"How much do we know about Wang Ying?"

Tong Yao was taken aback by Chi Yiyin's sudden question, and then tried to find information about the name from his memory.

But in Tong Yao's early preparations, whether it was Wang Ying or Lin Yunyu...these girls were not the focus of the investigation.

In the copy that was run before, they were more like the shadows at the very edge of the photo, which can be missed if you don't look carefully.

Which player would care about a few seemingly harmless female students?

Even the materials of the life director and the teachers of Qingzhou College are several times thicker than those of these girls.

Fortunately, Tong Yao has a delicate mind, as long as the NPCs that have appeared have been archived, although it took a little effort, he also tried his best to remember the only few materials.

"Wang Ying...a junior girl, except for her excellent grades, she has no memory points in the NPC. When she was a senior, she didn't seem to appear, and she didn't appear much in the previous dungeons until she cleared the level."

Tong Yao hesitated and asked, "Does Mr. Chi think there is something wrong with her? But before that, the only time she entered the player's field of vision was when she pushed a player who was initially a senior student into the sewer."

"That was also the only identity verification she left, so I asked me to file her when collecting information."

[Qingzhou Academy Building] The difficulty of this dungeon is generally considered to be the collection of early data.

Many players don't like the "naked test". Compared with entering a dungeon with unknown dangers without preparation, they prefer to investigate the possible dangers and characters in the dungeon before taking action.

But the problem with [Qingzhou Academy Building] is that the number of NPCs participating in the dungeon is nearly 10,000.

Many NPCs of teachers and students will not even appear in the live broadcast, and it is completely impossible to predict what kind of plot will be triggered by the other party and what kind of crisis will be caused.

Huge preparations are enough to dissuade most people, and high-level players prefer other lighter dungeons, and don't like this kind of "cost-effective" dungeon to waste their time and energy.

Therefore, the number of runs of this copy is much less than other copies.

Tong Yao's ability to collect information to this extent is already outstanding.

But when Chi Yiyin looked over, she was still uneasy, feeling like a student who had done something wrong in front of the teacher.

"Mr. Chi..."

Tong Yao yelled anxiously, looked up at the humanoid monster outside, and asked hesitantly, "Wang Ying, is it related to those... outside?"

Chi Yiyin leaned on the desk behind her, did not answer the question directly, but made an invitation gesture, asking Tong Yao to talk about what she knew.

——Let Wang Ying, who was so devastated that she completely lost hope and perception of the outside world, violently commit murder.

Tong Yao was anxious, and immediately said the only thing Wang Ying left in the file at a fast speed.

It was also a time node for the start of the autumn school, the time of the game field coincided with the dungeon event, and the rainy season overlapped and intertwined.

When the players entered Luchuan University, everything went smoothly. There was no accident on the Panshan Highway, and the school gate avoided the knife of a mad woman rushing into the crowd.

But during class, something happened.

The player who died was originally a senior boy. According to the schedule, he didn't need to stay in the classroom for a long time, and he had a lot of time to explore freely, which made other players envious.

But when the players finally escaped from the classroom, no one saw the player again. Even if they searched for him in his dormitory, there were only empty beds.

The roommates said that the player and his girlfriend went out.

This confused other players at the time. After all, this kind of relationship is closely related and will affect the customs clearance copy. Generally, they will first explain it to their partners.

But this girlfriend... never heard of it.

Confused, they took the clues given by their roommates to inquire, and finally found Wang Ying, a girl from Qingzhou College.

In the recording and broadcasting materials, Wang Ying was huddled in the shadow of a corner of the campus, muttering something like crazy. She clumped herself into a ball and seemed to be defying the outside world, desperately trying to protect herself.

The players saw that something was wrong with her state, but they didn't care, they just wanted to know where the missing player went.

But when Wang Ying stood up...

At her feet was the player's chopped-off head.

When Wang Ying came out from the shadows, other people realized that what was behind her was not a shadow at all, but a large swath of red to black blood.

And she herself was also stained with blood, and even the ax that smashed her head was still standing aside, and fell down with her movements, hitting the ground with a loud noise.

The players were taken aback, they didn't expect an ordinary NPC to be in danger.

They sternly asked Wang Ying where the player's remaining body was, but Wang Ying rarely laughed.

She smiled so happily.

'He's in the sewer. '

She said: 'Same with that kid. '

The players hurriedly searched for it, and finally found it in the toilet sewer of the girls' dormitory building of Qingzhou College...

Found the body that had been chopped into pieces.

Large pieces of flesh and blood blocked the sewage pipes, and the originally straight pipes were bulging, as if they had grown countless tumors, which made people sick to see.

When the janitor cleaned up the flesh and blood, the pieces of flesh that had begun to rot were mixed with feces and sewage, causing everyone present to vomit for a long time.

But when the players wanted to take revenge on Wang Ying in grief and anger, the students in the 802 dormitory said that Wang Ying never came to report after school started, and she had been out of school for a long time.

But Luchuan University is almost closed, except for following the motorcade into the mountain when the school starts, there is almost no other possibility to enter on weekdays.

How did Wang Ying come here? If she is real, why hasn't anyone seen her other whereabouts?

The players shuddered, and the matter was shelved.

However, they never had a chance to find out the truth.

During that shift, everyone died in the flash floods of Luchuan University during the rainy season.

At that time, the live broadcast of all players was affected by the "silence" phenomenon at the same time. No one knew what happened during that half day, but when the live broadcast resumed, what the audience saw was the campus that had been destroyed by mudslides and turned into ruins .

The heavy rain came fiercely, and the flood, like the legendary divine punishment, destroyed everything.

"But it didn't end there."

Tong Yao said: "I also watched the dungeon recording of the next shift after that. Several players who were originally students said that they heard someone crying in the wall in the middle of the night, and there were also haunted legends in the campus."

"The haunting has always existed, it didn't just appear after a certain dungeon."

Gan Si, who had been listening by the side, interjected: "It is said that the auditorium of Luchuan University was not built just to suppress corpses?"

He pointed to the direction of the auditorium behind him, and said: "The reason why the opening ceremony is held there is also similar to some kind of prayer ceremony, telling the ghosts of the corpses that school has started, and now the campus belongs to the teachers and students, let them Don't come out at will."

Gan Si was extremely confident in what he knew, and gave an example: "There is actually a small statue hidden in the dome at the top of the auditorium, just for suppression."

Chi Yiyin frowned.

The matter of being haunted was indeed mentioned in the dungeon data.

Luchuan University has been established for hundreds of years, and there was a large-scale fire. Legend has it that the entire mountain range was buried in the fire. The fire that lasted for seven days burned down the history of the school and burned down part of the campus.

No one knows what happened before that, and no one knows how many people died in that fire and how it was handled.

However, according to rumors, Luchuan University did not dispose of those corpses.

Because the high temperature made it impossible to separate the corpse from the building on the ground, it was even hard to tell which was the corpse and which was the object. There was only a dark patch. Rescuers even took the charred clothes hanger as a person.

It also takes a lot of effort to shovel up the melted corpse from the ground.

So in desperation, Luchuan University at that time had to gather the corpses and things suspected of corpses together in one place, buried them in a big pit, and built a church on it, praying for the dead people, hoping that their souls can recover. get peace.

Later, when the era of science came, Luchuan University believed in absolute science, and naturally no longer believed in theology. Thus, that church becomes an auditorium.

But after that, there were always rumors of ghosts in Luchuan University, and even its popularity in the outside world was comparable to that of Luchuan University itself.

According to the rumors, when it rains, the corpses that were suppressed under the auditorium will think that they are still in the fire, and then come out to meet the rain.

They howled in pain, staggered and tried to seek help, forgetting the fact that they were already dead, and thought they were burning with flames, hoping that the heavy rain would extinguish the flames on them.

And on a rainy night, students walking on campus will also see ghosts asking them for help.

But once the ghost comes into contact with people, it will recall the fact that it is dead, realize that it is no longer a living person, and then drag the soft-hearted people who helped it into the **** of flames, and burn them into a corpse Burnt corpse.

However, this statement has not been supported by evidence. After all, no teachers and students actually saw the appearance of charred corpses on the campus of Luchuan University.

So there is another version derived.

That's the one Gans mentioned.

It is said that the reason why the opening ceremony is held in the auditorium every year is to tell the ghosts that there are already masters here, and they are invited to leave the campus and return to the dark underground.

And when the students are on vacation, the deserted university campus will turn into a paradise for ghosts again, where ghosts run amok everywhere and become their world.

It's like a house that hasn't been lived in for a long time, and ghosts will live in it and become the "master" of the house.

When people want to use this room again, they must politely inform the ghosts through some ritual means that someone will live here, and ask them to leave with tribute gifts.

Otherwise, ghosts and people will not live in peace.

In this way, most ghosts will leave politely.

What's more, the corpses under the auditorium are rumored to belong to the teachers and students of Luchuan University, and they are ghosts who pay the most attention to etiquette and quality.

The opening ceremony is a ceremony to inform ghosts, and the sumptuous dinner held immediately after the opening ceremony is actually not just for people.

And ghosts.

One night passed, the guest of honor had a good time, the ownership of the university campus changed hands, from a ghost to an adult, and the peace continued for the entire semester.

However, some students said that they really heard cries and calls for help when they passed by the auditorium on a rainy night.

Just like the rumors.

This incident scared many students, and also caused the school to go to check it several times, and even asked a school worker to squat in the auditorium on rainy nights to prevent the so-called haunted ghosts from appearing.

But after several times of tossing, nothing was seen.

The director of life attributed this incident to a prank by the students, and Luchuan University, which did not believe in ghosts, found out those students who claimed to have heard voices, and gave oral education.

But the students were not convinced, saying that they really heard the voice, and they were not liars.

The rivalry between the students and the school lasted for a long time, but the janitor standing guard in the auditorium said that there were no ghosts at all, and there was no cry for help, but it might be the students' fantasy under the fear, and they mistakenly heard the wind as ghosts. There was a ghost cry.

After all, the whimpering sound of the wind passing through the woods does sound like the sound of a ghost.

The janitor expressed his understanding and said good things to the school, which made the school let go of the matter quickly and did not take any punitive measures against the students who lied.

But don't bother to think about it anymore.

If the wolf is coming, say it more times, it will only make people feel tired.

But the rumors that are still circulating are quietly changing.

It is rumored that the ghost will look for the lone student on a rainy night, and drag him into the **** of flames, and accompany him to suffer under the auditorium. No one will be able to find him after he disappears.

Almost every student knows this rumor, so on rainy nights, few people will go out, let alone approach the auditorium.

They said that in this way you will encounter ghosts.

But in the last semester before the start of the dungeon, that is, the semester when Lin Yunyu died, some students recorded a different voice for the first time outside the auditorium.

There are real people crying for help.

It was a female voice, desperate and helpless, screaming and struggling to beg someone to save her.

A student who happened to pass by hurriedly recorded it, wanting to use this as evidence to prove the presence of ghosts to the school, but he didn't have the guts to get too close to the auditorium to check, so he hurried back after recording and passed it on to others.

After that, it was almost certain that Luchuan University's campus would be haunted.

Chi Yiyin knew about this rumor a long time ago, but after Gan Si explained it in detail, he realized that this rumor was gradually formed in this way.

It's not that he doesn't believe in ghosts—the existence of Ma Yuze is the best refutation.

But in his opinion, there may not be ghosts in Luchuan University, but the unconvinced students made them artificially fabricate a ghost based on evidence.

"What about the recording?"

Gan Si firmly believed in ghosts, and said with great interest that when he was watching the live broadcast of this dungeon before, he had seen female ghosts floating in front of other players' windows.

"If there are only rumors, I also think this matter may be made up. But not only I have seen it with my own eyes, but even the NPC of the dungeon itself has a recording. This can't be fake."

Gan Si shrugged and said: "Besides, after that incident, Luchuan University didn't say anything, and acquiesced to the authenticity of that recording."

"There are ghosts in Luchuan University."

Chi Yiyin's voice was calm.

But before Gan Si could show a triumphant smile, Chi Yiyin continued: "But what those students saw was not necessarily a ghost."

"And it could be people."

Chi Yiyin raised his eyes and looked at the crying humanoid monster outside the flower window.

"What do you mean! People???"

Gan Si looked at Chi Yiyin in surprise, not understanding what he was talking about.

"Wang Ying" constantly hits the window tirelessly. It is not a fantasy creation. Even though it looks as beautiful as a dream, those powers and the damage it can cause are real.

Under the collision of countless humanoid monsters, the glass has already started to vibrate.

If Chi Yiyin hadn't asked Gan Si to plug up the possible leaks, perhaps those monsters would have rushed out now.

Not only that, the door panels of the office were banging all the time, and even knocked the heavy small bookcase to shake back and forth, shaking the books to the ground.

The monster outside the door is also hitting the door, trying to rush in.

All players who stay here will become the favorite rations of those monsters.

Chi Yiyin saw it, but remained indifferent, still looking at the notebook in his hand while thinking, calm and calm as if he was in a safe library, not a fragile safety island that was full of dangers and might be broken through at any time.

"In addition to this haunted rumor for some years, I have heard another haunted thing."

Chi Yiyin remembered the news he had seen on the school network before.

Many people have complained that when night falls, they will hear the baby crying from the next bedroom.

But after I couldn't bear to ask, I found that the next bedroom also heard these sounds, and thought that I was also enduring the sounds from the next bedroom.

Everyone thought it was the next door, but the other bedroom just across the wall was also full of grievances.

They heard the sound, but could not find the source of the sound, forcing many light sleepers to almost collapse.

"Could it be that the sound came from the wall!"

At that time, someone asked angrily.

That person felt that someone must be shirking responsibility.

But now, in Chi Yiyin's view, that person inadvertently told part of the truth.

The sound was indeed coming from the "wall".

But if you want to be more specific, it should come from the sewer pipe buried in the wall.

Because of the way Wang Ying killed that senior boy...

She stuffed the body down the sewer and said that would be the same.

— This is not the first time Wang Ying has done this kind of thing.

But for the first life she threw into the sewer, she harbored hatred and guilt.

The superposition of complex emotions pushed Wang Ying's already fragile spirit to a dead end again, and finally collapsed completely.

Wang Ying was the first to kill...not others.

It is her child.

Chi Yiyin slowly lowered his hand holding the notebook. After connecting all these clues, he felt a flash of lightning in his mind, turning everything into a blank.

His slender palm fell unconsciously on the desk, and he looked up at "Wang Ying" in astonishment, his heart trembling for this most incredible possibility, but the closest to the truth.

He should have found out...

Even the most outrageous gossip is bound to contain some truth at the outset.

For example, the matter of getting pregnant out of wedlock.

It's not unfounded, as the people in the girls' dormitory did hear the baby cry.

The brain can only think about what it wants to believe, and for things beyond its cognition, the brain will roughly put on a "reasonable" shell, so as to protect people's thinking from collapsing under severe shock.

This is a human self-protection mechanism, but it also makes many people miss the opportunity to discover the truth.

The cry of the baby made them think of being pregnant out of wedlock at most, but kept blank about the more cruel things beyond that.

They have never seen death and murder with their own eyes, so they subconsciously think that similar things will not happen around them, and those are too far away from them.

A baby was thrown into the sewer and turned into a ghost after death, crying day and night...

Ma Yuze told Chi Yiyin that she felt that there were ghosts in that dormitory building, but she couldn't know how many there were, and what their situation and strength were.

But now, after linking all the directional clues together, Chi Yiyin came up with the cruelest conjecture that must be admitted as a possibility.

—Wang Ying was raped on a rainy night, and she became pregnant out of wedlock. The baby was thrown into the sewer pipe by her in a panic, and she also committed suicide shortly thereafter.

The reason why Lin Yunyu didn't explain thoroughly in the face of the rumors, or seek stronger help from the school, was because she wanted to protect Wang Ying.

Gan Si said that there was a recording at that time, and many people had heard it.

Perhaps, Lin Yunyu is also one of them.

It's just that unlike other people who want to confront the school, who are angry and want to prove their correctness, or smile and take this as another kind of frivolity for fun, Lin Yunyu thought about another possibility, and recognized the voice of this voice. Owner.

...is Wang Ying.

Lin Yunyu has always been a smart student, even the strict former professor would give her a high score, and said in the record book that she is a character who breaks the casserole and asks the truth, and she will never be complacent about knowing a little bit.

Such a character will definitely make her suspicious of this matter, and go to find Wang Ying to inquire.

After knowing this, Lin Yunyu will not let the rumor hurt Wang Ying a second time.

So she stood at the forefront and resisted all this alone.


Chi Yiyin looked at Tong Yao, and suddenly remembered another thing: "Tong Yao, your initial identity... What did you say "she" did?"

Tong Yao went in without knowing it, but still answered obediently: "The rumors in the public chat room are spread by my initial identity."

Chi Yiyin nodded: "So your initial identity is not actually a blank slate, but Lin Yunyu, and even the promoter of Wang Ying's death."

Although he didn't really do it by himself, Tong Yao felt a little guilty for doing such a thing that hurt other people in his original identity.

She touched her nose in embarrassment, almost thinking that Chi Yiyin was going to criticize herself.

Unexpectedly, Chi Yiyin changed the subject and asked, "What about the player who was killed before? If what Wang Ying wants to kill is not the player, but his original identity, what about the senior student?"

Tong Yao looked at Chi Yiyin in surprise, but he didn't answer, but continued to ask: "If the Luchuan University officials insist that there are no ghosts, then they may really know something, so they deny the haunted rumors without guilt. Then why is the campus haunted? There will still be such rumors in China, and it has become more and more serious in recent years?"

"I looked at the time and virtualized the routing situation in my head."

Chi Yiyin stretched out her finger and tapped her hair: "If you draw a trend map on the computer, you will find that there are records about these rumors, most of which were formed one or two years before the start of the dungeon, but The number and scope of rumors produced in the past two years are far greater than those in the previous hundreds of years."


His eyes were calm, and he asked like this: "If you saw the water surface, have you ever thought about what is stirring up the wind and clouds under the water surface?"

Tong Yao couldn't keep up with Chi Yiyin's thinking, and his brain froze for a moment, trying hard to find out the reason that could explain Chi Yiyin's words from the retrieved memory.

But Chu Yueli said softly: "Because some people want to use people as ghosts through rumors of hauntings. Others want to use rumors to isolate ghosts from people."

Among Gan Si and Tong Yao's confused eyes, only Chi Yiyin smiled.

He stared at Chu Yueli from afar, his eyes full of satisfied admiration.

If people all over the world were like Chu Yueli, then he wouldn't mind saving people all over the world—that would be valuable and worth spending his time saving.

"That's right."

Chi Yiyin nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Everyone is trapped in rumors and hearsay, but few people know what the role of those rumors is."

"Perhaps the legend of haunted ghosts was originally just to protect people."

People always hate boring theories, impatient with other people's warnings and exhortations to themselves. But for super interesting or exciting news, they are quite interested and always pay attention to it, and even share interesting stories with others with relish, which expands the story.

This has also become a means for people to avoid danger in the age when communication was underdeveloped long ago.

Whether it is festival songs, nursery rhymes, taboos about ghosts and gods, legends of ghosts and foxes, or folk sayings, their interestingness makes them widely spread and enduring.

And even the most daring person will weigh it before committing the taboo of ghosts and gods.

When a person does not look at the well, it is not because there are ghosts in the well, but because there are people behind him.

In Chi Yiyin's view, the same is true for the rumors that Luchuan University has suddenly become popular in the past one or two years.

The record book of the former mathematics professor faithfully recorded all the situation of each student from freshman to graduation, and the living monitor made everything invisible.

And those senior male students were not absent from class on the first day.

That is to say, since one or two years ago, they began to miss classes from time to time, and they were absent-minded about their studies. Although their expressions were always excited and looking forward to it, their minds were obviously separated from academics.

The former math professor didn't like them, but only faithfully recorded.

He didn't realize that what he recorded was not a record of a student's naughty and playful truancy.

Rather, it is the irrefutable record of a group of perpetrators.

Wang Ying is a studious student. She always has to study very late in the study room of the library before going back to her dormitory. Judging from Xu Li's words, her abnormality began shortly after the start of last semester.

Five months, she gave birth to a child prematurely, which also made the time of the crime fixed.

If someone looked through the record book of his predecessor, he would clearly find the skipping and status of the four boys, and thus find something wrong.

—What did the four boys do on a spring rainy night? So much so that they skipped class the next day, but they were in a very good mood.

Under all the directional evidence, even though Chi Yiyin didn't want to see the young girl suffer like this, she could only close her eyes under a sigh and close the notebook in her hand.

When he opened his eyes again, he took out his notebook, spread it out on the desk, and seriously turned his guesses into words, and wrote them all on the paper.

The four boys were habitual offenders. They had been robbing or violating passers-by since two years ago. The rainy night was sparsely populated and their voices were covered, which became their best cover.

And the place where they did their crimes was chosen in the auditorium where few people approached because of rumors that there was a dead body.

It was locked there all year round, and even if the sound spread again, it would be regarded as haunted rather than a crime, which could be their best cover.

The rumors of haunting were probably also spread and expanded by them.

But the incident was discovered by others.

That person may have tried, but couldn't find evidence of substantive allegations, or was afraid of retaliation and didn't want to get himself in trouble for someone else's business. Therefore, the man changed his method and used more subtle means to warn everyone.

The man also said that it was haunted, and used this excuse to make the school start to pay attention to and investigate the auditorium. Unfortunately, not only the teachers and investigators did not find the problem, but the school staff who were sent to guard there said nothing.

The janitor's statement refuted not only the haunted rumors, but also the man's attempt to seek help.

In desperation, the man had no choice but to change the rumors and tell everyone not to go out on a rainy night.


—Because there are "ghosts" haunting rainy nights.

It's a pity that those four people didn't stop because of this, and Wang Ying...

Can be admitted to Luchuan University or even Qingbai College, Wang Ying can be called the proud child of heaven. She has been with her studies all year round, and panicked after being hurt, suffering or fear.

When she found out about the existence of the child, she didn't dare to ask for help, and she didn't dare to speak up, for she was afraid that other people would look at her strangely.

All she could rely on was Lin Yunyu who had discovered the truth keenly and came to inquire.

However, Luchuan University is too closed. If they need help, they have to go to the campus hospital and cannot go outside the campus.

Although Lin Yunyu was resolute and intelligent, she was still a young student. She didn't know how to handle this kind of thing perfectly.


Chi Yiyin paused, thinking of herself.

When he met Lin Yunyu before, the other party had dismissed the identity of the professor, thinking that the professor was a liar full of lies and would not protect them.

Such conclusions cannot be groundless.

... Lin Yunyu once asked her former mathematics professor for help because of Wang Ying's matter.

In her opinion, the former mathematics professor had a good relationship with Chi Wanwan and was willing to answer her doubts, and he lived a secluded life with a rigorous personality, so he would definitely be able to keep a secret.

Reliable adults with the ability to handle difficult situations, and also "authorities" in the eyes of students.

The ex became the best target for help in the eyes of Lin Yunyu and Chi Wanwan.

But unfortunately, the ex did not help them.

But Wang Ying's child couldn't disappear out of thin air. Lin Yunyu didn't even have time to get angry, so she could only try her best to help Wang Ying find a way.

But in the end,...Wang Ying died.

How could Lin Yunyu, who had been protecting Wang Ying and running around seeking help for her, accept such a result?

What's more, one of the reasons for this situation at that time was the slander and drag of Lin Yunyu's roommate.

Because of Wang Ying's death, Lin Yunyu hated her roommate and the entire dormitory.

Although those rumors attacked Lin Yunyu, what this young student did not expect was that people would have the ability to empathize.

When you see others in pain, you also feel pain in yourself, and when you see others in embarrassment, you also feel embarrassed in yourself.

Not to mention Wang Ying, who has been hurt and psychologically fragile.

She is like an empty water glass, everything that supported her in the past has disappeared. After being hurt, she urgently wants to find a new fulcrum.

And this fulcrum was Lin Yunyu who appeared like a **** descending into the world during her suffering.

She is like a child who has just learned to walk, learning to explore the world like a "mother". All Lin Yunyu's encounters and feelings will be taken over by Wang Ying and put on her.

Lin Yunyu was slandered, accused of making fun of, despised...

While Wang Ying felt sorry for Lin Yunyu, she was thinking of herself.

In her opinion, those accusations were not directed at Lin Yunyu, but at her.

Everyone is scolding her, laughing at her, and uncovering her **** scars for fun... No one really cares what happened to her, they only think she is dirty, unclean, and should die.

At the same time, the strange changes in Wang Ying's body also terrified her.

Under internal and external pressure, she gradually despaired, and Lin Yunyu's help was delayed. All these finally brought Wang Ying to a dead end.

Seeing no hope for the future, she chose to take out the baby that represented harm and sin, and after killing the baby, she also committed suicide.

— before a more dire injury.

Wang Ying saw Lin Yunyu's appearance, she didn't want herself to stand in the middle of everyone's eyes, as if she was naked, and let everyone make fun of her.

At least for the final death, she wanted to go clean.

So that became the spark that killed three other people.

Lin Yunyu, former professor, Chi Wanwan.

Chi Yiyin's pen was placed on the table, and she sighed softly.

The perpetrator escaped, but the victim could not break free from hell... Luchuan University has become a place of carnival of crimes.

"Brother Chi, what are you writing?"

Gan Si, who didn't know Chi Yiyin well, got confused and leaned over to read his notebook.

But when Chi Yiyin looked sideways at Gan Si, he suddenly thought of another thing.


There was a turning point in this matter, that is, the rumors attracted the attention of the school, but were rejected by the janitor's testimony.

What the janitors buried at the same time was also the truth about cruelty and crime.

But... who said that a janitor who looks honest can't lie?

Gansi's initial identity was a school worker.

On campus, what kind of person is most likely to be ignored by teachers and students, but can enter anywhere unimpeded?

Can anyone prove that the janitor did not cooperate with those four people?

If those four people had been committing crimes near the auditorium, they could have been discovered by security guards or janitors for up to two years.

But why has there been no news?

No matter how perfect a crime is, there are clues to follow, but why is this "ghost" incident still flawless under the focus of the school?

There is only one possibility.

— Guarding against self-stealing.

collective crime.

It was not only the four students who did evil things, but also the school staff, and... other people who did not surface.

Chi Yiyin slowly opened her eyes wide. When she thought about it, she suddenly felt that she was Wang Ying and Lin Yunyu, who looked up in despair in the heavy rain, but could not see hope.

This is not haunted, but people themselves are ghosts.

"How to protect yourself when you fall into a spider's nest?"

The leather shoes stepped into the rain, and the golden brown eyes were cold.

"Be punished by God, and the flames will burn away all sins."

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