Tokyo bubble life

Chapter 668 676, there is a mole! Fans are blocking the door! ! !

In the KTV in Harajuku, the door is closed and the curtains on the windows are tightly drawn together.

At this time, the official live broadcast of "Music Station" has begun in the lobby.

Powerful sound waves burst out from the speakers next to the stage, causing the lights above the stage to constantly change colors, making the vigorous dance moves of the three youth team members even more psychedelic~

The audience around the stage excitedly beat the beat and cheered for this energetic and popular boy band!

"Thank you to the junior team for the wonderful opening dance!"

After the song ended, Tamori walked onto the stage with a microphone. After thanking the youth team on the main stage, he turned to the camera,

"Good evening, viewers! Today, I will introduce to you TV Asahi's new music review program - "Music Station"!"

Naturally, this is the first live broadcast to give everyone a brief introduction. At the same time, it also shortens the time to interact with guests. Tamori briefly introduced the rules of the list and each section of the program, and then quoted with his hands:

"Mina-san, have you seen where I am?"

The camera lens turned to the other side of the stage to see the KTV lobby and then turned to the main stage. Tamori said:

"We are currently at a KTV in Harajuku! Many people have heard of KTV, right? Later, we will follow the camera to each box to see what the singers are doing!"

"But first, let's take a look at the interview with today's special guest Akina Nakamori!"

The audience in the audience naturally started to cheer~

Nagayama Naoki stood behind the camera, his face a little solemn.

Although I knew that the program "Music Station" would be one of TV Asahi's most popular programs, I vaguely remembered that its first show was only average.

In addition, Naoki Nagayama has now changed the location of his debut and brought it to KTV

Although this era is very receptive to this novel approach, many variety shows will even go to very strange places, such as on top of Tokyo Tower, Mount Fuji, hotel swimming pools, etc., but after all, KTV is still a new thing, can it? Attracting viewers on the TV screen is actually an unknown.

"Naoki-san!" the on-site director Motokatsu Okawa reminded, "Get ready to broadcast the early interviews!"

"Well, it's over there in the TV station's studio." Nagayama Naoki said, "We can see it from here, right?"

"Hey, there's a signal picture." Okawa Yuankatsu used the radio to keep in touch with the TV station to make sure that the broadcast had started.

Nagayama Naoki and Okawa Motokatsu looked at the scene on the small TV next to them, which was the scene where Nagayama Naoki, Nakamori Akina and Tamori went to Kiyose together.

Akina Nakamori, dressed casually, is walking with Tamori in the urban area of ​​Kiyose. From time to time, she will encounter familiar people and things. At this time, Akina Nakamori will introduce her relationship to everyone. Tamori on the other side, He would grab the other person and ask about his impression of Akina Nakamori.

Not long ago~

Akuri Kamiya, a high school student who lives in Omotesando, occupied the TV in the living room not long after finishing his meal. Anyway, his father had to socialize with colleagues and would be back very late, and his mother was, well, cleaning the kitchen.

He has been used to it since he was a child. Usually this time is his TV time. He would finish his homework before he knew how long it would take, but today is Friday~

"The prime time hasn't started yet"

Aguri Kamiya casually changed the channel and had just watched a comedy variety show. Originally, there were no TV dramas or other prime-time programs at this time. When I was a child, I could still watch TV Tokyo cartoons, but now I have almost no interest in them. .

When I switched to TV Asahi, it happened to be when "Music Station" started~

"Is it actually a new audio series? Youth team?" Aguri Kamiya stopped the remote control and became interested, "Isn't this Tamori-san?"

"It turns out that the ranking algorithm is different from other music programs~"

"Oh? It's actually in a KTV in Harajuku? It's very close to here!"

Akuri Kamiya, who lives in Omotesando, is naturally familiar with KTV in Harajuku. KTV is not like a nightclub or club with age restrictions. High school students can also sing!

He has been there several times with his classmates, and he enjoys singing every time!

"Oh ho? An interview with Akina Nakamori?"

After the scene on TV Asahi switched to Akina Nakamori's interview with Kiyose, Aguri Kamiya became even more excited. At this time, most high school students know the names of Akina Nakamori and other idols, and he is at the age where he is obsessed with idols!

"It turns out that Akina went to school in the same place as me when she was a child!" "She also likes to eat croquettes~" "Is she often in poor health when she was a child?"

Looking at other people's impressions of Akina Nakamori in the show, Aguri Kamiya smiled like a fool, and his eyes towards Akina Nakamori on the screen became gentler.

"It turns out Akina-chan has loved to laugh since she was a child! She also smiles happily in front of the camera."

Aguri Kamiya felt that Akina Nakamori on the screen always seemed to be smiling in the direction of the camera, but her eyes were not pointed at the camera, as if she was looking at other people.

"It's like you're smiling at me~"

Suddenly, when the screen went to the next frame, Akina was already eating ice cream~

"Huh? Did you just run over here with ice cream in your hand? Did someone pass it to her? Akina-chan is actually so happy eating ice cream."

Aguri Kamiya felt that Nakamori Akina's eyes in the picture were like the way she looked at him when he and his girlfriend went to the amusement park together. Sure enough, this was Akina's boyfriend's perspective!

This videographer is very good at taking pictures, and he wants to add chicken legs!

After the interview video ended, the program screen of "Music Station" switched back to KTV. Tamori was conducting on the main stage. Following the guidance of the assistant host, the camera moved towards the boxes on the second floor, and finally stopped at the door of a box. .

Opening the door, Akina Nakamori, wearing a singing uniform, was holding a microphone inside!

"A letter from a fan, Akina Nakamori should be as domineering as "The Ten Commandments" when she is in love! Please enjoy the following - "The Ten Commandments"!"

After the assistant host's introduction, the lights in the private room kept flashing, and the music of "The Ten Commandments" came from the original karaoke machine. Even the MV of "The Ten Commandments" was played on the TV screen in the private room.


so stupid

Gentleness is just an excuse for weakness

Give you some encouragement

The little devil is really worrying


The impactful lyrics, performed by Akina Nakamori, are extremely powerful, as if they want to break through this open box.

Aguri Kamiya, who was in front of the TV, was sighing at his idol's performance skills while feeling something familiar:

"That box seems to be the same box I used when I went to sing!"

"Hahaha, Akina-chan and I used the same private room!"

As a die-hard fan, Aguri Kamiya is very happy, as if she is getting closer to her idol. But a thought suddenly popped into his head, and the smile on his face suddenly solidified:

"Autumn bean sack!!!"

He glanced at the "Live Broadcast" sign on the screen and suddenly realized a problem!

"Akina-chan! Now! In! Harajuku! That KTV!!!"

In Harajuku, Omotesando is only less than ten minutes away from Harajuku!

Aguri Kamiya immediately stood up and called his friend: "Nakatani!!! Akina-chan is in the KTV in Harajuku now!!!"

"Huh?!" The voice on the phone was full of surprise.

"That KTV closed down a week ago, just for today's music program!!! There are many idols and celebrities in that KTV! Let's go there quickly, maybe we can pick Akina-chan up from get off work !!!”

"Todoroki?!" The voice on the phone couldn't believe it, "Kamigu! This is no joke!"

"It can't be wrong!"

"Okay, I'll trust you once! I'll ask Kasahara to come with me!"

"Well, I'll call Umeda too!" Aguri Kamiya looked excited, "You have to go faster, otherwise you may not see Akina-chan!!!"


There is more than one smart person. Unbeknownst to Naoki Nagayama, fans of idols began to connect with each other, and the crowd began to gather in small numbers towards the KTV on the corner of Harajuku.

Sakurada Gate.

A police officer walked hurriedly towards the office floor where Section 4 was searched, walked straight into an office and knocked on the door:

"Director Shirakawa!"

"Oh, Hirakawa~" Shirakawa Takato raised his eyes and looked at his subordinates, "Come here in such a hurry, what happened?"

Hiroyuki Hirakawa lowered his voice: "Didn't Shirakawa-san ask the inspection minister to pay attention to the KTV in Harajuku?! Now something special has happened!"

"Oh? What's going on?" Shirakawa Takato sat up straight and became interested.

Since the previous collision between Shizuoka's Yamaguchi-gumi and Tokyo's local Yamaguchi-gumi and the Police Department's KTV in Harajuku, he has listed this place as a key monitoring area. The number and frequency of patrols in that area are faster than those in Kabukicho in Tokyo. about there.

He didn't believe that the Yakuza boss, who had made his boss resentful for decades, would simply want to open a nightclub.

"There are a lot of people gathering towards the KTV!" Hiroyuki Hirakawa said, "The number is unknown, the identity is unknown, and the organization is unknown. However, the inspection director on the scene estimates that there are more than a hundred people, and everyone seems to be very excited!"

"Excited? Are you taking drugs?" Shirakawa Takato thought about the reason for the large gathering, "What is that KTV doing recently?"

"Well, it's closed recently, saying it's going to be renovated."

"Hmph, there must be some illegal activity happening internally!" Takato Shirakawa stood up and put on his police hat, "Hirachuan, summon our available police officers and notify the mobile team. I want to go and take a look for myself! "


At this time, in Harajuku KTV, the live broadcast of "Music Station" was still continuing in an orderly manner.

Tamorissan on the stage reveals the record charts ranked according to the latest algorithm, allowing the hottest singers to perform in the box

"Here's a singer who just returned to the neon music industry this year and made people look at her with admiration - Theresa Deng!!"

Under the command of the on-site director Motokatsu Okawa, the moving cameras on the main stage and the box alternated with each other, and the images on the TV screen also moved from the main stage to the box.

The assistant host took the microphone and briefly interviewed Theresa:

"The song "つぐない (Atonement)" has achieved such excellent results, Teresa must be very happy, right?"

Teresa has stayed in Neon for a long time and has become very accustomed to the culture here. She must not tell her true feelings at this time!

"Actually, when I knew this song was so popular, I felt very pressured by the fans' support for me, which made me have to give them more feedback. I could only do my best to perform better. "

After a dialogue that sounded very emotional but actually lacked nutrition, the host let the singer go:

"Hey, let's listen to this song "つぐない(Atonement)""

The sound insulation of the KTV box is very good. When singing inside, no sound can be heard outside. The "Music Station" team took the opportunity to discuss the next song, and the hall became slightly buzzing as they adjusted their mood a little.

"Director Okawa, everything should be normal now, right?" Nagayama Naoki asked with some concern as he watched Okawa Motokatsu use the walkie-talkie to contact the TV station.

"Hi! There is no problem with the show at all." Okawa Motokatsu said, "Not enough. The TV station is saying that it has received many calls from fans, some of whom are curious about the show. There are also many who are asking about this Address of home KTV”

"Ask for the address of this KTV?" Naoki Nagayama also smiled, "Hahaha, do they want to come and experience it?"

"." Motokatsu Okawa glanced at Nagayama Naoki, "They want to come and meet their idols."

"Meeting idols? They are recording a show!"

Nagayama Naoki didn't take it seriously at first, but suddenly he realized. They were not in a heavily guarded TV station or a secret studio but in a KTV on the corner of Harajuku!

Moreover, there is only one KTV in Harajuku that broadcasts live broadcasts.

"Um, when Tamori-san opened the show before, he said we were at the 'KTV in Harajuku,' right?!" Naoki Nagayama looked at Mokatsu Okawa next to him.

"should be!"

【There is a mole! Stop recording! 】

Such words appeared subconsciously in Nagayama Naoki's mind, but fortunately he controlled his mouth, then quickly turned to the display window, opened the heavy curtains and took a look outside.

"Ah! The recorded address has been leaked!"

On the sidewalk across the street, there were already two or three fans gathered together. Looking into the distance, there were figures slowly walking towards them.

I had been preparing for it for a long time, but I didn’t expect that fans would block the door!

Okawa Yuankatsu came over and took a look: "It seems that there are more and more people."

The more people there are, the tighter the blockage will be, and it will be more difficult to stand out. Just like idol concerts, after Akina Nakamori held a concert before, she even had to put on makeup, change cars, and leave secretly to avoid the entanglement of fans. .

And this time "Music Station" invited more than one popular idol! ! !

The gathering of many fans may even cause stampedes and traffic accidents.

Naoki Nagayama pressed his temples, thought quickly for a few minutes, and then pulled over the original foreman, Tetsuhiro Kurita:

"Kurita-kun, go make a call and call all the waiters who were on vacation. Then find a car dealer to borrow a car and park it at the door of the KTV! Pick people up and leave at any time!"

"But... parking is not allowed on the road." Tetsuhiro Kurita said.

"It doesn't matter, there will be traffic jams here soon!" Naoki Nagayama said.

"Hi" Kurita Tetsuhiro understood and immediately left through the back door.

Naoki Nagayama went on to find Takeharu Kawahara, who was in contact with various agencies this time, and asked him to inform the agents of each idol that there might be fans blocking the door, so that they could prepare in advance.

It’s best to just change clothes and leave secretly after the performance.

Later, Naoki Nagayama called Shuyou's friend Yoshimura Otomo and asked him to urgently find a group of security personnel to come and maintain order.

Although fans blocking the door is a bit troublesome, after all, it is not a situation that will cause huge conflicts. If it is handled properly, it can even be eliminated in the budding stage. Therefore, although Naoki Nagayama is a little nervous, he has not yet reached the point of calling the police.

However, he still called Yong Shanfeng and asked him to send a few fierce-looking guys over to scare others if something happened.

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