Tokyo bubble life

Chapter 373 Chapter 372, How Can You Cultivate, Why Did It Suddenly Become a Shura Field!

"Did Mingcai just come back from work outside? She's out of breath."

Naoki Yongshan took a bottle of drink from the table and unscrewed it and handed it over.

I don’t know if it’s the thoughtful preparation of the TBS staff. There are several bottles of drinking water and other juices on the tables in the rest room.

"Hi, I just came back from Saitama County. It took more than two hours on the way, and I was almost late."

Akina Nakamori took a big sip after receiving the drink, and then happily talked about her itinerary,

"When I first arrived at the guild hall, I almost thought I was going to be late, so I hurried to the dressing room to change, and then ran over in a hurry! So I slammed the door open with a bang."

Xiao Mingcai is very funny when she speaks, her wide-open eyes show a serious expression, coupled with the quick gestures of gestures, and very vivid onomatopoeia, the expressions on her round cheeks are also very rich, and the storytelling is very vivid !

"Haha, there was a bang, the door-chan in the lounge must have been beaten very painful~"

Naoki Naoyama was joking, but it made Akina's cheeks puff up with anger.

"What, shouldn't Naoki-san say it's my hand that hurts?"

"It's Ming Caijiang who attacked Menchan actively, so it must be Menchan who hurts more!"

Naoki Yongshan spoke nonsense in a serious manner, and the rebellious idol couldn't help but clenched his fist and knocked him on the shoulder, "It's Naoki-san who hurts the most!"

"Ah, it really hurts~"

Naoki Yongshan exaggeratedly called out, and the exaggerated expression made Akina roll his eyes.

The familiar chatting and squabbling between the two made other people in the lounge feel a little inexplicable in their eyes, especially Akina's manager, Ming Yuki Fusori, who was even more surprised. Is the relationship between his idol and Naoki Nagayama so good?

Masahiko Kondo was thinking again: "Tawara, you saw that annoying behavior!"

Obviously I am the NO.1 among male idols!

Why is everyone paying attention to that guy!

Toshihiko Tahara was helpless: "Kondo, it's just a normal chat and at best a good friend~"

Kondo Masahiko was even more angry: "What do you think about being in public! Do you still look like a well-known idol?!"

"." Toshihiko Tahara had nothing to say, and the fight was aboveboard, which meant that there was nothing to hide.

Besides, it's not you who cares about so many other people's affairs. Anyway, they have a good relationship with their own youth team.

Seiko Matsuda, who was farther away, kept smiling while watching the laughter among the group of people, but his eyes were slightly narrowed, like a fox that has found its prey.

As for Nahoko Kawai, who was chatting with Naoki Nagayama, but was suddenly interrupted by Akina Nakamori, she looked at the two very interestingly, as if she was also listening to Akina.

"So, probably in order to add a little variety, Akimoto-san called me over."

Nakamori Akina next to him nodded: "I see, Naoki-san is here to make up the numbers!"

Naoki Naoyama was explaining to Akina Nakamori, and was teased by Akina Nakamori a little, and couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, you're right, it's just here to make up the numbers."

Although I didn't feel anything, Yuki Saito, who had been watching Naoki Nagayama and Akina Nakamori chatting affectionately, was very upset:

"It's so rude, how can you say that about Naoki-san! Naoki-san is obviously very famous and talented!

If you want to make up the number, it should be other people who make up the number! "

Akina Nakamori quickly covered her mouth with a bright smile, a little aggrieved: "Ah, that's not what I meant."

Saito Yuki still looked a bit reluctant: "That can't be said like that, it will be spread by irrelevant people!"

And because they were protecting their boss and at the same time emboldening their sisters, the three Maoyan sisters stood beside her at some point, and they even formed a aggressive look like a cat protecting food.

Ya Bai! Why does it feel like we're going to quarrel in an instant!

Naoki Yongshan felt the bad atmosphere, and quickly interrupted: "Yuki-chan, Akina is joking~ We are all good friends, so we won't spread the word~"

Although it was to protect the reputation of his own boss, Yuki Saito's speech still made other people in the same lounge a little uncomfortable, irrelevant people. Others make up the numbers. There is a big push in this house.

After Saito Yuki reacted, he immediately became embarrassed, and his lips moved slightly: "I didn't mean that either."

On the other side, Nahoko Kawai also said gently: "Yes, yes, I will definitely not spread it randomly~"

However, Seiko Matsuda next to him is an idol who is at the peak after all, and he is a little older, so he will not be slightly offended: "Of course, Naoki-san is not here to make up the number~"

Kondo Masahiko snorted directly and did not answer.

Toshihiko Tahara next to him had a slightly higher EQ, and immediately echoed with a smile:

"Hahaha, I'm here to make up the number~ Akimoto-san told me specifically while drinking~ Toshihiko Tahara, we lost a male idol, do you want to make up the number~"

On the one hand, he revealed that he and Akimoto Yasushi have a good personal relationship, on the other hand, the hearty laughter also eased the atmosphere in the lounge.


But when Naoki Naoyama chatted with Akina next, he always felt a little weird,

Or Saito Yuki would interject a few words,

After a while, Kawai Nahoko agreed again,

Even Seiko Matsuda participated in the discussion of the new song and transformation.

Chatting with Naoki Nagayama, I found that my mouth seemed not enough.

While answering Akina's words, while replying Saito Yuki's question,

I also need to give some responses to Seiko Matsuda, and Nahoko Kawai who is next to me can't be left out.

When I turned my head in the middle, I suddenly saw the three pairs of expectant eyes of the three cat-eye sisters.

Naoki Yongshan suddenly discovered that

There seems to be something wrong~

However, at a certain moment, a sentence came over:

"Naoki-san, who will the next song be for?"

A circle of beauties with different styles all stopped, and all of them looked at Naoki Yongshan with misty eyes, as if they were all waiting for his answer

At this moment, time seemed to freeze!

Three bright red characters popped up in Naoki Yongshan's mind - Shura Field! ! !

How could it be cultivated, why did it suddenly become a Shura field!

What should we do at this time!

"Er Ano this"

Naoki Yongshan felt that the CPU of his brain was burning at a very high speed, but he couldn't think of any good way.

You can't faint at this time, can you?

It's too bad!

Guys, please give me some hints! ! !

Continue to wait online!

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a timely knock on the door of the lounge, and as the small door opened again, a young man who looked quite capable came in,

Just as he was about to say something, he found that many female idols in the lounge were looking at him. He was taken aback by so many eyes staring at him. The young man paused for a moment before saying:

"Arnold. Ladies and gentlemen, the show is ready, everyone can enter the studio."

After speaking, he quickly retracted his head, and closed the door by the way.

The young man patted his chest: "It's scary. Why are these idols so scary! But why is that man's eyes full of illusions of gratitude?"

Naoki Yongshan heaved a sigh of relief visibly, and said to the people in the lounge with a smile:

"Ha, it looks like the preparations are complete, Mina-san, let's go!"

As he spoke, he quickly stood up and led the way out.

Akina Nakamori quickly followed, followed by Yuki Saito and the three Maoyan sisters

After the rest of the people reacted, they also started. A group of people walked towards the studio in a row like ducklings following their mother duck.

Toshihiko Tahara saw that Seiko Matsuda had already walked out, and leaned forward in three steps and two steps, as if he had something to say, but in fact he didn't want to hear Masahiko Kondo's chattering curses anymore. He was obviously a big man, how could he look like Like a jerk.

Seeing that he and his manager were left in the lounge at the end, Masahiko Kondo snorted and walked out with a cold face.

The stage scene in the studio has been set up. After Naoki Nagayama walked in, he found that Yasushi Akimoto was talking to a very thin man. When he walked in, he turned out to be Akashi’s saury. Yasushi Akimoto really took it very seriously this time. , actually invited this MC boss over.

Seeing many guests walking in, Akimoto Yasushi clapped his hands:

"Mina-san, I've already told everyone about the program flow before, and please follow the rhythm of Akashi's saury in the process of going on stage."


The recording of the program has officially started. When the first scene came on stage, I felt a little strange. The order of appearance of the guests was very particular.

Standing in the middle of the stage, the saury of Akashi’s family called for different guests to come on stage.

"Next, let's invite today's guests to come on stage. First of all, the eternally sweet idol-Miss Seiko Matsuda! Hey, please stand here~"

Wearing a white gauze dress, Seiko Matsuda walked briskly to the right of Akashi's saury, waving her arms slightly, with a sweet smile on her face, as if she was declaring her status as an orthodox idol.

"Next is a handsome idol with a rebellious aura—Ms. Akina Nakamori! Please stand here!"

Nakamori Akina strode to the left of Akashi's saury. The black singing clothes and complicated golden accessories vividly expressed the trendy and fashionable image, showing a strong sense of conflict with Akina's age. She is worthy of being a rebellious idol.

Then it's like lining up one by one,

"Next is the pure and lively Ms. Nahoko Kawai, Mr. Masahiko Kondo, and Mr. Toshihiko Tahara"

"Standing on my left is the youthful and invincible Ms. Saito Yuki. The three sexy cat-eyed sisters are Mikuna Ono, Hisa Akiyama, and Ayayuki Katagiri."

"At the end, we invite our least idol-like guest, who occasionally works as a part-time idol—Naoki Naoyama!"

On the right side of the Akashi family saury are the pure and lively idol Kawai Nahoko, the passionate and wireless idol Kondo Masahiko, and the lively and innocent idol Tahara Toshihiko; while on the left side of the Akashi family saury is the youthful girl idol Saito Yuki, the sexy idol Maoyan San sisters, and a part-time idol Naoki Nagayama.

One left and one right, it is obvious that the right side of the host is an orthodox idol, and the left side of the host is a novelty idol. Is this a small red-white battle?

Akashi's saury introduced the origin of the show to everyone,

"Mina-san, a recent incident in the idol industry has aroused heated discussions, and people have more discussions about idols. That's why there is such a program, which wants to explore the meaning of idols through the 'battle' of different types of idols."

"Will you fight?"

For the effect of the program, the guests who participated in the program only knew the general process, but did not know the specific format. At this time, they all began to discuss in a low voice.

Naoki Yongshan stood at the end of the team. Although there were two more girls on his side, he looked at his opponents.

Eh? There are two men on the opposite side!

He touched his biceps a little more, and moved his hands and feet a little. Hmm! Confirmed, just the two small bodies on the opposite side, I can punch one of them!

The sharp-eyed Akashi family saury saw Naoki Naoki's actions, and couldn't help asking:

"Wait, Naoki-san, what are you doing?"

"Huh? Didn't you mean a battle?" Naoki Yongshan continued to move his body, pressing his fists with both hands, and the joints made a clicking sound, "I'm warming up!"

"Huh? Autumn bean sack!!!" Akashi's saury "turned pale in shock", "Naoki-san, our show can't kill anyone!"

"Don't worry, they'll just let them sleep peacefully!" Yongshan Naoki showed a "kind" smile.

"Ah, I just fell asleep, so don't worry. Haha" Akashi's saury patted his chest as if he was relieved, laughed, and then suddenly turned around and shouted, "It's strange for peace of mind!!! Naoki-san, we It's a civilized program! No violence!"

Only then did Yongshan Naoki react and relax: "What's the point of fighting like that~"

The small burden was shaken out in the tacit cooperation between the two, making the female idols on the stage all smile beautifully, and the audience off the stage were also happy from ear to ear, even Yasushi Akimoto was behind the camera Smiling all over the face.

Akashi's saury pretended to wipe off his sweat while saying, "It's too thrilling. I really can't stand the current idol. Naoki-san is a part-time job, so there's nothing I can do about it."

But I was very surprised in my heart, I actually felt like an old partner with this young man I just met, and I unexpectedly felt like singing together!

He didn't know that Naoki Yongshan had watched a lot of cross talks and funny variety shows in later generations, and he was also very familiar with the teasing and praise on the stage.

After being on the show several times, I also have some experience in how to relax and talk on the show, and I am also very skilled in cooperating with the host.

After a small burden, the atmosphere on the stage became more relaxed, and Akashi's saury continued to cue the next process: "In short, the so-called 'battle' is by no means a fight! We are a competition of talents and a consideration of intelligence!"

"Next, Ms. Kawai Nahoko is invited to prepare for the performance first. Everyone else, get ready to start the 'battle' game!"

The fireworks on the stage exploded, symbolizing the official start of the battle!

The first performers were not Nakamori Akina and Matsuda Seiko,

It looks like the first battle will start between these two~

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