Tokyo bubble life

Chapter 380 379, Did the enemy take Jiangzhi pills?

Naoki Nagayama left the sumo hall after selling the two gangsters named Fumichi Imamura and Hokuto Nakazawa to his cousin.

As for whether Yongshan Feng can convince these two fakes, it is not Naoki Yongshan who should worry about it. After all, he is the third generation of the Yongshan group, so he should have some skills.

After appeasing my cousin, I went to the studio as usual,

Although generally speaking it’s not a big deal, as a boss, you always have to show your presence from time to time, although this time the presence seems to be too prominent

"Naoki-san, you are here!" "Naoki-san, good morning!" "Naoki-san, you are still so handsome!" "Naoki-san! You are so amazing!"

The expressions of every staff member in the studio are so enthusiastic, and the eyes looking at Naoki Nagayama are full of a strange smile

Naoki Naoyama walked into the office in a daze,

"Otomo-san, why are you being so weird to me today? Did something good happen?"

Fangcun Otomo, who was buried in writing something, raised his head and looked contemptuously: "Isn't it Naoki-san's good deed?! He pretended to be ignorant"

"Huh? Has my scandal abroad spread to China?!" Thinking back quickly, this should be the only "good thing" I have done recently, right?

"Gossip? What kind of scandal?" Fangcun Otomo was confused by Naoki Naoki's self-exposure, "The employees of the company knew about the news of going abroad at the end of the year!"

Ah, it turned out to be employee benefits! No wonder every employee looked at him just now, as if seeing a bonus~

"So that's how it is." Naoki Yongshan breathed a sigh of relief, "The crew on the set passed it on~"

"Yeah, after Xiu Yi-san and the others came back to edit, the whole company soon knew about it!" Otomo Fangcun rubbed his temples exhaustedly, "Because of Naoki-san, I'm working overtime now to perfect the welfare distribution plan!"

"How can I repair it? It was originally a job for the second half of the year! It's all because Naoki-san revealed the news!"

Fangcun Dayu complained, it was just an opinion between the bosses, it’s okay if there is no next year~

But now that it is announced, the follow-up specific plan needs to keep up. This year, there will definitely be a trip abroad!

Naoki Yongshan didn't want to take the blame either: "I can't help it, I blame Xiu Yisang for begging me so much on the set~"

"What does filming in Germany have to do with traveling abroad?" Otomo Fangcun murmured, thinking about continuing to sort out related plans, when he suddenly thought of something, "Naoki-san, you just said that there are scandals abroad?? "

"Ah, it's just a misunderstanding, it was maliciously edited by the paparazzi!" Naoki Yongshan hurriedly explained, "If it doesn't spread to China, nothing will happen!"

Fangcun Otomo's accusing eyes made Yongshan Naoki feel uncomfortable: "Naoki-san, do you know? There have never been any reports of scandals among other artists in our office!"

"If you weren't the president, you would have been fired as an artist!"

"Haha~ Otomo-san, don't you know me?" Naoki Yongshan could only explain, "It's all just fabricated by the media!"

"." Fangcun Dayou stopped talking, because he really knew that his president's social life in private was very simple, not to mention the ambiguous relationship with female stars, even the pets at home were male!

But why, there are always scandals to find Naoki Naoyama? And also given the nickname of Naoki Huaxin?

This is worth pondering!

Naoki Nagayama didn't stay in the office much, the atmosphere was a bit heavy, he went directly to the editing room, and sure enough, Shuichi Ido and Masataka Komori were already here.

"Xiu Yisang, how is the latest "Cat's Eye Three Sisters"?"

"In editing" Shuichi Ido put down his work, and instead asked with a smile, "Naoki-san, how are you doing, have you been complained by Otomo-san?"

"Ah" It seems that the guy in front of me must have been told a lot, but he didn't notify me in advance, this ruthless guy!

"Xiuichi-san, I must be very happy to be able to go to Germany~"

"It's all thanks to Naoki-san!" Director Yitang felt complacent and praised his flash of inspiration, and it was Naoki Naoki who was more talkative.

Naoki Yongshan nodded, not feeling flattered: "It's okay, it's what the boss should do to benefit the employees~"

"that's right!"

"But if you suddenly have to bear an extra expense, the company will increase its ability to make money!"

"Of course~"

Itou Shuichi didn't feel anything wrong at all, and kept making jokes.

"If you think about it this way, then "Midnight Ring", which is simple and small, is more profitable than "Hot Blood High School", which has a lot of actors!"

"Yeah?" Itou immediately realized, "Naoki-san, didn't you say that you want to change to "Midnight Ring"?!"

Didn't you agree that the next movie will be "Hot-Blooded High School"? Shuichi Itou has been preparing for this movie for half a month!

"Well, I can't help it~ After all, we want to give benefits!"

Naoki Naoyama grasped Shuichi Itou's weakness, and wanted to continue teasing him, but he didn't expect that the door of the editing room opened again, and Otomo Yoshimura walked in with a straight face.

"Naoki-san, Xiuichi-san, just found out something"


"It's related to the three Maoyan sisters!"

Seeing that Otomo Fangcun didn't look like he was joking, Naoki Naoyama and Osamu Yitang followed Otomo Fangcun back to the office,

"What's the matter, Otomo-san, with such a heavy expression?"

"It's Burning Office!" Fangcun Otomo said, "I just received a call from them, and they want to discuss with us about the migration of the three Maoyan sisters."

"Transfer?" Naoki Naoyama and Shuichi Itou were both surprised, "Is this kind of thing proposed by the three Maoyan sisters?"

"Of course not!" Fangcun Dayou was very sure, "The three Maoyan sisters retired from Burning before, how could they want to go back now?"

"Then what did they say about the transfer?!" Itang Xiuyi was a little speechless.

Otomo Fangcun also felt a little angry: "What did you say that the three Maoyan sisters will improve their careers in the Burning office, reorganize the wild cat group, etc., and then pretend to be very generous and say that they will pay liquidated damages and so on. "

"It's revealed inside and out that I belong to the Burning agency, and if we transfer the three artists to their side, it will give us a lot of benefits."

"Did you take Jiangzhi pills? Or brain damage?" Naoki Yongshan was amused, "Snatching rising artists from other firms openly?"

"Yeah, why should we talk to them?" Shuichi Yitang didn't understand either.

Fangcun Dayou's mouth moved: "Because they are the Burning agency."

Like a giant spider entrenched in the entertainment world of Burning, the president, Ikuo Suo, has an extremely complicated network of relationships. It is said that he directly or indirectly controls nearly half of the artists in the Japanese entertainment industry.

Naoki Naoyama was surprised: "So this time it was Zhou Fang Yuxiong's decision?"

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. How could someone like Zhou Fang Yuxiong use his relationship for the sake of a few female idols? Usually has always been a modest demeanor.

"I don't know!" Yoshimura Otomo said, "But Naoki-san, you have to be prepared, if you decide to ignore it, then the work of our other idols may be affected."

If it is Zhou Fang Ikuo's shot, with his relationship in the Japanese media, Naoki Naoki's current most important Ito Junko, Saito Yuki, and the rising Ozaki Yutaka may be affected.

"I heard that Zhou Fang Yuxiong also has some influence in the underworld." Fangcun Otomo spoke halfway, and suddenly glanced at Naoki Yongshan, who is a true bloodline of Miaohong, "Well, we shouldn't worry about this."

"." Naoki Yongshan rolled his eyes towards Otomo of Fangcun, "Otomo-san, no matter what, you can contact them first to find out the bottom line over there."

"Hi! I see!"

For the Maoyan three sisters, or the wild cat group, Fangcun Dayu is the one who pays the most attention. Hearing that Burning is going to rob them again, he is now restless.

"But don't worry too much, the three Maoyan sisters will not be traded!" Naoki Yongshan patted Otomo Yoshimura on the shoulder, "We are no longer the small company that we were two years ago~"


Naoki Yongshan didn't take Burning things too seriously,

On the TV station side, the Kadokawa Group will block most of the means for them, a quarter of the share is not given away for nothing; and if you want to play black, then the elder brother Yongshan Feng seems to just want to plant a flag in Tokyo coming

If you want to play tricks on the record or the media, although it will cause some impact, all the achievements of Naoki Naoyama can be regarded as king bombs. If you can stop one, can you stop all of them?

Shuyou Yinghua is indeed very weak in the political world, but it uses political connections to grab idols. Is Zhou Fang Yuxiong the son of the Japanese prime minister?

Do you want to intervene? Capitalism like political donations seems to be playing very well in this regard!

With a lot of things in his head, Naoki Yongshan stayed in the studio until the afternoon, and finally shook his head severely:

"It's so hard to live a peaceful life. In the end, I just went to the United States. Being a Japanese-American, it seems that I can stand above others in Japan?"

"Forget it, don't think about it! Let's think about a gift for Mingcai!"

Sure enough, the method of diverting attention is very useful. Naoki Naoyama felt at ease after thinking of Akina Nakamori.

But another question popped up again: "What kind of gift do 18-year-old girls like?"

"Riko-chan, 18-year-old girl, what gift would you like for your birthday?" Naoki Naoyama caught Hayano Riko and asked.

"Huh? Are you 18 years old?" The aunt in her thirties thought about it, "That was more than ten years ago. At that time, we were very happy as long as we could receive a happy birthday from our friends! If we can have a big meal It's even better!"

"Is it that simple?" Naoki Naoyama forgot that 18 years old is not considered an adult in Japan, nor is it a particularly important anniversary.

"Ah, Naoki-san's younger sister is celebrating her birthday, right?"

Hayano Ziru naturally knew that his boss had a younger sister who was about the same age, so he consciously brought the candidate in.

"What a good brother!"

Naoki Naoyama almost didn't react: "Huh? Ah, yes. Hahaha~"

That's right, my sister-in-law is also celebrating her 18th birthday! And it's in August! One month later than Mingcai!

Completely forgot!

However, it seems that you can ask Hezi and get some references from peers!

Naoki Yongshan, who was a little bit guilty, directly called Yongshan Tsuruko's apartment,

"Beep beep beep~"

"Moxi Moxi, this is Yongshan's house." Unexpectedly, Hezi answered the phone directly.

" he at home? Is college life so empty? Doesn't he just stay in the apartment and play truant every day?" The conversation between siblings always starts with complaints.

"Classes are over in the morning! Today is Friday! There are no classes in the afternoon! Bagani sauce!" Hezi didn't look guilty at all.

"Huh? Is it like this in college?"

"Haha~ Ni-chan didn't go to college, right?" she sneered nakedly.

Naturally, Naoki Yongshan would not be affected by this little trick. He originally wanted to be ironic, but remembered that he seemed to have someone to ask for, so he could only hold back:

"Tsuruko! Come to Yamazakura-in tonight~ Treat yourself to a big meal!"

"Huh? Why are you so kind all of a sudden?" You didn't get angry when you were ridiculed? has a problem!

"Are you in a good mood?"

"Hmph." Hezi was vigilant, but a big meal is naturally not to be missed, "Since you invited me so much, I'll come over~"

In the office of Burning Office, Masato Arai put down the phone, and Etsuro Kikuchi next to him immediately asked:

"How is it? What did the GG office say?"

Arai Masato smiled helplessly: "It's the first time I've met, so what can I do, the old fox Fangcun Otomo over there, I've been in touch with him before, he's an experienced old manager, it's not so easy to convince."

"Jikuchi-san, we have to wait for the next move!"

Etsuro Kikuchi also felt a little bit of urgency in himself, so he could only calm down by sitting down: "It's definitely no problem, the president has agreed!"

Masato Arai sighed in his heart, Zhou Fangyuxiong's agreement this time was entirely due to the fact that he used the influence of the idol disqualification incident some time ago to state the importance of the new idol group to the president, which made the president relieved , willing to let them do things under the name of Burning Agency, but there is no other support.

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open, and Masaki Oda, who was the head of the department, walked in.

"Director Kikuchi, and Director Arai." He looked like he was inquiring, "Don't you want any artist under my command to say hello to me?"

The principle that the winner is king is more realistic in the Japanese workplace. After two years of adaptation, Etsuro Kikuchi has fully understood his position:

"Minister Odamoto, Ayano Fukuhara and Saaka Nonaka are just idols who are about to pass away. I just want to take a few with me as the foundation of my new office when I leave this time."

The tone is calm and humble.

"That's mine too!" General Oda said aggressively, "Without my consent, no one can take it away!"

Masato Arai couldn't see his former boss being treated like this: "The director, the president has agreed!"

"Are you using the president to suppress me?" Masato Oda glanced at Masato Arai, and this newly promoted minister would actually say yes to Etsuro Kikuchi, "Director Arai is indeed a man of affection!"

"The director is overrated."

Masato Oda didn't say much, instead he said to Etsuro Kikuchi: "Kikuchi-san, no matter what, you owe me once!"

This old guy who wants to go out to start a business, maybe he has some cards. It's not a loss to exchange two past artists for a favor.

Etsuro Kikuchi's face darkened, but he also knew that if the head of the department, Oda, made trouble for others, then the chance to stand up this time might be gone, so he finally nodded slowly:

"Yes, I owe you a favor!"

"Ha, that's good~" After getting the desired result, Oda Masato was happy, "Kikuchi-san, I like you! I just got dad!"

When there were two people left in the office, Etsuro Kikuchi sighed:

"This time is really the last chance!"

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