Tokyo bubble life

Chapter 613 Chapter 621, a new generation replaces the old one

After the preview screening, it was decided that "April Story" would be released at Iwanami Cinema. With the efforts of Komori Masataka and Sugiyama Tomohiko, the film began to be released in theaters in major cities.

At the same time, comments about the film also came out one after another in the media.

"A beautiful movie!" "The secret love hidden in Naoki Nagayama's heart~" "Sincere memories of youth" There are indeed many praises for the movie, and most film critics have given this movie positive reviews.

Naturally, there are some people who dislike Naoki Nagayama and secretly talk about "an ordinary narrative structure" and "an uneventful movie". What they say reveals that this is not that great a movie. Compared with Naoki Nagayama's previous films, the movie is not outstanding.

But even they cannot in good conscience say that this is a movie that is not suitable to watch.

At the same time, some people noticed that the latest novel - "Tomorrow's Me and Yesterday's You" was appearing in the bookstore in the movie scene.

The female man Matsuno Shizuki walked out of the cinema and said to her best friend Miyoshi Hiroko:

"Hiroko-chan, you've already bought that copy of "Tomorrow's Me and Yesterday's You", right?"

"Hey, I bought the novel when it came out."

Matsuno Shizuki didn't really like reading, but she saw it in the movie and remembered it in her heart:

"How do you feel about this novel?"

Hiroko Miyoshi's eyes showed longing: "It's really touching! Because the timelines are different, a pair of lovers can only meet once every five years! And they can only be lovers for a month when they are twenty years old."

"Is it so short? Can you fall in love like this?" Matsuno Jingxi was a little confused.

"Haga Shizuki, don't interrupt!" Miyoshi Hiroko immediately retorted, "Love is not about length, it's about depth!"

"Besides, because of the different timelines, the male protagonist keeps growing up, but the female protagonist keeps getting smaller. And the memories are completely different."

Matsuno Jingxi listened to her best friend chattering about the plot of "Tomorrow's Me and Yesterday's You". She was a little dizzy because she was usually a bit careless, but she thought of "April Story" she had just watched. , that kind of delicate emotion deeply touched myself, who once had a crush on others.

Suddenly I became interested in what kind of romance director and author Nagayama Naoki could write:

"Hiroko-chan, can you lend me the book "Tomorrow's Me and Yesterday's You" when you get back?"

"Huh? Jingxi-chan actually wants to read a book?"

"I suddenly got a little interested~" Matsuno Jingxi was a little shy.


After walking a few steps in a slightly silent atmosphere, Miyoshi Hiroko suddenly thought of something and said with some emotion:



"Have you noticed that if Naoki Nagayama is the director, it will be a very literary but beautiful movie, and it will all be about love~ How can he be so good at love?"

"."Record of Ghosts" is not it~"

".Jingxi-chan, stop talking to me!"

Naoki Nagayama was in the studio discussing the situation of the movie that had just been released with Otomo Yoshimura and Shuichi Itou. Otomo Yoshimura said with some worry:

"Naoki-san, the premiere effect of "April Story" is not too outstanding."

"Haha, wasn't this already expected when filming?" Such a youth movie with a gentle narrative, without conflicts and suspense, will naturally not arouse excessive interest from the audience. "This movie faces The audience is relatively small, only young people, mostly girls.”

Obviously, such an explanation cannot placate Otomo Otomo of Fangcun Village. Nagayama Naoki could only comfort him: "Don't worry, this is also a longevity movie. The shooting techniques and the youthful picture created by "April Story" will attract a lot of people." batch after batch of young viewers.”

Itou Shuichi smiled beside him and said: "Let me tell you, if Naoki Santo can actually promote it, we might be able to attract more people!"

During the interview at the preview, the news broke that "Naoki Nagayama is no longer single", making the entertainment headlines once again find Naoki Nagayama.

Many newspapers even enthusiastically made a ranking list of "Who is likely to be Naoki Nagayama's date?"

The first one on the list is naturally the new heroine of "April Story", Momoko Kikuchi. After all, she is the heroine of the new movie. This news also broke at the preview of the movie.

And Akina Nakamori ranked second. In fact, if it was when "Love Letter" was popular, she would undoubtedly be ranked first, but now a new generation has replaced the old one~

Then there are many idol artists, such as Yuko Tanaka, Chiko Aoyama, Mieko Harada, even the earliest Junko Ito is on the list, because she is the female idol who has received the most songs from Naoki Nagayama.

Such a high-traffic event naturally represents huge exposure. With the tacit approval of the agency, these female artists are more or less tied to Nagayama Naoki for publicity. The entertainment news is like a holiday. .

Nagayama Naoki rolled his eyes at Itou Shuichi: "Shuichi-san, haven't you noticed that I've been staying at home these past few days and dare not go out?"

"Naoki-san, you can't escape by hiding, so why not turn this heat into something!" Itou Shuichi said from the side.

"Yeah, so I came here today~I have an interview~"

Nagayama Naoki shrugged. He came to the company today because he received an invitation from a film magazine called "Xunbao" to record an interview.

"Hello, I am Ueda Kanji, the editor-in-chief of "Xunbao"!"

The polite middle-aged man in front of him with his hand outstretched is the person that "Xunbao" wants to interview. He also brings two assistants who are responsible for filming and photography.

Since he had agreed to the interview, Nagayama Naoki naturally did not show any cold face and stretched out his hand to shake:

"Hello, I am Naoki Nagayama!"

Then Kanji Ueda met with Momo Kikuchi next to him again. This interview was conducted by the director and the leading actor together!

"Naoki-san, Momoko-san, have you read the outline of today's interview?" Ueda Wanji said with a gentle smile on his face.

"Hey, I've seen it~"

Generally speaking, such interviews are first reviewed by the public relations department of the company or firm, and then the answers are prepared before the interviewee is allowed to appear. However, during the interview process, naturally it will not be so stiff.

Ueda Wanji first started to chat: "I heard that this is the first time for Naoki-san and Momo-san to collaborate, right?"

Momoko Kikuchi replied: "Hi, this is my first time filming Naoki-san, and it's also my first official filming!"

"Oh? This is Momoko-san's debut song!" Kanji Ueda was a little surprised, "So, "Sakura" is also Momoko-san's debut song?"


"It's really unexpected. Momoko-san behaved very naturally in the movie. She doesn't look like a newcomer at all!"

"Hahaha, that's because Naoki-san has special shooting skills!"

"Special shooting skills?" Kanji Ueda turned to Naoki Nagayama, "Naoki-san, can you tell me what kind of shooting skills you have?"

Nagayama Naoki was speechless. What should I say? He was hurriedly filming? Were all the extras found on site? Let the girlfriend of the executive director of the crew come in to help?

If these were written down, he would be a third-rate director!

"Actually, it's just to record the most natural side of Peach Jam!" Naoki Nagayama said firmly, "At that time, Peach Jam happened to be graduating and she was in such a confused age group. And girls of this age must have someone they like. !”

"Huh?" X2, Momoko Kikuchi and Kanji Ueda both looked over.

Kikuchi Momoko immediately said shyly: "Where is it!"

Ueda Wanji asked curiously: "Is it true?"

"No!" Momoko Kikuchi's tone and shy expression didn't mean the same thing at all!

There was no way to continue asking. Ueda Kanji quickly changed the topic: "Why did Naoki-san want to make "April Story"?"

"Maybe it was just a whim. I saw the beautiful scene of falling cherry blossoms."

"Suddenly you remembered watching your crush walking under the cherry blossoms when you were young?" Ueda Wanji continued smoothly.

"Wanji-san, your imagination is too rich!"

"So, Naoki-san, people in the industry are saying that you filmed "April Story" because you once had a crush on Yamaguchi Momoe. Is this actually the case?"

".No such thing!" Nagayama Naoki still gave the answer sincerely.

However, he saw that Kanji Ueda wrote in the small book recording the interview:

"Naoki-san seemed to want to hide his feelings, so he said with a firm face, 'There is no such thing'! Maybe he didn't want to continue to disturb his secret lover who had already retired~"

I finally understand how these reporters and editors write so many weird articles every day!

"Hi, let's continue the interview." Kanji Ueda continued, "Naoki-san, Momo-san, what was the biggest difficulty during filming?"


The following interview was quite satisfactory. Editor-in-chief Kanji Ueda chatted with the director and starring actors about interesting things during the filming process, and also delved a little deeper into the impact such a restrained youth movie would have on the film industry.

As a specialized movie magazine, "Xunbao" will also specially use the poster of "April Story" as its cover. The poster photo taken by Momoko Kikuchi is very good.

(A week later, Miura Yuka woke up in a high-end apartment. His career was affected to a certain extent after marrying the goddess. He worked a lot less, but it also gave him more time to spend with his family.

Miura Yuka was watching the movie "Xunbao", and it happened to be the cover of the latest "April Story" interview.

The beautiful composition moved his heart, and he said to his wife who was cleaning up the house: "Momohui, let's go watch a movie together. "April Story" seems to have been watched by many people recently!"

Yamaguchi Momoe walked to the side and also saw the movie magazine: "Naoki Nagayama?"

Seeing that her biggest fan is now so famous, Yamaguchi Momoe also has a strange feeling.

However, after Miura Yuka saw the interview content, his face was a little disgusted: "What, you still hide Momoe in your heart, this Naoki Nagayama seems to be because of this movie you made."

"Huh?" Momoe Yamaguchi took the magazine and read it. It felt even more amazing~

I don’t want to disturb my secret lover who is retreating. What should I do if I still feel a little happy in my heart.

She turned to look at her jealous husband with a naughty smile: "Would you like to watch it together?")

After the interview, Naoki Nagayama drove away from the studio in the afternoon after taking care of some accumulated matters.

When we arrived in Harajuku, the neighborhood where the KTV was located was the least crowded time, but even so, we could see curious young people at the door of the KTV on the corner from time to time.

After Nagayama Naoki walked in, the hall had a completely new look, filled with festive decorations to celebrate the opening, and some notices about opening discounts, etc.

After the foreman in the lobby saw Naoki Nagayama, he immediately said something on the intercom, and then saw Kaede Nagayama walking out of the kitchen:

"Naoki, you're here!"

"Yes, the official opening will be in the evening. Let's see how the preparations are going." Then he pointed at the walkie-talkie in Yongshan Feng's hand and smiled, "It actually comes with a walkie-talkie?"

"Yes, after seeing the walkie-talkies on the patrol shoulders these days, I feel that they are very convenient, so I gave some to the waiters." Yongshan Feng pointed to the policeman who just passed by outside and said, "Since the trial opening day, this The inspections on every street are much more frequent.”


No matter where the police are, if they see a place where gangs gather in their territory, they will step up surveillance, right?

"Will it have any impact on business?"

Yongshan Feng smiled: "No! Thanks to these police, there are a lot less Yakuza in our neighborhood! The flow of people seems to have increased in the past two days~"

"Haha, this is a blessing in disguise!"

Nagayama Naoki smiled. The busier the area, there should be more people maintaining order. Only in this way can it give people a sense of security and attract more people.

After chatting for a while, Nagayama Naoki and Brother Feng inspected the conditions of each box again to ensure that there would be no problems with the official opening tonight.

In the evening, Araki Shigetomo also arrived. He brought several more people from the disco, all members of the club left by his grandfather, and studied in the disco for a few days.

After seeing Nagayama Kaede and Nagayama Naoki, all the original younger brothers quickly greeted them together:

"Brother Feng, Brother Naoki! Good afternoon!"

"..." Nagayama Naoki was stunned, and quickly said to the leader Hamasaki Shogo, "Hamazaki-san, stop calling me that. We are in a legitimate business now, you will scare away the customers!"

Hamazaki Shogo is considered a younger one among the older generation, and his thoughts are not that stubborn. He pointed at a group of club boys and said, "Naoki-san, but these people are used to saying hello to the boss. What should we do?"

Nagayama Naoki and Nagayama Kaede exchanged opinions, and then said: "Let's call them boss from now on!"

"That's okay!" Hamasaki Shogo said to the guys behind him, "Call the boss!"

"Hi! Hello boss!"

A group of vicious club members bent down and bowed again.

Naoki Nagayama slapped his forehead, the road to change is long and arduous! But today, they are absolutely not allowed to entertain customers in the lobby!

Let Shigechi Araki take people to the back and serve as waiters in the private rooms and other areas.

When the lanterns first came on, Harajuku became more and more lively.

Young men and women walked together on the streets of Harajuku, chatting and laughing while passing by brightly lit shops and noisy izakayas, looking for a place to have fun tonight among clubs and bars.

On a street corner in Harajuku, a nightclub called KTV also officially opened. The light sign that is not too bright lights up the attractive colors at the door, and through the glass door of the lobby, people can see the retro bar decoration and the karaoke equipment installed in the lobby.

Some people came here for the first time. After opening the door, they curiously asked about the service items. After learning that they could sing and dance in the private room, as well as drink and eat, they were very curious and wanted to experience it.

And some people read the flyers distributed by KTV and learned the news from various acquaintances, and have clear goals to invite friends to come and experience it.

Nagayama Naoki did not show up, but guest-starred as a bartender behind the bar. He watched groups of guests arrive at the KTV, and then walked into the box with a novel look on his face.

"Naoki, more than forty groups of customers have arrived!" Yongshan Feng ran over excitedly and said, "There are still ten empty boxes. I don't know if they can be filled today."

"Probably not." Naoki Nagayama looked at the purchase time of each box, "Most consumers will sing for about 1-2 hours. It is almost an hour and a half now, and customers will check out of the box soon. "

"Can't it be full?" Yong Shanfeng was slightly disappointed.

"Brother Feng, we don't make money from private room fees," Naoki Nagayama comforted, "The drinks consumed by the guests are pretty good. Also, this is the first day of business, so there are relatively few people who want to accompany the singing ladies. Once you get used to waiting for customers, this will also be a great source of income.”

“You know, KTV has a lot of repeat customers!”

Yong Shanfeng nodded. He also knew that after his fame increased, it was time to really make money.

"Naoki, did you invite any friends over today?"

"Me?" Nagayama Naoki shook his head, "Not today, what's wrong?"

"I just saw a few faces that I have always seen on TV." Yongshan Feng said.

"Hahaha, it seems that it's because I invited friends from the entertainment industry that day," Nagayama Naoki said with a smile, "From now on, just treat them as normal guests~"


An idea suddenly came to Nagayama Naoki's mind. If there are more and more KTVs under his name in the future, will many people in the entertainment industry come to play?

Then wouldn’t I be able to control the movements of many artists?

If you become a paparazzi, you can definitely become a gold medal whistleblower! ! !

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