Tokyo bubble life

Chapter 530 528, Anyone with that kind of thinking is a dirty villain!

After a short period of self-cultivation, Yuko Tanaka's spirit recovered, but at this time, this part of the person is still a little red


Looking at the knife in the eyes of the young lady next to him, Naoki Yongshan coughed twice in embarrassment,

"Arnold, Yuko-san, let's go to the press conference~"

Yuko Tanaka added a little powder to herself with the small mirror she carried with her: ".Let's go~"

In the hall outside, the noise had just passed, and many reporters were still discussing the big news. To actually catch a famous director being frightened into incontinence by a horror movie, this is a rare and interesting story, and it might be discussed by the entertainment industry for a whole year!

As for director Shen Zuo himself, it's a big deal, he bowed when he came to pursue responsibility!

Anyway, if the post is sent out, we reporters who are so familiar with the advertising law will definitely put a mosaic on their faces!

At this time, Riko Hayano clapped her hands in front of the background wall of "Midnight Ring" in the lobby, and made a guest appearance as the host of the media meeting:

"Mina-san, please see here. Next, the media meeting of the crew of "Midnight Ring" will officially begin!"

With Shuichi Ito, Yuko Tanaka, Naoki Nagayama, Teruyuki Yoshikawa who played Ryuji Takayama, and Hua Ling Igarashi who played Sadako came on stage, all the guns and short guns were fired.

Riko Hayano introduced their identities, and then made a special introduction: "This Igarashi Haring is the actor of Sadako Yamamura!"

"Ouch~~~" In addition to the reporter, there were also some former spectators in the crowd, and they all booed at this moment.

I even heard very bold speeches such as "If Sadako is like this, then please get out of my TV every day."

Naoki Yongshan shook his head, the young man is just going to die.

Don't look at your fearless appearance now, the movie "Midnight Ring" has a strong stamina, because it is combined with common household appliances such as home phones, TV sets, video tapes, etc., so When I see these, I recall the plot of the movie

When alone at night,

If you dare to get up to go to the bathroom by yourself at night, I will praise you guys!

On the stage of the small meet-and-greet, Shuichi Ido spoke on behalf of the entire crew, saying that this is the product of everyone's unity and excellence, this is only the first part, and we will work harder in the future.

As for the scene, the reporters waiting to be interviewed in the audience will listen to it, so they will not write these things into the report.

The following interview sessions started from the other side one by one, and Naoki Naoyama happened to be the last one.

First of all, Igarashi Hualing, who played Sadako, was directly asked by a reporter:

"Miss Igarashi Hualing, how did you feel when you played the role of Sadako Yamamura?"

"Ah, this is a very interesting feeling, like the feeling of children wearing ghost costumes to scare people. It's very interesting." Igarashi Hualing is not a professional actor, she is a dance teacher, so there is no From an actor's point of view.

"Hahaha, is it actually interesting?" The reporter who asked the question also laughed, "Did such a horror film actually feel very interesting when it was filmed?"

"Yeah, there were a lot of people around during the shooting, and I was a little embarrassed to do those strange movements. Fortunately, my face was covered all the time." Igarashi Hualing was a little chatty, and almost directly chatted with the reporter about the shooting A little fun from time to time.

Fortunately, Riko Hayano interrupted in time and gave up the interview opportunity to the next one.

Teruyuki Yoshikawa, who plays Ryuji Takayama, is a drama actor. From the perspective of acting, he explained the change of Ryuji Takayama's mentality, which made the reporter nod repeatedly.

And next was Shuichi Itou.

"Director Yitang, did you say that there will be a sequel to "Midnight Ring"?"

Itang Xiu nodded: "Yes, actually we plan to make a series of "Midnight Ring", and then the previous "Hot Blood High School" also has the idea of ​​shooting a sequel. We hope to create a "Midnight Universe" and "Hot Blood" universe'."

He used the novel words he had heard when chatting with Naoki Nagayama before, and the reporters present kept asking questions, and the meeting gradually became lively.

At this time, a reporter started to pick things up: "Director Yitang, do you know director Kinji Fukasaku?"

"Ah, I just heard his name, but I didn't know him formally." Itang Xiuyi answered cautiously.

"Then, have you heard about the fact that he was incontinent because of the movie "The Ring?" The reporter really brought it up.

Yi Tangxiu smiled: "Haha, that must be nonsense. Director Fukasaku has read countless films, how could he be frightened by a horror film! You must have heard it wrong."

"But Director Yitang, all our reporters present have captured it!" The reporter also wanted to pull the present reporters to step down.

"This reporter-san, be careful that Director Fukasaku will sue you for defamation~"

Yi Tangxiu made a joke. Friends said it was fine in private, but it was announced in public. Does your boss, Shochiku, make a living?

Then it was naturally Yuko Tanaka's turn.

"Ms. Yuko Tanaka." The reporter was about to ask a question, but found that Yuko Tanaka's face was a little red, "Ah, is your face injured?"

"I was bitten by a mosquito just now." Yuko Tanaka glanced at Naoki Yongshan calmly.

"Are there still mosquitoes in winter? This movie theater has a great environment." The reporter muttered to himself, but immediately asked a formal question, "This is the first time for Ms. Tanaka to act in a horror movie. May I ask why you chose such a role?"

"Because I haven't tried it, I think it's very interesting. In addition, Naoki-san just provided a related opportunity." Yuko Tanaka answered without leaking.

"How would you rate the movie 'Ring Ring'?"

"Hey, if I have to give a score, I must give it a full score, because it's too scary. It was the first time I watched it just now, and I almost fainted from fright." Yuko Tanaka said with a smile.

"Really? First time watching?" "Almost fainted?" "Miss Tanaka."

A group of reporters kept asking questions.

Although he hadn't arrived at Yongshan Naoki yet, he already felt that the reporters present were looking at him frequently, and one of them was particularly sharp.

It looks like there will be a brutal battle today!

"Nagayama-san!" Matsuzawa Shinosuke, who had been waiting for a long time, finally got the chance, "I haven't seen you recently, what are you busy with?"

Why does this guy look so familiar? Naoki Yongshan was a little puzzled, he didn't recognize who this was.

"Ah, you are working on editing another movie?"

An angry tic-tac appeared on Matsuzawa Mannosuke's forehead: "Nagayama-san really forgets things, I am Matsuzawa Mannosuke who interviewed you before!"

"Ah, it's you!" Yongshan Naoki memorized the faces at several film conferences, "Why did you become so thin? Eat well!"

"." The sudden concern almost disturbed Matsuzawa Shinosuke's thoughts. Isn't it because he became a freelance writer, so he has to pay attention to the news 24 hours a day!

But in the face of other people's concerns, he could only reply, "Arigado, I will."

"Yongshan-san, what I want to ask is that the movie "Midnight Ring" has just been previewed, and "Love Letter" is already being edited. Are these two movies filmed together?"

As the first question I've been asking all the time, it's surprisingly serious!

"Hi, actually because the filming of "Love Letter" requires a specific season, so when filming "Midnight Ring", "Love Letter" will be filmed at the same time."

Matsuzawa Shinosuke asked: "One is a horror movie and the other is a romance movie. Will the two movies not be related to each other?"

Naoki Yongshan laughed: "No, Xiu Yisang is the main director of this movie, and the other is directed by me, so they can just be separated."

After asking two serious questions, Matsuzawa Manosuke began to contemplate.

"Nagayama-san, before the filming of "Midnight Ring", you had an affair with Ms. Yuko Tanaka; and during the filming of "Love Letter", you had an affair with Ms. Nakamori Akina." Matsuzawa Shinosuke had an affair on his face Smiling, "Some people say that Naoki Naoyama will attack every heroine in the movie he participated in. What do you think?"

The cameras of all the reporters aimed at Naoki Naoki's face at once, trying to capture his changing expression.

However, Naoki Yongshan had already mentally rehearsed similar questions, and replied calmly:

"Haha, that's because they are jealous!"

"Huh???" The answer was unexpected.

Naoki Naoyama looked filled with righteous indignation: "Those guys see me working with many excellent female artists and think that I will have impure feelings with them. This is imposing their own dirty ideas on others, which is completely It's the way of a villain!"

"Guys with such thoughts are all dirty villains!"

".So Yongshan-san means that anyone who thinks you have scandals is a dirty villain?"

Naoki Yongshan seemed a little puzzled: "Jesan Makoto, you don't think so, do you?"

Matsuzawa Manosuke's face was stiff, do you want me to admit that I am a dirty villain? Seeing Naoki Nagayama in front of him, Matsuzawa Manosuke felt that this face became more and more hateful.

"Of course not." Matsuzawa Shinnosuke quickly recovered, "Nagayama-san, what you said to Ms. Nakamori Akina during the national live broadcast before was a confession? Are you and Ms. Nakamori Akina dating?! "

Naotaro Nakanishi in the audience immediately raised his ears when he heard this familiar question, Naoki Nagayama was about to speak! He's going to say he won't tell you!

In front of so many reporters, if you still dare to do this, you will definitely be surrounded by crowds!

Naoki Naoyama, if you have the ability, speak out!

"Which sentence?" Yongshan Naoki still had a smile on his face.

"That's the same sentence, when you are young, don't meet someone who is too amazing, or you will have the rest of your life." Matsuzawa Shinosuke repeated, and he had to admit that this sentence was written very well, and the little girl would be very moved when she heard it!

"Ah, that sentence." Naoki Yongshan smiled, "You will know when you read "Love Letter"."

"?!!" Want to avoid it?

Before Matsuzawa Shinosuke continued to ask questions, other reporters asked: "Nagayama-san, when will "Love Letter" be released?"

Naoki Yongshan pointed to the sky outside the door, and said with a smile, "It will be released when the first snow falls in Tokyo!"

"!!!" The sound of clicking cameras sounded again.

Matsuzawa Manosuke was not reconciled, and grabbed the microphone from a certain reporter: "Then Naoki-san, are you and Nakamori Akina really not dating? Or, do you have other dating partners?"

Naoki Yongshan's smile remained undiminished: "Jesus Makoto, you know me so well, what do you think?"

"." Of course I think you are dating, but you don't say it!

"Hahaha, regarding my emotional life, if I think it's time to officially announce that I'm dating on the premise of getting married, I will definitely tell everyone clearly!!"

Naoki Yongshan comforted him.

"Is it true?" "Can you reveal your name?" "Ms. Akina Nakamori?"

The reporters present immediately asked many questions again, and one reporter even asked loudly:

"Is it Ms. Yuko Tanaka?"

Yuko Tanaka, who was watching the show by the side, stared at the reporter calmly, forcing him to apologize, "Private race!"

Sure enough, she has a bit of the power of the future Empress Dowager Cixi!

With so many reporters present, Naoki Yongshan was besieged for more than half an hour, and all kinds of questions were thrown at him, but there were very few questions about "Midnight Bell".

The good "Midnight Bell" crew's media meeting almost turned into Naoki Naoki's personal media meeting.

It can only be said that the recent Naoki Yongshan is really a hot spot in the entertainment industry.

By the time the meeting ended, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening.

A reporter lamented that this press conference was really not in vain, there are really a lot of news points!

Naotaro Nakanishi took Tsuji Naoto directly back to Fuji TV, and then directly found the director of the late-night show "All Night Fuji", Koaki Otsuka, because this is the only late-night live show at this point.

"All Night Fuji" is a late-night erotic live broadcast. It uses female college students as program assistants. They sing and dance on the show in cool clothes, discuss the trends and pros and cons of popular music, and talk about various other interesting topics. Squeaky fun game~

In the link of "show me your fat times", I will really show you your fat times! ! !

"Director Otsuka. There is a revelation!!" In the studio, Naotaro Nakanishi excitedly said to Koaki Otsuka, "It's the famous director Kinji Fukasaku. He went to the preview of "Midnight Ring" today and was scared to pee Already!!"

"Tomorrow morning, it will definitely appear in various newspapers, but we can report it in advance tonight! Let people know that Fuji TV is the best!"

Otsuka Koaki was arranging the program for the evening, and he immediately became interested when he heard this:

"Boom? Did you take a picture?"

Naotaro Nakanishi pulled Tsuji Takato over: "More than that, we've already captured everything!! Including the urine stains on Kinji Fukasaku's pants! And his panicked look!"

Tsuji turned on the handheld camera and showed Otsuka Koaki the recorded video.

"Hahaha, the Omo series! Make fun of the Neomo series!"

Komei Otsuka was so excited that he rubbed his hands together, and immediately ordered Mr. Tsuji to give the video to the director, and asked him to deal with the profile picture, and then said to Naotaro Nakanishi,

"Nataro-san, we have something to talk about tonight! I'll go and talk to the program assistants who are participating in the show right away."

"Naotaro-san, please come and help me too!! Don't you often appear on the scene too? This time you will appear in your true colors!"


Naotaro Nakanishi showed a smile on his face, didn't he rush back just to show his face? !

With the ratings of popular programs like "All Night Fuji", maybe I can change from an unknown reporter to a well-known entertainment reporter!

With fame, wouldn't promotions and salary increases come? !

All of this is because I took a breath and went to shoot Naoki Yongshan!

"Naoki-san, if you think about it this way, you're a really nice guy!!!"

If you owe more, make up~

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