asked seriously: "Are you losing hope for life? If you are anxious to meet death, I don't mind helping you with this kind of thing."

Li Sijun suddenly laughed.

"Everyone fell on their knees before the statue of the god, begging God to give them bread and honey, so that the ears of wheat on the earth would never dry up."

He murmured softly: "This is the first time a believer has asked God if he needs help."

System: ... whose believers would use death to serve the gods! ! Wake up, you got it wrong from the start!


Li Sijun's eyes were deep, and his voice was vaguely sighed.

Chi Yiyin didn't hear clearly, "Huh?"

However, Li Sijun's extended arm turned it 90 degrees. Before he could react emotionally, Li Sijun motioned him to look into the heavy rain in the distance.

On the empty campus, Xu Li suddenly appeared in front of Wang Ying wearing a rain cape. He reached out tremblingly and hugged Wang Ying.

Chi Yiyin: "..."

"Do you think I will be hurt by such a scene, or does it evoke other emotions?"

Chi Yiyin instantly understood the meaning of Li Sijun's question before, and he looked up at the other party speechlessly: "Am I porcelain?"

"No, how could someone compare you to porcelain."

Li Sijun raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "No beautiful but fragile piece of porcelain can crush a statue of a god, but you did. If you want to say..."

He bent down, approached Chi Yiyin in the safe and small space under the umbrella, stared at those shining eyes for a moment, and then chuckled: "You are a knife inserted into the soul, and I saw another possible."

"So I can't help but want to see more, more surprises about you. What kind of stories and sins will be nailed to the paper with your pen, cut off the rotten flesh, and let everything that cannot be reversed slip like' The rules' were reversed as expected."

"You are also... a believer who wants eternal protection from the gods."

Before Li Sijun could finish his words, the entire campus began to collapse with a loud bang, cracking open together with the mountains, forests and the ground, and flames spewed out from the cracks in the ground, as if the scene of **** had reappeared.

Although all the scenes of doomsday-like destruction bypassed the place where Chi Yiyin and the two stood, the space under the umbrella became an absolute safety island, and even a stone dared not splash over.

But the loud voice still covered Li Sijun's voice, so that Chi Yiyin couldn't hear what he was saying.

Li Sijun seemed to have known what would happen a long time ago, and stretched out his arms to wrap Chi Yiyin in his arms, preventing him from shaking due to the violent vibration of the ground.

However, he selectively ignored the matter of Chi Yiyin falling on his chest - even if he stared at his handsome face, he would not be able to see what he was thinking under his calm expression.

Only when Chi Yiyin was surprised by the sudden change in front of his eyes, when all his attention was attracted by the collapsed auditorium, when he neglected or instinctively handed over his back to Li Sijun with peace of mind, did his lips touch There was a real smile.

He lowered his eyes, and under the scorched earth and rocks in the distant mountain forest, a seed quickly germinated and took root, and tenaciously grew to break through the soil.

Under the mercy of God, the first life appeared on the abandoned earth.


Companion to a **** is like a tiger, it's really hard to figure out what the gods think, but one thing is for sure - if you want to survive, stay away from Chi Yiyin.

But Chi Yiyin didn't have the energy to care about what the system was thinking at this time, his field of vision was occupied by dense corpses.

Under the trembling of the earth, the entire campus returned to the scene of the embers after the fire in the blink of an eye, as if it is now connected to the past time point, allowing everything that happened in reality to enter the copy, and the copy is also quietly changed, returning to its original appearance.

The middle of the auditorium broke under the loud noise, but what fell out were not bricks and rubble, but **** corpses.

The death time of those corpses seems to be long and short, some have been boned, and some are still fresh and complete.

Chi Yiyin stretched her long legs to get a closer look.

He was going to use Lin Yunyu's power to save himself from being swallowed by the flames of the earth, but what he didn't expect was that when Li Sijun stepped forward at the same time as him, the land that was originally torn apart was in front of Li Sijun. A path was paved, pointing to the direction of the auditorium unimpeded.

Chi Yiyin paused, and looked at Li Sijun with probing eyes.

Li Sijun bowed slightly with a smile, and made an inviting gesture to Chi Yiyin: "Do you need another aggressive method? Yinyin."

"Li Si-jun."

Chi Yiyin called out his full name seriously, and asked him, "Among the titles of the awakened one, which one are you?"

Li Sijun let out a "huh", walked slowly beside Chi Yiyin, and winked at him with a smile: "Aren't you the one who is in charge of investigating the truth? My Detective."

"As for which awakened person I should be, it's better to say, which awakened person I want to be related to. But how."

Li Sijun said: "I'm waiting for you to tell me the answer."

Chi Yiyin: "If you write a book, you should be the least popular old academic literature that no one likes to read. It should only be placed on the velvet silk cloth at the door of the shaman or church, and it may be matched with a crystal ball and a magic wand. So, that's the answer."

He shrugged: "You don't have any remuneration that you can pay me - you need money to buy books and read them. Whether the answer you want is high or low depends on how much you think you are worth."

Li Sijun raised his eyebrows in surprise, but he was not surprised by the answer.

The kicked ball is one of Yinyin's common methods.

Looking at the back of Chi Yiyin walking forward, the smile in Li Sijun's eyes gradually grew stronger.

You see, although you said that this answer is too precious, I seem to know a little more about you.

Chi Yiyin squatted down, took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wrapped it around his hand, then flipped through the corpses in the ruins to check.

Most of them were faces he didn't know, never seen in the copy.

But some of the faces made him suddenly realize the identity of these corpses.

Flower Snake and his companions, the leader, Gan Si... all the dead players fell over in the middle of the pile of corpses with wide-eyed eyes, still maintaining the last expression and pain before death.

These corpses are all the players who entered the dungeon in the past but couldn't leave.

Chi Yiyin remembered what Jingcha said to him after entering the instance.

Xu Li, an intelligence dealer, is also selling the player's ID code.

In order to enter this dungeon and retrieve Wang Ying, he endured for twelve years. During this period, he did not know how many players were thrown into this dungeon as tools for him to explore the way.

It is possible that among the corpses that Chi Yiyin saw in front of his eyes, there were trafficked people who were disguised as "random" and had the reality of tools.

ID code...

Chi Yiyin's eyes sank.

This is one of the problems he realized when he entered the game field and heard the first sentence the system said to him.

At that time, under his inquiry, the system told him that he must keep his identity code well and not let others know it.

But at that time, he didn't know what the consequences of "being known" were.

And now it seems that he has seen part of it with his own eyes.

—If someone knows the identity code, it is tantamount to giving someone else the port that connects you to the system or even the game field, allowing someone to manipulate and control everything about yourself.

Become a marionette, but you can't even see the existence of those control lines.

This is a landmine that has never exploded. I don't know when it will explode and take my life, and even my dignity and ideals.

Gan Si also wants to live, Hua She only wants to live...

But now, they have all turned into corpses in the copy, built like a brick and stone into a building, not even a person's identity.

Even B-levels died under the leaked identity codes during the novice's ignorance period.

Chi Yiyin can guarantee that he will not miss any details in other people's words and expressions, but he is very clear that more people can't even see the things in front of them clearly.

The system doesn't lie.

It just... doesn't say it.

No finger pointing, no prompting, just a never-ending stream of congratulations to the survivor for getting another round of crises to kick off.

Chi Yiyin suddenly wanted to ask—survivor, what kind of survivor are you referring to?

Obviously, according to what the system said at the beginning, everyone who entered the game field was cursed or died in reality, wasn't it?

Only those who have survived have been called survivors. Why in the system, those who died are called survivors?

Chi Yiyin's slender fingers slid across Gan Si's cold corpse, something was knocked off the corpse's arms and rolled down, resting on the side of his shoes.

He picked it up and wiped off the dust and blood, and found that it was a live broadcast controller, which belonged exclusively to Gan Si.

There is Gansi's ID code on it, which means it is his personal property.

But now, under Chi Yiyin's gaze, the string of codes gradually became lighter and lighter, and finally turned into a complete plane, as if no mark had ever existed.

Together with Gan Si, he was also rejected by the game field.

Immediately, the controller cracked, collapsed, and turned into a handful of powder.

Scattered from Chi Yiyin's hands.


Li Sijun's voice came from behind.

Chi Yiyin looked sideways, but before she turned around and raised her eyes, her cheek bumped into her knuckle-boned palm.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he heard Li Sijun's voice continue: "Whenever you want to tell me the truth, you can come to me, even at midnight or early in the morning. Professor Chi."

Li Sijun was smiling: "I can't wait to listen to Professor Chi's math class, I will be a good student."


The slightly cool fingertips slipped across the cheeks and across Chi Yiyin's slender eyelashes.

He felt itchy, and his eyelashes trembled like crow feathers.

But when he opened his eyes to look again, Li Sijun's figure had disappeared without a trace.

Chi Yiyin froze for a moment, then pursed her lips tightly.

He took out the pocket watch from his pocket, wanting to confirm the code on his live broadcast controller.

But when he saw the code clearly, he was stunned.

Chi Yiyin's ID code should be Z1001.

But on this pocket watch, Z0001 is clearly engraved.

Luchuan University has been turned into ruins, all the sinners related to the past have died, and the innocent people have returned to the free world outside the mountains and forests.

The mountain fire under the heavy rain not only burned all the sinners to death, but also made the wandering soul make the final decision.

leave, or dissipate.

The smoke in the mountains and forests dissipated, and Chi Yiyin's bare appearance after the fire was restored before Chi Yiyin's eyes.

Without the filter that Chi Wanwan insisted on guarding Lin Yunyu, everything here became cruel and real again, and the reality entered the copy.

Chi Yiyin was not surprised by this.

Rather, if he had to choose between a falsely beautiful cafe and a dilapidated ruined campus, he would definitely choose the ruins without hesitation.

At least it's real.

Instead of blinding the brain with false images, make all the beautiful appearances, and let the fake flowers cover the scorched earth.

Without Chi Wanwan and the two of them, the dungeon was completely over.

Chi Yiyin hit all the progress to 100/100, and every time he asked the system if Chu Yueli could leave the dungeon, as long as the system gave a negative answer, he would break through one more task.

This posture of only doing but not talking made the audience before the live broadcast numb.

I have only seen someone who is in a hurry to leave after the dungeon is over, but I have never seen someone who is so crazy to play dungeons every day...that is, the dungeon is not personal, otherwise he must cry for Chi Yiyin.

But even so, the system couldn't hold on after a few days of hard work.

There is no other reason.

— Chi Yiyin is really crazy! !

He not only played missions, dungeons, but also the system!

He actually threatened the system that as long as Chu Yueli couldn't leave the dungeon, he would stay in the dungeon until he found the node connecting the dungeon to reality and opened up the entire game field.

The problem is, this is an indefinite copy.

This also means that Chi Yiyin cannot be forced to leave the dungeon after the seven-day period expires. When he has already cleared the dungeon and leaves depends entirely on his own wishes. This gives his threat a place to grow.

The system roared wildly, and just wanted to ask how many redundant codes I had killed in my previous life before it met Chi Yiyin in this life, to make up for that **** in such a bad working environment.

"So, can Chu Yueli leave the dungeon?"

Chi Yiyin asked the system with a smile.


Why don't you just let me leave the playground.

It especially wanted to sincerely suggest this to Chi Yiyin.

But it doesn't have the guts - if Li Sijun was asked to choose between it and Chi Yiyin, Li Sijun would definitely choose Chi Yiyin without hesitation.

It doesn't humiliate itself.

【…Can. 】

When the system said this, the voice was gnashing of teeth.

Chi Yiyin was worried that it would break the tape by itself.

When he "kindly" consoled the system, the system resolutely went offline, refusing secondary harm.

"It seems that we can end our retirement life in the mountains and forests."

Chi Yiyin turned around and looked at the people behind him with a smile.

Chu Yueli nodded, his cheeks were slightly red, and the eyes looking at Chi Yiyin were shining brightly, as if filled with the whole sun.

Only Jing Cha was not too happy.

"I feel like I'm being ignored...Chi Yiyin! Hey!"

And everyone has already walked away talking and laughing, and left the dungeon in the dim light.

There is only one notebook, which is placed on the desk.

There is a breeze blowing in from the broken flower window, and the white gauze curtain is lightly rolled.

A hand reached out and gently picked up the book.

Her long hair fell from her shoulders, she lowered her eyes, and read out the name on the first page word by word.

"Mountain, fire..."

At the end of the fairy tale, good friends will live together.

Some choose to be **** for others, dragging their souls into a **** that will never see the light of day.

There are also people who choose to become each other's gods, support each other with their companions, and return to the world from hell.

She raised her head and squinted her eyes against the sun.

"Actually, Professor Chi is a very interesting person, isn't he, Yunyu?"

"If he is my teacher, I seem to be able to like mathematics again."

A hand reached out from the side and gently held her hand.

"Well, we can go anywhere, late night."

"In that case..."

The first thing that rushes into the tip of the nose is the strong aroma of coffee.

Then what is perceived are the bustling sounds around you, the noise of people coming and going and the bright sunshine, as if you are in a bustling market.

"The sun is rising, it's time to wake up, my Professor Chi."

Before Chi Yiyin could open his eyes, he heard a familiar voice with a smile coming from in front of him.

The moment he opened his eyes, he quickly stretched out his hands to cover his eyes. His eyes, which had been in the dark for a long time, hadn't adapted to the sudden light, and the corners of his eyes were moistened by the thorns.

But a lace parasol looms over.

Chi Wanwan's bright and smiling face suddenly appeared in front of Chi Yiyin's eyes.

"Good afternoon, Professor Chi."

She was wearing a beautiful goose yellow floor-length dress, holding a book in one hand and holding an umbrella in the other. When she smiled, there was no haze in her eyes, and she could no longer see the pain and madness of Luchuan University.

Before Chi Yiyin could smile at her, the familiar voice came from another direction again.

"It seems that Professor Chi was late for the first class."

The voice said unhurriedly: "Is there any punishment?"

Chi Yiyin: "..."

He turned his head and looked at the other side expressionlessly.


Li Sijun was sitting opposite him, dressed in old-fashioned aristocratic attire, with exquisite bone china coffee in front of him, and he shook the newspaper softly in his hands.

He was talking to Chi Yiyin, but his eyes were always on the newspaper, as if the news printed in ink on it was more attractive than Chi Yiyin.

The headlines in the newspaper flashed in front of Chi Yiyin.


Fortunately, this was also one of the items that Chi Yiyin mastered when he was young. It was not difficult for him, and he captured the topic in an instant.

Suspicion of Serial Deaths in a Small Town—Jack the Ripper Reappears? "

"Li Sijun, you can't call it a coincidence this time, can you?"

Li Sijun nodded happily: "Of course."

He smiled and raised his eyes to look at Chi Yiyin: "As a studious person like me, how can I not ask the teacher for questions? My Professor Chi."

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