Tokyo bubble life

Chapter 651 659, misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding!

It had been sunny for a long time, but in the middle of the night it started to become dark and cloudy, and even the moon couldn't be seen. I don't know when it started raining again.

However, the cold rainy night did not stop hot news from spreading in the entertainment industry. Even Akina Nakamori, who was recording "THE BEST TEN" that night, did not expect that attention to this matter would come so quickly.

"South Wind", which has been released for a long time, has fallen from the top spot, but still occupies the third place, and "Alice of the Land of Time" by Matsuda Seiko has begun to show strength, surpassing Nakamori Akina's ranking. Bit.

The original general process was for Akina Nakamori and Seiko Matsuda to go on stage together for a pre-concert interview, because today TBS invited Sayuri Yoshinaga as a guest on "THE BEST TEN". This national actor's status is really needed in the entertainment industry The two idols are accompanying each other.

But during the live broadcast today, there seemed to be a little change.

"I would like to invite the two most popular female idols at the moment, Seiko Matsuda and Akina Nakamori!"

Kuroyanagi Tetsuko held up the microphone to direct the process, while Kumehiro next to him also guided the position in a very gentlemanly manner.

"Seiko-chan still looks like Audrey Hepburn when she first debuted, but even brighter!"

Kuroyanagi Tetsuko looked at Matsuda Seiko in a white skirt and praised her, and then turned to Nakamori Akina. She should have been dressed in a very beautiful style, but suddenly it felt a little strange.

"Akina-chan is also very different from when she debuted. It's like a girl has suddenly grown up and become more attractive!"

"Arigado." Akina Nakamori didn't realize anything yet, she still shyly whispered her thanks.

"There must be many people chasing Akina-chan!" Kumehiro interrupted midway, "I heard that there are people in the entertainment industry who like Akina very much!"


Nakamori Akina's expression became a little stiff. What's going on?

Kuroyanagi Tetsuko was also cheering beside him: "Todoroki? Then what does Akina think of suitors?"

"Um" Akina didn't know how to answer, "Suitor?"

"I should just thank him for liking me."

Looking at the ignorant female idol, Kuroyanagi Tetsuko and Kumehiro were experienced hosts after all, so they had no intention of further teasing. Kumehiro said:

"There are countless people Akina-chan needs to thank~ But in the end, there is only one person who is attracted by it. Akina-chan needs to choose carefully!"

The ill-informed guests laughed and thought it was just a regular joke on the show. The well-informed person had a smile on his face. Kumehiro’s ambiguous words were probably referring to Nagayama Naoki~

"I'm going to invite a very popular senior in the industry, Sayuri Yoshinaga, to conduct an interview on "THE BEST TEN"." Tetsuko Kuroyanagi invited Sayuri Yoshinaga up. "Yoshinaga-san, what do you think of Seiko-chan?"

"She is a cheerful and cute girl~"

"So how does Akina-chan make you feel?"

Sayuri Yoshinaga is naturally the type who is very well-informed. Looking at Akina Nakamori, who still has a hint of childishness in front of her eyes, she is still surprised that she is such an artist, and Naoki Naoki has seen all the beauties in the entertainment industry. Did a famous director win it?

You know, although there are rumors about Naoki Nagayama's romantic affairs spreading everywhere, they only appear together. No woman has ever let Naoki Nagayama show intimacy in public!

"Akina-chan is a very charming girl, she makes people feel excited!"

Then he said meaningfully: "I hope you all have the opportunity to star in a movie together~"

Although everyone has talked about it, her eyes have always been on Akina Nakamori. Akina Nakamori has a boyfriend who is a famous director and has won the blue ribbon for Best Newcomer. In her eyes, Akina Nakamori undoubtedly has a bright future in the film industry.

At this time, Akina Nakamori could only keep bowing and saying thank you, she was so flattered~

Seiko Matsuda next to her could only maintain an awkward and polite smile. She naturally knew what happened at the TV station door.

I can only be silent and unwilling, because Naoki Nagayama is obviously my fan first!

How could he fall in love with this little girl Akina Nakamori!

The short interview process passed quickly, but those present were all people from the entertainment industry, and many people knew that the news about TV Asahi would definitely spread!

When Naoki Nagayama woke up early the next morning, he felt that his whole body was full of energy again.

Although I drank a lot at the end of the banquet, my young body made the alcohol in my body completely disappear. After one night, I was a good man again!

"Sure enough, I was always hungover in my last life because I stayed up late and worked overtime every day, which damaged my liver!" Naoki Nagayama patted his belly as if he was touching his own internal organs, "I will definitely protect you this time! We treat each other with sincerity!"

"Woof woof woof!"

Yantaro panted and ran up to the bedroom, leaving wet footprints on the corridor and the floor.

"Yutaro, you went out to play in the water again!!!" Nagayama Naoki was furious, "You disobedient! This time I will use your hair to mop the ground clean!"

The dog's hair stood up when he heard it, and he immediately ran down.

After Nagayama Naoki finished washing and went downstairs, perhaps in order to atone for his sins, Yutaro came to Nagayama Naoki with a rolled-up newspaper in his mouth.

"Huh? Didn't you put it in the mailbox?"

Looking at the newspaper with wet edges, Nagayama Naoki felt a little disgusted. He ordered a lot of newspapers at home, and when he encountered a lot of magazines, they would occasionally fall out of the mailbox.

He originally thought about putting it aside, but the words "Love", "TV Station" and "Zhongsen." on the cover suddenly attracted his attention. Has it really been exposed? !

I opened the newspaper and read it. The report on the cover was actually a surveillance picture!

In the lobby of TV Asahi, Naoki Nagayama held Akina Nakamori's hand and headed towards the front desk, followed by two agents.

Ignoring the words "Akina Nakamori is in love" in the title, I read the report carefully, but there was only this:

"According to insiders, Akina Nakamori, a popular idol, kissed Naoki Nagayama passionately in front of TV Asahi. The two came to the front desk together and exchanged a certain token."

Then there are some conjectures and inferences, and some pictures and reports from the previous filming of "Love Letter" are also added in. The entire report is full of words such as or, maybe, should, etc. It is obviously a traffic article concocted to attract attention. .

"AI can write better than you"

Seeing that there was no heavy evidence, Nagayama Naoki felt relieved. At this level, it should be just a little more serious than the previous scandal.

Thinking like this, he started to prepare breakfast~

On the other side, Akina Nakamori had already arrived at the Yanyin Office building early.

In an office, Hanami He and Ming Xingfang's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and they didn't sleep all night.

Several copies of today's morning newspapers were spread out on the table in the conference room. Unsurprisingly, they all wrote about the relationship between Akina Nakamori and Naoki Nagayama. Although the tone was different, they all wrote about their close relationship in the lobby of TV Asahi.

It's just that some newspapers wrote about kissing at the door, while others were a little more strict and didn't write about it. Maybe they couldn't believe that an artist would do such a thing in front of a TV station.

Those doormen and front desk staff may have just misunderstood the reason for the misplacement, but they still want to use it as a source of conversation or to create gossip. There are people in the world. In order to express their words quickly, some people will even make up stories about others taking express delivery. An extramarital affair that didn't exist at all.

"Akina-chan, we've also made inquiries, and no one has taken photos of the door." Akiko Fusa said with a hint of luck, "It's all just words."

"That's good," Akina Nakamori said, but she seemed a little disappointed in her heart.

Hua Jianhe's face was serious and his tone was solemn: "Mingna, your career is in a period of rapid development. If it is officially announced at this time, it may have a huge blow to your popularity!"

"Yes, I understand~" Akina Nakamori nodded.

Idols are like popular celebrities in later generations. Once the relationship is officially announced, fans who regard the idol as a fantasy will definitely break their guard. It's like a super-popular traffic niche student in later generations, who was suddenly reduced to a second-tier or even third-tier variety show star after the official announcement of his relationship.

Hanami He was immediately relieved when he saw that Nakamori Akina had no intention of falling in love.

"Then, we have to get rid of this scandal. It is best to turn it into a boost to Akina's popularity."

In the entertainment industry, hyping up hot topics has long been a routine operation, even scandals are no exception. Hanamihe continued to ask,

"Yesterday, Naoki Nagayama did compose a song for you on the spot, right?"

"Hey, it was really created on the spot!" After saying this, Akina Nakamori became excited instantly, "It's called "Sunny Day"! Because the weather just happened to be sunny at that time! And it sounds very good!"


Looking at her idol's attitude, Hanami He knew that Akina had been snatched away. When she watched the song now, she must have put on a filter!

Sighing in his heart, he looked at Mingxing Fusunori: "Fang Zesang, based on your evaluation, what is the quality of that song "Sunny Day"?"

Although Nakamori Akina cherishes the original manuscript of "Sunny Day", of course he read it before Akiyukibo came back.

"Although it's a bit incredible, this song composed live by Naoki Nagayama is completely top-notch."

Hanajianhe heard Akina humming softly, the graceful and gentle melody carrying a touch of sadness, as if she was remembering that regretful relationship.

"Is it actually a sad love song?" Hanami Hyuk is more knowledgeable about music than Akiko Fusakinori. "The style of this song is somewhat different from the popular music style today. It seems to be more inclined to the guitar pop music of the 1960s and 1970s, but again It has a bit of a rock style and a bit of a pastoral feel.”

Today is the era of hard rock. Strong rhythm and powerful lyrics are the mainstream of this era~

"However, it is indeed suitable for singing~" Hanami He quickly confirmed his thoughts, "Akina-chan, since it is given to you, then this song should be used in the album, right?"

"It should be no problem~" This was not stated clearly, but the song "Unrequited Love" that I gave away before was also made into a record~

"That's okay." Hanami He said, "I will communicate with Terabassa and this song will be the B-side of the next record."

"Hey, is this good?" It was originally a single-sided record of "The Ten Commandments".

"It doesn't matter, maybe it will increase sales~" Hanamihe said, and then continued, "Also, this morning, we will invite some reporters to a simple meeting to explain a little bit about yesterday's events. "

"Akina-chan, just say that Naoki Nagayama customized a song for you. The reason for holding hands was because I was too anxious to write down the song, so I just pulled you to the front desk."

"You can also exaggerate the fact that Nagayama Naoki can compose songs in a short time!"

Anyway, the rumor that Nagayama Naoki can compose songs on the spot when he is bursting with inspiration has long been rumored in the entertainment industry.

"So, everything is a misunderstanding! Do you know the misunderstanding?"


Hanami He continued to exchange words with Akina Nakamori before walking out of the conference room.

This time I wasn’t photographed kissing from the front, so lucky! Other rumors will be dispelled by Yanyin's public relations. After more than ten years in the entertainment industry, he has this confidence.

When Nagayama Naoki arrived at the studio, he found that the employees looked at him strangely, and they also had hidden smiles when greeting them.

It was obvious that they had all read the newspaper.

Pushing open the door of the office, Shuichi Itou and Otomo Yoshimura were inside, and Riko Hayano was also reporting something.

After seeing Naoki Nagayama, he immediately said:

"Naoki-san, the press conference has been contacted. If necessary, it can be held at noon!"

She directly believed that yesterday's press conference was about this.

"Hmm, wait a moment, I will inform you." Nagayama Naoki motioned to Hayano Riko to wait a moment.

After Hayano Riko went out, Yoshimura Otomo sighed: "Naoki-san, I didn't expect you to create such big news just after we had a drink!"

"Well, I was drunk," Naoki Nagayama explained in a low voice.

"Haha, you are drunk, but your mouth is not drunk. You can still kiss others passionately. It's terrible!" Itou Shuichi laughed.


When did Xiu Yisang become so good at complaining?

Yoshimura Otomo said at this time: "After reading the report, you composed a song on the spot?"

"Ah yes~"

Unexpectedly, Yoshimura Otomo's next words were: "So where is the original manuscript of the song? Why didn't I write it in the notebook I carry with me?!"

As he spoke, he took out a blank notebook from his arms.

".I forgot for a moment~"

Yoshimura Otomo sighed, took back his notebook angrily, and then said:

"Zhi Shu-san, in fact, this news will not have a great impact on either Shu friends or you, Zhi Shu-san.

So what matters now is what you think. Should you admit it and make it official? Or will it be treated coldly like previous scandals? "

In fact, Nagayama Naoki and Nakamori Akina have already communicated on this point. In short, if there is no solid evidence, then just maintain the status quo.

"Mingna's career is still on a rapid rise, so let's forget about it for now!"

"Well, okay then~" Yoshimura Otomo didn't have any objections.

Itou Shuichi said at this time: "Then you also made an appointment for a press conference, what should I do?"


It was originally used just in case, but now it feels a bit redundant. Sure enough, I didn’t think completely when I was drunk, but now that I have been notified, not holding this press conference seems a bit like a wolf crying. Friends from the media will have opinions. of


Nagayama Naoki looked at Itou Shuichi:

"Shuichi-san, didn't you just finish filming "Love Is Like the Rain"?!"


"It just so happens that the final reveal will come once!"

After thinking for a long time, I decided not to make the relationship official! The plot of hiding from the paparazzi will be easy to unfold in the future. If it is officially announced, it will be during the wedding~

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