Tokyo bubble life

Chapter 397 396, specifically marked: Don't Kondo Masahiko!

Under the long-term biological clock, Naoki Yongshan woke up energetically~

Even if I chatted with Ming Cai until midnight last night, the storyline of "Love in the Sky" will not change! I, Naoki Naoyama, said this sentence! Even Amaterasu Omisami can't change it!

In the hot weather, Naoki Naoyama just did some warm-up exercises in the Yamazakura Garden as usual. It was too hot to go for a morning run at this time.

Euntaro changed to go for a walk in the evening, but it seems that during the day, Nyantaro seems to play with big dogs with tennis balls? Anyway, the amount of exercise should be enough.

After the simple milk bread, Naoki Naoyama came to the studio in a convertible. Today there will be a casting meeting here!

"Good morning, Naoki-san~" "Good morning, Naoki-san!" "Good morning, Naoki-san!"

All the way through the greeting staff, Yongshan Naoki ran into the office, "Ah~ so cool~"

The cool cold wind is blowing slowly from the air conditioner on the wall, making the small office at least 5 degrees lower than the outside world.

"Naoki-san, you're here so early." Osamu Ido mumbled, still chewing on the sushi, "The casting time is 10 o'clock."

"Ha, there is nothing to do at home anyway, the weather will be cooler if it is earlier." Naoki Yongshan said lightly, and then picked up the morning newspaper on the table and read it.

Itang Xiu swallowed the last bite of sushi, and then poured it down with ice water: "Ah~ so comfortable~"

"Drink ice water for breakfast, be careful of stomach problems~"

Naoki Naoyama’s idea of ​​health preservation makes him very confused about the Japanese habit of drinking ice water. He already has the habit of drinking hot tea, so why do he still drink ice water? This is certainly an invasion of American culture.

"Heh~ how is it possible, my lifestyle is very healthy!"

Shuichi Ido ignored Naoki Nagayama, who was like an old man, and instead asked Otomo Yoshimura: "Otomo-san, how many offices will be here today?"

Otomo Fangcun picked up the application form on the side: "It is estimated that there will be 15 companies, but there may be more than 60 people who will come to participate in the casting. There are only 7 of Johnny's here!"

"Oh? Is the youth team coming too? Didn't I already call them?" Yongshan Naoki was a little surprised.

"No, besides the youth team, there are 7 more people!"

"Ha~ so many." Naoki Naoyama laughed, "As expected of Johnny with a great family!"

After a few people chatted for a while, Otomo Fangcun went out to arrange the reception after the various characters came. Naoki Yongshan looked at the layout of the hall and said:

"Xiu Yisang, our studio may need to be redecorated. There is no front desk, no layout, and the shooting hall in the middle is not suitable."

"Yeah. I really need to re-plan~"

Shuichi Yitang also nodded. In the past two years, Shuyou Yinghua has spent less and less time shooting in the studio, and this place has gradually become a dedicated office area.

"Naoki-san, have you thought about finding another office building?" Itou Shuichi asked hesitantly.

"Forget it~" Naoki Yongshan thought for a while, "I didn't intend to make the company very big, and there is no need to expand too much."

"Besides, Shuyou Yinghua grew up from this place, it contains too many memories, and I'm a bit reluctant~"

Yi Tangxiu breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't want to change, this is the place he has been in since he started his career~

While the two were chatting, Fangcun Dayu had already arranged for employees to separate several areas in the hall with moving curtains, and prepared tables and chairs.

"Although it's a bit crude, everything that should be there is already there~" Fangcun Otomo said, "Riko Hayano is temporarily serving as the front desk staff to receive the artists who come."

"Haha, Otomo-san is going to give Riko-chan a raise~ I always do this and that~"

Fangcun Dayou smiled awkwardly: "Hehe~ Isn't there no one here~ We should find a full-time front lady!"

The three of them watched the staff gradually improve the reception area, started to discuss the casting, and finally the three of them needed to observe together in the inspection area. Otomo Fangcun mainly asked questions and replied; Initial judgment; Naoki Naoyama can ask further questions and make a final decision.

Unknowingly, it was already 9:30, and the people who came to cast the cast slowly began to enter the studio.

Toshihiko Tahara from Johnny's came in a van with five other younger male artists, including Masahiro Motogi, Toshikazu Nunokawa, Yuhide Yamura, Kenichi Okamoto, Kazuya Takahashi, and Akira Narita. The persimmon team and the future male fighting group.

But now several people are still 15 or 16 years old, they are all young teenagers.

"Tahara-senpai," Masahiro Motoki was not as old-fashioned as he was when he starred in "The Undertaker" later, he was still a handsome young man with ear-length short hair, and asked a little excitedly, "Senior, do you know about the company Shuyou Yinghua?"

Toshihiko Tahara is quite kind in front of his juniors: "It's just a little bit of understanding. Last year's famous "The Story of the Faithful Dog Hachiko" and "That Summer, The Tranquil Sea" were both produced by Shuyou Films."

"Hey, I know that too~" Motoki Masahiro moved to the side, "Senior Tahara has participated in so many announcements, haven't you met two directors?"

"Naoki Naoki, I have encountered it before." Toshihiko Tahara recalled a previous variety show, "But it's just a nodding acquaintance."

At that time, Masahiko Kondo was so focused on talking bad things about the other party that he didn't have a chance to talk to Naoki Nagayama. However, the invitation to the casting meeting this time specifically stated that Masahiko Kondo is not required to play. It really is a cycle of cause and effect!

Thinking of Masahiko Kondo's distorted face when he heard the news, Toshihiko Tahara couldn't help but raise his mouth: "But seeing him chatting with acquaintances, he seems to be a very cheerful person."

"Are you cheerful~" Masahiro Motoki nodded, "What about the other one? Director Shuichi Ido, this time it seems that the two of them are working together."

"Director Yitang is not familiar with him. He himself doesn't participate in announcements very much, but the three guys in the youth team should be very familiar. They have cooperated twice."

Toshihiko Tahara was a little jealous. A reserve player like the youth team was actually able to act in two well-known movies. Such resources were hard to come by even a top idol like himself.

"Youth team, they seem to have made an appointment again?" A voice came from the other boy idols.

"Yeah, they have a good relationship with Naoki Naoyama." Toshihiko Tahara was a little jealous, but he still showed the demeanor of a big brother, "So, if you have a chance to have a good relationship with Naoki Naoyama, you must not Miss it!"

"Hi!" X5

When a few people arrived at the studio, there were already some idol artists from other firms and their managers inside.

Seeing Atsuhiro Ozawa coming with Johnny's team, some people showed displeasure on their faces, while others greeted them warmly, as if they had a good relationship.

A group of teenagers gathered in one place, even with an adult agent in charge, soon became a buzzing noise.

Otomo Fangcun saw more and more people, so he informed Riko Hayano at the front desk to start as soon as possible.

"First, No. 1, Kyosaki Honda, please go to the assessment area."

According to the order, male idols of suitable age began to enter the assessment area one by one, but the first one surprised Naoki Naoki and the others.

Kyosaki Honda, a handsome young man full of rock and roll temperament, is very suitable at the age of 17.

"Good morning, everyone!" The voice sounded less delicate, and belonged to a relatively normal teenager's voice.

"Since you are here for an audition, you must have understood our script. At the very beginning, please explain your strengths." Fangcun Otomo began to ask questions according to the normal procedure.

"Hi, I played the role of Mr. Jin Ba in Class 8 of the third year the year before last, and also played the role of a high school student"

Listening to Kyoaki Honda slowly telling about his performance experience, Naoki Nagayama and Shuichi Ido also checked against the registration form.

After Shuichi Itou asked a few questions about the performance, Otomo Yoshimura drew out a situational dialogue. With Shuichi Itou's cooperation, Kyoaki Honda began to try impromptu performances.

The high-spirited tone and exaggerated body movements, but the facial expressions are a bit stiff. It can be seen that the acting skills are not as mature as professional actors, but they are in line with the characteristics of high school students themselves.

"Naoki-san, is there anything you want to ask?" Itou Shuichi had no questions.

Naoki Yongshan thought for a while, and then said, "Um, Honda-kun, have you ever fought?"

"Huh?" The boy obviously hesitated for a moment, not sure if he said he had hit him or not.

"The movie "Hot Blood High School" is relatively violent. If you want to participate in it, there will be a lot of action scenes!" Naoki Yongshan continued, "Although our theater will be well protected, injuries are definitely inevitable. Yes, can you accept it?"

"Hi! I have no questions!" The answer was firm.

"Hahaha, don't worry, go back and talk to your manager, go to the boxing gym to try being a punching bag, and then talk about it." Naoki Yongshan smiled kindly, "I have no other questions."

"Hi! Arigado!" The confused Honda Yasuaki bowed, and then slowly exited.

"Does Naoki-san agree with him?" Itou Shuichi asked in surprise, this is the first one.

"No, this little brother's appearance is too feminine, maybe suitable for some of the roles, but if he plays Takiya Genji, some masculinity can't be shown." Naoki Naoyama shook his head, "Next."

As Riko Hayano continued to call her number, other actors came in one by one.

By the time Toshihiko Tahara arrived, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, and the three people in the assessment area had only eaten a little bread.

"Ah, Tahara-san." Naoki Naoyama greeted, "Long time no see."

Toshihiko Tahara was surprised that Naoki Yongshan greeted him, but after all he had experienced a lot, he kept calm and replied: "Yes, Yongshan-san! I am very happy to be here today to participate in the selection of Shuyou Yinghua."

"Haha, I have no problem with Tahara-san's acting skills, but I still need to let the director Yitang here know more about it." Naoki Naoyama is still very optimistic about Toshihiko Tahara, after all, he has acted in many TV movies. Singing and dancing skills are also very good.

Shuichi Ido did not relax because of Naoki Naoki's words, he still examined Toshihiko Tahara's abilities rigorously, and even increased the difficulty in the impromptu performance.

When it was over, he said in a very businesslike manner: "Hey, Mr. Tahara, we have a general understanding of your abilities. Thank you for coming to the audition today. If there is any follow-up progress, we will contact you."

"Hi, thank you very much for this opportunity, Arigado!" Toshihiko Tahara bowed professionally to express his gratitude.

After he went out, Otomo Fangcun asked, "Does Naoki-san think he can be the protagonist?"

"Toshihiko Tahara's face is too upright. Although Takiya Genji is also a positive character, but he has a certain naughty nature, and Tahara-san is not as good~"

"Then let's continue~"

Johnny's training for male idols can be said to be very good. The Shibushizi team and the male fighting group that followed are all excellent in singing and dancing, and even their performances are decent, which surprised the three of them.

"Sure enough, Johnny is really good at creating male idols!" Shuichi Ido couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Just as we were talking, the next candidate came up,

"Private Marseille, I'm Hiroyuki Sanada, who came to audition, good afternoon, examiners." A handsome guy with a melancholy temperament stood in front of him.

Eh? This person looks familiar!

Naoki Yongshan looked at Hiroyuki Sanada, wait, isn't this the general Guangming who will appear in "The Promise" in the future wearing flower armor? ! !

I can't see what it looks like now!

Shuichi Itou asked some questions as usual, and then asked him to perform impromptu. Although Hiroyuki Sanada was young, he had rich performance experience and performed very smoothly.

"Naoki-san, do you have a question?"

"Ah~" Naoki Naoyama said, "Sanada-san, do you have any experience in fighting?"

"Hi! I once participated in "The Conspiracy of the Yagyu Family", so I learned kendo and Tang Shou." Hiroyuki Sanada replied.

"Then there's no problem!" Naoki Naoyama signaled Shuichi Itou to continue.

Looking at the actor in front of him, Shuichi Ido was still business-like: "Mr. Sanada, thank you for coming to the audition today. If there is any news, we will let you know."

"Hi, Arigado." Bow and exit.

Apart from other aspects, Japanese actors still treat directors and producers with great respect.

The audition lasted until the evening, and when it was all over, the three of them were a little tired.

Otomo Fangcun packed up the registration form and scoring sheet, and asked directly, "Naoki-san, who do you like?"

"Well, several of them are very good." Naoki Naoyama stretched his waist, "Let's hire them all~ Anyway, there are a lot of roles this time."

"When you get to the set, put on the uniform and try again to determine the final role."

Itou Shuichi also nodded: "Then let's do this!"

Johnny's idol, Masahiko Kondo, is losing his temper in the conference room of the office.

"Baga! Kenuo!" The incompetent and furious young man showed hatred on his distorted face, "He actually specifically stated that I don't need to participate in the show! Shuyou Yinghua! Baga!"

The manager Atsuhiro Ozawa, who had already returned, persuaded from the side: "I didn't have a good relationship with him before, so there is nothing I can do about it."

"Damn it! That guy Naoki Naoyama, I must beat him hard!" Masahiko Kondo spoke harshly in a gloomy voice.

At this moment, Kitagawa Marie walked into the conference room.

Seeing the backer, Masahiko Kondo immediately changed his face, full of grievances: "Marisan, this is really sad! Shuyou Yinghua is obviously aimed at me!"

Seeing how pitiful her private pet was, Marie Kitagawa quickly patted him on the shoulder to comfort him: "It's okay, it's okay, who doesn't have an enemy in the entertainment industry, we don't need to talk to Shuyou Yinghua, I will arrange for you to change it later Great opportunity!"

"Mary-san, you are so kind!" Kondo Masahiko smiled, and then the sweet words made the wrinkles on the face of Kitagawa Marie, who was in his fifties, smile.

Seeing the happy atmosphere of the two, Atsuhiro Ozawa quietly exited the meeting room,

Close the door intimately.

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